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DeathTwoMasons ago

Webb is admited old Mossad. So why do you persist with speculation about his legitimacy? He is a spook and he gives some good info and a lot of misdirection. He gained your trust now says nothing to see with PG. He has hung himself many times over. It is not plausable that PG is a show. It is what they will not allow to be exposed in the MSM at any cost. Webb is a spook. What is it you do not undersrtand about spooks? They are nazis and lie by trade. There are none that deserve to be allowed to live. Unless you are fond of nazi spooks, please refrain from posting Webb material unless it is to laugh at him.

shachalnur ago

your above post about the Rothschild's creating Israel, the Israeli supreme court etc is true,and i'm happy there a few who can see through the fog.

about the role of George Webb ,and David Seaman for that matter,you might want to reconsider with time.

The Rothschild's plans for creating Israel ,and what should follow is a much older plan,about 210 years old,and current visible developments are only a part of the entire ,maybe failing,Endgame.

'old mossad' refers to times when mossad was controlled by others than now.

he's not mossad,he's a sayan,and he's not even sure who he's working for.

he knows he's being used,he knows jason goodman is a handler,but he hopes he's on the right side of history.

at that level you can't know who's your friend,who has your back ,and how long you'll be usefull and live.

i understand why he's still alive,eventhough he's outing damaging stuff,there are those like him; untouchables,because they are usefull and play a major role in the confrontation going on.

look a bit further and especially back,so you can see there's a larger game going on,actually an effort to create a biblical story.

the words and names in current affairs have special meanings and tell a story that is being written for the ages,like a new bible.

at least that's the plan.

did you know Har Vey(the hurricane and the bloodsucker) has a meaning in hebrew?

it leads to the words Chrono Trigger,Zealots,Enlightened Ones and many other goodies.

Mount ,Rock,Sword,Feller,Shield,Farmer,Builder,and many other words in hebrew,english and german tell the real story,

what we get fed is just snippets ,so we wont be able to 'read'the real story ,before they think it's time,and the zombies will buy it.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The real Truth is in Racine, Wisconsin and George Sweigart knows it.

The real agenda is Global Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast. Sustainability is the great deception created by the new world order. The real Truth behind Satan's Ability is in Racine, Wisconsin.

shachalnur ago

tell me about Racine.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Posted another note to you above.

Read any of our comments. Racine is where the Clintons, Johnsons and others created the model for Sustainable Development that leads to Agenda 2030. A key connection from the Johnsons to the Pilgrims Society and McCain Institute is John Jeffry Louis.

There is much more in Racine, and it has great historical significance with the ancient formations and immigration patterns into Wisconsin (plus other reasons such as the Great Lakes fresh water supply).

You will notice we get attacked on this site. Everything we post is the Truth, and Racine is the weak link to the entire network.

Another quick link is that Rockefellers own the patent to the Zika virus and SC Johnsons owns the worlds most advanced labs for testing genetically modified mosquitos. This is only the beginning of the connections. Their real agenda is population control and global enslavement.

shachalnur ago

I agree with population control and a new world religion as the ultimate goal.

i know Zika is Rockefeller,and a virus + vaccines,food and pharma are only part of their weapons to achieve it.

but i believe the head of the snake is London and Rothschild ..

Rockefeller was added later .around 1880.

I'll look into the history of the names 'Bauer van Straten' and 'Neubauer',because Rothschild's familyname before they changed it was Bauer.

bauer is german ,means farmer or builder and 'van straten' is dutch ,it means 'of streets/routes', 'neubauer is german and means 'new bauer'(farmer /builder).

ergo 'bauer van straten' = Builder/Farmer of Roads or Routes

and 'Neubauer' means New Farmer/Builder

do you think there's a chance Rockefeller decided to go it alone,and tries to take over all power?

if you read my comments ,you;ll see I found a Sword diagram in Jerusalem built by rothschild from 1932 on,with Rockefeller's help and collaboration.

that sword was supposed to be activated in 2012,but something interfered.

later i found another sword diagram under Oroville,but that one seems to be build by Rockefeller around 1950-1960

that one can be activated anytime,especially when it rains.

do you know anything about Chico california?

it seems this last sword is aiming at Chico,while the first sword is aiming at the temple mount in jerusalem.

if i find any connections with Racine and Bauer ,connected to my research ,i'll let you know.

About the ad hominem attacks by trolls I think a site that s serious keeps an eye on these kind of trolls,because they make truthfinding and posting it more or less impossible,and moderators should be more aware of this,

thanks anyway.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

You understand well, and we know the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Johnsons are working closely together, and that the Johnsons are the weak link to expose the racketeering networks tied to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

The key with Neubauer is education reform based on the theme of sustainability to create slaves from Cradle to Grave.

We are very aware of Hollywood and Poway's involvement, and will look further into Chico connections.

Another key link inlight of the news on Manafort and Podesta is the U.S. Ukraine Business Council.