migratorypatterns ago

So depressing. Why would anyone but a monster think this was a good idea?

vrinmysoul ago

Evil incarnate. Decades of abuse. Long drop with a short rope

SocialJusticePanda ago

Raping, the word your missing is RAPE!

micha_ ago


Mods should DELETE such claims without any sources given!

icuntstopswearing ago

Many thanks for posting this. Had no idea Livingstone had been so outspoken about this scandal which has been covered up for years. Care Homes were run by pedophiles and used as child brothels by MI5 and Mossad during the 1980s and 1990s - and this nasty piece of work was the lynchpin - our own James Alefantis.


ChippyTubes ago

Jimmy Savile BBC all kinds of tv shows and pop music shows

birthdaysuit11 ago

WHAT EVER HAPPENED to Alefantis and Prgasus Museum. Some researchers went there and filmed via periscope. Kids mat in trash and one of the trash cans was pinned against a wall between a truck so you couldn't open it. Why does nobody research this anymore.

Shillaxe ago

I wonder if a cadaver dog can be hired, sniff the dumpster...

carmencita ago

What a Courageous Man. I worry for his life.

Mad_As_Hell ago

No wonder they’ve been trying to blackball him with claims of anti-Semiticism https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/apr/28/ken-livingstone-suspended-from-labour-after-hitler-remarks

carmencita ago

A Palestinian view on the antisemitism row https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/may/02/a-palestinian-view-on-the-antisemitism-row This is a very interesting and really fair assessment of what is going on.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Good article, thanks for the link. The Israelis were ahead of the curve in using labels to silence their opposition, much like Hillary calling her detractors ‘sexist’

carmencita ago

Yes, comparing the Black People with the Palestinians is an extremely good analogy. She has been screwing them over for decades.

swordfish69 ago

London is 100% the center of the global VIP pedophile ring.

sunajAeon ago

Could you expand on that statement please, funny I don't remember anyone making that statement before now

Wrath17 ago

London is where the tyranny of international jewry got started so no wonder.

seekingpeace ago

Yes, I have to agree that the British fine-tuned pedo-blackmail

3141592653 ago

I thought it was Brussels

ESOTERICshade ago

London is 100% the center of the global VIP pedophile ring.

Yup. London is a seed bed of filth in the western world.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/matheasysolns/status/929529503675641862 :

MathEasySolutions on Twitter: "Former London Mayor Ken Livingstone literally states that MI5 uses Children's Care Homes to blackmail politicians by filming them abusing ch… t.co/I558KnZIyF"

This has been an automated message.

MillenialFalcone ago

Falcon deleted my first post for rule 2 and 3. Reposted and deleted for rule 4. That makes sense right? They've already divided and conquered here, splitting this forum into pizza whatever and whatever else. Now we are left with a forum without much activity.

Millenial falcon reminds me of Peter newsham. The DC police chief who charged an 11 year old girl of lying about getting raped when there was medical evidence of multiple seen samples in her underwear.

I will continue to make posts like this, with other accounts if necessary, until he is removed. Feel free to join in. The same way we should demand Peter newsham be removed.

Nothing of any substance will ever come from here with this pedophile protecting Nazi around.

Where are the other mods??

Last post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2237616

JewsLose ago

And of course that pedo faggot is never here to defend himself. I bet his fat nigger ass is too busy cumming to child porn.

Womb_Raider ago

I've called him out before on some shady trends in PG. He denied my accusation. Wasn't long ago either, maybe the last two weeks

Vindicator ago

You have to make a post documenting this pattern with links proving it, in v/pizzagatemods, and ping the O's.

Womb_Raider ago

The problem is so widely lamented that you've gone and made a PR sub?

That's humorous. Has anything been done about a PG mod or is this posturing?

Vindicator ago

We have always had a separate sub for administrative discussions in order to keep the main sub focused on research. Numerous people were demodded for removing comments back in December/January. O's have repeatedly requested users with complaints document how mods are breaking the v/p izzagate moderation rules , which are linked in the sidebar. No has bothered to do so.

Womb_Raider ago

The main pizza gate discussion isn't even held on voat anymore afaik, mostly in the chans. Researches grew weary of the moderation very quickly

matheasysolutions ago

CORRECTION: My previous post (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2237967)) stated "Prime Minister" but should instead state Ken Livingstone was a former London MAYOR. #MyBad

micha_ ago


IMO mods should DELETE it if you can't support it with a source!