msgtw123 ago

James Franco starred in the movie Spring Breakers= SB

21yearsofdigging ago

Former A- list mostly television actress from an iconic long running network show which had a horrible reboot in the early 1980s, in an early VHS home video with PM and his girlfriend. All three in bed, having sex. The television actress is another who began her career after PM "launched" her to fame. My lawyer pal turns to me and says "you do know she was a call right?". I had heard, but wow.

I heard from a writer producer back in the mid 80's that Victoria Principal was a call girl. Then, as the years went by, I heard about her again and again.Andy Gibb was in love with her and she crushed him. he killed himself over her. A wildcat in bed apparently. Just a reminder that I don't jump on a rumor and spread it as true. I have my 3 rule. 3 different sources, people that do not know each other, all give the same story. I suppose it still could be false but it has proven to be very trustworthy, this method.

millennial_vulcan ago

Interesting comment too from someone who talked about Nicki Minaj paying off previous victims of her convicted pedophile brother.

Christ. There is no end to this....

new4now ago

Playdate after the death of their Father, and without any of his kids there

It's said that they are such great friends, but yet the only pics I see of the two are either two pics in one, or the pics from a fund raisers

same day pictures, over and over and over again

this was 2010, he could have easily crashed the party or Vickie invited him

mutual friend of Vickie and Courtney Love.....

Chris Cornell’s Children Spotted At Disneyland With Another Rock Icon’s Widow

She's been mentioned here in Voat in regards to Kurt Cobains " suicide "

also want to remind you of Angelina deal with Satan and that 11 yr old Shiloh will be receiving hormone treatment to transfer to John

that family really screwed up

will look for more way late tonight

millennial_vulcan ago

Shiloh? John??


new4now ago

Sry, Brad and Angelina's firstborn is Shiloh

At the age of 2 she wanted to be called John and wanted to wear boys clothes

At a very young age, she knew she was trapped in a girls body

Being good parents, they are willing to help her set things right

So before those pesky female hormones start showing up, they will give her the much needed testosterone needed to start her off in the right direction

Verite1 ago

Which is the correct thing to do. Being Transgender is part of nature, doesn’t automatically mean being attracted to children, contrary to what most of the uninformed ppl on this site think.

new4now ago

And you think a child can make a decision like that at such a young age?

Where does a, say 5 yr old, get an idea like that?

I have no problem with Shiloh doing things that boys like to do

I don't have a problem with her wearing pants all the time

It is a little weird her wanting to be called John at 2 yrs of age, but I don't have a problem with that either

The problem is messing with her Y genes at such an early age

There's more going on in a young women's body then just boobs

Verite1 ago

I agree that the hormones should not be administered until later, that is why in Scandinavia, there was an experiment done with twins whereby they simply “suppressed” the hormones that would have developed during puberty until 18 years old and then when the child still affirmed the gender which felt real and normal, doctors gave the corresponding hormones and allowed the pubescent development to occur. The twins were male, but one identified as female at a very early age. Had “he” gone through puberty “he would have” developed as a teenage boy and by the time the “law” allowed for this individual to “present” the way she desired, “she” would have a more “male” physic which then makes it that much more difficult to transition physically in to the “female” that she has felt herself to be since her earliest memory (especially for male to female translation). So this approach is very humane and works well. You asked how someone can “ask these questions” or understand this identify issue. I think you might benefit by speaking to a transgender individual or watch a documentary on the subject. Trans ppl all say they knew they were “different” from their earliest memories. So, clearly Shiloh fits this description and Brad and Angelina are allowing her to express HERSELF accordingly. Would you rather force a child to live a lie and make them feel more anxiety than they already do? This is what leads to such a high suicide rate. Obviously if it were YOUR child, you might consider allowing him not her to evolve in an organic manner and live his or her own persona truth.

new4now ago

Maybe they will get her the much needed penis for the complete fix when the time comes

Isn't Shiloh a smart little girl to know she's in the wrong body?

And that Angelina such a good Mommy that she gonna do the hormones before John starts getting Boobs, the little fella might have a breakdown :)

millennial_vulcan ago

this is unbelievable. But then its fuked up Angleina Jolie. I would expect nothing less.

new4now ago

And what does that make Brad Pitt?

millennial_vulcan ago

hes a huge stoner. and he was with Angelina who is a known heroin addict. I cant imagine someone who is not a heroin addict staying married to someone who is a heroin addict, even if that person is the beautiful Angelina.

Brad could have his pick of anyone

new4now ago

From the look of her, she's still using

Think Brad is losing his status

Rumors has it his drinking is really picking up

I still looking him up

millennial_vulcan ago

yep. Hes over. Theatre going Millennials don't give a shit about Grandpa Brad lol

new4now ago

He has his connections, so he'll still be around

ASolo ago

Mary MaryPoppins said... The sweed escort is most likely victorias silvstadt .Famous Escorts! Victoria Silvstedt – Amber Smith – Ashley Massaro & Tiffany Taylor All Famous Escorts who made a Fortune!

These Famous Escorts & many moire were exposed by the Bakersfield Madam “Michelle Braun” known as “Bella Models” & Nicis Girls Escort Agencies. Hundreds of thousands of dollars, new homes, jewelry and world travel was noted in court records when the FBI investigated this Madam

Victoria Silvstedt

millennial_vulcan ago

never forget Heidi Fleiss' girls.

Denise Richards was one of em.

21yearsofdigging ago

And NEVER forget the scene in Mullhulland Drive where the long haired guy who has the black book get shot and killed. Went through something similar, even had safety boxes in banks 'evaporate'. I mention that here because it was back in 95 96 97 and Heidi's black book, if you remember, was never released. Oh sure a few names were mentioned but not ALL. Lynch obviously knew about this.

millennial_vulcan ago

For sure! Think Carmen Electra too was a HF girl. Basically all those trashy fake boob c list bimbos were all hookers on the side

21yearsofdigging ago

My ex was a prostitute call girl. They have an incredible amount of connections due to many of them being sex slaves and used as messengers. Think Eyes Wide Shut. They generally(as my ex did) have D.I.D. and they play a huge role in all this. In days of old, a a major star, such as Redford(hin who has a squeaky clean image, married with children. Haha! The call girls know the truth, in at least one alter and the power players well, they really know and play the cards according to what they have on them. Now, the sex game I imagine has become even more debased and just having affairs well who cares, but messy with children?? And, if so and so is drugged and then children are thrown in the bed, well presto, instant blackmail or 'we destroy you'

millennial_vulcan ago

I believe you! To be in the entertainment world I imagine one has to partake in all these activities. The squeaky clean someone's image the more depraved they are.

ASolo ago


ttkemp said... James Franco said on Howard Stern that he only knew Chris through Chris' brother in law. V's brother. Franco went on to say they were in talks to work on a movie together about Richard Ramirez. Nick Karayiannis owned the book rights. If you search info about NK, he was given a slap on the wrist for killing a woman in NYC. Shady family. Watch the video of the funeral and the dude is everywhere. Hovering around like a body guard.

ASolo ago

AND IT GETS 10X WEIRDER IN 3... 2... 1...

Whatalldat said... So, don't shoot the messenger but here is what I heard. I heard CC swung both ways and that he originally met NK first. There was some sort of CC connection to Florida before CC and Vk ever got together. VK in the beginning was a cover. Anyway, I also heard that in the past couple of years, CC and CB started to get "closer", that VK and NK were threatening to expose him when he decided to get out of the picture with the K's. I also heard that NK is the one connected to all this other shit, and how CC became aware of it all in the first place.

millennial_vulcan ago

I can actually believe that.

ASolo ago


John Doe said... Not surprisingly, the 4Chan thread has been deleted. a fart in the wind. I can't find any trace of it at all in the archives. I did take some mental notes though about some of the high profile names in the pedo ring. I don't need to tell you that Geffen's name was on there. A lot.

Anyone ever heard of Arnon Milchan? Billionaire investory/producer of A-list movies (I hadn't heard of him before). Most of you probably haven't either. He was mentioned. He is involved in quite a few big budget movies that had A listers starring in them. He's been photographed with all the big Hollywood stars. You will laugh when you Google him and find out what his latest movie is and who is (was) directing it. Hint: Don't bother to look, its Bryan Singer.

To be honest, I looked at this guy's pic and maybe its just me but I could swear that he has a resemblance to David Geffen. A family connection?? For some reason I suspect that this dude is one of the regulars at Geffen's and Singers man/boy parties.

I digress...

Other names and stuff: Kevin Spacey (well we all knew that one);

Robert DeNiro,

Max Clifford (now deceased since 1 day ago)

Some other names that I don't believe. I don't know who some of these people are. I didn't write them down. Some of them are obviously foreigners---executives, political figures...they fly in.

Stuff involving people at the Regency (or New Regency?) Production company---(I have not research this company yet); I know that Regency is big and that they are involved with many movies but I don't know anything about the people who work there except that our billionaire above is connected to it.

That the Nirvana song 'In Bloom' was actually about Geffen and child abuse, and murdering people. And the song 'Rape Me' was Cobain singing about himself being a victim of Geffen. Cobain allegedly told people these things, and it got back to Geffen. Needless to say, it was Nirvana's last album. It now seems clear to me that Courtney Love was in on Kurt's murder. I can see why ENTY mentioned the similarity of the two cases in the original blind about this. Geffen, Geffen, Geffen... So many stories about this dude! Some of them are so over the top that I don't believe them.

The pedo ring is big. Its global. The players include many influential public figures and very powerful people in business and politics. Some of the claims about certain people who we all know are very outrageous and I'm not sure that I believe them. The stories are too disgusting to pass off as harmless gossip so not going to repeat them or the names. I mention this only to say that what's going on is not limited to Hollywood. Its much, much bigger.

There is one name that I will mention though and this is because it is a name that kept coming up again and again in other situations: John Podesta. I don't need to tell you who this dude is connected to. Actually, he's connected to pretty much everyone in DC. He owns a lobbying company (the largest in the country) that has very powerful connections all over the world. But people are talking, and it seems there is a big scandal about to break involving this guy and his friends. They are all trying to lay low now. The scandal involves all sorts of illegalities. Podesta recently very suddenly announced that his company (an extremely lucrative business) was being shut down---no explanations given. I can think of a few very obvious reasons.

millennial_vulcan ago

who is Max Clifford?

ASolo ago

John Doe said... Pt 2.

I'm not sure that I would have posted a link to 4Chan here anyway. It is not a place for people who are easily offended. And, a lot of what is posted there is stuff that will offend many.

Here is the rest of the gossip...

The gossip is that during their 'research' Chester and Chris stumbled onto something big. Something that involved the Clinton Global Initiative, the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the Red Cross, and other similar charitable foundations that 'help' children. Its all actually part of a very sophisticated (and extremely profitable) child sex/prostitution trafficking racket. The kids are smuggled into parts of the USA, Australia, Canada, and Europe where they are used for sex and other things by rich people.

Above story doesn't sound too far-fetched to me. There is actual evidence which proves that operatives of the Clinton Global Initiative were busted on at least two separate occasions trying to smuggle children away from their homes and out of their country. Where were they going with these kids? And what were they going to do with them after they got there? I find it very strange that so much of this stuff gets covered up. The media just ignores it like it never happened. Somebody mentioned Joel Getz. I had no idea who he is and had to look him up. Of course, he is yet another a big time pedophile who was also involved with the Clinton Foundation. He drugged and molested girls between ages 2 and 6. And he just walked away from it. Most other people would be in prison now.

The 'other things' that happen to many of these children involve some mind-bending shit that most of you will not believe anyway, so rather than post details I will just list a few words and you can make of it what you will.

Baphomet Minerva torture rape blood cannibalism fire

I could not read any more of the posts after that.

I do not believe that there is any such thing as anonymity online, no matter what proxy server or VPN people try to hide behind. They can finger you and find out who and where you are and everything about you. These people are real, and the things that they are doing are real. I have young children and I do not want to die so that is all that I will say about these Satan worshiping elites for now.

ASolo ago

Guesser said... Everyone seems to forget Josh Brolin is a known wife beater,and the rating fits him better. A lot of the rest of the blind makes little sense, but I think Enty wants to keep the trail from himself and others who could get hurt. I don't blame him, what's the life of an entertainment lawyer worth,compared to the others? Knowing the amount of money and influence Geffen has, I would be scared too.

millennial_vulcan ago

Noone has forgotten that :)

ASolo ago

John Doe said... The first part of this blind was blowing up on 4chan this weekend. Some very weird stuff and interesting high-profile names, relationships, and bizarre situations (both in Hollywood and in national politics) being pitched by the anons---which kinda takes part of this story in a whole other direction. I'm hoping that ENTY does a third part to this blind. There is more story here.

Although I'm not sure that I understand why 'PJ' would have trusted this type of information to a prostitute that he had only recently met. That seems very weird. I also don't understand what was going on in the minds of Bennington and Cornell. These guys were intelligent people I presume. There's no way they got to such levels of success in the entertainment industry and not know what David Geffen is and the things that he has done in the past. Why would they approach him with this information in the first place. They were threatened by Geffen. If they had done even a little research they would know that he has bribed the police and that he has killed many people who threaten to out his evils. Did they really think that can talk a demon like Geffen into changing his ways? Child prostitution is a federal crime. They should have discretely given the information to the feds.

SB is not Brad Pitt because he is certainly not A-. Of all the male actors who attended Cornell's funeral Franco stands out as the best fit for this type of douchebaggery. In fact, I'm very much convinced that its him. Sooooo many stories from the old Gawker archives...

Going back to the first blind, it is mentioned that teens were being abused by "a group of people" including the A-lister. Obviously, this A-lister moves only in a circle of high profile pedophiles so the 'group' is likely other wealthy people---and as we now know---other celebrities. This fits all the other blinds on here recently about the fact that there is a pedophile ring in Hollywood that is patronized by very rich and powerful people. Its been going on for decades. It seems that people have tried to expose Geffen over the years, and all of them have died under suspicious circumstances not long after they had a run in with him.

David Geffen is a freak who has been drugging and raping kids since the 1970s, and he has been murdering people to cover his tracks since the 1980s; but I guess when you have billions of dollars and powerful friends everywhere you become an untouchable.

That high-profile prostitute is probably now dead too. She is way too much of a liability because she might tell someone else. Obviously, someone else knows these things. ENTY does!

ASolo ago

dreamwarrior23 really deserves credit for this, I think he may have got it.

dreamwarrior23 1 points (+1|-0) 46 minutes ago SB = Spring Break. Initials usually aren't more complicated than this. Franco has been in the news. If you go by their onscreen characters, Franco's is more true to self and fits this blind.

ASolo ago

John the Savage said... Remember yesterday's Enty tweet? "There is finally more to add to The Web tomorrow. Another big player who is trying to cut deals left and right to save his own skin." Franco is rumored to be in trouble.

ASolo ago

Kit said...

Is Josh Brolin really considered an A/A- list actor though? It does say mostly movie actor, which would point to Franco at least. Who else was at the funeral? Renner but he’s gay. Would explain the partaking of teen boys though...

Hmmm. Real head scratcher here.

ASolo ago

just sayin' said... ok, i'm back in the franco camp thanks to cail corishev's reminder about the fresh meat. franco's been rumored to be closeted or bi forever, since a rumor that he'd violently raped his male lover. and while brolin's a violent drunk, franco's more dissipated, at least as far as we can see. i can see him hitting on teen boys as well as girls at his acting school. brolin was married to diane lane, who's supposedly a closeted lesbian, so their marriage could have been for bearding, making him closeted or bi. and there's the hand-holding/eulogy giving, which sure makes him look like our man.

millennial_vulcan ago

Great blind a while back (forget where) that Franco was sleeping with all his female teachers at NYU to get the grades to pass his doctorate, as he was just deliberately not showing up to class....

I guess this (male) professor missed the memo, LMAO!

ASolo ago

Other big names at Cornell's funeral:

Brad Pitt

Jeremy Renner

Courtney Love

Christian Bale

Dave Navarro

Jared Leto

Perry Farrell

Pharrell Williams

Dave Grohl

ASolo ago

Brad P(w. Cynthia?)

Eric Esralian

Eric Roberts & wife

Rita Wilson

Cameron Crowe

Vincent Gallo

Meiret Avis

Glenn Ballard

James Franco

Josh Brolin

Christian Bale

Jack Endino

Fred Armison

Roseanna Arquette

21yearsofdigging ago

Not all but a fair number of these people, such as Franco, hanging out with renowned satanists luciferians

carmencita ago

YES. I believe they were murdered too and that DG is behind it.

carmencita ago

Josh Brolin was a member of the Cito Rats the Worlds Meanest Surfer Gang I don't know much about them but seem to remember that. He did some nasty stuff while a member. This is one well rounded guy. I think he has a lot of stuff in his background that should be dug up.

ASolo ago

LindseyJo Martinez said... It is a sad thing to say but the "PizzaGate" is a deep deep rabbit hole. It is not small at all. Yes, I believe Himmmmmm and that it is very emotional on many levels especially if you have ever been abused as a child. The Geffen Theory is a perfect fit for this for sure and it would be a beautiful take down. Geffen though has other powerful players and these players are part of the biggest Pedo ring there is. This is why this A+ figure is not an actor or into music. I think these guys Chris and Chester went above Geffen and that A+ is who told them to drop it. Not to say that Geffen didn't have his minions doing dark work with Vicky. All plausible. But this is bigger then Geffen. Very well could be Podesta as he is the very one that had #SethRich killed cause Seth was onto them. like white on rice and no don't get all racist bs on me. just a metaphor.

new4now ago

Thinking A lister the messenger

ASolo ago

Himmmm said... PART 1 Thank you Alexandria - much appreciated. And yes, indeed very "real". As for understanding the blind? This is how I read it: Chris & Chester were in the process of putting together actual evidence (including video) of those who had been abused by David Geffen. Somehow, Geffen found out.

(Which is easy when you consider how many tons of people in the entertainment industry would bend over backwards to kiss Geffen's ass because with a phone call he can give you a career or end one not to mention make you rich. And Geffen & Co. represent a LOT of money & power - so even managers, agents, accountants, etc. working for a musician would sell them out. Why? Because an artist or actor is only 1 entity - but Geffen & Co can buy and hire MULTIPLE bands, actors, projects. Just like when an actress is raped by Harvey W. and tells her agent and the agent does nothing? Because Harvey is a BUYER and can hire/buy MULTIPLE actors/projects from the agency, thus meaning far more money than any 1 actress can bring in. Geffen & Co. are the same way - so that's why even those close to Chris & Chester could get sold out to Geffen).

Anyway, when Geffen discovers Chris & Chester's work to expose his abuse? Geffen & Co approach Chris' wife Vicky. They make an offer of fame/money if she'll help silence/neutralize him. Or whatever will make it so that his platform to expose abuse is silenced. They tell her he's gonna divorce her & her prenup says she gets zero. She agrees, for her own sake. They give her drugs - like Fentanyl - much stronger than the OxyContin Chris used to be addicted to (or something similar). The money's transferred to Vicky's mom's bank account. Vicky encourages Chris' relapse, and with stronger drugs. This is not an instant process, it takes months. When Chris is touring, fighting the bi-polar fight and going from drugs to withdrawals and back? He takes a bunch of Lorazepam and in the depths of depression/withdrawal/self-loathing, after a conversation where Vicky berates him worse...he hangs himself. Vicky wasn't there, but the person that was? Works for her. She doesn't skip a step. NOW she can be famous, with Geffen & Co. help; her mama's and family's help too. She never stops to wonder WHY Geffen wanted him neutralized. She doesn't care about anything but fame, money, and playing the widow role (all she'd have lost had he divorced her). She's been shopping her reality TV show pitch all over town - which everyone knows.

When Chester hears of Chris' demise, he is devastated. Apparently there's more to it than we'll ever know. He feels he can't go on - or possibly is put in a position or receiving threats (maybe to his family) or blackmail, or facing being "set up" by Geffen & Co. Either way he's feeling something to where he is in a situation that he sees no exit for himself or his family. No hope. And he wants to take the easy way. He too kills himself. Thus, he too is neutralized. (So this blind has Vicky as black widow & Chester's wife as grief widow).

David Geffen & Co. have won, again. I'm not sure WHAT got cut off the blind Enty was writing. Due to the attacks on the site and traffic. Obviously the video still exists that Chris & Chester were preparing. Maybe they felt invulnerable and showed it to Geffen & Co? Maybe they got the video(s) and destroyed them, or maybe the video(s) still exist in someone else's care? Don't know. Maybe Enty will re-load the original full item. I didn't write this blind so I cannot say for sure. This is just what I got from it, and based on the information I personally know of the situation. That's why I wanted to re-write it for you Alexandria, and others. But again - I didn't write it. (CONT'D).

8:04 PM Himmmm said... PART 2 (cont'd).

TO JOHN THE SAVAGE (great screen name):

You said that in the last widow blind I said the blind was NOT ABOUT Clinton, pedos, etc. And that's RIGHT. THAT BLIND WAS NOT about THOSE THINGS. THAT BLIND was about FRAUD of a charity. Okay? See the distinction? You are mixing things up, Mr. The Savage. And I hate repeating myself, but I'll go slow so you can follow…I DID NOT WRITE THIS BLIND, or the other widow blind. ENTY DID. SO please, Mr. The Savage, don't accuse me, lambast me, and rip into me simply due to an obvious confusion. We all misunderstand things, so I'm not personally upset by your attack. Thanks for caring enough about me to devote your time to it though. (and PS – I'm a big fan of your cousins, Mr. The Baptist, and Mr. The Revelator. Great family!).

Thank you Nik, Krab, Jane, Ittt, Just, and others here in this awesome family of which I'm humbled just to be a member. FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO CRITICIZE HIMMMM for what I/we have written in comments? I want to say "thank you". Your feedback and opinions are always appreciated, and is respected as having the same right to an opinion as anyone else is. But I do take umbrage at you mis-stating the facts and mis-stating what I/we have written in the past. Let me be perfectly clear: I HAVE NEVER ATTACKED SUSAN SILVER. PERIOD!! There was a time, many years ago around the time when Chris & Vicky first got together that I met Vicky and got to know her. Very charming, at first, and easily wins people to her side. She's a very convincing Psychopath and con artist. She's done it to A LOT of Chris' friends and associates. If at any point I may have derided Susan in favor of Vicky? then I apologize. I know Susan and have always respected her. But I am human. If I was mad at her I may have taken a jab at her, as friends and others do. But when I learned of Vicky's true nature and how evil she is? I went to great lengths to help Susan and try to stop Vicky. I failed. I will not share more than that. My last comment on the last widow blind was very clear on my hatred of Vicky. If you can pull examples out of that of me bagging on Susan? Then…uh, derp. Ok.

As for Himmmm getting full of Himmmmself? Sure, okay, probably. Thanks for your opinion. But remember that I and WE are real humans, have real human emotions, and more stresses than you can imagine. We not only don't get paid or get favors for anything here. It costs us. A LOT. So if you want to rip into me or us? GO ahead. If it makes you feel better. But you're taking away from the blinds and the nature of the site - which is the story. I and We are not the story here. Ever. But we're human and we too ride the tides of human emotions, from playfully joking and sarcasm, to anger and rage. But if somehow we disappoint you? Perhaps you may wanna reflect on the fact that anonymous commenters on a gossip blog are disappointing you somehow. Not preaching to 'ya buddy, just giving you some context and perspective. Sorry to disappoint you.

A LOT of people go through a LOT of hell, in the middle of firestorms, shitstorms, media storms, and make sure you can come in here and criticize me, or Enty, or tell the world how fake we all are. Obviously not in the same league of the hell, pain, stress, and storms that victims of abuse, rape, and molestation have to endure. But by all means, let's please feel free to kill the messenger. Thank you for contributing. I promise to try to keep my comments focused on the blinds at hand. If those of you criticizing me/us will do the same. Thanks for thinking enough of me/us to share your opinion. It is as valuable as mine or anyone else's. Except Enty's. His opinion is holy writ, carved in granite, and tattooed on David Geffen's ass cheeks in micro-lettering every morning. But please, let's continue to stay classy.


new4now ago

Brad Pitt

Been waiting for this

It's said that he and Chris was such good friends, but only saw that Pitt was a big fan and invited Chris to a fundraiser

Also saw that Pitt and Sahara attended a birthday party of Chris's daughter

Couldn't figure that one, but thinking wife invited him

Now this one really perplexed me

After Chris's death, Brad took the two youngest to Disney World, non of his kids were there, just 2 bodyguards

I thought that really strange

Been saving things to work up a post

I couldn't believe that I was looking up Brad Pitt as a pedo, but something snarky about him lately,

That's my guess and I sticking to it

Kept thinking the fact that after Chris's death, why it comes out they were best buds and stuff I found before his death seemed a bit set up

When I get home, if I remember, will pull what I have

So freaky this would come out

21yearsofdigging ago

Do NOT trust Brad Pitt. He is using this, I believe, as some sort of spin photo op. I believe he takes direction well, from his 'team'. Have we all not realized how many celebs use thius do gooder bullshit all the time, ie. look at me in Haiti, I have a charity. the only one I think was sincere was Paul Walker

new4now ago

As I said, if you goggle Pitt and Cornell, you see the same pictures from the same fundraiser

Something just not right

21yearsofdigging ago

remember Chris's wife is a publicist. Don't know why but don't trust her, she is too ingrained in that world

new4now ago

I think there's mega bucks missing from their foundation

new4now ago

And I can see her getting all goo goo eyed over Pitt

He still has some power , whatever, in the industry

But he is starting to fade

With the talk of Shiloh lately, and the bit of looking into, I think Pitt is a good candidate

I would assume some things in these blinds are changed a bit, cant be easily figured unless he positive

Also read sometimes they get it wrong, but most of the people won't sue, wont call attention to it

ASolo ago

Good, good, the force is strong with this one, keep going.

Honestly I'm just as speculative as the rest. Brolin was simply the fastest known route to the Geffen/Weinstein saga through Antin. You never know, these closeted types could be anything however I am very open to further speculation in any direction.

BIG RED FLAGS on that Pitt stop @ Disneyland with Cornells children, almost SCREAMS to the world "WE'VE got them now".

new4now ago

Put some of my links up in comments

Very busy tonight, but having trouble staying away from Voat lol

Gonna be a long night lol

ASolo ago

gaystapo ago

Who's PJ?

ASolo ago

Thanks for catching that.

ASolo ago

Ooops looks like I may have mixed up the nom de guere, I'll go and correct that

ASolo ago

Why is the CDAN comments section, which is currently being overloaded, so much more interesting and engaging than you duds?

Where are all you fuckers?

JrSlims said... Speaking of suicided singers, I figure I might bring this up.

Remember that famous album cover for Nirvana's "Nevermind"? David Geffen was not a fan of the naked baby penis and wanted it covered up. Kurt Cobain said they could put a sticker on it that says "If you're offended by this, you must be a closet pedophile."

The articles about this interpreted Cobain's statement as some sort of "fuck you" to the public at large. But does that make sense? Not really. A pedophile wouldn't be offended by the picture - in fact, they'd like it.

I always interpreted Cobain's statement differently. The way I read it was saying essentially "No one could be offended by this picture. Except for the one closeted pedophile complaining about it" - referring directly to Geffen himself. Needless to say, Geffen let the album go out as is.

When was Kurt Cobain's suicide? During the police investigation into Michael Jackson's pedophilia in 1994. Geffen and Jackson had been friends for a long time until Geffen cut Michael out of Dreamworks - which was formed in 1994.

If you watch An Open Secret - the Digital Entertainment Network guys are afraid Geffen will have them killed. In the blind above, Geffen allegedly had those singers killed. If the cops in the MJ investigation started looking to MJ's associates and started to have questions about Geffen - who do you think is the first person they'd ask? Maybe the one who referred to Geffen as a closet pedo.

There was another Digital Entertainment Network investor though who was involved in the Cobain saga as well. Cobain's money manager - Dana Giacchetto. Quite something that Geffen and Giacchetto were both involved with Cobain and investors in DEN.

And for those that think Geffen did it for the money? Yeah maybe. In fact, Giacchetto supposedly made a lot on Cobain's death. But I also think it could have been a combo of motives, not just a single one.

new4now ago

Don't forget Courtney and Vickie have a mutual friend

And it was rumored that Kurt was looking to divorce Courtney

ASolo ago

Itttt said... +100000000000 Krab.

Think this or any other BI is bullshit? Then GTFO 🖕🖕🖕

Were the Harvey Weinstein BIs bullshit? Were the Matt Lauer BIs bullshit? Bryan Singer, Bill Cosby, James Toback, Woody Allen, Jared Leto, Francos, Afflecks, Alec Baldwin, Dan Schneider, Bill O’Reilly, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Gary Goddard and the entire DEN co-conspirators, the list goes on and on and on and on...

And Geffen. And Diller. And maybe even Spielberg and/or Lucas. This coming year is going to be a shocker.

Burn them ALL.

carmencita ago

Amen. Could not have said it better. Upvoat.

ASolo ago

Melissa Flanagan said... Interesting read about the wife. MORGAN is a supposed friend around the time they hooked up. Brings some credibility to what this post suggest...js

ASolo ago

Itttt said... Btw, speaking of pizza n pedos, I was reminded of this interesting article. Not so much Michael Jackson himself, but the portion about Darlene Craviotto, who is a writer that was working on the screenplay for “Project M”, the Speilberg/MJ Peter Pan film that eventually turned into Hook (sans MJ). Remember those recent blinds about (Neverland) Ranch visits?

Annnnnyway, very interesting read here in particular the portion discussing Darlene and what turned into a book she wrote about the experience, and in particular mention of a Hollywood music company where the long running rumor was that MJ had been molested for a long period of time by an executive there. Note the incident Darlene writes about with pizza and a young boy occurred well before the MJ accusations began. Who was the Hollywood music company exec though? Tommy Mottola? Jose Menendez? Geffen?

elephantdoesntforget ago

Michael Jackson ran one of the largest pedophile trafficking rings in the world.

Hook movie set was a hotbed of pedophilia.

ASolo ago

"Hook movie set was a hotbed of pedophilia."

Now there's a loaded sentence. Looking into the cast of that movie set off a room full of fire alarms.

Combined with the top sentence makes it mindblowing.

millennial_vulcan ago

It has long been rumored to be Mr Q Jones.

I was wondering when this name was finally going to come out. @ASolo , you might want to do a separate post on this. Its big. And again, been out there for years:


ASolo ago

Agreed. That Motown and Soul genre is a WHOLE NOTHER BALL GAME.

Joe10jo ago

Got that right! Heard from someone in the know very recently that Marvin’s Dad didn’t murder him bc they got a physical altercation while Marvin was freebasing but that he’d caught Marvin with another male.

millennial_vulcan ago



Joe10jo ago

No link; heard it about a month ago from one of Holkywood’s own (2nd generation.) The guy wasn’t kidding either.

millennial_vulcan ago

TEVIN CAMPBELL is the one who suffered the most. So heartbreaking. Such a great singer + actor:

ASolo ago

Nubian Princess said... +1000! Preach! Want more proof, look up Eric Esrailian. Chris so called "friend". Who killed him? He did.

ASolo ago

Police: Chester Bennington Was Murdered

TMD has racked up millions of views from readers in 100 countries and over a MILLION shares of the Chester Bennington story (unfortunately he linked it to yournewswire) but the story was nonetheless shared a million times, who knows how many views that generated.

mooteensy ago

Anyone have an idea what SB stands for? Usually it has meaning. That meaning could help us decipher who the blind is referring to.

dreamwarrior23 ago

SB = Spring Break. Initials usually aren't more complicated than this. Franco has been in the news. If you go by their onscreen characters, Franco's is more true to self and fits this blind.

ASolo ago

Brilliant. And what a totally shitty and fucked up movie.

ASolo ago

I don't mean to be condescending but that's the whole point of the thread, it's either Brolin or Franco, duh.

mooteensy ago

Yeah I didn't word my question right, @dreamwarrior23 answered what I really meant to ask. Sorry!

ASolo ago

No, I apologize.

ASolo ago

Himmmm seems to be a head honcho over there at CDAN, and even he's scared.... Whoaaa!

Himmmm said... Sorry but this is the only way I can communicate to you now: ENTY: If you get this, I'm on a plane getting the FUCK outta Hell-A. Too much smoke for me. FYI: I have some guys working for me who also work at Blogger. They're on it. They're into the backbone of the site, and going around your top-tier credentialing to override and switch the flow of those DDOS attacks to a mirror. No damn clue what that means. I'm no expert, just repeating what they told me. I paid them out of pocket for it so they said it should be back running clean again soon. Within the hour at least. Figured you wanted this solved asap. Sorry to do it without asking. And yes, just so everyone knows - the attacks were trackbacked to the same root. Wanna guess where it points back to? Don't need a blind item to solve that one buddy. Be well and stay firepoof. Literally! In the Air - Himmmm

shillcrusher13 ago

To be fair, this was posted during the week-long wildfire that literally burned through L.A. last month.

new4now ago

Getting the fuck out of Hell-A Too much smoke for me

Fires in LA?

ASolo ago

Certainly sounds applicable in that sense.

ASolo ago

Josh Brolin dresses up as his 'Goonies' character for '80s-themed party


ASolo ago