bolus ago

that's a good one.

what i see happening is that there is strong research done on the front end...note that someone mentions the horse ranch and is ignored...and then someone comes back in weeks later with a twisted version of that research, pushing (what i think is) a disinfo angle. (see loomer, et al)

there is no good way that i can think of to make an anon data repository of "what we know to be true" because of the nature of untrust. all we can do is ALWAYS question EVERYTHING, and that's exhausting.

cantsleepawink ago

I agree. Well done.

Dressage2 ago


bolus ago

The property itself is not easily visible on google maps, but it's a big dirt mound at 35.98, -114.92.

I found the property listing from when they bought it...looking to see if i archived it or if it's still up.

lawrieraja ago

or the neighboring development that is suddenly being dumped in short sales?

lawrieraja ago

you mean the property owned by the USA?

bolus ago

based on what i see in your screen cap, it's just south of the 'government owned' property. if i read all of the documentation properly, they were speculating on the train stop and long-term development of that area, due to general urban sprawl.