star_boi ago

sounds like kaya and corey have a lil survivors club going... wonder who else is a member?

3141592653 ago

My thoughts, as well

LionElTrump ago

RKelly story is all over the liberal media outlets, he may be next to go down. Remember seeing videos of young girls dressed like tramps brought onto his stage at concerts that was pedo. Follow RKelly's boss and owner. We have a musical industry Titan involved. This links the movie industry with the music industry, another cultural influence monopoly.

Geffen was a major bankroller for the DNC and pays a lot of major anti-trumpers voices we hear today like Snoop and RKelly.

The music mogul reportedly had a falling-out with the Clintons in 2001, when Bill controversially pardoned businessman Marc Rich but not Leonard Peltier, whom Geffen had requested be pardoned. Geffen told the Times‘ Dowd that the incident represented “yet another time when the Clintons were unwilling to stand for the things that they genuinely believe in.”

Fued against Clinton's began for Bill not pardoning Leonard Peltier!!

They are all linked, great writeup @ASolo , I see new accounts who only use Google are crying afoul

3141592653 ago

Peltier is a good cause . I really wonder why t.g. geffen was interested....?

Celticgirlonamission ago

For some reason I believe that country music singer the female one is tied to this.....she died at a county fair....but her "manager" seemed to be in love with her, and he also worked in the casino business in Chicago I believe....its just was to similar sounding...ill have to see if I can find her info again

millennial_vulcan ago

You quoted me and i'm here :)

Steven Antin was also "College Boy", the second man who raped Jodie Foster character in Oscar-winning The AccusedHe's probably better known for THAT.

Didn't know about the Kaya/Corey connection. Very interesting indeed.

3141592653 ago

Omg that movie lives on in my nightmares. Cannot imagine how anyone would want play one of the gang rapists in that horrible, horrible scene :(

ASolo ago

Nice contribution. Good boy. Good to see someone usurp turdbirds handle and do something worthwhile like contribute.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

discovered by R. Kelly at the age of 13!

I bet shes the girl he pissed on.

3141592653 ago

Wasn't that aaliyah?

millennial_vulcan ago


Tanngrisnir ago

@ASolo I discovered Tony Podesta's CIRM worked with a Geffen funded UCLA medical department on stem cell projects. More leads converging.

ASolo ago

Can't wait. Hopefully I'll have another big one this afternoon.

migratorypatterns ago

UppadaVoat and two thumbs up for this!

Funny, but:

signed to his record label for development

sounds so smarmy when viewed in the context of R. Kelly "developing" a thirteen-year-old girl.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

Holy Crap! How the Hell did u du dat? AYYLMFAO! You are a Brilliant Genius!

Tanngrisnir ago

You are on fire lately ASolo! Great find.

Geffen also runs the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. UCLA also helps with the Future Generations Arts Prize of Victor Pinchuk. I'll try looking into this as well.

millennial_vulcan ago

....where Michael Jacko died...hmmmm.

3141592653 ago

Hadn't Jackson spoken out against Geffen ?

DomKeyhote ago

He doesn't "run" SHIT except TRAIN ON LITTLE BOYS.

He gives money to shit and they put his name on it like ALL JEW CROOKS DO because otherwise they'd be known only as "that Hollywood Jew faggot"

You have no grasp on how America works do you??

AgainstPedos ago

Well he did help a number of teen actors become movie stars which of course attracted countess others.

DomKeyhote ago

Oh look Trump's friend is bailing out the Weinstein Company lol

Downvoat for not Naming the Jew, makes you look like a pussy. ALL these Jews need to GTFO.

Ohsoedgy ago

You honestly think hollywood would let something as huge as Weinstein Co. emplode? YOU clearly have no idea how america works. Too big to fail, bro.

AgainstPedos ago

Trump's friend is only doing it to make a profit, who are you kidding. The company will be renamed and different powerhouses will be in charge.

It's been claimed by industry insiders Weinstein Co is one of the few in Hollywood that champions Indies and foreign films with widespread US appeal. That means Art Houses and various film festivals continue to exist. Otherwise you'd have nothing but re-treads, re-dos, re-makes, and a few semi-original comic book character driven films with lots of special effects. Oh, and the usual slate of downbeat, dystopian movies designed to sell Satanic themed music.

DomKeyhote ago

Foreign films like Átame, responsible for the creation of NC-17 ratings?



ASolo ago

Kaya Jones was also featured on the 2016 Corey Feldman album Angelic 2 the Core, on the track "4bidden Attraction".

4Bidden Attraction

This just BEGS the question: WHAT AREN'T YOU TELLING US, COREY?

AgainstPedos ago

Do you honestly believe singers get to choose what they perform? Or their wardrobe, image, anything relating to marketing of the material?

Are you aware of the secret lyrics, the main objective of creating the music for the unsuspecting general public?

ASolo ago

This baked out loon can't even remember the goonies but can remember what sexual preference he is:

Bad Kid in "The Goonies" -- I've Never Seen It! | TMZ


derram ago :

Former Pussycat Doll says band was a 'prostitution ring' | Daily Mail Online | :

Kylie Jenner on the Stripper Pole - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Iam777 ago

Maybe related maybe not. What of the yea, yea, yeas? 3 songs/videos of interest. Maps, (everyone recall the map wikimail.), Heads will roll, (video is werewolf dancing in RED shoes. Recall Tony podesta and red shoes, and as stated above- ya can't make this shit up. Song/video titled ISIS?????

StephenPaddock ago
