angry_mob ago

i think u are reaching with this one. you can't make leaps of thinking like that and call it logic. you're just seeing connections that aren't there.

hawaiianstyle130 ago

Not really my idea of funny

carmencita ago

It did not win me over as satire. People were laughing. If that really was there intent, they really went about it the wrong way. First of all that show is wrong vehicle for something so heinous and serious. I also think if Kimmel was against all of that stuff he would not be hosting the Oscars one of the most sick places where many pedos gather.

carmencita ago

Just looked that up. Don Knotts was not gay nor a pedophile. Someone must have had their way with Ron Howard on those sets.

carmencita ago

Yeah, no more Jimmy Kimmel for me. It made me sick to watch the Oscar highlights on my local news. I boycott Oscars. Kimmel was the emcee. I could not watch. They all disgust me now. But Ron Howard, OPIE? I remember Opie was a child on a set of adults and I found out Don Knotts who played Barney Pfyfe on Andy Griffith was his second cousin. I wonder what his background was and if he may have abused him. Hollywood is a Cesspool.

Votescam ago

Help! My posts keep getting immediately removed??????? Repeating ....

Not a fan of either Tom Hanks or Ron Howard. Howard took the Da Vinci Code which was telling us that Mary was the wife of Jesus and that Jesus was fighting the cementing of patriarchy with the Old Testament ... and Ron turned it into a car chase for 11 year olds. And Apollo??? Does anyone still believe we went to the moon?

It used to be that the right wing created our reality and we lived with it. Now it's more like they create our reality but we stand back questioning it and puking.

Just want to add that sadly it's too late for Corey Haim. Corey Feldman seem to know just how dangerous it would be to name names. But it may also be dangerous to walk around with these secrets. I think we should all be encouraged at what has happened with the Bill Cosby rapes. Victims are coming out more often. And the public is listening. And I don't think the public is about to let another Bill Cosby get away with this stuff. We are more often listening to the children and on the side of the children and the deck is certainly stacked against them as we continue to see. We need to be listening to children all over the world and letting them know that we are on their side.

Votescam ago

Not a fan of either Tom Hanks or Ron Howard. Howard turned the Da Vinci Code into a car chase for 11 year olds. Apollo?? Who believes in the moon landing any more? It used to be that the right wing created our reality and we lived it. Now it's more like they create our reality, but we stand back questioning it and puking.

Too late for Corey Haim -- and I'm sure that Corey Feldman knows what he has room to do and not to do. It's pretty serious to feel so threatened as they both were. But, I'm also thinking that the Bill Cosby situation should be encouraging because I don't think the public is going to let that happen again. They will listen to the kids now. And we should be listening to children all over the world.

carmencita ago

Yes. Actually I was up and started watching and had to leave the room before I realized what I was seeing. By the time I came back It was almost over. Had not realized what I missed. Someone on here had a video and bingo it rang a bell and I watched the video. It was disgusting. If you know about Jon Benet it was so very similar. It was really very much like he was really into it. It is so blatantly in your face. When you see it, it disgusts you. I am not good at links but I bet you could find it on YT.

Touchdown50 ago

Burton does have that pedo vibe. Like depp.

Psalm100 ago

Someone else to check into, too: Seth McFarlane.

I watched two or three episodes of "Family Guy" just because I'd heard about how evil it was, and it repeatedly put the children in graphic sex acts. It's too shameful even to type out what the child characters were involved in doing. If it was live action with actual child actors, they couldn't do any of it.

The whole "Stewie" character seems like a pedophile's fantasy justification - there's an adult inside the child's body.

strix-varia ago

Tom Hanks and opie are too good to be true. Always amazed me that tommie boy got such big parts in movies. Always blatantly sticking it in our faces.

mrohm ago

It is impossible to know if Carroll was a paedophile. There was a fad in his era of photographing nude pre-pubescent females that was quite popular and had no cultural connotations of paedophilia.

madmanpg ago

Tim Burton also made the movie "Beetlejuice." One of the actors, Jeffrey Jones, was arrested in 2002 for child pornography and accused of making a 14 year old boy pose for nude photographs.

It's important to note that "Beetlejuice" came out 15 years before Jones was arrested. Hardly a connection, especially considering none of the other actors have had any suspicion of the same conduct.

Don-Keyhote ago

Lol what the fuck difference does it make when LE decided they had enough evidence to make an arrest? It is not important to note that at all. What is it about grooming that you understand?

madmanpg ago

LE never decided to arrest Burton, so where it the connection? It is important because charges are being leveled at someone who has never been under suspicion. What is it about probable cause that you don't understand?

JrSlimss ago

Paul Reubens and Jeffrey Jones were caught in the same sting. Their only connection is via Tim Burton.

madmanpg ago

Reubens wasn't found in possession of child pornography, though. They found vintage photographs that were so debatable as being child pornography that they dropped the charges of child pornography against him. It was very similar to the Michael Jackson case where the only child-related stuff they found fell under the "artistic" category. Doesn't mean they weren't pervs, but the evidence that they were pedophiles was meager. Jones' case was clear-cut.

JrSlimss ago

While I see you're just shilling, I'll respond for anyone else reading. Pedophiles are often caught with "artistic" photos of nude children. Michael Jackson was caught with loads of photo books like these. Members of NAMBLA even produce them to skirt child porn laws.

madmanpg ago

Pointing out verifiable facts isn't shilling, you prick. If you can't handle facts and want to wallow in your speculation, that's your problem. Michael Jackson was caught with tons of pornography, and only a few pictures were considered possibly child porn, and were ultimately determined not to be child porn. Same with Reubens. If you actually gave a shit about the facts, people typically caught with collections of child porn have tons of the stuff. It's the same thing as accusing someone found with an eighth of weed of being a drug dealer.

JrSlimss ago

So if I checked you computer and you only had a little child porn, I shouldn't investigate you for being a pedophile? Noted.

madmanpg ago

Wow. Now you're accusing people of having child porn for disagreeing with you. Your toxic uselessness to the investigation is noted. Go back to 4Chan where you belong.

pizzagate3456 ago

So being caught in 2002 means that the actor wasn't involved in Child Porn before the production of Beetlejuice? Obviously we can't know for sure, but odds are that the actor was involved in this stuff even in the 90s. The point is that Tim Burton is associated with Pedophiles and hires them for his movies - hence Johnny Depp, Paul Reubens, David Geffen, and possibly more (still doing research)

madmanpg ago

There's no evidence that he was, nor any evidence that any of the rest of the cast or production crew was. If anything, Alec Baldwin is better known for being a homophobic jackass who loses his shit in public and screams at people, including his daughter when she was a child - rather pedophobic, one might say.

ArthurEdens ago

It is f***ing crazy that I believe The National Enquirer as a credible newspaper now over the New York Times and the others. Bizarro world

carmencita ago

Was Johnny Depp not in Tim Burton's version of The Chocolate Factory? Rauol Dahl's father was a dentist and I thought I remembered Johnny sitting in a dentist's chair in the movie. Pedophiles love dentist chairs. There must be something sick and perverted about what they can do to a child in that chair. My mind is not as sick as theirs. There have been quite a few dentists arrested for pedophilia. If I am wrong someone let me know. But somehow this is my memory.

equineluvr ago


Hanks is a Rothschild. He is related to Nancy Hanks, Abe Lincoln's mother (Abe was a secret Rothschild).

Hanks has starred in several of Howard's productions with Illuminati themes.

carmencita ago

Yes, well there was a video going around about Hanks on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. It was disgusting. It also featured Ron Howard and his daughter. Tom Hanks was on with a girl he said was his daughter, but she really was not. He proceeded to whip up a fancy tutu outfit and had her made up like Jon Benet and made her say Sexy Baby about three times in a row many times. Then he taught her how to walk sexy and say Sexy Walk Sexy Walk over and over made up like a harlot. There was then a contest between that girl and the other two daughters. I was so appalled and disgusted I forgot who won. So Kimmel, Hanks and Opie are all pedophiles. Red Pilled Again.

Cleareyes ago

Jeez, Hanks is a Trump supporter too so that surprises me a bit

srayzie ago

That's sad. I always respected him for staying married to the same woman for all these years unlike almost all celebrities

carmencita ago

It makes you wonder what their wives think? They must know? Do they just not admit to themselves that their husbands are pedophiles, or they just tell themselves they are a bit strange? It kind of boggles the mind.

srayzie ago

Me too! No amount of money or high status would be worth it if your husband and his friends are sick pedophiles (maybe worse)! I couldn't ignore that. It seems to me like, even if they aren't children, business trips become parties full of prostitutes. If a spouse can't sense that something is wrong, they have to be blind. So, I think that most of the time they know. If they aren't doing the same thing, then they stay because they like the money and status. That's sick to choose over children. I don't know how child traffickers can live with themselves.

carmencita ago

It is much more than just an addiction, because some do not become pedophiles even though they have been abused for years. But some do. That is what we have to research, what happens that makes some commit those same heinous acts and others not. There should be testing and research done. I believe of course, that in cases like that of Hanks, Howard and Kimmel, that there may have been MK Ultra used.

carmencita ago

Vanessa Tait is a twit. She thinks we dwell a little too much on pedophilia nowadays? Maybe because there are so many of them. She is just hoping to rake in a bunch of money this year during the 150th Anniv. of Alice. At the price of the virginity of our children. Go ahead and push the book and the story You Cow.

TweedleDee3000 ago

tim burton is 100% creep

strix-varia ago

I'll say. Total pedo like creep.

unclassified ago


sponiatowski ago

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Goodfella ago

Great work! Im looking into this deeper later...