carmencita ago

Jem777 posted this yesterday with links that can assist in your research. Unfortunately she was banned from pizzagate by Vindicator for telling the truth.

sunajAeon ago

This is an excellent expose of the Las Vegas False Flag shooting

Matt_Helm ago

Paddock owned a few airplanes he was paid to transport kids from overseas to Nevada. He was also running guns and probably heroin so it was time to get rid of him he knew too much he was set up as the patsy it's obvious now.

cantsleepawink ago

No one has produced any link between Paddock and the ranch in the Philippines.

jervybingly ago

The Philippines is absolutely riddled with Meth. Someone is making big bucks out of that.

srayzie ago

That's what Jake Morphonios from End Times News Report thinks too. He's been investigating the LV shooting for weeks.

Kcpedogate ago

just discovered him recently, he is awesone!

carmencita ago

Some keep saying Paradise Ranch is not connected. I looked into it right at the beginning and was immediately down voated and attacked for my comment. I still believe it. I keep hearing it is somewhere else. It does not belong to him, He is just the manager, etc. You are doing a good job connecting and researching. Will get back to this tomorrow. Time for sleep.

cantsleepawink ago

I looked into it too and cannot find a link between the two.

carmencita ago

It's very confusing. Why is there a seat at Corporate Circle and one at Howard Hughes? What does seat mean or imply? Pretty fancy talk for a Ranch that has no connections anywhere else. I am willing to say that maybe the LV ranch has no connection to another Paradise Ranch here in the US, because that is a pretty common name really. But, I still think we can admit that there are ties to VA and the Philippines. The GF Marilou has ties to Phil. and Australia, so why even use her, I have read that she is really not his GF as well. Btw, Where is Marilou, have not heard anything about her or her where abouts.

lawrieraja ago

Another interesting tidbit - If you actually look at the business entity #s for Paradise Ranch 1-25 before Nevada changed their entity numbering system in later years - they are:

LLC16 850 -2004
LLC16 851 -2004
LLC16 852 -2004
LLC16 853 -2004, etc.

They are literally perfectly sequential with I think maybe one or two instances where its is 2 digits off instead of one. This tells us that all 25 of these entities were filed TOGETHER and at the same EXACT time.

carmencita ago

Can you help Mej777

lawrieraja ago

sorry I just replied to your first comment.

carmencita ago


carmencita ago

And by the same person. So as I said, what is your opinion? A shell company? A place to get mail at? Possibly picking up CP tapes. But a PO Box is already available for that. As I said Perplexing.

lawrieraja ago

I've found that the Corporate Circle and Howard Hughes addresses are the addresses of the "Registered Agent". Basically there are companies like Incorp and CT Corporation Solutions, etc. that have offices all over the county and offer services where people can pay to use their local office address on their business filings.

It has a two-fold effect of 1) obfuscating the actual physical location of the officer/manager/member and 2) providing an in-state mailing address. Lots of these entities get revoked for failing to maintain an in-state address. While these services are legal they are often criticized for their use by criminal organizations and to create layers upon layers of shell companies to hide the true identity/identities of the principal officers, like what was seen in the Panama Papers.

When I looked into Paradise Ranch, there are 25 entities with a handful of different officer names. Tracing those names in Nevada alone will bring you to Traverse Village 1-25, LVABP 1-22, The Ridges at Paradise Ranch 1, 2, I, II, Buffalo Investment 1-9, Brittmoore Industrial Center 1-13, Pinehurst Apartments 1-12, Magnolia Center 1-22, Traverse Point Apartment 1-12, Gateway Plaza 1-15, North Branch Outlets 1-21, The Ridges III 1-14, and some one-offs like LVMB Traverse Village Sponsor, LVMP Traverse Village Development, LVMP Paradise Ranch Village.

Tracing the Mesquite Central Part Apartments/Southwind Festival Apartments in Texas showed up a literally 75% of the same exact names.

The majority of these entities have a status of Permanently Revoked/Revoked/Dissolved. It seems like the same "core" group will register a bunch of entities (often numbering them 1-whatever so that if you were to look at something like Corp Wiki, it doesn't really see the entities as connected because they are each in different names), but they they don't really do any business and eventually their biz license gets revoked, and then they just register a bunch more and continue the cycle.

Personally I haven't seen anything connecting concretely w/ the Philippines but almost everyone connects back to Manhattan Beach, CA and to an extent, the Greater Los Angeles area in general. There are also a TON of connected Delaware entities but I don't have LexisNexis or anything to get that info.

carmencita ago

What do you think is the purpose of this "operation"? Very odd indeed. I remember a while back we were researching offices and places all over the country, I believe names Joe's or Joseph's Pizza. I believe when checked they were doctor's offices, lawyers offices, etc anything but a pizza place. Possibly some kind of shell operation. Very confusing and perplexing. I am going to ask about this from @Jem777 @millennial_vulcan @fogdryer @srayzie I know @quantokitty was involved in researching that other thread too, but have not heard from her lately. Will check in.

srayzie ago

Check this out. Jake Morphonios (one of my favs) has been covering Pizzagate/pedogate for a long time. Lately he's become one of the best researchers on the LV shooting. He's making connections.

The Paddock Child Porn Connection - Part 1 of 3

carmencita ago

Will check out, thanks.

lawrieraja ago

Your guess is as best as mine but in the Paddock connection I have been leaning towards two theories:

  1. To establish a paper trail for possible aliases. They never intend to actually do business (hence no physical business location) but by filing these docs with the state it's easy to create a robust record of a particular person over time. If you google a few of the names of the "officers" in these biz entities they come up as being like 90-100+ years old and I find it a bit hard to believe a bunch of 95yo's are setting up tons of new entities all over the western US, only to have them revoked within a few years. I think that also may be why we see Paddock's ex-wife's name showing up in business filings too WAYYY after they divorced even though she says they have not spoken in years.

  2. To create layers of shells to hide the true players. For example, let's say I registered an entity as Paradise Ranch LLC in Nevada with my name and address. Then I can go to Texas and register Paradise Ranch Apartments LLC but instead of putting my name as the officer, I can put Paradise Ranch LLC and the Nevada address. Then I could hop over to Arizona and do the same thing but this time use the Texas name and address, and if I do this enough times, and over a large enough geographic area, eventually it would be almost impossible for someone to discern that I am in fact the principal officer without literally having to manually trace through these entities, on different SecState websites. Further, I could use a service like Incorp to hide my true address on the original Nevada entity so even if someone traces it back that far, they still would't know where I really am. I could also slightly misspell my name or shorten in into a nickname, further obscuring my identity...

And there's a lot of reasons someone might do that too. The obvious ones would be money laundering, criminal activity but the LLC nested within the LLC model can have a lot of legitimate benefits by removing someone as far as possible from liability (i.e. perhaps a celebrity, billionaire, someone in the public eye that may be an easy target for frivolous/shakedown lawsuits if people knew they were connected to that company). I have also considered that it may lead back to one or more fraternal orgs as I have heard they are pretty concentrated in Manhattan Beach...

Nowadays its so easy to file these one page statements with the SecState that these layers can potentially go SO far its so hard to say, but I do think its safe to say that no one would have any reason to do this unless they have the EXPRESS INTENT to purposely obscure their true identity. This isn't something that happens "incidentally" or without careful planning and manipulation of the system.

carmencita ago

Thank you for all the work and research you have done. Another example of the intertwining they do with all of their operations. The more it is tangled up the harder to trace. Another example of their rabbit holes. You may have it figured out, actually that could be it. I have pinged a few people and hope we can get some help.

lawrieraja ago

No prob. Glad to help. This may be useful too:

This is what clinched it for me that these names are all connected.

carmencita ago

That sure looks like you hit the nail on the head. I am waiting for a few to join in especially one person I highly trust on this matter.

carmencita ago

For real? Please explain. If not, I will withdraw, for I trust your opinion.

2impendingdoom ago

between which two? I'm confused. Why are there business listings for paradise ranch 1 - 25 at the same or similar address with different managing officers for each incarnation?

cantsleepawink ago

Also look at this post: Paradise Ranch is disinfo

cantsleepawink ago

I meant between Paddock and the Philippine ranch. Paddock's company is Paradise Ranch 21. Have a look at my comment in this link:

2impendingdoom ago

It seems to me that all these Paradise Ranch 1 - 26 businesses are connected. Maybe they are means of transferring money to or from investors without tax or direct payment. At one point there is a similar business number for EP of Orlando (now dissolved) which is maybe Eric Paddock the Orlando brother?

I think all these people are connected to Steven Paddock/Paradise Ranch.

cantsleepawink ago

Veteran's Housing Specialists

Can you see where this is going?

Vindicator ago

T1L, interesting find. Any thoughts on why -- if he was raking in the dough trafficking kids and having fun playing in his money doing high-roller gambling -- he would randomly decide to shoot up a country music concert?

The1stLantern ago

I am unsure - can only speculate at the point. My guess is deep state set him up as a patsy - you can hold levelage over a pedo to get them to do nearly anything, but mass murder doesnt seem likely.

Seems more likely he thought he was working a super spy, the same way Oswald did when they framed him for JFK facilitating some sort of arms deal - only there is no deal and its a set up - I think Vegas might have been a proto-Dallas for Trump.

Also good to see you again my friend.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I too think there is a 'dry run' element to Vegas. The odd Russian flag incident and shouts of 'treason' from a guy that looks straight out of CIA casting, harkens back to the JFK Treason Posters distributed in Dallas. As for the 'victims' in Vegas: I have a theory that many of the victims were associated with trafficking and were 'mopped up' off site, then listed as casualties. The photos of Paddock depicting him as sloppy and unkempt seem intentionally diversionary.

ben_matlock ago

holy crap.

heyyouwho2 ago

Thanks for sharing 4chan link. ...that idiom structure though?!

AgainstPedos ago

Says DEA was wiretapping patsy forever. They have video starting in April 2015 of patsy making gun deals. Maybe he wasn't really selling just guns? Recall the underground tunnels of Mandalay Bay? How convenient with Saudi buyers so available. The child porn was likely a sales enticement.

GeorgeT ago

And I remember a huge story involving Saudi owned businesses around Comet Ping Pong that got swept under the rugh immediately. Saudis do seem to be involved big time. And on an off note, Saudis donated $25 million to the Clinton Foundation

LightlyToasted ago

Excellent point.