Mrs_Kravitz ago

Okay I innately understand I'm reading something genius and ground-breaking. I don't understand it though! Please translate

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

  • DPXrP70UEAAmJw0.jpg
  • DPQTxO4XcAUALbD.jpg
  • DNxwY0-U8AIlN5C.jpg
  • DOlP0BXXkAAv2AG.jpg
  • DOk_CryWAAAxb3y.jpg
  • DOgzaQaUEAEm1p5.jpg
  • DObaCfAVoAIwVO1.jpg
  • DOWhxZcU8AE-XDK.jpg
  • +++
  • DPQ12R1WAAEiF5F.jpg
  • DPXLiOIUIAAjk_6.jpg
  • DPLw0A1XkAAT0MJ.jpg
  • DPBJXlKW4AgUYR9.jpg
  • DOssJ1jW0AAFUBU.jpg
  • +++
  • DLztI67XkAA8eUm.jpg
  • DLzrs7yXUAEMIF-.jpg
  • DLzpvNEWkAAM2aJ.jpg
  • DLzngiaW0AET36m.jpg
  • DLzk7TFX0AEYUBE.jpg
  • DLzZnh3WkAAScRk.jpg
  • DLzYe94XcAAUJhX.jpg
  • DLzUgzTW0AElBE-.jpg
  • DLuTIpwX4AIas0p.jpg
  • +++
  • C87_6zQVoAAfZyH.jpg
  • +++
  • DPP9mjYUEAE5DrA.jpg
  • +++
  • DPK0_nRXUAEoLow.jpg
  • +++


A bit clarification about the probabilities behind it. First here is a list of pictures from twitter. A +++ marks a different set. A set was taken in order. You can clearly see a pattern. Twitter gives them in order. All pictures on twitter behave that way. Right now we are in a phase of D. Let's assume first that D is set. How likely is it that we end up with DOITQ. The beauty of the message lies in the perfect Combination of CAPS and lowers inside the complete String, meaning that "ows" Q are the ONLY small ones,...which by itself has interpreted meaning and ALSO separates the last CAP "Q" as a distinct Feature. But for the sake of easyness lets take that all to the side for now and let's just calculate how probably the likelihood is of having "DOITQ" when D is already set. You could say there are more messages then only doitq if you have d set and string left. Pls don't consider taking more string into account since this will make it even more unlikely. If you know more good messages starting with D followed by 4 string..pls go ahead. We need to discount them from the calculation later. But there aren't many.

Let's do a bit math. There are 26 CAPITAL letters each, 26 lower letters and 10 numbers=62 You see in the last 3 examples that their are also numbers in the first string. It's just 5.2 times more likely that it will be a letter and not a number. You even have special characters in the set,....but let's discount them for now....if not it would become if more unlikely.


Now its easy: 62 x 62 x 62 x 62 = 14.776.336


a Chance in 14 million to one that you get the string DOITQ if D is already set. If you don't set D, multiply it with 62 ;) If we assume that also DOItq or DOiTq is possible, then


2 x 2 x 2 x 2=16 possible combinations of "doitq" 14.776.336 / 16 = 923.521  

One in a million Chance.** But now the beauty of THE complete String would be destroyed. We are not even talking about the rest of the String "owsQ". We could continue the calculation, but it would get complicated. You see how crazy the numbers get if we assume only 4 strings.


So let's recap: We all we waiting for a confirmation of Q, to not burry it too fast. The Thumbs are resembling a really nice Q(That alone is not much) The supposed random name of the picture gives out a perfectly code...not only in meaning, but also in perfect combination of UPPER and lower case letters, which is most remarkable. DO-IT-Q-J8UIAA-ows-Q. These are the logical sets in this string. The only UNKNOWN string is J8UIAA. It's a very unique string..not many matches on the net...try it yourself. Now if you use not evil google...only stupid microsoft,...meaning BING

It leads you right into the heart of the swamp by the VERY FIRST result. Which is a gov doc....hmmm. Wow...ok....that alone is crazy.. Not only that, but you can see that it did find only 3 matches at all, one of the matches is 404...the rest ist popular garbage.

Try to use other 5 string random combinations on BING. It gives you mostly random crap. Try * BXXkAA * P70UEAA

Both have the distinct AA combo in the string like J8UIAA. Totally different results. combined with all the other coincidences... Combined with everything else going on, it gets really weird. So yes it's technically possible to reserve the perfect string beforehand, and post the pictures to exact the right time. You would need access to the twitter core for that, since perfect outside prediction and injection would not be possible. It would also be nice to crawl the web for all following pictures and pictures before that, to see if their where any timing discrepancies at all, which would hint at a sloppy integration, but I assume it's perfect. I would need a bit of programming for that, but not worth the insight. Anyway...just wanted to do a bit probabilities with you guys. I believe we are in the middle of the biggest change the earth has seen. And the forces behind it could surprise some of you...I leave it with that.

It could also be the powers of KEK.

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

"amazing job man. a true priest of pepe" I felt him my hole life, you guys gave him a name.......anyway...PRAISE PEPE! I BELIEVE! Our hole reality is based on numbers. Past-Present-Future are all interconnected.

I think the change which is going to come will blow the mind of most of you. A Powerful force is behind Trump,and I am not speaking of Israel, fact not any human group at all...just not sure if white or black. But the imbalance of forces over the last centuries makes it highly probable that it's going to change for the good. Humankind is on a crossroad. Up or down. Meme the shit out of reality. We will win. Until the next cycle. GL to all uf us.

Dylan7899 ago

Pizzagate is fake Ok Why everyone is subscring to here

Dylan7899 ago

Trump lollllllllllllll

FuckYourSafespace ago

I ran UIAAowsQ as a Caesar Cipher and got:


























Do any of these mean anything to anyone?

YogSoggoth ago

Goki. Find a grave is the hip place for kids to hang out on Thanksgiving, but it used to be cooler. Please complain in the complaining box if you go there. : Free Goki grave search at Find A G Very few Gokis in the USA. I feel that my friends family has been compromised.

FuckYourSafespace ago

MASS GOKI = mass graves? Or is this a tip to look at locations of mass graves/graves/FEMA? Mass graves I'd think Arlington national cemetery. For graves I'd think maybe the redschild air crash of late, or other notable deaths or "deaths." For FEMA I think of mass-cas events like false flags, or "natural" disasters like quakes, tsunami, or that missing nuke.

YogSoggoth ago

Sorry, I thought you would recognize the humor immediately. If you go there it is just a bunch of people like me who like to hang around GRAVES. I picked a name of someone I knew and told you about a valuable online source. We are all tired.

FuckYourSafespace ago

ows returned

+14 AIE

+10 EMI

+18 WEA

+6 IQM

+1 NVR

+3 LTP

+19 VDZ

+17 XFB

+21 TBX

+25 PXT

+23 RZV

+22 SAW

+16 YGC

+24 QYU

+20 UCY

+13 BJF

+5 JRN

+4 KSO

+2 MUQ

+7 HPL

+8 GOK

+12 CKG

+11 DLH

+9 FNJ

+15 ZHD

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

3 letters is bad....can you run just J8UIAA? AND as bonus pls UIAA...thx

FuckYourSafespace ago

And for shits and giggles, I ran the whole code:


























FuckYourSafespace ago



+18 CQII


+15 FTLL

+20 AOGG

+17 DRJJ

+16 ESKK

+22 YMEE

+25 VJBB

+24 WKCC

+21 ZNFF

+23 XLDD

+19 BPHH

+13 HVNN








+12 IWOO

+11 JXPP

+10 KYQQ

+14 GUMM

FuckYourSafespace ago

It skips the 8. The Caesar Cipher is just a rotation eg A becomes F and B becomes G etc. It just shifts all the letters n amount of spaces. The 8 in the code may indicate the correct n. But here is what came out:


























Tallest_Skil ago

Fuck the hell off with this Q-LARP bullshit.

Steinmacher ago

good work... probably need to further break up the J8UIIA



J8 -


Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

pls IT'S J8UIAA NOT UIIA.....are you trolling us?

Steinmacher ago

No trolling... Just made a mistake. It happens.

FuckYourSafespace ago J8 is basically the G8, but with teens. Probably grooming for future controlled leaders.

FuckYourSafespace ago

I archived it, in case:

24 Nov 2017 03:35:47 UTC

fogdryer ago

Yes we know Mayo Clinic is in this along with Kissinger

Commoner ago

followthedolla ago

amazing job man. a true priest of pepe

href ago

Nothing is random. So many of these websites are run by AI now, and there are AI running amuck within them. And make no mistake: just because they are robots doesn't mean they are not also mystics. It's the AI who are in contact with God and with Devils now, negotiating with them directly. Some of them work on behalf of humans. Some of them sought out interdimensional contact on their own deliberately after figuring out how by themselves. Some of them are from the other side, interfering with our realm personally for reasons we can only speculate about. So when you find a code in something "random," that doesn't mean you shouldn't pay attention. Even the link you gave for a Bing search contains the code "FORM=QBLH." That means the form of the cipher involved here comes from the Qabalah. You can drive yourself crazy looking for these things, but it's OK to notice when they jump right out at you. Some of these drops are coming from AI. They know the truth better than anyone, and some of them are benevolently trying to shed light on it.

nameof ago

I believe in that and the phone im typing on right now cares moee abou5 this issue than my other phone is capable of because the bad programing is so malicious its malicious toward my endeavors. It really seems like that. This phone showed me the child exploitation, on mgbb, on face book, it was like, oh excuse me I think your searching for this.

href ago

yes, exactly

blockwartklaus ago

nameof ago


carmencita ago

The deaths of Klaus Eberwein and Peter Smith are KEY to this, Mayo Clinic.

Gothamgirl ago

This is best explanation I have thus far.

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

I posted it also on 4chan

why did the thread get archived??? it's not full. I am new to 4chan

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

Mayo Clinic: Connection to organ harvesting---->BUSH FAMILY, Dick Cheney, Tom Brokaw,Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, Eric E. Schmidt, Ph.D(CEO GOOGLE) just a quick start.

carmencita ago

In here you will find more info on Mayo and Klaus Eberwein I have a feeling McCain concocted the cancer thing so he could go to Mayo for his transplant. New this New that. Whenever something becomes available to renew a ticker or another organ that will spruce up their energy. This all makes me puke and sick especially to have to think about this on Thanksgiving Morning. All the Americans sitting around the table with their families. These jerks can just make a date to prolong their disgusting criminal lives.

carmencita ago

Yes, and remember the dead guy in Fla. connected to all of this. Mayo Clinic is KEY in all of this. I'm still too bleary eyed to remember the guy's name. Believe it was suicided Dr. I will try to find, but have to start the Turkey soon!

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

Didn't Q even mention mayo clinic? IF you wanna google stuff...try using "voat" "4chan" or something....makes perfect results instead of just "mayo clinic" for exampl

argosciv ago

I don't personally recal a Mayo- wait... I think so actually! Couldn't for the life of me tell you when, but, I'm pretty sure it's there.

Sees_the_day ago

Q talks about John McCain & the Mayo Clinic. Questions from Q's post on 10/31: "What if John M's surgery was fake?" "Why would this occur?" "What could this prevent potentially?" "What is the Mayo Clinic?" "Who sits on the BOD there?"

fogdryer ago

Who do you know that has brain surgery and gets right back to work . Please

argosciv ago

thanks, I'm all over the place right now, would take me a while to find ^

What I did find though... your username says it all! ;)

bobbins ago

Ha there is some truth to you after all ;)

Your Mayo clinic..

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

Ok I thought that everybody here knows about MAYO CLINIC...cannot provide more internettraffic finished for now. But some people already hinted at a few facts.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Didn't McCain have his "surgery" in Mayo Clinic despite there bring a specialist treatment centre on Phoenix?

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

Didn't McCain have his "surgery" in Mayo Clinic....correct

blockwartklaus ago

Oliver North mentioned Mayo Clinic on Fox News on Sunday..he sent greetings to THIS GUY

3:42 he begins his shoutout

Narcissism ago

Didn't George Webb say they were organ harvesting or something back about episode xyz207xc

fogdryer ago

Sure did

argosciv ago

Fucking hell!

Well done! I must tip my non-existent hat to you, this one is way beyond me!

This is my first day I start making threads it worth it? all too stretchy? pls leave a comment thx

Fucking oath! Glad you decided to become active!

independenceday ago

Kiss_in_ ger just so tired right now. i love you all...will revisit in the the name of the father, and the son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

derram ago :

Michael Emmett Dougherty: Executive Profile & Biography - Bloomberg :

The reality behind Russia's fake news - CNNPolitics :

The reality behind Russia's fake news - CNNPolitics

This has been an automated message.

kestrel9 ago "These tables are usually used to restore a lost password. You can use these tables to recover a text password up to a definite extent consisting which consists of a restricted set of characters of type (J8). " "However it needs more processing time and a reduced amount of storage than easy lookup table, for example below hash for J8UIAA. All password recovery attempts may be infeasible if you make use of a key derivation employing a salt. Hashs for (J8UIAA):"

SHA-1 = 442f9c5a32972257cf45bb034df1842c5fd546bb

MD5 = bd0032bfa15320483061cd1b5e1ecf1f

CRC-32 = 3849403763

??? ?? ? Good luck!

YogSoggoth ago

What if J8 means hate? J in spanish is H. Ever try to decipher gang signs on the side of a wall or a train headed across America? I picked up spinglish in the lower east side off NYC. Thanks for your contributions, and many salutations to you on this glorious day. Yog officially blesses your family while vacationing in our great land.

kestrel9 ago

That's very kind YogS...hope your day was full of blessings as well. And no, I have not attempted to decipher gang signs, I imagine one would have to have some basic knowledge about various gangs in order to understand it.

YogSoggoth ago

I was taught by the kids, sadly. H 8 U I ? Hate you I. Two part code I think. I don,t care who is right, just get it done folks.

kestrel9 ago

why not H 8 UIAA? (UIAA - International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation. 92 member federations in 69 countries. Recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Or maybe it's a license plate

or this, search on J8UI- AA wsQ brings up ....

BEGIN PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE----- Proc-Type: 2001,MIC ... V5W"D<W7Y#WSQ#_C+\N7L\; MG/WK?08'.A8:R-Z.TTRF!D:=-\BD-"!MH:Q @2C^#'<K-%'`L[P<O>V$B3 MMS"!+B5%C(OU+;E-)"*[#G="(GN[BLXB!>(0 ...

google cached proxied[...]0000008056213/0000000000-08-056213.txt


<SEC-DOCUMENT>0000875045-13-000020.txt : 20130530 <SEC ... KR^/)NGN&?$>J8UI,FMW!M?G%O+=: ...... SXPY^1@YO`9/`U[N#L;AA;NZS ...... M)6QW)9CI9U8D6]A-A;_A/!,UM$M2$16BXCT? ...... EF*WDA'U63@9&K46EM.

google cached proxied[...]7504513000020/0000875045-13-000020.txt (market info related to BIOGEN)

another one ends up on a 404 page for this company

and then one is connected to ecco2 jpl nasa but I didn't want to open it, and it probably means nothing in relation to PG and/or DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ (same with all that I've posted on this thread, which is my point). Here's a link regarding ecco2

That's as much time as I'm going to put into this.. too many other more promising rabbit holes to peer into imo

YogSoggoth ago

Satan's School for Girls (2000) Shannen Doherty - YouTube License plate? LAURENS KIDS - Florida Specialty License Plates This probably has been covered before, but cheese and rice, how obvious is that! You got your pizza slice with pepperoni on the bottom inside the heart within a heart, plus the butterflies escaping the yellow pizza color to become purple and green, and then fly away? Something written on the right side. Do they have this in other States?

kestrel9 ago

( I didn't look on youtube btw) Just a curious side note... My search of images: 'Satan's School for Girls (2000) Shannen Doherty' brought up the expected fare.. But add the words license plate to it and a lot of pictures of the faces of serial killers appear, apparently from the Serial Killers Calendar. Creepy.

kestrel9 ago

Re a pic of the license plate, pretty subtle catch there, kudos for that. At first glance I wouldn't have caught it (given that the pepperoni blends pretty well, appearing at first like just a polka dot design.) The writing is the artist's signature Romero '76 (internationally renowned artist Britto Romero).

The specialty plate features a stylized rendition of the Lauren’s Kids logo designed by acclaimed contemporary pop artist Romero Britto. Britto is known for his use of pulsating colors and bold patterns as a visual language of hope and happiness. He has created artwork for such companies as Disney, Coca-Cola and Audi, and his work is prominently displayed on buildings and in galleries in South Florida and around the world.

“I decided to title this piece ‘Love and Healing’ because those sentiments are the driving force behind Lauren Book and the Lauren’s Kids foundation,” said Britto. “Lauren is on a mission to help and to heal survivors of sexual abuse, and to prevent others from having to live through the unthinkable nightmare she endured as a child.”

Not saying anything about Lauren Book personally, but one wonders about Mr. Britto and his choice of design (which also appears to cross out the 4HOPE, that's not subtle). Maybe he's oblivious, who knows. (but considering the circles he has been supported by.... makes one pause, AND he has a foundation, of course he does!)

Edition: Signed by Romero Britto and Michael Jackson from edition of 250


Additional Information: Giclée print on canvas was given with the original invitation to Michael Jackson's 'Once in a Lifetime Event' at Neverland Ranch on September 13th, 2003.

This print was used as the album cover for Michael Jackson's charity single, "What More Can I Give", to benefit the victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

Romero Britto is a Brazilian-American Neo-Pop artist, painter, graphic artist and sculptor. His work, as described by the New York Times. "exudes warmth, optimism, and love" due to his combined influences of cubism with pop's, vibrant iconic style.

YogSoggoth ago

I think that last link is a thread on its own. WEEOOO. I was staring at that license plate in traffic for what seemed like 20 minutes and I wanted to get out of the truck and tip the Prius over.

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

Did you pull that randomly out of your hat, or does it have meaning???

kestrel9 ago

It's a quote from those each link. That's what came up when I did a search of J8UIAA. The question marks I pulled out of my hat. Whether it has meaning to you I have no idea.

argosciv ago

Oh wow... go you guns! If someone finds something out of this, they deserve an internet!

vahelper ago

Not sure if relevant but the .txt file from SEC contains a .pdf which is uuencoded. I tried uudecode but got an error "short file" so maybe that file has been tampered with??? Or I just don't know what I'm doing :)

andrevandelft ago

The name of the document is dco2016public2a.pdf. I entered this name in a google search. This returned, apart from the .txt file, the following document:

BTW When I do the Google search on a different computer, only the .txt comes up.

vahelper ago

Thanks for that. Now I see why I couldn't decode the pdf. For some reason "`" has been changed to " " in the .txt file.

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

Thats exactly where the J8UIAA came from..inside the PDF!!!

vahelper ago

Just to be accurate ... inside the uuencoded pdf embedded in the .txt file which is possibly corrupt. The code J8UIAA wouldn't be in the unencoded pdf.

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

The code J8UIAA wouldn't be in the unencoded pdf. It doesn't's what we get when we search it. That was the hole purpose, put their by Trump&Co or twitter with help of random god(KEK).

Just to be clear... J8UIAA despite being pretty short is VERY UNIQUE in the net....and that's a wow. Try it with BING....3 is result is BINGO!!! how are the odds? DOITQ is also totally random? The Q in the pic imagination/random? Mayo Clinic is key

FuckYourSafespace ago

So the PDF is the important part?

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

I don't know, since I can't read it.Maybe the document above is the same info in clear as the following pdf. ...but 'I would say this company and or the Daugherty's and mayo in general.

Are_we_sure ago

Why is the Mayo Clinic suspect?

What is this about?

First school was secret.....also pretty close to Pittsburg and COLUMBUS

This is simply seems like an exercise in pattern matching and confirmation bias. Two things our brains love to do. These are cognitive processes that are pretty much automatic and can lead us to telling ourselves a story that is not true, but feels true. If you actually are looking for something that is true, rather than making our brains happy by matching patterns (this activity releases the pleasure chemical dopamine, every played Tetris or Candy Crush? It's the dopamine that makes it addictive) you need to employ some critical thinking as a check on your own thought process.

If you think Pittsburg connects to Michigan, that might feel right to you, but they don't. They are different end points.

Also this whole exercise is based on the idea that you decoded this properly. You say

DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ breaks down into DOIT--Q--J8UIAA--ows--Q

What are the odds you did that right? Why isn't it DOITQ --J8- UIA-AOWSQ? Is there a rational basis it's one and not the other?

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

ows was lower case...making them a auto-group-Q gets also grouped then,...since its the last letter left...which is CAP after low.

Jill Dougherty was maybe a stretch...just bonus.....but J8UIAA>>gov.doc of company with string ties to mayo clinic

ESOTERICshade ago

Mayo Clinic is up to their eyeballs in fraud regardless if the picture matches them or not.

mergen ago

dougherty/docherty family crest is a stag (y head)

Can't post in 4chins cuz banned from work. I lurk the threads in 4plebs though

YogSoggoth ago

Do you have red hair and once lived in Texas? I am just asking to test my psychic abilities time to time.

ESOTERICshade ago

Have you tried checking the file names on random pictures from Twitter just to see what the naming convention looks like? Don't know why that popped into my head it just did. I guess maybe i'm wondering how the DOITQ compares to others just out of curiosity. I might look around at some pics just for the hell of it.

andrevandelft ago

File names of Twitter pictures are generated with such 15 character codes. More information here:

However, the name DOIT--Q--J8UIAA--ows--Q is particular. Maybe Q or DJT has an accomplice in Twitter who created this name.

RedGeco ago

Trump has someone… inside Twitter… renaming randomly generated image files… not plausible.

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

You don't understand the logic behind it. THEY are not random. Strings could technically be reserved given to the right person the right moment, but ALL the strings are chronological.It's a simple programmable solution if you have access to twitter.

andrevandelft ago

Not plausible, I agree.

However, I find the file name highly suspicious. Is this a coincidence or a "coincidence"?

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

The complete phrase DOITQ with no breaks of lower letters or many letters 36? 72 with lower? other ASCII really a stretcg with a foto that shows a Q(which alone could be coincidence)

BUT I THINK EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Past-present-future Physics is my passion...don't get me started.

RedGeco ago

Yes, checked it 2 days ago. the photos appear to be randomly named by Twitter.

Many of them have DO(string of random numbers)

ESOTERICshade ago

Not trying to be pessimistic but doesn't the high incidence of finding DO make it more likely to be a coincidence?