srayzie ago

"We still listen to Diana around the house," Obama said. "that's why we gave her the presidential medal of freedom last year. But, this is a big deal to."

They like her music so she gets a presidential medal of Freedom? That's weird.

argosciv ago

Have you seen me call out Phillip and Charles, over Diana, in part 9? xD

Unfortunately all, I must be heading to sleep, I procrastinated a bit and was enjoying watching a certain jealous, downvoating pretender, seal their own fate. ;)

I will definitely continue working on my White Rabbit thread as soon as I'm rested, sorry again for the delay.

@Vindicator @Crensch @alphabravo @carmencita @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

srayzie ago

I haven't looked yet. I will. Good night. đŸ’€

Matt_Helm ago

Charles Manson was an MK-Ultra brainwashed patsy the CIA totally controlled him they wanted him and his cult followers to kill Sharon Tate and her friends and that's exactly what they did.

777_truth_seeker ago

  • Rick Ruben produced the album "blood sugar sex magik" by the red hot chili peppers in the 90's.
  • Rick Ruben produced the Jay-Z album in '04 (Jay-Z -- the Hungarian with Marina Ambromovic)
  • Jack Nicolson was friends with Roman Polanski. Polanski Raped a girl at Jack's house.
  • Jack was dating Angelica Houston-- rumored to be a satanic witch.
  • Angelica Houston stared in a late 80's movie called "witches".
  • Roman Polanski made Rose Mary's baby--satanic cult at the Dakota (where Lenin was killed) the cult wanted to usher in the Anti Christ.
  • Rumor has it, Polanski's pregnant girlfriend was a satanic offering.
  • Jack Nicholson has been linked to child hospitals & making rounds (Ala Jimmy Savile?)
  • Jack Nicholson has a tunnel that connects his house to the playboy house.
  • Anyone remember the brutal slaying at the WONDERLAND st in the 80's? supposed drug deal gone wrong? James Holmes?
  • Richard Ramirez was the satanist & called himself the night stalker.

bopper ago

Have you seen the Wonderland murders police crime scene video? Wow.

carmencita ago

Is this something that will keep me up for days at night? Is it bloody and gruesome or just scary. What slaying at the Wonderland. Where is the Wonderland. The only one I know of is the Wonderland Club A CP Ring part of Operation Cathedral. This must be something else.

bopper ago

You can wiki "the wonderland murders," below is crime scene footage, I would say yeah, it's pretty uncomfortable to watch, graphic, but if you think of the victims as somewhat unreal it helps. It's mainly just a lot of blood.This was in Laurel Canyon and the four people were bludgeoned to death w/ hammers. Don't watch it if you have a weak stomach. I've seen it many times.

carmencita ago

I am somewhat weak stomached and weak kneed. Maybe I will just look up a write up on it. Laurel Canyon. I remember reading a report by Abel Danger. Just about everyone was screwed up and with the CIA, and their fathers either Generals or Majors in the Armed Forces. Very well planned and orchestrated but when reading it I thought it was a mess. Maybe things were thought out before but when things went wrong, they were changed in midstream, for they were in control and could manage almost anything.

Shizy ago

The same things were said about the Tate murders. The crime occurred in the next canyon over if I remember right and most people who lived there were somehow connected to a secret military base in the area, the CIA, or the entertainment industry (allegedly controlled by CIA as per the rumors). Sharon Tate's father was pretty high up in the navy....

carmencita ago

The whole area was controlled. I now believe nothing there happened by accident. That is why Manson was under lock and key. There was a reason they wanted to keep him away from everyone else. Sometimes those people go off and cause a problem. Better to lock them up. I also think there is much more to be learned about Polanski.

bopper ago

Yes the whole Laurel Canyon thing I have looked into just a little. I know something went on, just how deep I don't know. But I do believe the whole hippie psychedelic thing was somewhat orchestrated, including the music. The old movie Mulholland Drive was set in Laurel Canyon. It's a beautiful place. I love Southern California but it's gotten really screwed up. I met Roy Rogers there, and Dale, crazy story, I'll tell you sometime.

carmencita ago

Would love to hear it. Big Fan.

bopper ago

Only Carmencita would be a Roy Rogers fan :) @srayzie

Short version. Went out to Victorville in California, a few miles from Apple Valley, where Roy and Dale lived, this was late '70s. Visiting some cousins. They bragged about Roy living close to them. I said no way. So we challenged them (we were young punks).

We three banged on Roy's door at about 11 PM at night (this was just a few years after Manson murders and not too far from the Splahn Ranch). Really stupid of us. There was a stagecoach and big wagon wheel and cactus out front. No security whatsoever that we could see, but long driveway (you can google his house, it was in disrepair for a while).

Dale talked thru the door, and went and got Roy. (She said what do we want, we said we want to see Roy Rogers.) Roy flung the door wide open, he was standing there in his pajamas or long underwear, can't remember which, with a shotgun in his hand. We talked for a minute, then he realized we were just kids. Tho we couldn't have cared less, he assumed we were young fans and he relaxed. "Go visit the museum in the morning boys."

In the morning we arrive at the museum and Dale was contacted on the phone by the receptionist (don't remember exactly how it was arranged). Dale said tell the boys Roy had a gun cause he's a deputy sheriff in the town. She felt bad (he should have shot us lol). Dale said let the boys in free. So we saw Trigger who was stuffed (and now in storage somewhere in Branson MO) and the dog and that was about it haha. Crazy times.

carmencita ago

Yeah, Pat Brady and his Jeep Nelly Bell and Bullet the German Shepherd. My husband remembered the really old movies he was in. He is out now but I can't wait to tell him story. I had a Dale and Roy Lunch Box. They were metal in those days with a little thermos inside. Worth a lot of money now. Gosh those were the days and a much simpler time. You know, all the gadgets we have nowadays and nobody has time. People have have tons of apps to manage their time, because they are all in a hurry. Go Figure. Thanks for a Trip Down Memory Lane.

bopper ago

Yes, I know. What a crazy world we now live in. You know David Cassidy is near death?

I'll let you go. Apps are like closets, the more you have the more you'll fill them up.

carmencita ago

I don't have any and never will. Just an Old Fashioned Girl (Sometimes).

srayzie ago

I remember that story Ernie boy. Are you proud of me? You should just go marry Carmencita 🙄 Argosciv was writing me going off about ESOTERIC too. He hates him so now he's trying to convince me that ESO has alts and that I should have believed him all along. Lol

Vindicator ago

Interesting stuff. I'm going to give this the new QAnon "Storm Watch" flair I just made, since Q brought this up last night::

How must people be made aware of an alternate reality? What are crumbs (think H-wood/DC) Define ‘lead-in’ (think play)? What has been occurring recently? The stage must be set. Crumbs are easy to swallow. What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America? What is a honeypot? Define blackmail. How could this be applied? Fantasy land. WHO HAS ALL OF THE INFORMATION? No Such Agency. The hunter becomes the hunted. Operations underway. Operators active.

independenceday ago

Thank you @Vindicator, you sound like Q ;)

Vindicator ago

Not Q, just quoting him. :-)

independenceday ago

I know, had a little wine before bed last night ;)

Vindicator ago


argosciv ago

new QAnon "Storm Watch" flair I just made

<insert ricilous amount of "<3" here>

Vindicator ago

Hi All, I received this today and I don't know it's origin.

@independenceday, can you elaborate on just HOW you 'received' it?

argosciv ago

Hai! There's definitely something here :)

I can't believe I'm about to say this, but, source irrelevant. <3

independenceday ago

Got it sent to me @ GAB after i was banned on Twitter as Alice_in_Wonderland @RabbitHoleAlice2

Blacksmith21 ago

Knock Knock? Who's there? Trump? Oh fuck.

Vindicator ago

Someone make me a meme of this I can share!

argosciv ago

Fucking lol! Glad I hung around for a min before I run down the shops

argosciv ago


I think...

@srayzie @alphabravo @independenceday @GothamGirl @Vindicator

srayzie ago

That's a long cancer stick lol

argosciv ago

lol, i had to go get some, but then the fuckwits at the local Woolworths(Safeway) decided that today(out of the last, I dunno, 8+ years), that I looked under 25, despite that I'm 26 and have seen enough shit in this lifetime to last a couple thousand years xD

Long story short, had to go for a longer walk to get my cancer sticks :P

srayzie ago

Haha be grateful! That's a good thing!

argosciv ago

PFFT! Not for guys!

Last thing we want, is to be told we look younger than 25, at age 25+, looking young is shit!

Anywho, bigger matters afoot, still unsure if I sould make my own thread for my White Rabbit find...

srayzie ago

Well 10 years from now you'll appreciate more

argosciv ago

touché, but, I don't expect to make it past 30, or 35 if i'm lucky :P

srayzie ago


argosciv ago

Poor life choices + the target on my back for exposing the Saud/Ottoman connection xD

srayzie ago

Have you been targeted?

argosciv ago

Oh almost assuredly, but, it's not in anyone's better interest to be killing me ;)

srayzie ago

Good thing you live far away from me then. Lol just kidding,

argosciv ago

Hahahaha! No, it probably is good, you don't wanna be anywhere near me xD Y'know being an evil satan worshipper and all... (yes, sarcasm)

srayzie ago

I know! Haha

argosciv ago

Aight, I better get back to my White Rabbit thread...

Kinda annoyed to interrupt the research chain, but, what the hey, it's all relevant.

srayzie ago

Okie dokie 🐇

argosciv ago

lol, you lot and your phone emoticons... why we no get emoticons on pc? :<

srayzie ago

I do everything from an iPad

srayzie ago

I know! I love emoticons lol. This is you. 🐉

argosciv ago

hey! that's a snake, not a dragon!

srayzie ago


argosciv ago

oh shit... housten we have a problem...

independenceday ago

yeah, i think you did too :)

argosciv ago

no no, a different one :P

independenceday ago


argosciv ago

^_^ made it back alive, though, sweating like a pig ;)

I'mma get right back into this, White Rabbit and my suspicions about Rick are... well... they're related but not... Christfuck, should I make a thread for us to be autists in, over in v/pizzagatewhatever?

alphabravo ago

Fascinating.... just fascinating!! All your shared knowledge and comments here are starting to paint an incredible picture. You all are simply amazing people and may you be showered with blessings every single day of your lives. I'm following, and sharing your info around. Thanks to you all for all you're doing. God Speed your digging!

Oh_Well_ian ago

how many sensational cases have been revisited ( re-written, narratives enforced ) in the last 2 years ? how many 'stars' have died ?

cibra ago

This involves Sandusky The DA Ray Gricar went missing. He was from Cleveland and broke a big case I need to search but dinner is ready

cibra ago

Here is an upclose article scroll down he specialized in rape & murder while a DA in Cleveland

cibra ago

OMG read the 4th post down by rider. This was in 2012 it's long but read it. "Representative Michael F. Doyle and Representative John Conyers Jr., questioned the prosecution's tactics in the aftermath of the first trial and instituted Congressional hearings on the matter.[27] "

cibra ago

Here is something from Reddit but still not the info from Cleveland before he moved to PA. I know a lot of the politicians in the next county over. Too close for comfort. One more thing my neighbors kid went to Sanduskys club. My son freaked out when that neighbor kid did bad things to his dog. The politicians in the next town knew this. This was in 1994-1995

I'm still researching. I'm on a phone typing sux, please excuse :)

Lafall ago

degenerate Tarantino is highly connected with Weinstein

AngB23 ago

I feel like David Geffen needs to be looked at very closely. He’s very involved with MOCA but not sure of his role during the 2011 gala w/the infamous spirit cooker

I also believe Geffen at one time had connections with Linkin Park (Chester Bennington) and SoundGarden (Chris Cornell). Geffen was also BBF with Andy Wharol. Both, according to “rumors” were attracted to very young men..aka, underaged teen boys

Not about Geffen, but other Hollyweird types. Some very questionable pics

merica_fk_yeah ago

just a note: his daughter Peaches, defiantly a victim, was breaking down in her "programming" and "died" of a heroin overdose, leaving her baby in his care. this is frightening.

merica_fk_yeah ago

oh and found this interesting little blog about Peaches outing the child abuse MK ULTRA right before she "died" (2014)

this is full of all kinds of mysteries surrounding Geldof, Peaches and Paula Yates. a good read

swordfish69 ago

Remember that a Folger is currently one of the Prime suspects in the DC satanic pedophile ring, and that Polanski (a satanic pedophile, I won't mince words) was involved with another.

DonKeydich ago

“There are similar efforts in other parts of the country. The Clinton Foundation put $150,000 into creating a Haiti Coffee Academy, a project that also involves a U.S. roaster, La Colombe Torrefaction. The academy, set up at an abandoned coffee farm, is near the southeastern border with the Dominican Republic, which buys a lot of Haiti’s production. Former President Clinton visited the academy last February.”

Coffee = Portuguese Brazil = Sephardic Jewish merchants &slavers, expelled to Holland, Dutch Indonesia = JAVA, Dutch governor of New York knows better but is overruled,, New World coffee mostly supplied from Haiti

1911 Supreme Court splits Rockefeller’s Standard Oil into 33 additional companies, New York branch SOCONY headed by Henry Clay Folger, relative of Alefantis friend Izette Folger and his Facebook friend “Nicholas”

SOCONY becomes Mobil (now ExxonMobil)

srayzie ago

You must not really be Donkey because you were decent and actually helped.

Vindicator ago

Wow Donkey. That was a potentially useful contribution. Have an upvoat.

srayzie ago

I thought for a minute it wasn't him until I read his reply to you 😂 He's so pleasant.

DonKeydich ago

It's from a post you deleted, so shove your upvoat up your pisshole you filthy kike.

argosciv ago

Okay, you know something is very much up, when I upvoat and talk to don...

@Vindicator @Trigglypuff @srayzie @alphabravo @Crensch

I'm about to shine a light on fucking Israel...

srayzie ago

You must have bumped your head to upvote that FREAK LOL

argosciv ago

it's due to urgency xD this is fucked...

srayzie ago

Well tell us

argosciv ago

I accidentally clicked home and lost the submission, for now, lol xD

Gonna put it together again, though.

srayzie ago

I hate when that happens

IAMDeMolay ago


They've all been kidnapped by aliens.

It should be noted, that virtually all of the lurid reports being palmed off on the public as examples of "alien misbehavior" are actually secret psychological warfare operations by human rogue military-intelligence units to help further the SATANIC ORDER. It's MK ULTRA on mass scale and the WORLD needs to know the TRUTH.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D Councillor tells the truth...

Still not convinced?

Kidnapped by the Australian government to former POTUS Richard Nixon at RAAF Fairbairne military airport

They call it the initiation of the child to the Egyptian Third Eye aka MONARCH programming. (((MUST READ)))

independenceday ago

Richard Boylan was OUTED decades ago as being a sexual predator...i seems to recall some story about spending time with his clients in a HOTTUB...not too cool as a 'psychologist' !

IAMDeMolay ago

Bro come on... You completely ignore the important part, & instead you chuck BUZZ words and pick at a very weak slander campaign.

Boylan worked as a social worker and psychologist and was previously a president of the Sacramento Valley Psychological Association.

He was also been chairman of the Calaveras County Board of Education and a board member of the Marin Municipal Water District,

But in 1995, the California Board of Psychology revoked his license, saying he had "abused his role as a therapist when he imposed his personal views, of the existence of extraterrestrials into the dreams and memories of two patients."

But Boylan realised he was a victim of alien abduction himself, he broke the programming and spoke out against it and so I'm I.

independenceday ago

I know Boylan, 'nuf said.

IAMDeMolay ago

I'm not arguing Boylan didn't do some bad things, of course he did. The sad thing is, he was still taught a lie and it cost him is childhood, that's what bothers me.

independenceday ago

ok, i have my own insights too. peace bro.

ridemyplane ago

I never liked film noir that much anyway.

independenceday ago

Was ROMAN POLANSKI the FATHER of Sharon Tates' BABY of 8.5 months?

Shizy ago

It was probably Jay's baby

Lafall ago

I don't know if I believe pizzgate but even before the whole rape thing and fleeing America this Polanski was said to be depraved, Orgies, Sex Tapes and refused to sleep with her once she got pregnant and wanted her to get an abortion, he was cheating having an affair with Michelle Phillips of The Mamas & The Papas ...also see Mackenzie's Incest infanticide abortion ...John Phillips of Mamas and Papas Slept With Daughter Mackenzie...Sharon Tate stepped was a child start or child model, April 27, 1943, when she was chosen as Miss Tiny Tot at six months old in her hometown of Dallas, Texas...a weird sick world @swordfish69 @srayzie @Gothamgirl ?

argosciv ago

independenceday ago

you know what that people are awesome! #FollowTheWhiteRabbit xo

srayzie ago

Well it's not me lol

argosciv ago

haha i know, just noticed that almost all of us are copping them in this chain of comments, one has to wonder, why?

Gothamgirl ago

@argosciv Is the person who knows this stuff best.

argosciv ago

Hmm? Funny story, I looked at this earlier and thought "sounds like my kinda gig, but, my god i just want to bask", what's up?

carmencita ago

Can't wait for your stuff on Princess Di.

Gothamgirl ago

I just thought this post is something you know better then most.

argosciv ago

Well, it has my interest and there's definitely some weird shit going on with Rick... can anyone confirm where Rick was in April/September of 1996?

@independenceday @srayzie @Lafall

(sorry gg, had to repost so the ping would send out)

Gothamgirl ago

No worries my friend.

srayzie ago

I don't know who that is. You are needed over here @Bopper 🙄

bopper ago

@srayzie RELAX, he's okay. Lol.

argosciv ago

Haha cheers! xD

bopper ago

Got friends over there where you are mate. And family in New Zealand.

argosciv ago

Relax, I'm okay, I'm not trying to be weird, just a possibly sensitive lead.

srayzie ago

I AM relaxed

argosciv ago

Haha okay, wasn't sure if you were calling in bopper because you thought I was being weird :P

srayzie ago

No! @Bopper come back. Bopper should write a book on this stuff. He would know.

argosciv ago

Well I may be way off the mark with Rick, we'll see if anyone can confirm or deny my suspicions. If he can be accounted for in the timeframe I'm asking about, then my suspicions may be void.

bopper ago

@srayzie Bopper is the doctor of all things weird. So he was called in. But, what Rick guy are y'all unrelaxed people talking about? Guess I should go back read the post.

srayzie ago


independenceday ago

I was out of it at that point, but I suspect he was well on his way of cultivating other artists....just looked at who he signed under his label...bless you for looking...we have to flush this shit out!

argosciv ago

No no, I mean literally, his whereabouts... what country?

(End of)April/(Start of)September 1996... someone out there knows why this is significant in my mind... Who the fuck is Rick? Where was Rick? Is he "your main man"????



argosciv ago

@The_Savant see context: thoughts?

independenceday ago

Sounds like he IS! Please help us lots more for a trusting audience.

alphabravo ago

Hey guys, wow, just reading through all your fascinating comments while waking up. This is all astounding. What a thread and fanastic work. What do you need elp with?!

argosciv ago


argosciv ago

Well, it has my interest and there's definitely some weird shit going on with Rick... can anyone confirm where Rick was in April/September of 1996?


srayzie ago

My gosh. That's so fascinating. Thank you.

srayzie ago

I was a teenager when New Kids on the block got famous and I had the biggest crush on Donnie Wahlburg. Good thing your friend declined knowing what we know now.

independenceday ago

He was actually considered the coolest and smartest and today he is a practicing Christian ;)

srayzie ago

Donny? So is MC Hammer. Who would have thunk it?

independenceday ago

can't touch it...#Jesus ;)

srayzie ago

Lol with those pants!

independenceday ago

Someone mind-fuck him into given up the goods?

'This marks the second time Manson, an inmate at Corcoran State Prison, was hospitalized this year. In January, Manson spent several days in a Bakersfield hospital. The prison system would not comment on his condition, but sources at the time said he had a “serious” illness.'

bopper ago

It's recently coming out that Ernest Hemingway's shock therapy treatments were no accident. He was connected to Fidel Castro, he knew him ... who knows what they did to Manson.

2impendingdoom ago

how could shock treatments possibly be an accident?

bopper ago

Indeed. I screwed that up didn't I? Supposedly they were against his will. He lost his mind after that. Someone said they're the equivalent of electrical lobotomies. But Hemingway was also a heavy drinker. He tried to walk into an airplane propeller. I saw Hemingway today at McDonald's, I told him he looked just like an aged Hemingway and he said I get that all the time.

2impendingdoom ago

I can't imagine anyone getting shock treatment willingly but maybe. Anyway, reminds me of Rosemary Kennedy with the lobotomy talk. I wonder what she did to cause hers. All these families are so fucked up in one way or another.

bopper ago

Rosemary Kennedy with the lobotomy talk.

Wow I forgot all about that. Yeah, they are indeed messed up. Probably a lot of psych drugs involved. My grandmother willingly got shock treatment as a last ditch thing, then committed suicide (well supposedly she was willing). Lewis Meriwether of Lewis and Clark killed himself too, cause he ran out of morphine. What a world.

2impendingdoom ago

my grandfather was given shock treatments too. He died before I was born. but the alleged reason was to shush him from disclosing FDR's provocation of Pearl Harbor.

bopper ago

Wow, then no wonder Hemingway's treatment is suspect.

2impendingdoom ago

yes, my g-g'father was part of the York Plan, supplying for the (illegal) lend lease program

bopper ago

Wow. I remember that.

2impendingdoom ago

Actually, this will make you lol. I knew a guy whose dad was CIA/OSS and when he got old and was placed in a nursing home the family had to hire an attendant to make sure he didn't spill secrets.

bopper ago

That's funny. OSS goes way back. Well ... I know E. Howard Hunt's (Watergate CIA guy) son on facebook, St. John Hunt, he's in a rock band of all things. Hunt gave a death bed confession to his son so I guess they didn't attend him very well. Gosh I hope I don't get dementia, from being on Voat.

2impendingdoom ago

I think we are all getting dementia.

2impendingdoom ago

pre WW II? damn, bopper, you must be doing well for an old guy. :)

bopper ago

I'm from one of those places where people live to be 120 and their secret is goat cheese and red wine. Something like that.

History! Lol.

I did know my grandfather's grandmother, she was born in the late 1800's. Met her about 1961.

2impendingdoom ago

I'm shopping for goat cheese & wine tomorrow! Someday I will pm you more about my gf.

bopper ago

Yeah, please do!

independenceday ago

yes, we need to start looking at certain hospitals WORCESTER STATE HOSPITAL in MA......#EwenCameron

bopper ago

I think Hemingway was at the Mayo Clinic. My grandmother endured shock therapy too and ended up killing herself. You younger folk have the energy and mindset and the "wokeness" to change the world, I hope you do it. I was raised on three channels of TV and believed everything they told me.

independenceday ago

sorry sweetie. happened to my mom too.

2impendingdoom ago

so sorry about your mom. :(

and boppers grandmother.

bopper ago

@independenceday Yes, very sorry, and thank-you. You never know what's in peoples' closets and what they've gone thru. "No man knows where his neighbor's shoe pinches."

srayzie ago

Yeah I remember when he was in the hospital last time. I think the there is more to the story when it comes to Manson and his followers. That goes deep. I've read a couple of books about it. There are a lot of connections with celebrities. Manson also grew up having a horrible childhood. I wouldn't doubt if he was mind controlled.

AngB23 ago

Wasn’t Manson friends at one time with The Beach Boys? And he was a huge Beatles fan

srayzie ago

I know he was a huge Beatles fan. I'm not sure about The Beach Boys. I bet @Bopper would know.

Shizy ago

Yes he was connected to the Beach Bous. The story goes that he targeted the Tate/Polanski home because The Beach Boys manager Terry Melcher lived there just before them.

srayzie ago

Yeah and if I remember it right, it was the wrong house too. It was next door.

bopper ago

@AngB23 Yeah he lived w/ one of them or next door, I think he cut a song w/ them. The dot-connecting w/ Manson is mind-blowing and I have never taken the time to put it all together. Maybe one day.

Doris Day owned the house, Terry Melcher her son approached Manson for a record deal (Beach Boys involved somewhere in there), all those notable people killed, it goes on and on, Beatles lyrics written in blood on the walls before the White Album was actually out, the guy who replaced Paul McCartney was down visiting Mamas and the Papas (freak pedo Papa John) who were enlisted by the CIA to pass out LSD at the Monterrey Pop Festival, sigh.

It's funny that Mackenzie Phillips' book High on Arrival confirms McCartney hanging w/ them (her parents) at that time (intel was involved in Paul's replacement), they were staying in the old Johnny Weissmuller mansion, Mackenzie fell asleep at one point on Sir Paul's lap and then got in the elevator chandelier w/ him and they cranked it to the ceiling, so she said "I guess you could say I got high with, and slept with, Paul McCartney.

Yes I know all this stuff is hard to believe. I believe Manson was a patsy and I believe him here tho he was def nuts.

Who got me started on this?

carmencita ago

I remember all that about Melcher and Mom Doris. Also, I have always believed there was something not right about the whole story. Now that I know about MK Ultra I am convinced that they used him to get Sharon's baby. Was that the price Polanski had to pay in order to be allowed to leave the country? Or for other crimes we don't even know about? I think the kept him away from others because they were afraid something would come out if he was coming out at any time. This stuff is so screwed up and so is Hollywood. Perfect Netflix Fodder.

bopper ago

Yeah, it's a mess. I think Manson was mind controlled like Sirhan Sirhan. Makes me sick the way the LA cop messed w/ this witness's head about what she overheard that night from a group of three people. There's a good book about it called The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress. The whole (six hours?) documentary is good that the interview was taken from, called Evidence of Revision.

carmencita ago It is the owner of Hotel Figueroa which we are investigating for possible child trafficking. The pic is of RFK right before assassination.

bopper ago

Wow. What a coincidence. That very first clip, isn't that a girl in a polka dot dress? Ever heard anybody mention it?

carmencita ago

Not before. It's amazing isn't it.

bopper ago

Good grief, that's probably her. Don't feel obligated I know you've got a full plate.

carmencita ago

I will see it but not today. Have to decorate the Christmas Tree.

bopper ago

Have a good Thanksgiving. Talk to you later.

bopper ago

Yeah, cause that's def a polka dot dress. I might look into it, contact the author of that book maybe. Thank-you.

carmencita ago

I just got done saying to my husband that Sirhan was another product of MK U. I will have to look that up after T-Bird Day. I am in charge here. Cooking Cleaning and All That Jazz. I have an interesting pic to send from another post in p/whatever.

bopper ago

Great, you can ping me if you want.

srayzie ago

Dang I didn't know the lyrics were written on the walls before the album came out. Helter Skelter?

bopper ago

TMZ reporting here.

Yeah it's in The Winged Beatle and probably in Memoirs of Billy Shears, which I believe to be written by McCartney himself. It's just alluded to.

Helter Skelter is the name of a roller coaster ride in the UK, it's a song on the White Album. It might hold clues, it might not. But most of their songs were filled w/ clues. The book explains a lot. I got the condensed version. The full one is, wait for it, 666 pages long.

Sir Paul is evasive about his dabbling w/ the occult, but admits it often in the book. They used to do seances.

srayzie ago

Geez. Most of this is before my time. But I was always fascinated by Manson. I don't know who some of these people you are talking about are but this is all really interesting to me.

bopper ago

Movie about Mary, "An American Affair," based on the book by Jansen (sp?), the guy who knew Mary as a kid. She was mistress of JFK. There's documentaries too.

srayzie ago

Dang. Marilyn Monroe too. I wonder why we don't hear about him being a perv. He's always talked about in a good light.

bopper ago

There's a wealth of info about his dalliances. He was as bad as Bill Clinton. It was kept under wraps. And LBJ, jealous of JFK ... "I've had more women by accident than he's had on purpose."

Tyranny-News-Network ago

I'm no JFK expert, but no slouch at researching uncomfortable topics and I've produced a couple JFK assassination video reports. After seeing some interesting info suggesting he was gay I figured it was time to look into his personal relationships.

First point from what I concluded...JFK could have had any woman he wanted. A highly popular man with the entire spectrum. In fact, I came across the most trim of young ladies admitting to their fantasies and what they wanted to do with the man. I got to thinking the Monroe stuff was so over the top, why in the hell would he have anything to do with that sloppy, washed up wasted human?

Now consider the power required to suppress the core details of his murder for all these decades. Couldn't that same power be used to smear the man's reputation? The same thing seems to have been done to Oswald. Garrison himself described him as a hero and got choked up when talking about him. But when he was on the Carson show, it was clear that Johnny actually prepared for the interview specifically to ridicule the conspiracy.

If you're thinking that JFK assassination research has come close to solving the mystery, I wouldn't be so sure. I'm still baffled at how few know anything at all of the cancer research aspect of Oswald's background or Jack Ruby's explicit requests to be sleep induced and hypnotized after his arrest. I myself identified clear manipulation of the Zapruder film that few had considered. Lastly, did you know there were two related murders that day? Kennedy and officer Tibbet. Some sincere researchers still imagine Tibbet:s murder was not planned or maybe even Oswald was forced to kill him. But, before that fateful day Tibbet was known for one unique characteristic. He was the spitting image of JFK. It's unreasonable to suggest that's a coincidence. So I think few are on the right trail.

Of all the places to be sharing ideas and critiquing the news, it's here at Voat where we should constantly challenge our perceptions. Was JFK a scoundrel and a womanizer? I strongly doubt it. But many colleagues I respect greatly would say that he was. That is, until I gave them a good talking down to followed by a handshake and a laugh...and maybe even some call girls!

bopper ago

Kennedy was hardly gay, he was indeed a big womanizer, everybody knows that, even those who worship him. I'm facebook friends w/ a lot of people historically involved w/ the assassination including LHO's mistress. I talk w/ her occasionally and she does the yearly JFK conferences at Dealey Plaza. I've not researched the Monroe angle, but people I trust believe he and Bobby both had affairs w/ her. Supposedly the mob had her killed.

I'm also friends w/ John Barbour, who knew Garrison better than anybody. He just did a new documentary on Garrison. As far as solving the "mystery," watch the James Files (grassy knoll shooter) interview on youtube. I'm facebook friends w/ some of his relatives, including the daughter of Gary Marlow, friend of Files who killed officer Tippet. I'm friends w/ Chauncey Holt's daughter (one of the three tramps) Karyn Holt.

CIA (intermediary was David Atlee Phillips) contracted w/ mafia for the hit (Sam Giancana and Johnny Roselli). This is how they (CIA) handled wet-works at the time. Goes back to Cuba and attempts on Castro's life. Yes, Oswald via Judyth his mistress was involved in cancer studies as a means to kill Castro. Also David Ferrie was working w/ them. Yes, Zapruder film was altered, see Douglas Horne's work and interviews w/ original CIA head of film works in DC.

Oswald shot no one that day, nor any day. Officer Tippet just happened to stop the wrong two people, there were two. See Aquilla Clemons clip by Mark Lane. Tho Kennedy's body was indeed switched from the coffin to a body bag aboard Air Force One, the "JFK replaced by Tippet's body" has been proven false.

That is, until I gave them a good talking down to followed by a handshake and a laugh...and maybe even some call girls!

Wut? Lol.

srayzie ago

Wow that's crazy

AngB23 ago

Damn! Great info!! It’s one gigantic cesspool of filth. Everyone focuses more on politicians, now some actors...but truly, ALL entertainment is in this. All these mindless youth that idolize Hollyweird, musicians and then theirs the “artists” like Koons.

And I did know about Mackenzie stuff, not all, but a lot. Explains why she did so many numb her mind. Crazy stuff! Might need to research more on Manson’s younger days unless it scrapped like Obamas

srayzie ago

Manson's mother was a prostitute and would have sex with johns in the next room. He always wanted her love. It's sad if you read about his childhood years.

srayzie ago

Someone just happened to ping me with this... Lafall Pinged me a little bit ago and said this...

I don't know if I believe pizzgate but even before the whole rape thing and fleeing America this Polanski was said to be depraved, Orgies, Sex Tapes and refused to sleep with her once she got pregnant and wanted her to get an abortion, he was cheating having an affair with Michelle Phillips of The Mamas & The Papas ...also see Mackenzie's Incest infanticide abortion ...John Phillips of Mamas and Papas Slept With Daughter Mackenzie...Sharon Tate stepped was a child start or child model, April 27, 1943, when she was chosen as Miss Tiny Tot at six months old in her hometown of Dallas, Texas...a weird sick world

bopper ago

"Strawberry fields, nothing is real." So wrote Lennon. Yeah she was molested, by Mick Jagger even, while her dad stepped out to get some tuna! Her dad beat on the door, he was more jealous than mad. When she broached the subject her dad would say, "You mean when we made love?" How sick is that. Poor girl. She was adorable in American Graffiti, I guess her dad had no problem lending her to Lucas for a little while. Sheesh.

AngB23 ago

Just looked it up..shit he was one of their ROOM MATES?! WTF

srayzie ago

Holy crap. I didn't know that!

AngB23 ago

My memory is horrible. I actually read that people article a long time ago...but completely forgot about the room mate thing. WILD

bopper ago

@srayzie Yeah that's right it was the surfer one, Dennis (who mysteriously drowned) ... I saw him back in the late '70s in Houston, he was so drunk he got off the drums and, to the chagrin of everyone, took over the mike and was slurring some garbage ... but I always felt sorry for him, and of course Brian was a nutcase, they prob'ly fed him drugs too, McCartney knew Brian Wilson and he and Linda went to visit him and Paul (Faul) played Brian a song and he cried. The song was She's Leaving Home, about the girl Donna (Lady Madonna) who was killed w/ Paul.

Bopper, have you gone mad??

srayzie ago

Gosh they seemed crazier back then than the celebrities do now! That's wild. Don't forget, Sean Hannity is supposed to be YUGE tonight. It comes on soon.

derram ago :

Charles Manson dead at 83; here's why his health crisis was shrouded in secrecy - LA Times

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