PresudentMcCheese ago

This guy had already revealed Flynn trying to enlist Russian hackers. If anybody had him killed, it was Trump.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Let's hope so

thelandofchocolate ago

Either we're looking at the work of amateurs, or the poor wording of the fake suicide letter was intentional.

It makes me think of those Mossad agents who said they were there to document 9/11. So a group with the cunning to pull off such a crime would make a goof like that? I don't think so. I don't know what their game is, but I cannot imagine that they do these things on accident.

Are_we__sure ago

Suicide is not a verb.

And the answer is no. He just spoke with a journalist right before his death and had the perfect opportunity to talk about anything he wanted to.

Piscina ago

Hey Einstein, how far did you get in school? Not very by the looks. You can learn something new today: 'suicide' and 'suicided' are verbs:

suicide ˈs(j)uːɪsʌɪd/ verb past tense: suicided; past participle: suicided intentionally kill oneself. "she suicided in a very ugly manner"

Are_we__sure ago

I did well. I'm down with Webster's on this. In American English it's always a noun like matricide, genocide and regicide. Using it this way would get it flagged in any decent college English class

Piscina ago

American is not English.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

... you are assuming he knew he was going to die.

I get that you are here to be critical of everything, including questioning the sanity of Beck in the InfoWars video... but, dude. Seriously? You cannot possibly believe that all of these deaths and their immediate dismissal/relationship to the very same groups we're researching is all a mere coincidence.


Skeptical is fine. But to dismiss these connections without any questions is beyond simple skepticism.

Just as a test... what are your thoughts on Building 7? Did it fall due to fires/heat? Or was it something else?

kazza64 ago

i wish i could remember where i read it .... but there was a woman who was whistleblowing that died mysteriously by suiciding on helium.

Jobew1 ago

interesting. the suicide note is sketchy af. however the dude was 81........ who knows

2impendingdoom ago

Now that we've heard from Elizabeth Beck, makes you wonder if someone from Mayo didn't deliver the helium in person. I wonder if that hotel has any video of who comes and goes.

DerivaUK ago

How does one get a helium tank into a hotel room without raising some questions?

2impendingdoom ago

dressed as a clown?

Piscina ago

I imagine that whoever did this either destroyed the footage or made sure that it wasn't recording at the time this took place.

carmencita ago

This was in the comments. Some are paying attention: @David Reitter July 16th, 2017 - Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official who was expected to expose the extent of Clinton Foundation corruption and malpractice next week, has been found dead in Miami. He was 50. I can't find the Marketwatch story about this. Hmm?

carmencita ago

This just gets crazier, weirder and more bazzarro every day.

Commoner ago

Did not some anon source say that as we closed in there would be suicides....not that these are official suicides... but very suspicious.

carmencita ago

Maybe an anon, but so did one of our members @Wolftrail7272 He said that when we were closing in their would be suicides, murders, explosions, accidents, fires. Destroying Evidence. This is not a Bombshell. This goes on all the time when criminals are being exposed. Even in small crimes.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Watch the chans /pol/ for dox lists. It doesn't matter if our enemies know to expect this on the chans either because the information will find its way out through multiple paths. Do you remember when they released dox lists of CIA assets? Primarily safe houses. One was on East Adams road by the YMCA in kirkwood, and had a large detatched garage, just to show you it was a real thing. When these dox lists drop, you will realize the scope of what we're dealing with, as well as the severity of actions needed. I can't be more specific than that without making myself a target for very specific and exploitable charges for organized violence.

carmencita ago

Is there anything you want me to post or work on that will help further what you are working on or need exposed right now? Will gladly comply. Is the safe house one you want me to look into? O my God, it is so good to hear from you.