Larry_Jordanj ago

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Larry_Jordanj ago

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matheasysolutions ago

TYPO: Should be Former London "Mayor" not "Prime Minister"! #MyBad

Lovethelight ago

Sadly, it seems to be what the detective who tried to do his job...a little too well for those in high places....seemed to indicate...2 hour podcast here , most of it is an interview with the UK detective (currently on leave or fired)

think- ago

Wow. I will show this to everybody who is doubtful that these things happen. OP, could you please specify the source (and maybe write a transcript of Livingstone's statement? Thanks.


What exactly has he done "against this shit for years"? Asking bc I don't know anything about Livingstone, but can't imagine anybody can be Prime Minister without being in the know & implicated.

matheasysolutions ago

ahhhh my bad, he was London Mayor not Prime Minister! I miswrote.

The audio was from November 2012 during in his radio talk with David Mellor on the LBC "The Whole Show".

And to answer your other question, Livingstone hasn't done much to prevent MI5 abuse, but more importantly he should be ordered to go to court ASAP to elaborate on his comments! Bill Maloney confronted him over what he has done to stop elite pedo abuse:

And here is the transcript of Ken Livingstone's quote:

"I was racing in parliament against Mrs Thatcher the Kincora Boys Home where boys were being abused and MI5 was filming it because they were hoping to be able to blackmail senior politicians in Northern Ireland.

They were hoping to catch one of Ian Paisley's MP's - and they never did - and give themselves some leverage. The truth is there's been an awful lot of covering up of paedophiles and paedophile rings for decades and decades."

think- ago

Thanks! Will watch the Bill Malloney vid now.

finska ago

He wasnt the Prime Minister he was the Mayor of London and famously fought against the corruption of the Thatcher Government and got axed because of it. The interview posted by the Op is of him outing the abuse at the Kincora boys home and a lot of the corruption/pedo blackmail attempts that were made during the time when he was in government. This guy was a highlevel insider and he should be applauded for speaking out. There is usually a ring of silence about these topics from those at that level.

think- ago

Thanks. Makes more sense to me now.

derram ago :

MathEasySolutions on Twitter: "Former London Prime Minister Ken Livingstone literally states that MI5 uses Children's Care Homes to blackmail politicians by filming them a…"

This has been an automated message.

finska ago

Good on you Ken! Hes been up against this shit for years. Hes also been accused of being an anti semite by these pedos.