madmama ago


[–] MillenialFalcone 3 points (+3|-0) 30 days ago (edited 30 days ago)

Well mama, I was banned. Hope you don't mind if I leave this here. I'm sure your post will be deleted also.

Deleted my first post for rule 2 and 3. Reposted and deleted for rule 4. That makes sense right? They've already divided and conquered here, splitting this forum into pizza whatever and whatever else. Now we are left with a forum without much activity.

Millenial falcon reminds me of Peter newsham. The DC police chief who charged an 11 year old girl of lying about getting raped when there was medical evidence of multiple seen samples in her underwear.

I will continue to make posts like this, with other accounts if necessary, until he is removed. Feel free to join in. The same way we should demand Peter newsham be removed.

Nothing of any substance will ever come from here with this pedophile protecting Nazi around.

Where are the other mods??

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Mej777 ago

@KingKongCTR you are right they want you to expose the evidence to clean it up. Keep posting and keep your evidence and share it with some trusted others.

KingKongisCTR ago

Thanks, but post was deleted again...

madmama ago


[–] MillenialFalcone 3 points (+3|-0) 30 days ago (edited 30 days ago)

Well mama, I was banned. Hope you don't mind if I leave this here. I'm sure your post will be deleted also.

Deleted my first post for rule 2 and 3. Reposted and deleted for rule 4. That makes sense right? They've already divided and conquered here, splitting this forum into pizza whatever and whatever else. Now we are left with a forum without much activity.

Millenial falcon reminds me of Peter newsham. The DC police chief who charged an 11 year old girl of lying about getting raped when there was medical evidence of multiple seen samples in her underwear.

I will continue to make posts like this, with other accounts if necessary, until he is removed. Feel free to join in. The same way we should demand Peter newsham be removed.

Nothing of any substance will ever come from here with this pedophile protecting Nazi around.

Where are the other mods??

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KingKongisCTR ago

Thanks for this.

Shillaxe ago

This site is controlled op.

ChippyTubes ago

Millenial Falcon is BS with logic, the pizzgate sub is dead, done because of BS the past news like this in other parts of voat

Shillaxe ago

"...the way Hollywierd goes now everyone seems connected with some person or some rapist or abuse scandal." Keeping it in the family, good news is that it makes connecting the pedophiliac dots easier, this site has a suspect past in re. hosting pedo trash.I wouldn't be surprised in the least if its run by paedos.