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ESOTERICshade ago

For those that have eyes to see...

This is how hard we got played by the Q agenda. Remember the "purge" of the "bad Saudis?" I spoke against that numerous times and tried to point out that there are no good Saudi princes.

Supposedly the "good Prince" is the remaining Prince Salman soon to be the new king. He bought a painting from Christi's auction house of "Jesus" supposedly painted by Da Vinci. "Supposedly" Paid 450 Million dollars for it.

This is the painting. Notice how demonic "Jesus" looks? Notice that hand signal "Jesus" is making? Look familiar? It should. It is the hand signal of Baphomet, the Horned Goat Baphomet.

Anti Christ Jesus pic Prince Salman the "good" Prince bought for 450 Million Dollars.

Pic of Baphomet:

NEVER trust high level Freemasons and Jesuits. Always assume their intention is opposite of what you see and hear and you will end up, in the end, being correct almost all the time. Who visited Israel two months before the Saudi Purge? Prince Salman. Who did one of the biggest weapons deals in history with the Saudis just before the "bad Saudis" got purged? President Trump.

Notice the hand signal Ivanka is giving? Two middle fingers together. That is a Marrano (crypto jew) hand gesture.

Famous Marranos in history. Ivanka may be your first woman president, who knows.....

This pic is same as web archive link just above, and its huge, 36 megabytes.

Saudi "Bin Salman" Purchases PICTURE of THE ANTICHRIST? + THE SAUDI "PURGE"

Published by The Black Child on Mon, 18 Dec 2017 18:23:32 GMT