nowitstime ago

geo webb is a limited hangout c.i.a.plant anybody who give him their info is screwed that's why he's still here and not dead. he's spewing what they want him to spew

Maximos ago

I agree with the thoughts on misdirection. The trail has to lead away from the Jewish Mafia & their agents. It will also steer clear of other other competing Syndicates as no one is going to start an open war or upset the global apple cart any more than needed. Instead the crumbs laid by people like Webb will suggest the blame sits with a few sacrificial individuals, expendable organizations & redundant structures.

Upswing ago

The Mossad feeds him information, shit that would have come out anyway like the Awan story so that he looks like an investigative genius who knew it all along.

Mej777 ago

For those of you not following along Webb is doing everything to stay alive. Who among you has filed a lawsuit against the FBI/JTTF against the US government for false flags, violation of our constitutional rights. Named all 535 members of congress as defendants, the FBI, DHS, stated the CIA is unconstitutional and answers to the Vatican...

I am guessing no one. George Webb filed that lawsuit last week outing the Uranium weapons deal, DU, weapons trafficking by Robert Mueller, McCabe, Comey. He outed the child trafficking, organ harvesting, black sites inside the US.

There are 1000's of complaintants. All whistleblowers. The lawsuit was served to Federal Court and all members of congress were served Spoliation letters as well as Internet companies, phone companies, etc.

You are foolish to be piling on now. There are already some receiving witness protection....

He does not like Kissinger as was stated. Nor does he believe it all a show. Does anyone know he was dragged into CIA hands for hours prior to the video you are citing.

If they kill him he has everything in switches. They know this but would like him to shut his mouth.

Once away he has been filming and gathering evidence all day.

Dressage2 ago

George is turning on the lights everywhere in the world and we watch the cockroaches run. He has made a difference with his reporting for the better. George is smart and has guts. He funds himself almost entirely and if he likes to drink wine, who gives a shit. If I was walking in his shoes I would be ingesting more than just wine. It would suck to know any day you could be killed. Hooray for George and I wish we had hundreds more like him.

ESOTERICshade ago

The court case might be a setup. If George gets this in criminal court and it loses then the government might not be able to be sued again due to the double jeopardy clause. Meaning, a person can only be tried one time for a crime.

Setups happen all the time. You get a buddy to drag you into a criminal court. You already know the judge will find you innocent. You cannot be dragged into court again for that charge because it violates the double jeopardy clause.

Seen it happen before.

Mej777 ago

Double Jeopardy is not even involved in this case. George is not a prosecutor. He filed this lawsuit as civil penalties. I know the starting suit is for 300 million. The goal was to put everyone on notice. Then they were informed of the evidence that is being kept safe. Now they have to make a decision, destroy, delete or they have been given decisions to be cooperative as informants.

huhWHAThuh ago

I got a different take on what he said. But first let me say i think he's clearly not a lone ranger riding by himself. He has protection from someone or some organization. My personal opinion is everybody on the net putting out "insider information" is working an angle of some sort. Working for somebody or some organization, or some cause, or at least a hanger on, or paid informant for somebody. I will make exception for some of the reporters or lawyers or whatever that turn up dead. And some of them probably had some cover but it turned out not be good enough. And some of them like Seth Rich might just be sipping a Pina Colada on a beach down in South America with Tim McVeigh. To a great extent this is all being scripted or at least manipulated to whatever degree the uber powerful are able. About Podesta and pizzagate he clarified by saying that he didn't mean it was nothing, but possibly some push back against Podesta, the sort of thing that's arranged to jack somebody down a notch and keep him in check. I listen to liars daily. I know they are liars, whether they have been deceived, or misunderstand the situation, or just plain want to mislead on a particular issue. The good liars tell mostly truth so they can't be proven wrong so easily. Do i trust everything Webb says? Hell no, not any more than Alex Jones or any other high profile "truther." But i listen to what they all have to say, then sift the wheat from the chaff. It's the only way to get the puzzle pieces to see what fits and what doesn't. Yeah in one sense this whole friggin mess is what Webb calls "a school play" because it is controlled and manipulated by Davos, and Builderberg, and The Club of Rome, and the Intel Agencies, and all the rest to the greatest extent they are able. And i think they have their own individual outcomes they are working toward. It is a riddle, inside a mystery, wrapped in an enigma. It takes lots of listening, and lots of sifting, and lots of seeing what adds up and what doesn't. It ain't as simple as white hats vs. black hats. At least that's my take on it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

That is why none of them will touch the real "root" of the real Agenda in Racine, Wisconsin. It is not part of the controlled narrative and is the weak link to the entire network.

The real Truth is in Racine, Wisconsin.

pipilongstockings ago

What about it? Resident evil kinda thing?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

A corrupt global system forged by deception that leads to Eternal Enslavement kind of thing.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

Webb is puzzling. Sometimes very insightful other times a ranting left wing loon. He has exposed a lot of evil shit but there is something about him and his brother Dave Acton. Maybe disinformation?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

It is called a lmited hangout with a very selective scope of investigation. Notice the only company he ever mentions beyond Awan and Gulan operations, and even rarely are DynCorps and Maersk. He has known about Racine for hundreds of days and avoids it more than he avoids trafficking and the secret societies involved.

He is creating a false boogeyman. The real Truth and the real agenda is based in Racine, Wisconsin. Be skeptical of anyone who will not investigate it.

DeathTwoMasons ago

Webb is admited old Mossad. So why do you persist with speculation about his legitimacy? He is a spook and he gives some good info and a lot of misdirection. He gained your trust now says nothing to see with PG. He has hung himself many times over. It is not plausable that PG is a show. It is what they will not allow to be exposed in the MSM at any cost. Webb is a spook. What is it you do not undersrtand about spooks? They are nazis and lie by trade. There are none that deserve to be allowed to live. Unless you are fond of nazi spooks, please refrain from posting Webb material unless it is to laugh at him.

shachalnur ago

your above post about the Rothschild's creating Israel, the Israeli supreme court etc is true,and i'm happy there a few who can see through the fog.

about the role of George Webb ,and David Seaman for that matter,you might want to reconsider with time.

The Rothschild's plans for creating Israel ,and what should follow is a much older plan,about 210 years old,and current visible developments are only a part of the entire ,maybe failing,Endgame.

'old mossad' refers to times when mossad was controlled by others than now.

he's not mossad,he's a sayan,and he's not even sure who he's working for.

he knows he's being used,he knows jason goodman is a handler,but he hopes he's on the right side of history.

at that level you can't know who's your friend,who has your back ,and how long you'll be usefull and live.

i understand why he's still alive,eventhough he's outing damaging stuff,there are those like him; untouchables,because they are usefull and play a major role in the confrontation going on.

look a bit further and especially back,so you can see there's a larger game going on,actually an effort to create a biblical story.

the words and names in current affairs have special meanings and tell a story that is being written for the ages,like a new bible.

at least that's the plan.

did you know Har Vey(the hurricane and the bloodsucker) has a meaning in hebrew?

it leads to the words Chrono Trigger,Zealots,Enlightened Ones and many other goodies.

Mount ,Rock,Sword,Feller,Shield,Farmer,Builder,and many other words in hebrew,english and german tell the real story,

what we get fed is just snippets ,so we wont be able to 'read'the real story ,before they think it's time,and the zombies will buy it.

seekingpeace ago

Ignore that freak. He's the one who told Gwen (the first GW scandal) that he impregnated his sister. His motivation for the despicable incestuous tale was trying to trace Gwen's Jewish bloodlines.

shachalnur ago

oh look,it's my personal minder.

does it pay well?

you're doing a great job,and the moderators on this site aren't.

it's because of pieces of shit like you that real investigators and brighter people don't like to post here.

as long as moderators let reptiles like you roam free on this site,this site will produce nothing memorable.

not my problem ,there are other means.

i just feel sorry for all those who are making a real effort here.

and you,seekingpenis,will be sorted out later ,don't worry.

seekingpeace ago

But you don't deny saying it. I've got your number.

ESOTERICshade ago

did you know Har Vey(the hurricane and the bloodsucker) has a meaning in hebrew?

That is hilarious. "Vey" can be interpreted as bloodsucker, parasite, freeloader, etc...What about "oy" is "oy vey"? Does that mean "oh us poor persecuted bloodsuckers?

stick around shachalnur. We need a Hebrew interpreter. You are right about them writing a biblical narrative and I have known that for years. Actually they are acting one out.

My Hebrew sux though. What is the best online Hebrew dictionary/converter to get at the root of these meanings quickly? I have looked around but I suck at Hebrew so bad I have not found anything suitable.

shachalnur ago

I'm fluent in hebrew

but you have to know german as well to descipher their language

Har Vey mliterally means 'mount woe'

that leads to ' chrono trigger'

the synopsis and meaning of the words of this computergame has been removed on chrono wikia after i made the connection and posted it in certain places.

maybe you can find it in the waybackmachine

the story has been made up by rothschild around 1800.

he build a sword shaped diagram in jerusalem telling the story ,from 1932 to 1992.

the Israeli supreme court is part of that diagram,so is the rockefeller museum ,the knesset and the science museum.

The diagram says 'Bauer's sword felled the Rock'in english ,or 'bauer's sword cuts down the Mount' in hebrew

more on GLP in the thread 'The Bauer Code'from 2012.

the language is getting clearer and more repetitive.

if you need translation contact me here by direct message.

i'm not too fond posting here,don't know how this site works,when i write info that is more to the point ,the shills come out and downvote it.

don't like this system.

whenever i find new info ,i'll try to post it here anyway

by the way; i was referring to harvey the hurricane and harvey the hollywood bloodsucker

ESOTERICshade ago

but you have to know german as well to descipher their language

Interesting. Why German?

shachalnur ago

Rothschilds Rockefellers and Warburgs are all german.

Rothschild was not their original name.

it was 'Bauer' untill about 1780

and the old Me'ir amshel Bauer changed his first name into 'Mayer''in 1802

so Me'ir Amshel Bauer became Mayer Amshel Rothschild

Bauer in german means Builder or Farmer.

rothschild is german and means Red Shield.

in hebrew that is Magen Adom,and that can be read as Shield/Protector of Edom.

Adom and Edom have the same meaning and root ; it means 'Red'.

Me'ir is hebrew and means Bright/Illuminated.

Mayer is german and means Leadsman/ Mayor.

so,"Bright /Illuminated Farmer/Builder" was changed into "Leadsman of the Shield/Protector of Edom".

these are namechanges that were done on purpose.

so is the name Rockefeller.

in old German 'Feller' is 'he who cuts down',and that;s still one of the meanings in english.

so Rockefeller literally means 'he who fells Rock'

these namechanges and use of words and names are on purpose ,because they will tell heroic tales when this is all over,biblical usher in the New religion.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Have you looked into Racine, Wisconsin and the connections from Rothschilds to Rockefellers to Johnsons (Racine)?

Two others involved in Racine are Kristin Bauer van Straten and her brother Jeff Neubauer who is closely tied to the Clintons.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is what Mark Twain meant by "History does not repeat but it sure does rhyme."

ESOTERICshade ago

Interesting. Years ago I caught on to the fact that they have been winding our language/terminology through a big corkscrew of time so that it is not identical but sort of resembles itself from the past. I'm not literate in the proper languages to watch it in real time though. Wish I was.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The real Truth is in Racine, Wisconsin and George Sweigart knows it.

The real agenda is Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast. Sustainability is the great deception created by the new world order. The real Truth behind Satan's Ability is in Racine, Wisconsin.

shachalnur ago

tell me about Racine.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Posted another note to you above.

Read any of our comments. Racine is where the Clintons, Johnsons and others created the model for Sustainable Development that leads to Agenda 2030. A key connection from the Johnsons to the Pilgrims Society and McCain Institute is John Jeffry Louis.

There is much more in Racine, and it has great historical significance with the ancient formations and immigration patterns into Wisconsin (plus other reasons such as the Great Lakes fresh water supply).

You will notice we get attacked on this site. Everything we post is the Truth, and Racine is the weak link to the entire network.

Another quick link is that Rockefellers own the patent to the Zika virus and SC Johnsons owns the worlds most advanced labs for testing genetically modified mosquitos. This is only the beginning of the connections. Their real agenda is population control and global enslavement.

shachalnur ago

I agree with population control and a new world religion as the ultimate goal.

i know Zika is Rockefeller,and a virus + vaccines,food and pharma are only part of their weapons to achieve it.

but i believe the head of the snake is London and Rothschild ..

Rockefeller was added later .around 1880.

I'll look into the history of the names 'Bauer van Straten' and 'Neubauer',because Rothschild's familyname before they changed it was Bauer.

bauer is german ,means farmer or builder and 'van straten' is dutch ,it means 'of streets/routes', 'neubauer is german and means 'new bauer'(farmer /builder).

ergo 'bauer van straten' = Builder/Farmer of Roads or Routes

and 'Neubauer' means New Farmer/Builder

do you think there's a chance Rockefeller decided to go it alone,and tries to take over all power?

if you read my comments ,you;ll see I found a Sword diagram in Jerusalem built by rothschild from 1932 on,with Rockefeller's help and collaboration.

that sword was supposed to be activated in 2012,but something interfered.

later i found another sword diagram under Oroville,but that one seems to be build by Rockefeller around 1950-1960

that one can be activated anytime,especially when it rains.

do you know anything about Chico california?

it seems this last sword is aiming at Chico,while the first sword is aiming at the temple mount in jerusalem.

if i find any connections with Racine and Bauer ,connected to my research ,i'll let you know.

About the ad hominem attacks by trolls I think a site that s serious keeps an eye on these kind of trolls,because they make truthfinding and posting it more or less impossible,and moderators should be more aware of this,

thanks anyway.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You understand well, and we know the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Johnsons are working closely together, and that the Johnsons are the weak link to expose the racketeering networks tied to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

The key with Neubauer is education reform based on the theme of sustainability to create slaves from Cradle to Grave.

We are very aware of Hollywood and Poway's involvement, and will look further into Chico connections.

Another key link inlight of the news on Manafort and Podesta is the U.S. Ukraine Business Council.

srayzie ago

To those of you who talk about him being Mossad or a Jew, Jack Morphonios from End Times News report said something that made a lot of sense. He made a whole playlist about Jews. He's very knowledgeable and credible.

But when he went to Las Vegas to investigate the shootings, he ran into Jason Goodman. People asked why he hung out with a Jew. He said that when it comes to gathering information and all, that it didn't matter to him who he was. There are times when one has to use their brains and filter information. It doesn't mean he has to believe everything he hears.

unbiased_researcher ago

He's LARPing. Everyone has a role to play.

srayzie ago

I heard him say that too. So much of what he has exposed has turned out to be true. He's talked a lot about organ harvesting and child trafficking. Maybe he means the whole Comet ping pong thing. But, I don't agree with him because the emails are real and James Alefantis' Instagram and history are real.

GeorgeT ago

Jacke Morphonious, host of End Times Prophecy was sued by the Maccobies for exposing Alifantis, Silsby, Haiti ties - Jacke showed them. Not everybody had his cahones. Look how they silenced poor Alex - the shame!!! How about Megyn - Human Disaster - Kelly and how she gave that Creep JA a free pass?!! Guys, this is the biggest conspiracy of the Millenium. You take down Pizza/Pedo Gate and you take down NWO at its root. Let Webb chase ghosts, we do our own things. They are doubling down by Normalizing PG - bringing in SM Trannies to do book reading to toddlers at Michelle (Michael) Obama's library!!!

srayzie ago

They threatened to sue Jake but nothing came of it. I've explained Alex Jones to you already. I agree with you on everything else.

thrushlimberger ago

With a soundtrack. Check out the 23

seekingpeace ago

Where have you been for the last year? Have you been under a rock? Do a search on voat/pizzagate and see all the shenanigans he's been up to. At least you're finally losing the flavour for the koolaid. Better late than never!

cantsleepawink ago

Why are you paying so much attention to Webb? Some of us clocked him and his crowd earlier on...he likes Kissinger et al...his role is to confuse and misdirect.

Scirel ago

Pieczenik had Webb pegged right when he saw him. See my post from 4 months ago.

Webb has been pretty much irrelevant since...

GeorgeT ago

Webb was silenced like Alex Jones. Pizzagate is the thing that has the shadow government absolutely going bonkers - their 'little' secret is out and it ain't going back.

jbooba ago

Well if you get some good story writers - well outside of Hollywood, probably Japan, India, France - you still would need a mastermind to run this show. Remember 9/11 how this story was run, full of flaws. And ... Webb trustworthy? You must be shitting me ROFL. #1 shill online.

Gothamgirl ago

I have been trying to wrap my head around what he said myself.

GHDW ago

He's "old mossad" self admitted too, somewhere between day 180 - 190 of the Seth Rich investigation, same time he was describing what a "show" was. The problem with this is that his use of "It's all a show" is a misdirection away from the truth. When dealing with a Talmudic Jew always consider the opposite is true because they are taught to lie without hesitation as well as give terrible advice.

GeorgeT ago

Sean Hannity was quickly silenced when he went too deep with Seth Rich story.

seekingpeace ago

He's not Jewish - he's just an alcoholic "super agent."

AgainstPedos ago

I've noticed almost everyone who does YouTube vid exposes at a certain point pulls back and either soft pedals, pooh-poohs, or goes very soft at least temporarily. All of their posters get quite upset. I'm assuming it's because they feel very threatened. Either YouTube is threatening to completely pull their channel off the air. Or they fear lawsuits if they aren't super careful. Or they or their loved ones have been really, really harassed.

Take it all with a grain of salt. Understand each does the best they can. Listen to a variety of sources collectively to acquire info.

Also to receive relevant info everyone must make some choices. Right now Gen Flynn gave essentially gave up his job in Pres Trump's Administration to work with Russia and acquire a list of the 400 top pedo traffickers in the US including power players in Hollywood, DC, and NY. List will be released very soon despite what TPTB desire.

DomKeyhote ago

Most punchable kike face I've seen in the last three quarters of an hour. Downvoat

sukitfeminists ago

If you don't like him, that's a plus for him.

DeathTwoMasons ago

No, he is trying to ligitimize Webb by being an obvious biggot and speaking ill of him. You took the bait.

sukitfeminists ago

I take it all with a grain of salt. You can't prove or disprove anything, neither can I.

DomKeyhote ago

Lol I was the first to capl b.s. on that character so charade you are, FFFFFAGGOT

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hmmm... all a show? Hard to believe... the emails are the emails. They were verified. What the hell kind of preemptive story writing would need to be done in order to fake those emails? The DNC emails? The Clinton emails? They are leading to violations of the law. Just because there's a network above/below it all that is running a deep black market money laundering scheme, does not necessarily invalidate everything else.

Perhaps* these leaks were intentional and not from Seth Rich, in order to keep certain PTB at bay... but I don't think that makes everything aside from Webb's main focus a simple distraction. The DeepState would have had a much easier time covering this up if the leaks DIDN'T happen.

The media collusion, the timing, the pay to play mentions, Comey's involvement... why would they blow their own cover? Just to distract from the black market/spy ring/laundering network?

No.... that doesn't hold water. The leaks are what got everyone focused on all of that.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Correct and Imran Awan is not a show...

White-Supremacist ago

How do you know what you know?

DeathTwoMasons ago

The JEWS are henchmen and useful idiots, they are not in charge. You have been had. Rothschild built the Israeli supreme court building with their own money. They designed it with all the masonic and new world order symbolism. They control Israel and Jacob Rothschild admits he created Israel. Stop with the limted hangout about the Jews. The zionist are part of the new world order, but they do not make the agenda. The owners of the worlds central banks and the jesuit controlled club of Rome runs things. Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Morgans, Goldman etc etc own the banks that control the worlds money supply. Putting it all on "the jews" is their game, as they then can say you are simply a biggot. You fall for it without question. This has been explained here many times so I wonder if this forum is really any more than surface use when nobody retains anything. "Breaking!, it begins!" No, it doesn't, because "they" control all government apparatus. This is what I mean about never retaining anything.Your screen name is a give away. You need to step up your game. you will not discredit us by asociation.

Marfa-Lights ago

Some interesting information. Thank you.

DomKeyhote ago

Wrongo, faggot girly boy. Tons of nonelite everyday Jews DESPISE Europeans. Every antiwhite SJW idea is Jewish propaganda. You're such a fucking pussy the idea of collective punishment makes you squirm; just wait for the collective punishment to be visited upon whites when they're an absolute minority.

ESOTERICshade ago

Donkeyhole you are not really jewish. You are a Mongol Turk that probably got chased away from the steppe lands of the borders near China for your barbaric behavior and inability to stop stealing, lying, and killing.

Now days you qualify as nothing more than a standard white eastern european criminal clique that is falsely oy veying about being "mu chosen chased from the holy lands."

Your "religion" is nothing more than a criminal evolutionary strategy that is fueled by depravity. Your attempts to pull us on a religious battle ground are not working. We are too smart for you.


DomKeyhote ago

I clearly just said it is a RACIAL battle. A synogogue is just a meeting place. Atheist Jews can lead prayer service. I conspicuously don't mention religion, ever, you spineless turd.

ESOTERICshade ago

I clearly just said it is a RACIAL battle.

Fail again dipshit. "Race" is not a hill to win a battle on. Its as retarded a strategy as trying to win on religion.

Hurting kids is the battle hill that all races, religions, and creeds will unite and fight on. This is what scares the fuck out of the criminals.

If you are serious about this project you would stop attempting to incite fruitless racial battles. You don't stop.

That makes you a shill or stupid. Either way that makes you useless.

Remove yourself from the battleground.

DomKeyhote ago

Fruitless you say? Is that what you observe online? Any TRENDS AS PEOPLE HAVE WOKEN UP?

95% of rapes in Sweden are by immigrant invaders -- is THAT a racial battle? And of course Jews imported them for precisely the reason you state: inevitably incite race war.

You're a hindrance to the cause. A fantasist loser. Probable Holo-haux pusher along with khazar disinfo. Eat shit.

ESOTERICshade ago

Its an inordinately large number of dumbasses like you that continue to let them frame the parameters of the debate that keep them in power.

Ya know, like choosing between Democrat and Republican. They don't give a fuck which one you pick as long as you pick one of those two.

Speaking in racial and religious terms is exactly what they need to win. You're a good goyim though so keep handing them leverage.

DomKeyhote ago

It is fair to say there is no subject in the West more taboo than Jewish influence. There's your parameters, bitch. Youre just salty that Hitler was right to expel them. Awwww! Your argument is "love Trumps hate", and you don't take race into consideration in your worldview, so I wouldn't believe you to correctly inform anyone of even the time of day. Talk about fukn stupid. Is rape a racial problem in Sweden or no

ESOTERICshade ago

I take it very much in consideration. You bet. I'm smart enough not to let them define the debate they themselves constructed. They had the "its the jews" narrative beat before it ever began. Why do you think they fed it to us in the first place? Because its an unwinnable position for their enemies to take. This is so simple. They didn't want us to actually focus on their crimes. That is why they scream "anti semite" everytime you point out their crimes. They would rather talk about race and religion, anything but the details of their crimes.

I can teach a monkey this logic, but not a donkey's asshole.

White-Supremacist ago

Haha. My screen name is a reference to me being called a white supremacist for drum roll disagreeing with mass/illegal immigration. gasp

The jew thing is still related, I have no allusions about the situation, the image is a worthy illustration.

GeorgeT ago

Weinstein scandal is a proof that it is in fact not a jewish conspiracy but in fact a NWO conspiracy. Isn't Harvey one of them?! Why now? Because he was making a movie against the vaccines - and that is my friends anti NWO and their own Jewish (false jewish Khazar) 'friends' turned on him. Agenda comes first.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is correct. The "root" of the real Agenda and NWO is in Racine, Wisconsin based on the great deception of Sustainability (Satan's Ability).

banusaur ago

He worked with Crowdsource the Truth and was found to be doxxing leakers. Don't trust this guy.

sukitfeminists ago

Didn't he admit he was Mossad?

The Seth Rich story is fake I think. George Clooney has ties to Assange's lawyer. They are all connected I think. I don't trust Wikileaks.

DeathTwoMasons ago

He longs for the good old days when they simply organ harvested inmates. A real piece of shit Webb is.

derram ago | :

Day 8.5 Deep Uranium Was Right - It Is All a Show. DU Going To Iran’s Breeder Reactors - YouTube

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