FalsePseudonym ago

I've been involved with several Mellow Mushrooms and there certainly wasn't anything nefarious afoot at any that I've worked at. I think think this is simply a groovy college-town-originating pizzeria. I can't speak for their involvement with questionable charities, but I will say this: Mellow isn't doing well because it's got some other business going on the side, but because it's seriously one of the best pizza places around and has an awesome atmosphere.

The bandanas are what the cooks wear on their head. There were no basements.

Dressage2 ago

As I stated, it may be absolutely nothing related to anything nefarious. Thanks for your input I appreciate it. Good to know.

Dressage2 ago

Thank you for your help. I click open on link and it takes me to Sli.mg. I see the Direct URL you typed, but when I try to copy into my post the original hyper link does not disappear and nothing happens. I went back again into Sli and I noted a little voat icon. When I click on it it makes a whole new post with the pic opening directly into a post. I deleted that one quickly! I am trying to figure this out.

Dressage2 ago

I hate to bug you, but I can't find where you edit your post on here. I am going to learn this stuff I swear! Not real IT type.

Dressage2 ago

How do I fix? I apologize I am new to all these programs. Thx

SpikyAube ago

Interesting! How did you first come across Mellow Mushroom Pizza?

Dressage2 ago

Weeks back someone on here made a comment in a unrelated post about something else that Mellow Mushroom looked a bit strange or something like that and that was it. I decided to look and see what person might have been saying.

B_dog ago

Lewis Carroll, I've only known for a few weeks, is a legend in the pedo community. Lewis Carroll and his works are a sort of pedo code as well. Of course not always, being one of the giants of literature. Carroll 'befriended' little girls, but lost interest as they reached puberty.



I used to love Alice in Wonderland. Sigh.