dundundunnnnn ago

Tom Hanks worked with Elijah Wood in Radio Flyer. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105211/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast

timetoremember ago

I went to the Roeper school (The school she's Sarah is referring to in a few of her tweets) and would find myself spewing really strange thoughts on what was going on there after I left, namely that there was a concealed grooming program going on there for future leaders to be dispersed world over, comparisons to the mossad etc- things that felt true when I'd say them but didn't coincide with the memories I was conscious of. Another specific staff member who was caught in a suspect situation and was ONLY SUSPENDED TEMPORARILY was George Tysh, writing teacher who actually ended up being walked in on sodomizing a 14ish yr old Korean student who had joined the school a couple years prior. Described to me as consensual by a kid whose parent was staff, but she was 14 and of course it would be spelled out that way. Described to me like twice reluctantly then never, ever again. Acted like no one knew what I was on about when it would be brought up. Just now seeing this fucking Roeper tweet and a ton of shit is coming together. Brain fuck. Terribly concerned there's some impending mental "Pandora's box" I'm going to have to acknowledge explore & deal with. Would probably never have worked this out if it weren't for Sarah's breadcrumbs. Thank you.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Tom Hanks... Tom Hanks... Tom Hanks...

What lucky kid gets to play the piano with him?

andrevandelft ago

The allegations by @SarahRuthAshcraft are very sensitive:

  • occult ritual abuse by Hillary Clinton, still a powerful person
  • probably regular abuse by Tom Hanks, a beloved actor

And Tom Hanks may well be relative of Abraham Lincoln, who was allegedly a rosicrucian. As @SarahRuthAshcraft puts it:

If these two are really related then it would make sense why Tom would have been connected with my dad and able to buy me. My dad is high level Rosicrucian.

How bad all the alleged deeds may be, people may have learned these unwittingly when they were raised in bad families. I think they should be eligible to some impunity in exchange for full disclosure.

Some relevant tweets:


I was only 8 when I encountered Hillary as part of an occult ritual abuse event. I'm now 36. It never goes away.


We Should All Be Far More Concerned How Much the Press Attacks @POTUS; Tom Hanks: 'It Concerns Me' How Much @realDonaldTrump Attacks the Press - Breitbart


I'm thinking it's about time I start talking about Tom Hanks...


Nooooo not Tom!


I know. He plays the nice guy so well. He's even sweet to the little girls he plays with. But that's not nice or sweet, to play with little girls or to let men rent his little boy. He's a pedophile who keeps company with other pedophiles. Everyone loves Tom Hanks. I can't stand him after what he did to me. He's worried about @realDonaldTrump for good reason. He knows trump is going after pedophiles. I've said all I can say publicly at this time. I don't have the whole memory reconstructed. From what I remember so far, it seems more like I was pimped to him that day rather than it being a ritual event. If I remember more, I can say more, but I won't say beyond what I remember re: Tom Hanks, in Birmingham MI, when I was 13.


I cannot judge the veracity of the claim. However, I note this item on VOAT from 8 months ago: it starts with Alice in Wonderland, now referred to by Q, and then the comments mention TH. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1712299


WHOA. Is this true??? "Hanks is a Rothschild. He is related to Nancy Hanks, Abe Lincoln's mother (Abe was a secret Rothschild)."


Maybe interesting to you is the allegation that Abe Lincoln was a Rosicrucian: https://www.biblebelievers.org.au/pandora.htm


Wow. If these two are really related then it would make sense why Tom would have been connected with my dad and able to buy me. My dad is high level Rosicrucian. Thank you for sharing this with me!!!

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Thank you for this. I appreciate you putting all of this together.

GreenDell144 ago

I saw Michael Aquino mentioned here; I would like to see a post about Michael Aquino, updating and collecting all of the we know about him. Hers been connected and accused of a lot t, plus there is a lot of odd public information that isn’t clarified. Consider his castle and recently granted title to the Scottish nobility. Is that for real? Additionally: there is a role playing game/card game/fiction book series that revolves around vampires. One sect of vampires is called “the followers of Set” and they are all about mind control. Much the same way that the Illuminati card game has some esoteric connection to reality, I have been pondering if this game has a similar connection to th mkultra mind control master, Aquino and his very real cult of Set. If there is a way to expose the crimes and bring long over due justice, that would be great. I think we have a candidate for a great meme, too. “I don’t always surf for cp/sra victims on the internet, but sometimes I browse...” etc.

GregChism ago

So ping pong obsessed cross dressing TV show Tom Hanks abuses people, this is too weird, I just recently nicknamed Alefartface "Forrest Achilles." Maybe I'm just psychic that way.

TippyHome ago

So, Hollyweird was just hiding in plain sight, when they made the movie (with Hanks in it) called "Dragnet." They even had Hugh Hefner's type playboy mansion and a reenactment of Bohemian Grove. Hanks, et.al, went to the BG rally in goat dress. So, just like "Eyes Wide Shut," they were showing us who exactly they are. So glad that it took one misplaced laptop and one phished e-mail password to bring the cover-up down. Are we seeing a pattern that if they come out against those trying to clean up this mess, then more than likely they are "eyes deep" in it?

migratorypatterns ago

He's just been running his mouth, recently.

Must be worried.

pixiesbitch ago

What a weird coincidence...her initials are that of Satanic Ritual Abuse...hmm

andrevandelft ago

Not a coincidence:

@SaRaAshcraft: They even gave me the initials SRA.

@Micky2147672: What does that signify? It's probably obvious but it's going over my head right now.

@SaRaAshcraft: SRA = Satanic Ritual Abuse

pixiesbitch ago

THANKS. I guess it never is a coincidence anymore huh

ToFat2Fish ago

God I hope not I love Tom Hanks is one of the best actors out there.

Saufsoldat ago

Listen and believe!


You're a mason too.

albatrosv14 ago

It's on twitter? Irrefutable proof!

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Schadenfreude levels reaching new heights.

Cheesebooger ago

and just like I stopped watching Forrest Gump

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Wow, I'm a little amazed that this was shared on voat within a day, but I'm glad. Yes, I was 13, it was in Birmingham, MI; his son Collin was also there and went off with my dad. I remember sitting on his lap and him talking to me, he was being sweet (if you can call it that). Unfortunately, I don't have the whole memory reconstructed yet, so I wasn't going to say anything about this yet, and I wanted to respect his son Colin's privacy. But when I saw him speaking out about Trump and the media today, I felt compelled to say what I know so far. I have a long way to go before I will have all of my memories back, and I know many will not believe me, especially as I am currently unable to recount every sordid detail. I wish I had more of the memory right now but the nature of Trauma Based Mind Control and Tertiary Structural Dissociation makes it very hard to recover complete, coherent memories. If I remember more I will share more.

timetoremember ago

I went to the Roeper school (The school Sarah is referring to in a few of her tweets) and would find myself spewing really strange thoughts on what was going on there after I left, namely that there was a concealed grooming program going on there for future leaders to be dispersed world over, comparisons to the mossad etc- things that felt true when I'd say them but didn't coincide with the memories I was conscious of. Another specific staff member who was caught in a suspect situation and was ONLY SUSPENDED TEMPORARILY was George Tysh, writing teacher who actually ended up being walked in on sodomizing a 14ish yr old Korean student who had joined the school a couple years prior. Described to me as consensual by a kid whose parent was staff, but she was 14 and of course it would be spelled out that way. Described to me like twice reluctantly then never, ever again. Acted like no one knew what I was on about when it would be brought up. Just now seeing this fucking Roeper tweet and a ton of shit is coming together. Brain fuck. Terribly concerned there's some impending mental "Pandora's box" I'm going to have to acknowledge explore & deal with (especially considering unattributed scarring on my brain consistent w ptsd detected/diagnosed "fugue state" in this time - both of which acknowledged by school-affiliated psychiatrist but never taken on as problems.) Would probably never have worked this out if it weren't for Sarah's memories. Thank you Sarah. I've messaged you on Twitter but totally understand you're probably swamped, But if there's any light you can further shed on the structure of that place or how it works that might help explore my experience with Roeper, that would be huge. In due time. Stay well for all of us.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Wow. I know I saw this before when you first posted, and that we've been in contact via twitter, but I just came back and read this again. I am SO sorry for what you endured. I don't know what else to say other than THANK YOU for being brave and for sharing your truth with me. This is going to STOP now. I know that the citizen researchers here on VOAT and the all the people on the Chans are all over this. The NSA and Craig Sawyer have been flagged in my tweets about Roeper and Craig has even interacted with a few of them. I know it's on the radar. Thank you for adding your truth to mine. You and I are now 2 of 7 students who are corroborating this truth. We will get this resolved. I believe that in my heart. Sending you lots of encouragement.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

HOLY SHIT. I see you, I believe you. I THANK you for being willing to #SayBraveThings and #ShareYourTruth. I will respond to your message on twitter. You have my unconditional support, and we WILL get through this. Thank you for corroborating what I already knew. It's one more nail in the coffin for Roeper.

In addition to George Tysh, the soccer coach in the late 90s (Rafael?) was fired for carrying on a relationship with one of the students (she was 16 or 17). Dan Jacobs "left" the public school (I suspect forced to resign) because he didn't like how Seaholm prohibited him from having relationships with students outside of school He then went on to take a group of 12-15 year olds on a road trip on Route 12 for a few summers, with other "chaperones". When Dan recently tried to access me with NLP via Facebook, I called him out, and he tried to defend himself and make this seem harmless, but he refused to say the names of these "chaperones" and then promptly blocked me when I pointed out the specific NLP words he used. I believe Dean Acheson & Annette DePetris, as well as Mary Kay Glazek are involved in the cult and have abuse their own children, who all went to Roeper. This school is most definitely going to be investigated now.

BLESS YOU for being brave enough to come forward. You are NOT alone.

buckeye12 ago

http://theawarenesscenter.blogspot.com/2006/07/case-of-stanley-ashman.html Saw this and thought you would find interesting.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Are these Julian and Bruno Tysh's parents????

timetoremember ago


AJ-Styles ago

For those that don't live in MI.....I live very close to Birmingham and it is a place where only the wealthy gather. Expensive clothing stores, restaurants, currency exchanges, professional athletes, extremely nice vehicles (Bentleys Ferraris) you get the idea. It's not super-important to the story, but if there was a place Hanks would be in Michigan, it would probably be Birmingham.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Yes, professional sports players, big 3 auto executives, basically all the wealthy elites in Michigan live in Birmingham, Bloomfield, and West Bloomfield. Cranbrook and Detroit Country Day Schools are both in this area. It has (had?) the highest per capita income per square foot in the country back when I was growing up, not sure if it still holds that record. This is where all the white people fled to in the great white flight of 1963 after the riots in Detroit. Grosse Point is very old money (pre-1900 wealthy Detroit families), Birmingham/Bloomfield is new money (post WWI wealthy families).

Hanks would have been staying at the Townsend Hotel, guaranteed. It's where all the celebrities stay when they are in town, even if they are playing events in Detroit or Auburn Hills 30 min away. It's a more "it" destination than the Ritz in Dearborn and it is smack dab in the middle of downtown Birmingham, which is a one square mile town full of money.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Thank you for coming out.

Sarah, you are definitely not the first, and I'll go further to say that you are not the first for both Hanks and HRClinton. Obviously some people run in the same circles. In regards to your memory of Hanks, I have to ask; did Hanks give you any kind of drink or food? I'm not going to get into too much detail, for safety.

When I was recalling abuse that happened to me, I could not believe the things I was remembering. One thing you really may want to do, is write down everything you can remember, even if it seems bizarre. Another thing is, if you rewatch movies or interviews of Tom Hanky Panky, it will definitely help you remember things that are suppressed or buried emotionally. Remember, your physical body has an amazing way of remember things that we can forget or block out.

And please watch out. If you face anything like what I've been through, you will have teams of people follow you, harass you, and kidnap you if they can get their hands on you. To be honest, I don't walk around without carrying a gun. But I've also dropped off the radar... Please stay safe. They have an army out there - everywhere - and they aren't afraid to do brazen things like kidnap people in during the day. That said, try to always travel with another person. Be very suspicious things that happen. There are many times I would have saved myself from them if I would have listened to my gut more about suspicious people or a suspicious situation.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Thank you for your concern, and advice. First, let me say as a fellow survivor, I see you. I believe you. I support you. I struggle with you toward healing. I'm sorry you had to go through these things, and I am here for you if you want/need a compassionate witness to honor your truth. #SurvivorsUnite #SayBraveThings

I am well aware that the cult knows where I am at all times, and despite changing states 3 times this year, I am still being pursued and followed in public. I am protected by @christophercronsell and we are both armed and trained. We follow strict personal, operational, and home security measures with painful awareness that the cult would kidnap me to either reprogram me or sacrifice me if we give them an opportunity. They hate to get caught, so I wear a body cam at all times in public, and when I notice them following us, we speak to them and make it clear they are being recorded. They usually back off after that. We've been harassed by the dirty Sheriff's office 3x within a month by them showing up at my house for bogus "wellness checks" and I've complained to the department and also to the FBI about this activity. Lately it seems to have slowed, but I remain vigilant and on guard at all times, even within my home. I have no expectation that I will ever be able to hide, knowing that the cult has infiltrated the alphabet agencies, changing my name and going into witness protection likely wouldn't even help me hide. So instead, I choose to reject the fear they are trying to instill in me, and instead make a stand and turn to fight them. They can only get to me physically in a present moment, and if they are foolish enough to try to do that, Chris and I will neutralize them.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Glad to hear you are a sister in Christ.

Interesting to read. That's what they do. Did your harrasment / stalking happen after coming forward? What exactly is the dynamic that 'triggered' their interest or pursuit of you? Body cam is very smart. I would be wary of family members you think are OK, but in reality are in on it. Happened to me. Only when I totally cut them off, even by phone, things got better. If you are relatively new to the 'escape and evade' game they are playing on you, there always things you can do to keep off their radar. Some easier said then done, of course. My main concern for you is that you are able to continue to speak out. I know too many people personally that spoke out, and then were silenced, one way or another. You sound like a tough human being that can roll with the punches, but I've seen it all it seems. I think it would be a good idea to release video testament to your experience. I know it can be hard when remembering things, that are purposely blocked out by the attackers. I've had good family and good law enforcement taken out. They are ruthless. Obviously they react to the size of the threat they have assessed. If you can get your memories on video, maybe conservatives will pick it up, and it will make its way into the mainstream news. They failed in stopping Trump...

Thank you for your prayers. I will pray for you as well.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

I've cut all ties with family. The following/harassment started when I fled my family in March this year.

PrayForTheUSA ago

Sarah Ruth -Do you know anything about Mitch Albom? He seems to have all right connections: MSM columnist, author, producer, orphanage in Haiti, possible mason (accepts $50K from detroit area mason's for his orphanage).

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

I know he's a local celebrity where I'm from, and he is much loved by my father. Other than that, I can't speculate. I think the key in this is finding patterns and networks. If there is a pattern of connections to known bad actors, the person is likely also a bad actor, especially if there is money involved, or anything regarding "help" for youth.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Yeah, the doctor involved in my torture mind control always got her 'kids' from orphanages, adoption agencies, or shelters.

They look at those places like flee markets.

swordfish69 ago

Thanks for sharing your story, I've seen what you posted on Twitter and I think it's so important to get this information out. I think it's unmistakably clear that there is a cover-up in the entertainment and even medical aworld about this abuse.

Do you recall if what happened was part of a larger network of abuse, or was it an ""isolated" incident? We know Jimmy Savile was performing Dissociative experiments, and allegations of abuse surfaced at places like Esalen. And where are the Hivites centered? London? LA? Venice?

GeorgeT ago

Having been deeply immersed into Hollywood conspiracies I have come to a disturbing conclusion that just like Dennis Hasterds of the world actors are selected from a certain pool 'talents' with specific backgrounds apart of course from the inner circle. Kevin Spacey as it turns out was abused by his Nazi pedo father; we have Al Franken make that bizarre roast of Rob Reiner, we have Denise Richards reveal Charlie Sheens penchant for pedo gay porn on his laptop..... the list is endless! Are we to believe that all these Hollywood stars abandoned their morals and common human decency as a result of indulging in excess in debouchery and decadence that are symptoms of fame and wealth - as the Entertainment Media would have us believe or is it much more sinister?! Are these performers in fact selected based on their deviant traits, while others turned MK Ultras - in order to be controlled by the very powers that shape public perception of reality? We know that Hollywood is not merely entertainment, it's an arm of the government - namely propaganda.

timetoremember ago

Nazi Pedo Father... Kind of sounds like American Beauty.

GeorgeT ago

That movie is on my top 10 greatest movies of all time. Shame Kevin had to ruin it for me.

timetoremember ago

I wonder now how much input he had on the story

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

I think it stands to reason that many famous people in Hollywood are also cult affiliated children and grew up within this structure. It's quite possible that many of them have latent mind control programming/dissociation and their particular perversions and proclivities may derive from their own abuse as children. The cult certainly fancies themselves to be above the average human, and so it makes sense to me that they would recruit from within their own ranks for the elite positions in society. I think we will see the cult being over-represented (genetically) in positions of power and prominence like politics, entertainment, media, etc.

21yearsofdigging ago

Well, I worked as an actor in Hollywood from 1982-2000 and I wasn't part of any of this. I did however marry(probably a set up) a DID sex slave assassin and whatever else.My children were threatened to be hurt if they talked to me and they were subsequently stolen to Europe and I became heavily targeted ,losing everything and ending up blacklisted. I was told by all agents etc to keep my mouth shut about my kids and maybe I would work again. I was even told to keep my mouth shut about my kids or i was dead!! I also had a terrible experience with a woman who saved my sperm in the freezer and she had my first child, a boy I had no visitation with and a court case for child support that dragged on for years. That woman, well known in Hollywood, came from a military family. Go figure. But my point is, NOT EVERYONE in Hollywood is in the club. Mostly the successful, very successful ones are probably in on it. Especially now.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

I can't say for sure if there is a "Capitol" per se or where that capitol would be. Based on what I have put together so far, I think the term Hivites refers more to the underlying truth of who all of these people are (from a bloodline/genealogy perspective). It refers more to where they ultimately come from (Hivites in ancient Canaan/Phoenicia/Babylon/Egypt) no matter what they're called or where they exist now. I happen to think America generally has been the capital of Hivite culture, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Detroit is very central to it. I also think Israel could be the newer center of it, and to my knowledge, the current State of Israel sits on the land where ancient Canaan/Phoenicia were, so it would make a certain amount of sense that they are trying to make this their capitol. Hivite culture seems to dominate the West: America, England, Australia... But these people are literally everywhere. Think of it more like splinter cells (or hives) that are spread out. There are definitely top people who run the show, and I think San Francisco and London are also hotbeds.

What happened with Tom Hanks seemed to be an isolated incident where he was just buying me for a time. I don't recall the whole memory yet, so I'm staying open to there being larger ritual elements, but so far it just feels like I was pimped to him for a night.

As for the rest of my abuse, yes, I was absolutely part of a large network of abusers engaging in ritual/sexual abuse of children, mind control, experiments, and even government involvement. I believe my father was being trained directly by Michael Aquino in the SF bay area in the early 1980s. I also have a memory of being in an underground military facility when I was about 6 or 7. I received training in many military scenarios throughout my life (evasion, double agent, spy,etc), mostly as a teenager in high school and in college. I was present at many Masonic meetings where they were laying out future plans, like telling HRC she would be bumped in line for the presidency when Obama entered the scene (1989) and when they were instructing members to "infiltrate and subvert the Born Again and New Age churches" (1992 - I think).

My father is definitely part of a large network that is connected to rings in San Francisco. Portland, and Detroit/Ann Arbor, as well as Atlanta. He literally made me to be a "toy" for their game and I'm sure he gained money and position for making a child for their rituals. I was offered up to be the child to be used in many different settings (occult/satanic rituals, luciferian & goddess worship rituals, masonic initiation rituals, mind control experiments, military trainings, child porn, child prostitution, for new members to "make their bones", for blackmail entrapment, etc). I seem to have some kind of special position/role within the cult, possibly because I was so dissociative and my mind control was very strong (my dad is a programmer), and also because I had been trained to play particular central roles in certain kinds of rituals (it takes a lot of time to make one like me, and apparently I was very unique and valuable because of this).

I can connect a lot of dots and put together a large network of people spanning CA, OR, MI, GA, and DC. Mostly democrats, actors, clergy, and masons. My father was the treasurer of the Oakland County Democratic party for a time, he also ran for Michigan House Rep (he lost), and he once introduced Obama at a rally in Farmington Hills, MI. He's a staunch supporter of Gary Peters and campaigned for him. John Conyer's son was a camper in my group at Roeper Summer Day camp in the early 2000s (2003?), a school that I was sent to 10th-12th grade. I now have confirmation from another student that this is a training school for these Luciferian pedo families. My father also held stock in Caterpillar, and I think the bust that happened earlier this year (Feb/March) was related to this stuff. My grandfather's wife was the top fundraiser for the American Cancer Society for 20 years, which now seems to me like possible money laundering. Both my father and my grandfather are high level freemasons in the Cryptic Order of Rosicrucian, and my father is a high priest in the Temple of Set and the Order of the Trapezoid.

I hope this gives some context and answers your questions. Thank you for your interest in my story and for being a compassionate witness to my truth.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Oh wow...so much to process..so strange but many of us have been close to these things without even having knowledge about what is really happening. I'm so glad that many of us are waking up to see what is really going on. Stay strong, and just know there are so many of us standing beside you.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Hi Sarah, could you tell us more about the Hivite connection and anything you may know about it? I think it's important for truly know what we're dealing with when it comes to this cabal and how ancient it truly is. My prayers are with you. God bless and keep you.

Stukov ago

Just FYI, back in old PG days I was one looking into Goat Hill Pizza run by Pelsoi and nearby dead bodies found north of there in a park (multiple young women/teen girls) in this park which also happened to have another pedo kid camp someone here found (for the life of me can't remember its name). But it was someone who was found out and relocated there. There is documentation online by MSM how Pelosi used GHP to launder money for her campaign.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Wow, do you have a link to the archived post? I'd love to share it via twitter.

Stukov ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1464722/7087683 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459779/7092550

Apparently it was when we was investigating the Hawaii connection. I later found some links to the Japanese? Embassy in SF in the Madam phone number files.

Readthesymbols ago

Interestingly, John Conyer's son is being floated out there to run for his fathers congress seat when he retires.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

I wonder if "retiring" Conyers will make good on his promise to take "thousands of others" with him when he goes down. I hope so.

1337ch ago

Aquino is a sick motherfucker.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Yep. No way to mince words with this guy. He's one of the most evil people alive.

Sublimesati ago

You were present at a 1989 Masonic meeting in which HRC was told Obama would cut in line to the presidency? Um... What?

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Yes. I don't know if it was Masonic or just an occult meeting. There was a kidnapping scenario training that occurred beforehand, and then I was taken into the basement of a school building that looked very much like the Preston School of Industry in Ione, CA (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preston_School_of_Industry)). HRC was standing near the staircase with a younger woman. HRC had shoulder length hair with bangs. I saw that she was angry, so I followed my training and went over to her to try and endear myself to her and asked her what was wrong. I also tried to hold her hand. She did not acknowledge my presence. She was seething with anger and looking across the room at a group of 4 men (I'm not entirely sure yet, but I have a sense it may have been Bill and Bush Sr & Jr). I don't yet remember what was said, but I have an awareness that she was just informed that the order for the line up of presidents was being changed to make room for Obama. It was supposed to be Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, HRC, but she would now have to wait to let Obama have his turn before she had hers. This was in 1989 between mid-May and mid-September. I later saw a picture of her in this time frame and confirmed her hair looked the same, and then I found out that Obama was being put through Harvard law school during this time, paid for by recently ousted Saudi leader bin Talal. I don't yet remember the ritual itself. There were about 10 other children there, ranging in ages from about 3-14, I was 8. There were also several adults, at least 10, both men and women.

Shillfest2017 ago

Have you ever discussed this with any journalists? If this could be confirmed by the media, they would either be all over it, or you could be suicided. Stay safe.

Sublimesati ago

My only question would be if presidents were picked that far ahead of time...do you think Trumps victory was planned and HRCs dream of being president was crushed and swept down river in a back room meeting long ago? Her backers spent over a billion dollars on her campaign. That seems like a large sum to light on fire if Trump was chosen all kinds of years ago. Look what came out during the debates. The venom spit on Bill Clinton because of his sex abuse. That couldn't be a charade. Besides in 1989 it wasn't cool to be black. Hip Hop was still under ground and the whole black equals cool thing didn't happen until mid to late 90s. It's hard for me to believe a black person was viewed as a potential president way back then. Then again I've always had the odd feeling Obama was a Manchurian like candidate.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

No, I think Trump is an outsider. My father has been trying to indoctrinate me to hate Trump since 1992. Also, in 1998 while under mind control, I was part of a military style training scenario (freedom fighter/double agent). In this scenario, Trump is NOT the president. He invades the USA with Russia, Saudi Arabia and China to overthrow the US government. Once they succeed, the freedom fighters resist Trump becoming a dictator. This tells me that they've known since at least 1992-1998 that Trump is a threat, that Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia are against their agenda, and that if and when the cult ever became too powerful, these "enemies" would rise up to try and overthrow the cult. It seems things are playing out in the exact opposite of this training, so I am hopeful this is NOT their plan and that Trump foiled them by winning the election.

While it is still possible that Trump is controlled opposition, every instinct within me tells me that he is not one of them, that he has been planning to take them down for a very long time, and that we narrowly escaped nuclear war with these 3 foreign entities. Also, I only started to wake up to the fact that I was a victim of this cult and subjected to mind control for 35 years AFTER he was elected and took office. I think the fact that things played out so differently from what they had prepared me for, my system somehow knew they weren't in charge any more and that it was safe enough to begin remembering.

However, to be cautious, I am reserving judgement on Trump et al until after the current take down is complete. We will have to see if he restores order and returns power to the American people and the Constitution, or if he tries to establish himself as a dictator. That will be the ultimate test, for me personally.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I heard this also from another very reliable source but it was in 1992

WD_Pelley ago

I can connect a lot of dots and put together a large network of people spanning CA, OR, MI, GA, and DC. Mostly democrats, actors, clergy, and masons. My father was the treasurer of the Oakland County Democratic party for a time, he also ran for Michigan House Rep (he lost), and he once introduced Obama at a rally in Farmington Hills, MI.

It freaks me out seeing my state (MI) pop up so much when it comes to trafficking. Then again, I think Michigan is number two in the country for trafficking. Ann Arbor, Bay City, Grand Rapids... all of those areas contain a sizeable amount of college students; a lot of young people could go missing if need be. Detroit is also known for having one of the largest Masonic temples around too.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Yes, and the musician Jack White (of the White Stripes) recently purchased the Detroit Masonic Temple.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Makes sense now about Jack White.

AgainstPedos ago

Determining who'll be the next POTUS is one of the objectives at Bohemian Grove. Democrats & Republicans are not separate parties but ruled by the same super elite.

Sarah, Tom Hanks unfortunately has long had a rep as a total alkie with his wife under contract as his very well-paid handler. Many nights he's slept on their couch as she wouldn't let him near their bedroom.

Perhaps it's all because of his own dismal, extremely negative, sex-restrictive, LDS childhood. Putting on a dress to play the female role wasn't just a TV role, a humiliation ritual & a comedic joke to him.

Sarah, PLEASE don't let the nasty shills in the world discourage you from sharing your story. You can help so many other victims to speak up and be heard. Consider contacting CDAN as Hmmmm has been printing similar very revealing Blinds almost every single day.

new4now ago

He has to be

He has more parts more awards, connections

The clincher for me is Obama gave him medal of freedom

All who received are eyeball deep in the shit

finska ago

Just like receiving a knighthood in the UK eg Sir Jimmy Saville OBE and KCSG(honorary knighthood of the Pope I kid you not) Its an immediate red flag.


SarahRuthAshcraft ago

This is a keen and important observation. They prop up the most connected and "obedient" in their network. We should very much be looking for patterns and connections within the network. These are clues. Maybe not actionable evidence, but definitely cues on where to look.

new4now ago

Movie connections easy enough

Look at the producers, how many times the actor/actress has worked for them

Tom Hanks is a favorite of which producer?

And people wonder why Hanks was the Bosum Buddy that hit it big and stayed there

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Yes, these roles that they take/are given are very telling.

Think about Big - he played a boy trapped in an adult body, which is really what these people are - stunted in their emotional and psychological development at age 8-13. They remain children forever and behave like children of this age behave, selfish, without care for others or consequences, poor impulse control, etc. Then you have Splash, where he is in love with a Mermaid, and Mermaids are a known mind control theme. There are many other examples.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

This was the only celebrity where I hoped they wouldn’t be implicated. People aren’t going to take this well

21yearsofdigging ago

Most won't believe it

Piscina ago

I've been following Sara Ashcroft. Before running with the ball, make sure that there is something more than just one tweeter make accusations. Otherwise it makes you look like a crazy alt-right person, looking for any excuse to bash anyone who opposes Trump.

I'm not saying it's not true. I'm just saying that there's nothing credible out there (and one tweet does not make it credible) that points to Hanks being a pedo.

elephantdoesntforget ago

I'll go ahead then and clear up any doubt you may have. Hanks is 100% a pedophile.

Believe me or not, I'm sure there are more out there. Many have been silenced.

argosciv ago

fair, but, see @carmencita's reply

That alone sets off serious alarm bells, for a great many reasons which I'm too tired to discuss right now ;)

Gimme a few hours sleep though.

finska ago

Its a good day here for pedo busting news!

pipilongstockings ago

Well crap, is there any respectable celebs?

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

I think Keanu Reeves and James Woods are likely okay. Just personal opinion/speculation. I'm afraid the number of these people in Hollywood will be nearly 90%+ It will not be easy for America to swallow.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Don't bet on Keanu Reeves..

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Yeah, at this point I'm beginning to think that at least 90%+ of Hollywood is in this. And Keanu's John Wick movies are pretty close to the reality of how these people behave and operate.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Yeah, Hollywood is a basic 'are you in or out?' game. Either you are in it 100% and will do EVERYTHING asked of you, or you will be weeded out when you feel they crossed the line, and speak up. With their 'lines' being those that go into rape and murder, it won't be long until any decent human being is weeded out of their select circles.

Having been around Hollywood (not by choice) for years, the whole thing is financed and sustained by child pornography, human trafficking, and the drug game. There are no coincidences in Hollywood. IF ANYTHING, HOLLYWOOD IS BUILT AROUND CHILD PORNOGRAPHY. Not the other way around.

Actors get their roles because they are exactly that, 'good actors.' Good at confusing victims and pulling off their child porn operations etc.

neurotica ago

Yeah, John Wick and other 'movies' are many times used as 'simulators' for drug operations

How, logistically? Can you elaborate a bit?

elephantdoesntforget ago

Yes. Basically, to pull off such huge operations like drug trafficking or kidnappings, they like to use their networks of people to either carry it out, or cover it up. Illicit activity can be 'masked' by the movie being shot either 'in the moment' or after the fact. A bystander even watching it from the sidelines would be extremely hard pressed to tell what is going on, real or fake. Real guns or fake prop guns being used.

Many Hollywood movies are based around drug dealing, illicit activities, kidnapping, murder etc. Now many times, 'fake' things you see in the movies are switched with the real deal. This goes for other things as well, but especially drugs. They have an entire crew (with only the trusted ones in the know) monitoring a site, often with hidden cameras in addition to overt cameras used for the movie filming. Shooting locations are usually cordoned off by private security and highly secure. Perfect environment for high stakes drug deals going down. They have total control of a location. They have many people, if not hundreds going in and out of the movie shooting location. If anyone tries to spill the beans, local Police will reply they are shooting an action movie in the area, and ignore the call. Only trusted actors and crew will ever be in the know. And they know their livelihoods depend on keeping their mouth shut, and anyways, who would believe them? With some scenes consisting of many outtakes, they have the perfect cover to do these things all day long.

Another example is cover for kidnapping persons. There have been repeated movies in which persons have been kidnapped under the guise of a movie being shot where the victim(s) lives, works, travels. Same thing. Anyone calls 911, including the victim, is ignored when the filming permit is brought up, whole thing is dismissed as a false call. Look at the undercover camera shows like Punk'd from some years ago, or even 'What Would You Do?' The police are alerted they are filming in the area, if anyone calls in they will dismiss it.

Many times, they will go BACK to a scene of a crime, and film a legit scene there, that mirrors the real crime that occurred. This serves to discredit the victim and to serve as cover. If any witnesses ever came forward, it would likely be attributed to the movie. If the victim comes forward and the details of their kidnapping / assault mirrors a major motion picture, even better. Some victims have repeated assaults / kidnappings over several different motion pictures by top Directors... if they ever come forward they are made to look like they are crazy ones. The biggest targets are passed around by several Directors and made victims over and over again. Sometimes, the 'real version' (showing the assault etc of the real victims) of the movie is passed around the 'elite' or sold to depraved millionaires.

Much of this is hard to digest, but a lot of this happens in Los Angeles where LAPD is practically in bed with Hollywood Directors. All it takes is one call from the Director to the corrupt LAPD brass in charge and any 'problems' go away. I have literally seen LAPD stop investigating a call about a crime in progress after receiving a call from a Hollywood Director in minutes. LAPD brass and officers are rewarded with security gigs, girls, and other creative payoffs.

If you have any questions please let me know. These people need to be stopped.

neurotica ago

Very enlightening, thank you. I always thought that the entertainment and music industry would be perfect for smuggling, all those private jets and freight.

imkhan ago

Thank you for sharing, I wish you a speedy recovery from the trauma based mind control, memories are stored in a fragmented state in these situations. Hopefully you can restore most of them.

For their luciferian rituals, do you remember common themes or incantations? What are they trying to accomplish spiritually or metaphysically? Did things manifest like demons or other supernatural phenomenon?

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Thank you. I appreciate your support, and also your understanding of the difficulties I face in recovering my memories and healing the dissociation.

As for common themes, it's difficult because I was used in so many different ways. I know there were often robes worn, and chanting, and candles. There was often debaucherous and violent sex happening among the adults. I do have a memory of being "possessed" but my feeling about this is that I was just behaving according to pavlovian conditioned responses to stimuli, and that I was not actually possessed by any real entity. My sense is they were trying to accomplish dissociation in me, and that they feel like doing these things gives them power, not because some external entity bestows it upon them, but because they are overcoming their own inhibitions and emotional responses to be able to inflict pain and to torture another. It's the triumph of their own will over their humanity. That seems to be the main goal.

I have only just begun to recover my memories of 35 years of abuse. I know enough to know what happened to me, and I remember people who were involved and many, many events where I was used and abused. But unfortunately, the bulk of my memories are still either completely missing, or not yet clear/complete. It can take a victim many years to recover everything and to integrate fully.

elephantdoesntforget ago

I would think a little more deeply.

Their possession things can definitely manifest themselves in reality. I don't give them power over me, but I can see when they are in play. Time after time.

There is a reason they subscribe to 'evil' and its not a coincidence. There are things that get tied together which cannot be undone. Easier to enforce when all believe in 'evil' that allows them to murder.

Sorry to get dark, but obviously their stuff is based on darkness and scaring the victims into not thinking about those things. Easier to brush them away, like brushing your hair.

crashing_this_thread ago

I have a bad feeling about DiCaprio.

argosciv ago


Caveman_in_a_suit ago

James Woods, for one

belsenwasagas ago

Are you sure about that? Here's his attempt at whitewashing ritual abuse:



Mel Gibson. Vince Vaughn.

AgainstPedos ago

You don't read CDAN Blinds. I'm sorry to inform you I don't think hardly anyone deserves to be on a super moral list.

James Woods has been known for years to prefer to date young girls in their teens. There was a major Blind where he took his latest girlfriend out to dinner and got very mad she admitted she was under 18 years. Yes I met him and he was very, very nice.

elephantdoesntforget ago

James Woods is a sick fuck.

I'll name another; Dan Akroyd. His space alien / robot character gets around children and does inexplicable things.


The guy above me said Woods.

argosciv ago

I'm inclined to agree at the moment :)

argosciv ago

To clarify, "Devil's Breath" is just a name, the abuse of scopolamine is not "Satanic"

Scopolamine and Atropine are medicinal compounds in minute doses and also potent shamanic compounds which should only be explored in higher doses, under safe and non-abusive conditions, with reverence instead of ignorance - it is not for the faint of heart or those who are totally oblivious as to what it's capable of.

I am so sorry Sarah has been subjected to such a vile abuse of knowledge, but, don't get it confused with the ways of Satanism nor Shamanism.

Tom... what else can I even say... you are a fuckwit.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

You are absolutely correct, Scopolamine in small doses is used for many medicinal purposes and can act as an anti-emetic and to curb the production of mucus. It is also a compound that is used in natural healing remedies. It becomes dangerous in larger doses and can suppress consciousness, thereby acting as a mind control (hypnotic) agent and it hinders the ability to record and recall memory, so it's a favorite of serial abusers who engage in mind control and pedophilia.

21yearsofdigging ago

I knew a man(now in his early 50's) that was raped as a young child. later, he was singled out by a man working with the **** This man had home invasions when his wife had gone to work and he was repeatedly raped. Scopolamine was always used and in the end they were using an aerosol version of it. He wrote a book titled The Murder Of Time. Pen name is Matthew Pauly. He briefly stayed with us and yup, some weird surveillance started up almost as soon as he showed up. This happened to him in Toronto. In the craziest part of my targeting, I felt that on at least 2 occasions, back when the harassment was intense, I was drugged and had like a 8-12 hour window with no memories. This is scary shit

elephantdoesntforget ago

Wow, amazing to read. How did you know it was Scopolamine? I've never heard about it before now, but have always known about GHB and other things...

I'm always amazed at the things I learn from other survivors...

21yearsofdigging ago

Well that is what Matthew told me. He did his research on it. His book is interesting to say the least plus he has been interviewed on Coast to Coast and by people like Sean Stone. He feels he was chosen for this 'experimentation' because of his abuse background. In other words, the childhood trauma was already there. the last time, like i said, the ****creep used an aerosol can filled with the scopolamine

elephantdoesntforget ago

Wow, just found this really in depth article. It says Scopolamine is worse than any date rape drug:

"According to Reuters, since scopolamine completely blocks the formation of memories, unlike most date-rape drugs used in the United States and elsewhere, it is usually impossible for victims to ever identify their aggressors."

"When a patient (of U.S. date-rape drugs) is under hypnosis, he or she usually recalls what happened. But with scopolamine, this isn't possible because the memory was never recorded," said Dr. Camilo Uribe, the world's leading expert on the drug.

It also has truth syrum properties, which interested the CIA: According to the Central Intelligence Agency website, "In 1922 it occurred to House that a similar technique might be employed in the interrogation of suspected criminals." ...

The CIA says: Enthusiastic at this success, House concluded that a patient under the influence of scopolamine "cannot create a lie" Because he said the drug ‘will depress the cerebrum to such a degree as to destroy the power of reasoning’. ... there is no power to think or reason."

http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/324779#ixzz50QWHEtbW Must read article.

elephantdoesntforget ago

I get it, I meant what tell tale signs helped him figure out the drug name? I've been trying to figure out certain things for a long time. It seems to be 'a secret.'

Yes, they love making victims feel helpless.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Thanks, ill check it out.

I feel like there is a reason a lot of information is coming out lately...

21yearsofdigging ago

According to him, the creep doing it to him told him what it was. This guy, the perp, was raised by a ex nazi grandfafther( Operation paperclip) and he felt he was above the law. the guy, (Matthew calls him Mitch in the book) was connected to agencies from the U.S. and he was in Toronto Canada training others how to program and torture assault. Matthew, if I remember right, was NOT supposed to recall all his memories but he was unusual in this way, or so Mitch told him. I think in Mitch's twisted head, he thought they were in some kind of relationship and no, Matthew is not gay

elephantdoesntforget ago

Wow, that is brazen.

That really is on the down low. I'll try and read the book if I can find it.

Not much surprises me with ex-nazis... I know of some that were Canadian by immigration, blended in. Not all nazis are German. They do follow similar protocols apparently ...

DerivaUK ago

Good grief. Is there anyone in Hollyweird that hasn’t been messing with kids? This will be a huge pill for the normies to swallow.

jizzswizzler ago

ill wait for a legit complaint before i shitcan hanks thanks. this pizzagate stuff has gone a bit too far.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Forever hold your breath, then.

Don't give them that.. for every victim's story you do read about here on Voat, there's probobly hundreds more that never see the light of day. I can attest that Hanky Panky Tom Hanks is a pedophile. He is one of them.

iamthepizzanow ago

Same here.

Narcissism ago

I think it would be quicker if we just compiled a list of Holywood stars/ producers who are NOT into kids. I am putting forward Sean Connery anyone else got one?

1337ch ago

Keeanu Reeves

AgainstPedos ago

Sean Connery stated he saw nothing wrong with beating up his wife. Not saying that means he's into dominating little kids too but he's certainly not a very moral person.

Splinterinyourmind ago

Mark Ruffalo. Michael Keaton. Matthew Mcconaughey. Woody Harrelson. I'll admit I have no way of proving this, and that I'm literally basing it on the projects they take (Spotlight, True Detective season 1)...

AgainstPedos ago

Better look very hard in a variety of sources before you let anyone off the hook. Did you check DataLounge? They've been compiling lists and circulating stories re the worst of the worse for many years. All anonymously as many work on sets.

Splinterinyourmind ago

no articles on those four actors when I searched their names.

Narcissism ago

Thks - perhaps its time to start a "clean list".... ?

carmencita ago

Watch the video I posted it has another couple of shockers in there. Many of them are compromised. One of the ones in the video will be a surprise to those that do not know. One more will fall soon, I believe.

1337ch ago

One more? They are falling like dominoes.(get it?)

carmencita ago

I have thought of it myself many times. It is a strange thought, isn't it.

darkstar77 ago

Whats the video?

carmencita ago

It's in the comments placed there by me. Toddlers and Tiaras. I posted the link.

DerivaUK ago

I’ve watched that before and found it both sick and suspect at the time. Only one? I believe we are about to witness the fall of many, many more now Hanks is out of the bag.

carmencita ago

Oh no, I don't mean only one. I mean only one in the video, one at a time. But of course today there have been Ed Rendell and a possible outing of Spielberg, etc. But what I am saying is that Kimmel will be outed soon. Then the other person in the video. It is sick yes. Saying Sexy Baby over and over made me nauseous.

Cheesebooger ago

I'll enjoy when rat faced Kimmel gets it

carmencita ago

OH My I love that name. Rat Faced Kimmel.

Cheesebooger ago

Thanks. Or witch face Kimmel. I refer to him as one or the other lol

carmencita ago

I have had a special hatred for him for about a year now. Don't watch any of them now. Colbert is lousy as well. Jimmy Fallon is not funny anymore. They are all controlled.

Cheesebooger ago

I agree. Kimmel was married to Sarah Silverman for 7 years. That was the red flag for me. Never did like Colbert, especially after discovering he is close friends with Podesta. Jimmy Fallon always showed up on my radar as creepy.

carmencita ago

My God. Sarah Silverman. No wonder he gives me the creeps.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/Bm3KB :

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft on Twitter: "Everyone loves Tom Hanks. I can't stand him after what he did to me. He's worried about @realDonaldTrump for good reason. He knows trump is… t.co/26tZxKlB1G"

https://archive.fo/Eu2MG :

Lou Dobbs on Twitter: "We Should All Be Far More Concerned How Much the Press Attacks @POTUS; Tom Hanks: 'It Concerns Me' How Much @realDonaldTrump Attacks the Pre… t.co/sdPgrzGHbY"

This has been an automated message.

carmencita ago

Oh my God.

I know. He plays the nice guy so well. He's even sweet to the little girls he plays with. But that's not nice or sweet, to play with little girls or to let men rent his little boy. He's a pedophile who keeps company with other pedophiles.

carmencita ago

I knew this was coming ever since Toddlers in Tiaras. I

AJ-Styles ago

I forgot about this. VERY VERY creepy

carmencita ago

I am sure you know about the accusation by Sarah an SRA survivor https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2274465

AJ-Styles ago

ah I am now. Always that whole "nicest guy in Hollywood" routine was just an act. He's an ACTOR

carmencita ago

Yes, this occurred to me when I heard about many others that we thought were on of those "nicest guys". They play their parts very well.

AJ-Styles ago

It just baffles me that people can't separate the person from the person portrayed in a movie. I texted a buddy saying Hanks will be the next big name outed and he responded with the literal "yeah right he's the nicest guy" response and I'm like HE'S AN ACTOR

carmencita ago

People take jobs sometimes they don't want or is out of their field, so why can't they accept that an actor may be acting a part that is entirely the opposite of their personal life. People are dumb. There has been such a Dumbing of America it is Not Funny.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Almost seems like it was designed for him gasp

He really seems into it on every level. He is an obvious one, isn't he?

carmencita ago

Yes, obvious when your eyes have been opened. I never thought about him as an abuser until I saw this, but I must admit that it was while on voat. The difference is to learn to see and not to discount just because it is a bad thing about someone that is high upon that pedestal. There are people that are not what they seem and Hanks is one of them.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Sound about right. I would go farther to say, that many are put on a high pedestal, specifically for that purpose.

carmencita ago

Can't agree more. There are many that have fallen only on here. Bob Hope is one of them.

elephantdoesntforget ago

I'll add Jay Leno to that list.

carmencita ago

I just saw him on the Carol Burnett Special. Actually that show was on CBS and most of the guests were what I would call "possible candidates" if you know what I mean. I know that there would be a short list left of the old guests, since many have passed, but wow. Bill Hader Jay Leno Amy Poler Maya Rudolph Jane Lynch I could go on. But think how many years they put up with Charlie Rose. And oh please, Laura O'Donnell and Gayle that fake speech you gave, Gag me with a spoon.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Well, a lot of your names are in SNL too... that shows is a F****** dumpster fire of depravity.

Lorne Michaels, head of SNL was given a medal by Obama. Tells you something about how important of a production it is. SNL has been used for a while now for all kinds of things...

carmencita ago

Ugh. I hate that show. It is horrid. Everyone on there is Highly Suspect, Especially Lorne Michael. Is he not married to Susan Something who was on McMillan and Wife with Rock Hudson? My age is showing. To think all the shows we thought that were wholesome.........Sigh.

elephantdoesntforget ago

The public would demand action if they knew the truth.

'They' have a revolving carousel of movies and shows they use for different things. In many ways, I am beginning to think Hollywood represents one of the strongest entities on this planet. Consider their resources and influence.

carmencita ago

DC Controls Hollywood and the Movie Industry.

elephantdoesntforget ago

They seem to have a symbiotic relationship.

Might have started in the WWI or WW2 eras when DC / Military complex, took an inetrest in mind control using television / media.

carmencita ago

It has been posted on here many times about Pres. Ike Eisenhower warned us about the Military Industrial Complex. We still do not heed his warning.

anotherdream ago

Yes. Thank you. - And HoneyBooBoo. - Things have gone fucking insane in the last 20 years. The slow drip. - Thats how these media fuckers have been doing this. -It makes it seem as though each instance is simply an outlier.- Then no one raises too much of a stink about it, - this is the process of normalization. - but before you know it every other story on television is about this kind of shit. - They really have tried to destroy us.

carmencita ago

They won't. There are too many of us. When the others find out, they will hate them for making such fools of them.

Gothamgirl ago

Just when you think you've seen it all. How can an adult tell a child to be sexy and think its morally ok? Is there any sane people left in Pedowood?

Gothamgirl ago

I saw a clip of this on CNN and freaked out. Of course the trolls attacked me for what I wrote "next week the child will be 6-7." Sure enough a 7 year old came out, the following week.

mobbA1115 ago

No, but it's largely used to be distracting. Tabloid-Esq. Easy to slide off.

carmencita ago

Because they were abused they know nothing else. It is their way of life. But the part of renting out his son, is beyond vile. I just can't get the Sexy Baby Sexy Baby out of my mind. Also Kimmel and Howard. Kimmel I can't stand, but Opie really hit me hard. I knew this months ago, so now I can't wait for them to get theirs too. Vile Perverts. If one more person tells me it is a Satire, I will Scream!

finska ago

He screams at her to be more sexy while she is wearing a shirt that says Bosom Baby wtf?

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

That's a reference to "Bosom Buddies" his old sitcom

carmencita ago

Yeah, that would be funnier on an adult female (although pretty sexist) but not on his own baby toddler girl. Sick. @finska

finska ago

Ok never heard of it but thanks.

carmencita ago

Yes, well it was meant to be played as a Satire. A Satire that would make people think they are against this kind of stuff. But really, Satire or not, none of it is funny. Really how could anyone, let alone a parent laugh at that. People are so dumb they sit in the audience afraid to not laugh. Stupid Morons.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

It's part of trying to normalize the behaviors within society at large. If they joke about it, they can put it out there in a way that makes people uncomfortable, but not too uncomfortable because it's "just a joke". The more and more things like this are flooded into the popular media, the more desensitized people become to it. It's social engineering.

carmencita ago

I agree. And. I am so sorry for your suffering all those years, the sad part for victims and survivors is sometimes the disbelief. Here on voat you will not find disbelief. We stand behind victims of abuse, especially those that have suffered SRA. Thank you for speaking out and for your Courage.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Thank you. I appreciate the support. I'm actually surprised to see there is stuff already out there about Tom Hanks. I had no idea when I posted this morning that anything had already been said about him being a pedophile. I figured everyone would shout at me and disbelieve me, because he so much of an America's Sweetheart persona. But that wasn't the case, many people have shared other things with me that discuss this, and I am glad I'm not the only voice confirming this about him.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

I would like to thank you about that information about the Hivites. Your story is all the more believable for me based on that info alone. This is critical information and seriously, I can't Thank You enough for it. Wishing you deep healing.

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Thank you. I'm glad it resonated with you as well. I am so happy that I am able to comment and share here now. I've been following this board all year, knowing how close y'all have been to the truth, and I'm so happy I can be open and share with all of you now. You all have my utmost respect and gratitude.

finska ago

My sentiments exactly.

carmencita ago

I have known for about 3 mos. since I first discovered the Toddlers and Tiaras. I was never keen on Kimmel, but Hanks and Ron Howard somewhat surprised me. Now I don't care. They are nothing to me. You Are Welcome Here Anytime

SarahRuthAshcraft ago

Thank you, I appreciate your support.

carmencita ago

Your Welcome. Contact me anytime, or any of us for that matter. Peace <3

finska ago

I realise he was trying to be satirical but satire by definition is "criticising ideas in a humourous way" but I agree with you there is nothing funny about sexualising and emotionally demeaning children.......therefor its no longer satirical just gross and suspicious.


carmencita ago

Yeah, Sexy Baby. What a sick thought. Also in the tweet she claims he is selling off his boy. So Sick and Sad.

AgainstPedos ago

Didn't any of you wonder why his son was so seriously messed up for years and years? Sure Carroll O'Connor's son, and Michael Douglass's son have also had major drug & alcohol issues. Still . . .

carmencita ago

I did not know about his son. I don't really keep up with the children of the stars unless I hear on TV that they are sick or such. But I am hearing now on here, that he has some strange problems.

BehindTheCurtain ago

I just watched it. I can see how today's society would take it as a comedy skit. Personally, i think it's very weird for a father to refer to his very young daughter (or even an adult daughter) as "sexy". I think it's weird that Hanks would think this is funny...or even fathom participating in it. Did you notice that Jimmy Kimmel and Ron Howard are in the skit too? (near the end) Sick stuff.

Cara_C ago

I thought the skit was funny and an excellent parody of the dysfunction seen in the actual "Toddlers and Tiaras" show. However, we have learned that satanic pedophiles like to hide in plain sight, to pass off serious and terrible things that they are doing as fiction, jokes, satire, sarcasm, or hyperbole, often using movies, television shows, art, codes, gestures, symbols, and numbers. So now I see the video as a red flag, not evidence of wrongdoing, but certainly something that makes me take a second look at those involved.

carmencita ago

Yes, I am waiting for Kimmel to fall soon. I was really very disappointed about Ron Howard or as I knew him, Opie. But I don't care anymore. They lied to us for decades.

BehindTheCurtain ago

Me too...very disappointed Howard may be a part of it. Opie...who'dathunk? I can only guess they got this way because they too were abused. Guessing hollyweird has been nothing but a cesspool since it's inception. I hope we burn it to the ground. Seriously.

phlux ago

When did Howard get accused?

AgainstPedos ago

Personally know of young women who auditioned for him. Role required a topless scene. He sat with his buds in chairs at the end of a long corridor where teenager after teenager were required to run towards him wearing almost nothing. Just creepy, totally unprofessional, and unnecessary.