DarkMath ago

"I am merely taking issue with the continued demonization of a spirit of nationalism"

That's another Straw Man. I despise Nazism not Nationalism. The two aren't related. But I agree the psychopaths pushing the New World Order vilify populism by equating it with Nationalism and then full blown Nazism.

The problem here is boths sides are building Straw Men to argue their points. You making Nazism more palatable by comparing it to Communism and the NWO psychopaths by attacking populism by turning it into Nationalism. Sorry to belabor the point but until the very units of conversation are validated it's like dancing in the dark.

" So while I appreciate your attempt to discredit me by trying to simplify my political beliefs to "it's da jooz" "

That's a good point and I'll acknowledge maybe a miniature Straw Man equating Nazism with AntiSemitism but come on. My point would be Fascism needs an enemy in order to justify itself. Hitler used "The Jews(tm)". The Deep State here in America are using "The Muslims!(tm)" and in the case of who they're trying to pin Seth Rich's murder on "The [insert N word here]!(tm)". The Communists used Capitalists. And on and on.

"same jews would bristle at the idea of insisting on similar "diversity" for Israel"

I totally agree. "The Jews(tm)" need to own their semi-apartheid thing going on. But here's my deal on Israel. As soon as the Deep State is brought down and their whipping boy, a.k.a. "The Muslims!(tm)" goes back to being just a religion it always was before they were chosen as the new enemy......after all that I think there might actually be peace in the Middle East. The past 50 years have been dictated by the American Military Industrial Complex and if there was no enemy then god damn it they'd make one up to fight. I think Israel benefited from that in the beginning but these past 8 years with Obama in office Israel got some major blow back. Iran now has nukes and that ain't good for Israel. If there's one thing that explains George Webb and Mossad turning state's evidence it's that. Israel got scared of where their relationship with America was going. What we saw happen in the past 9 months is Israel moving into the apartment over the garage because they just couldn't live with the woman they married anymore because she's bat shit fucking cray cray. Good news is the divorce court date is in just a couple of weeks.

Big picture as tragic as all this horse shit is to live through the consolation prize is when it's over the state of perpetual war is over. I can't wait because war is fucking hell on Earth.

DarkMath ago


What you built is called a Straw Man and it's really important that you realize how and why you did it. First up is "Soviet Union and Red China". I totally agree. The Communists killed far more than the Nazis. The worst was Mao who starved around 40 million of his own people to death starting in the late 1950s up until the early 1970s. Basically while America fought the Vietnam War Mao was trying to make good on a promise he made to Russia to repay a loan. To prove how prosperous Red China was Mao didn't miss a payment. Except the payment was in food and Red China didn't have many farmers left after they tried to press the fast forward button on their Industrialization. Long story short Mao starved 40 million of his own people to death all to make Russia and the outside world think China was healthy.

Ok so now that that's over back to your Straw Man. You couldn't attack my point about Nazism being evil so you twisted the argument to be about Totalitarianism. You then proved Nazism was the lesser of two evils which it was based on body counts. But you haven't really proved anything have you? Totalitarianism sucks. Yeah, we all knew that to begin with. So why are you making an issue out of it?

And therein lies the rub, you'd very much like to blame the current cluster fuck in America on someone. Hey why not "The Jews!(tm)"! They don't share the same religion we have and they're kind of like "The Muslims!(tm)" but shiftier. You know where this is going Kevin so I'm not going to belabor the point. I'll just say this isn't about any form of religion. This cluster fuck is about Good vs Evil. There are evil Christians, Jews and Muslims who are responsible for this and to be honest just as many Atheists too. They all supported a horrible and wicked idea called The New World Order.

Fortunately these evil mother fuckers are within weeks of being brought down. And when they come back to Earth they will burn up on reentry for the whole world to see. Never again in History will Civilization hear the words "New World Order". It's kind of like what happened to Nazism. Both are tarred forever by unspeakable crimes against humanity and if you want to know my honest opinion they're both kinda the same thing.

