DarkMath ago

You could start here:

Remedial European History 101: The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Rothschild-Jesuiette

Then just start googling stuff, it's not hard to find.

DarkMath ago

"The Awan Brothers saga seems real but incomplete."

Yes I totally agree. I believe the Muslim Brotherhood were the junior partners in whatever syndicate was going on in Congress.

Deep Wasserman Schitz and Anthony Weiner were the Mossad interface sales reps telling the sales engineers what to build. Surely Mossad and everyone else has played both sides of the table.

But who cares! There's no honor among thieves. They all know they can sell each other down the river at any time. And that's where we are today. Mossad has sold the Awan's down the river. Mossad has turned state's evidence in exchange for leniency in the court of Public Opinion.

And I say great! I don't care who the fuck turns in who. All I want to see is this monolithic cluster fuck that's going on down in DC to come down. Raping children and Organ harvesting is not a viable business and can not continue. Or at least can't continue for now. Everything's stopping as the world wide IC picks up the pieces and starts the game over again. There's no choice. If they don't stop it then an army of Deplorable Shit Lords with pitch forks, torches and assault rifles are gonna demand justice. If it doesn't happen sooner then it'll happen later. The math is not on the perps side and they know it. They're turning state's evidence, recalibrating and getting prepared to re-launch their business with a new Mission Statement whenever that may be.


pizzagatecharlotte ago

How does George apparently fine his 'investigation'?

pizzagate3456 ago

I trust Steve more than George Webb. Steve has been spreading truth for years and George just recently popped up last year. Plus, George is very left wing and likes obama

Fatsack ago

you are a cia bot.

DeathTooMasons ago

No, google is very deep state and obeys the forces that control western society against the peoples will, or controls the people without their knowledge that it is so.

equineluvr ago

But ... but... but...


V____Z ago

Steve has been right about all the recent false flags. No one else calls em out like steve. Geroge talks about them like they're real.

Rabbit and Defango also warn about Webb, after doing some research into the matter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyVntIcBh88

Fatsack ago

That just proves steve knows the people planning the false flags you dunce.

V____Z ago

I'm not a dunce, I never said i thought he wasn't deep state himself, but he is behind the people who decided to leak to Assange. I don't trust anyone who would work for the US government, that's my baseline, but some people have things to offer that I appreciate, and Dr Steve has been the source of some truth that he knows for whatever reason, that i can appreciate.

I mean, isn't that the entire justification people have for continuing to follow Webb?

Webb followers are the dunces, as HA Goodman makes clear here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaLFn6m9d2Y

pizzagate3456 ago

George even said once that he doesn't like to get into 911

V____Z ago

Of course not.

EyeOfHorus ago

Jews, jews, everywhere jews.

carmencita ago

Thank you for that link. It will be a nice end to my evening as I tie things up.

Fatsack ago

Steve just outed himself as deep state.

DeathTooMasons ago

Steve is a spook, so he is horseshit on a shingle. Yeah, surem, there is a civil war and the white hats won, and are waiting for the evil to stand down. What a load of bull fucking shit. Steve P is a spook turd and should never ever be listened to any more than spooky George interwebs Shweigert.

GrDec ago

Of course he is.. the moment he started talking about Alex Jones and his "millions of listeners", (as if fatso Jones wasn't another (((Deep State))) shill) i knew this guy is a joke.

Fatsack ago

Investigating Bill Maher for saying nigga? Really Pieczenik... you sick CIA fuck.

Fatsack ago

Steve's a double agent.

Fatsack ago

Steve is pulling a limited hangout on Alex Jones audience. Tell them what they want to hear, but steer them away from the actual evidence.

equineluvr ago

He's one to talk. Steve P. was a LONG-TERM active CFR member.

DarkMath ago

Good point. These psychopaths aren't going to go down easy. But I'm thinking the Life of Luxury makes people soft upstairs and downstairs. And what a decadent lifestyle they have led while all the time picking fights with people with nothing to lose. That rarely ends well.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, all the people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all the time. - Abraham Lincoln


DeathTooMasons ago

They aren't going to go down at all. Their money controls any attempts to punish them. End of story.

DarkMath ago

"Their money controls any attempts to punish them."

Turn that frown upside down D2M.

:-( 8==========D :-)

You need to stop the navel gazing and realize a few things:

1) Deplorable Shit Lords have them highly outnumbered.

2) Deplorable Shit Lords have the Interwebs.

3) Deplorable Shit Lords don't particularly enjoy being on the menu on a daily basis.

Trust me these psychopaths at the top are waking up to the reality they spent the last 20 years mixing every hard core drug known to man kind and Alcohol. Either one's enough to do it but both at the same time will take you down every time without fail. They're waking up right now from the hang hover of hang hovers and they just figured out they might be a change of menu a little bit later on.

They're waking up to a very famous scene from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

And I'm just starting to feel a little sorry for them.



Wait a sec. Are you telling me that wasn't an original Bob Marley quote? :)

DarkMath ago


DarkMath ago

I didn't think Steve Pieczenik was really issuing a verbal beat down on George Webb. It seemed more like a little posturing and an attempt to establish alpha male dominance.

And big picture Steve Pieczenik knows exactly who George Webb is working for and you've got to remember everything's pointing to a serious falling out between the CIA and Mossad over the past 8 years. It's so bad even the "white hats" ex-CIA or not are feeling a little hot under the collar because let's face it the CIA and FBI are being made to look like fools at the moment.

Mossad is using George Webb to turn state's evidence against the CIA and to a lesser extent the FBI. There's a full on Civil War in intelligence communities world wide right now I think.

The New World Order is literally falling apart as we speak and nobody's really planned for that eventuality. The best laid plans of mice and men. As the NWO house of cards starts its free fall all the players are jostling for position and heading for the exits. I'm thinking it gets worse before it gets better.

And yeah, the NWO is done. These people need to take more European History. The NWO began in 1750 at the dawn of the Enlightenment and was an attempt to replace God with Man. Well we can all see how that ended up. Without God America justified killing 3500 New Yorkers on 9/11 and have been running drugs, raping children and stealing organs ever since. I've got a strong suspicion God will be coming back on stage in just a bit when people wake up to what the fuck happened. People look at the NWO as if it were here forever. It hasn't. 1750 is a blink of an eye in European History. Chump ideologies like the NWO are a dime a dozen if you look on a larger timescale of say 2000 years.


tastelessinvective ago

The NWO began in 1750

What happened in 1750?

DarkMath ago

The Jesuits finally got sick of being kicked out of countries and then having all their money taken away by whatever European Royal they had got into a fight with while they(the Jesuits) endeavored to stop the Protestant Reformation.

And 1750 is just a guess because the Jesuits weren't known for publishing their game plans and decisive dates in their History. Long story short is around that time the Jesuits went underground and began forming secret societies to keep off the radar. The most well known of those secret societies was the Bavarian Illuminati and shortly thereafter the "Jewish" banking family known as the Rothschilds.

And if you think that "family" was and is "Jewish" then I'm a monkey's uncle. Beyond the Jesuit fingerprints you can debunk the "Rothschilds are Jewish" myth by simply looking at the Patriarch's son Mayer Carl. He is perhaps the most un-Jewish human being you've ever seen in your life:


That man has exactly zero Jewish blood in him. He looks like a compilation of every plumber and/or heavy equipment operator I've ever come across in my life so far. He looks like he was once asked to play the Grand Pooba at an off off Broadway theater company's production of Gilbert & Sullivan's "The Mikado" in La Crosse Wisconsin.


crashing_this_thread ago

No. The NWO was an attempt to organize psychopaths under one ideology. It has nothing to do with being godless or not. They have their religion and their deity.

DarkMath ago

"They have their religion"

Hillary Clinton has a religion? I'm pretty sure she's a full blown witch. John Podesta may say he's a Catholic but I can assure you there's nothing in the Bible to back up what he's done other than have God flay him alive.

John Podesta is most likely a Jesuit. Those are the dudes behind the Spanish Inquisition. They're the Pope's hatchet men. Unfortunately the Jesuits aren't really a religion onto themselves unless the Mafia has started beatifying hit men.

If there are perps who have a religion they all apostates a fact which a certain someone we all know, a.k.a. the G Man, will take great delight in addressing.


crashing_this_thread ago

Satanism/luciferianism is a religion.

If they actually believe in it is hard to say, but the rituals are still religious.

DeathTooMasons ago

The New World Order is in no danger. We are. The Deep state still is imune to criminal charges for their criminal behavior. So how are they in trouble? Clearly, they are not.This is all a show to get us to think we have agents on the inside fighting the good fight. Crock of shit. And as usual, arrest are not imminent. But hey, "everybody gets the truth, nobody goes to jail."

DarkMath ago

"The Deep state still is imune to criminal charges for their criminal behavior."

You weak minded fool. You let their marketing smoke give you a contact high. Never let yourself breath their marketing smoke. It's game over for a Deplorable to do that.

Regain composure soldier! You're a member of the Deplorable Horde Army! Soldiers in the Horde Army are supposed to have the mental toughness and intellectual vigor to ignore The Man Behind The Curtain................Always.

Victory is near soldier. Now get back out there and Fight!


idontlikesalmon ago

What makes you think they are going down? Even if there are a few good people left in government, they don't have the power to take them down. The only ones who could bring them down are the people but as I try to spread awareness, I can see how people are and always will be sheeple. In the meantime, they are doing the necessary to censor the internet so the truth will be invisible. I do have some hope left otherwise I wouldn't be spending half of my free time on this stuff but don't see how it's gonna happen.

DarkMath ago

"they don't have the power to take them down."

Define "them".

idontlikesalmon ago

They: the few good people left in government. Them: the corrupt politicians (so pretty much all politicians), the heads of justice, the mainstream media, the heads of police, the alphabet agencies, the military/industrial complex, ... conspiring together in this cesspool.

pbvrocks ago

Well said darkmath! Very knowledgeable and well written comment! Agree!

equineluvr ago

Enough already, you half-Jew FAGGOT.

Webb is now a laughing stock. Even CFR/CIA Steve P. gave him a smackdown. LMAO!!

DarkMath ago

Hi Everyone this interaction here between me and the Horsefucker happens so often I wrote a post about it:


Horsefucker doesn't like Jews.

GrDec ago

Nobody likes Jews, except you.. LOL

DarkMath ago

Best of luck with the whole Neo-Nazi thing.

Be sure to let me know how that works out for ya. Bee tee dubs do you know how many Germans died in WWII trying to build a 1000 year Reich?

Take that number and divide it by however many "Jews!(tm)" you think were killed by Germany during WWII.

The result will be a ratio of how many German lives each Jewish life cost them.

I've got to warn you that ratio is > 1 by a large margin.

It wasn't worth it Nazi. It never is.


GrDec ago

How's the weather in TelAviv? When are you getting a new script?

DarkMath ago

You're back to thinking I'm a Jew. O_O

Go read my submissions again: https://voat.co/user/DarkMath/submissions

If you think a "Jew!(tm)" wrote those then you're not playing with a full deck.


GrDec ago

Sure Jew Boy, everyone here knows you are an IDF Israeli Shill.. stop wasting your time.

get a new script from your IDF handler, you've been caught..

DarkMath ago

You've been here 7 days and you're calling ME a shill?

Dipshit, I'm a Christian and I'm doing this for free.

What's your excuse?


GrDec ago

7 days and i will have more points that you pretty soon LOL

DarkMath ago

"7 days and i will have more points that you pretty soon"

Good for you. Like I said you're a confirmed idiot and a fucktard. Stop reminding me of your lack of intelligence.

EllaMinnow ago

The expendable elite has nothing on the rednecks of America. As you say, darkmath, we have nothing to lose. And we will fight for God's green earth before we hand it over to a bunch of mind controlled Satanist/luciferian/kaballist/assholes.

DarkMath ago

"we will fight for God's green earth before we hand it over"


GrDec ago

Translation: "we will fight for The state of IsraHell world dominance aspirations before we hand it over"

DarkMath ago

Please let me know what YOUR idea was to implode Andrew McCabe's plan to impeach Trump by planting false evidence he hired a Russian hacker to get dirt on the DNC.

Take all the time you want. I'll wait.

GrDec ago

Andrew McCabe won't be the FBI director for much longer you imbecil.. as i told you before, he is the INTERIM FBI director.. there is no need to "take him down".. and still you keep on parroting the same idiotic crap, please tell your IDF supervisor to give you a different script LOL

DarkMath ago

"he is the INTERIM FBI director."

Correct and that's why I used the words "plan to impeach". Andrew McCabe doesn't need to be FBI director to carry out his dirty deeds.

The only thing that could stop him is someone on the outside that could sit back and poke holes in his plan to concoct a school play that he hoped would lead to Trump's impeachment.

It's now confirmed you're not playing with a full deck and you've lost all credibility with me.

Sorry. I can't fix stupid.


GrDec ago

You are a total moron, do you think an interim FBI director is going to be able to impeach the president?

you have no clue how the US government works.. didn't they teach you some American civics in Israel?? LOL

DarkMath ago

"do you think an interim FBI director is going to be able to impeach the president?"

This is getting old. You're a colossal dipshit and it's annoying. Of fucking course Andrew McCabe can't impeach Trump himself you fucktard.

Andrew's role in all of this is planting false evidence. That's it. It takes an army of people to impeach the president. Guess who has an army of people? That's right, the Deep State. There are many people involved in this effort to bring down Trump.

So just fucking getting a clue, you can't get out of your own way.

DeathTooMasons ago

Hand it over? They aready have it. We need to take it back. It is and has been in their hands for ages. You guys continue to fool yourselves.