TrishaUK ago

Was his laptop in the hotel room or in his house? I hear people saying its obvious he didn't remove it because it would still be in the room. But if he removed it beforehand it could explain it not being in the room. A scenario I have not heard anyone say yet....what if the hard drive has evidence of who is behind the gun deals/terrorists/trafficking etc., whatever it turns out to be, and he has put it in a safe place, in case anything happens to him? (something like Imran Awan did), hopefully the 'safe place' will be revealed by the trigger of him dying. Just a thought

lawfag123 ago

just like how the one bullet destroyed the hard drive at comet pizza.


migratorypatterns ago

Yup, they're magic bullets that do what you want them to do and not what physics/science tells you what would actually happen.

SmokinDave73 ago

People should keep in mind with these articles coming out at the moment that they could be just fake news/rabbit holes to distract us, leading people away from the fact that Vegas was a flase flag attack done by the deepstate to keep America in a state of fear and to cover up real issues they don't want the public to focus on, like pedogate the fake Russian narrative for example.

Hopefully if there is any truth to them it might raise awareness to get the truth on the real shooters and reveal that the FBI is covering what really happened with a fake narrative.

migratorypatterns ago

The only fake news is coming out of mainstream news.

Now ABC is reporting about the missing hard drive. In other words, they're being pressured to tell the? It truth because we already know it to be true. If "they" were the custodians of the information about the hard drive, do you really think we'd be reading it? And you know what the one big telling proof is that they weren't going to tell us? It's that they didn't have a logical cover story prepared for how it went missing.

This one walked away.

Oh, and then there's Campos driving with a bullet in his leg.

AngryMimi ago

My first detailed post so please be kind if I have missed something or formated incorrectly etc. For Everything There Is A First Time.

  1. Orlando Shooter: Worked for G4s

  2. Who is the biggest security company in Las Vegas: G4s

  3. G4s is owned by ex FBI - Wakenhut hated rules and created Shadow CIA. G4s Wiki

  4. Paddock owned "Paradise Ranch"; which is an LLC joint venture with the Phillipines Children's Fund of America. Providing a transitional home for children flown from the Phillipines to the US. Paradise Ranch in the Phillipines is next to Clark Air Base which is well known for child sex trafficiking. Nevada State Entity

  5. Paddock's girl friend is Phillipino.

  6. Rumor (at this point) that Paddock worked with G4s.

  7. Conjecture: Paddock did not earn millions on video poker, he ran guns and probably aided in the trafficking of children. (pilots license, 2 planes, multiple properties)

  8. Researching if Wakenhut owns prisions....I believe they do.

  9. OH they do guard nuclear facilities......

  10. Paddocks brother that was interviewed and seen all over the world for days at one point was wearing a t-shirt that had the "Central Florida Community Arts" logo.
    T-Shirt CFCARTS board of directors chair is Sara Brady. Her own company "Sara Brady Public Relations" specializes in crisis management and strategic communications. Sara is listed as one of the top "50 most powerful people in Orlando". Her company was the PR firm that handled the ORLANDO shooting at the Pulse Club. Sara Brady PR

migratorypatterns ago

  1. Conjecture: Paddock did not earn millions on video poker, he ran guns and probably aided in the trafficking of children. (pilots license, 2 planes, multiple properties)

This. No, not conjecture. The link given to the DEA wiretapping Paddock proves the gambling story a false narrative.

Here is what we have gleaned from law enforcement sources who are NOT directly linked to the sham active Las Vegas probe of Paddock:

  • Paddock had a number of cell phones acquired and linked to numbers in Los Angeles, CA.
  • From what we can ascertain on or about 2013 one on the LA-based numbers linked to Paddock turned during a DEA wiretap.
  • That phone was reportedly an AT&T Mobility phone.
  • After tracing the phone to Paddock, DEA agents delved into his finances and background.
  • DEA agents pinpointed a high number of federal Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) linked to Paddock’s bank transactions, including large wire amounts.
  • A number of such wires were from shell companies without an official brick-and-mortar presence in any domicile.
  • A number of SARs involved offshore wires coming into Paddock’s U.S. accounts.
  • Paddock may have maintained at least one offshore bank account.
  • Paddock subscribed to different cell phones in different U.S. cities from different cellular phone carriers.
  • A number of those phones are now in the possession of the FBI lab in Virginia.

AngryMimi ago

Thank you for confirmation! It appears that Paddock was a very busy man

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, he was.

Almost as busy as the cheese pizza Pedosta crowd.

DawnofTruth ago

I am more interested in the news-fodder that's being selected to feed use than the actual implication because they are obviously cherry picking what they want us to know or believe.

migratorypatterns ago

Hence indie media.

They keep things real.

TrishaUK ago

What I am loving right now is, watching FOX NEWS (Sean Hannity & Tucker Carlson) is like being on voat! Fantastic information coming out on main news channels is WAHOOOOoooo!!!!!! Its NEVER going back in the bag now... great work everyone! Killary is now going under the bus.....but we need to still carry on until the ones behind her art locked up too.

migratorypatterns ago

I know what you mean!!!! Just hearing legitimate, maiinstream journalists talk about these things is HUGE!!!! What an accomplishment!!!

No, we can't back off or let up. This is only the beginning. The Cannibal Elite need to be driven from their underground tunnels and put in jail where they belong!!! No more blackmail!!! No more drugging people and taking photos as has been suggested!!! Then there are the ones that actually did molest children!!! GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL!!!!

MrKequc ago

That's the official story? That he removed the hd from the laptop, shot himself, the hd is gone, and he worked alone? Show us something from the video cameras in the room! Or at least some security footage from the lobby.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, where is all the security footage? But you remember that shooting victim Rachel Sheppard's lawyer had to get a stay against MGM to stop destroying evidence including security footage. Why would they be destroying footage if they had a madman barricaded in a room? It would support their story, no?

Sheppard's attorney Brian Nettles asked for the order to preserve key card records, surveillance video, radio traffic and anything connected to the shooting.

That includes the festival grounds and the room at Mandalay Bay where the shooting originated.

MGM lawyers argued the request was broad and unnecessary, since that material was already being preserved for law enforcement.

But Nettles said it was important to get it on the record and in open court, not just for his client, but for the public.

"Our concern is that before the discovery period starts, something bad could happen. That something could be altered, something could be destroyed. They said in court today, they're already looking at fixing or changing that room," he said.

maggiethatcher ago

So, it is obvious that the hard drive was in the laptop when he brought it to the hotel (nobody would carry a non-functioning laptop). He couldn't have disposed of it after his brains were blown out. It is not small enough to hide in the room. So the only options are that he threw it out of the window or the FBI have it. Or he sent it to someone before the shooting and after he had finished using his computer

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, but who was there? Remember he was supposed to have been alone.

Very squirrelly.

Skeptic2 ago

Note report late in interview, 2nd hand, "watch out, 'they'll' slip you a mickey and put you in bed with a child and take pics' to gain leverage."

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks for this!

Starts around 35:57

Skeptic2 ago

Your welcome. I use as a news aggregator. Catherine Austin Fitts is on it.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for that.

KeksMex ago

A story about the fake Sandy Hook massacre too involving the non person that supposedly did the shooting having child porn. It's weird synchronicity in the media.

migratorypatterns ago

Unless CP is pervasive ... not sure how to read this.

KeksMex ago

Personally I question whether there ever was a person called Adam Lanza so saying he had CP on his computer is a stretch.

migratorypatterns ago

Nothing wrong with questioning things. Be skeptical. I'm figuring there was because it's for sure that's what good ole Stephen was into. My guess he was big into child trafficking.

banenya ago

Eric Paddock dumped a HUGE smelly hint when he said this while talking about his brother's "quirky sense of humor" TRANSCRIPT: "What's a quirky sense of humor? People watch movies where they butcher little kids." I'm betting the laptop has child porn / snuff films.

migratorypatterns ago

WHOA! UpVoat for you!

He said that? Yeah, definitely a tell. Why that? Oh, yeah,. They were both in on it. It pays well to have no morals.

myvoicefromhell ago

Wow. Housekeeping is very thorough in that hotel.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, right?

kestrel9 ago

Good post thanks. A couple times I posted my speculation about whether there could be ties, given the International CP ring connected to Australia and the Philippines. But I didn't have evidence to have debunked, so I'm also interested to read the post about 'Paddock's debunked tie' to child trafficking.

I posted this before in regards to Paddock's mysterious 'motive' and source of money, but I think it's worth a repeat...

Not saying this is related but it aroused at least some suspicion on the timing and related places.

May 14, 2017

Bangkok: Australian Federal Police have played a key role in uncovering a syndicate streaming extreme child sex and torture to Australian paedophile predators in a $1 billion-a-year underground industry in the Philippines.

I believe I read something about Stephen Paddock starting to buy a lot more guns in June of 2017. If, and that's a big if, he was involved in playing a role in an international child porn production or distribution and it was a good way to fund his gambling lifestyle, one could see how this bust might piss him off. ~~~

~~~Major child webcam sex bust reveals rising abuse

The arrest of David Timothy Deakin in the Philippines has revealed one of the darkest corners of the Internet, where pedophiles in the US, Canada, Europe and Australia pay overseas facilitators to sexually abuse children and babies.

The arrests come two weeks after Philippine authorities, acting on an overseas tip-off, made one of the largest seizures of its kind in the country, uncovering a major operation live-streaming the abuse and torture of children from dark corners of the internet to predators in Australia, the US, Canada and Europe.

The AFP also played a key role in the arrest in the Philippines of 52-year-old alleged Australian child sex predator and "dark web" mastermind Peter Scully, who has been charged over what police say are the most shocking cases of child murder, torture and abuse they have seen in the country. (arrested 2015)

Speculative motive for shooting if he is shown to have ties:

Seems Australian CP producers have quite a connection to working in the Philippines. Stephen Paddock didn't have a social media 'footprint' so we are told, but no one has told us whether or not he had a Dark Web 'footprint', using aliases... CP involvement would an ideal way to make money perhaps, if you want to spend a lot time gambling, or traveling.

carmencita ago

Have we done extensive research on his gf Marilou? She had Phil. and Australia ties. I know there was some done, but I think she played a larger part than thought.

PedoStomper ago

What if she was similar to the girlfriend of Peter Scully, who helped him to lure in the young victims from poor villages and such? Seems like a role that she could have played in the whole thing.

carmencita ago

Would not be surprised. Peter Scully, you just jogged my memory. That was a horrible operation. Quite some time ago, so much to read and look at that it seems years ago when only months. Yes, I agree. If he wired her 100K then I don't think it was for her flight back or for souvenirs.

migratorypatterns ago

UpVoat for you.

Good stuff that deserves looking into.

dreamdigital ago

Look for this story to be a setup by the MSM/Deep State/Shadow Government. They'll suddenly find it and release info on all his plans for the Las Vegas Shooting.

migratorypatterns ago

This is not a setup. Due to the nature of the rules here, I was unable to post this story, but I'll post it here. It's breaking news on the DEA wiretapping Stephen Paddock. That means Paddock was on the POTUS' radar and was a shady character. This Vegas thing, THAT's the coverup by the Deep State and what people like Loomer are pushing back on. Here's the link about the DEA. Paddock was dirty!!!! And like I said, I wanted to start a thread in #pizzagate, but it wasn't specifically tied to what Rule 1 specifies.

DEA Wiretap Led to Investigation of Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock

dreamdigital ago

Thanks for that info. Good reply. Appreciate it!

migratorypatterns ago

Not a problem.

alphabravo ago

More ammo from Thomas Paine - Stephen Paddock was wiretapped ---

BREAKING-- DEA Wiretap Led to Investigation of Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock

migratorypatterns ago

UpVoat for you.

I just posted this link in reply to someone else. I'd wanted to make it a separate post, but it doesn't conform to Rule 1, but within the confines of this thread it's valid indeed.

Paddock was dirty. Dirty, dirty, dirty. The LA Coverup is the false narrative about this scumbag.

Dressage2 ago

He didn't want to smash it with a hammer because he was afraid Lawrence O'Donnell would show up and start screaming, "Stop the hammering."

migratorypatterns ago

Ha! UpVoat for making me laugh!!!!

Just such a ridiculous thing to happen. As my mother would say, "Well, the hard drive couldn't have just gotten up and walked away by itself!"

merica_fk_yeah ago

Paddocks bro a fall guy? Paddock possibly an agent, with blackmail on laptop.

migratorypatterns ago

I think they were both scummy. If you saw the interview with the brother, so many red flags stood out. Like the fact he couldn't think of anything to say to the victim's families. Really? How about something like, "From the bottom of my heart, I am so sorry at what happened." Then there's him leaving his phone on. It's a very sociopathic thing to do. I mean, his brother was discovered to be the mass shooter, and a reporter is interviewing you in your driveway as to what the hell your thoughts are as to a family member perpetrating this crime, and he leaves his cell on so the ringtone keeps sounding? And he checks caller ID's? Got something more important to do, Bruce? How about molest a couple kids?

unabashed_centrist ago

Haven't seen this brought up anywhere else, but it seems like Paddock has two bothers. Eric is the one you saw doing the coked out interview.

dustyr ago

It appears to me that Stephen & "Bruce" are twins(??) And, if Stephen was such a good guy, helping his family to "get rich" why is "Bruce" homeless?

TrishaUK ago

my thought too

Verite1 ago

Yeah right?

Harpua33 ago

I think I saw that they are a family of 5?

Blacksmith21 ago

Comet Ping Pong anyone?

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, but how thin did he and his brother like it sliced.

Blacksmith21 ago

I bet they like it in TX. BRB...need to visit WL.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nada. Wanted to run the tail number. no hit.

madhatter67 ago

Comped sushi is the thing these days

gr8b8itm8 ago

how the fuck do they always go missing? why do we even pay these assholes what they make?

migratorypatterns ago

I know ... I know.

I mean, this guy allegedly committed suicide. You'd think if the guy in the locked, barricaded room is dead, the laptop would remain intact, but nope! They never do.

Sackajahweeda ago

HE might have had some albeit unused LIFE INSURANCE of his own on that laptop.

migratorypatterns ago

Could be. But this story is breaking apart and I believe the truth will be revealed. The exposing Paddock as being wiretapped was a HUGE leap in the right direction! And Laura Loomer is ripping MGM Resorts a new one with what she's finding out about their political leanings ... well, Mandalay anyway. Don't know if it was condoned by MGM so I'm trying to be fair. But HUGE Killary supporters even going so far as to drive workers to the polls to vote? Really? Who the fuck does that? It would seem the ideal place to stage a false flag. But as is the case lately, these things are so hastily put together that they're getting REALLY sloppy!

RimeTheBard ago

To answer your first question, because someone higher up the food chain wanted it gone.

To answer your second question, because they will shoot you if you don't pay them.

migratorypatterns ago


JesusRules ago

Duterte's Russia trip to mark new chapter in Manila-Moscow ties

It was during this trip that ISIS invaded the Philippines, coincidence? Maybe Paddock was arming ISIS in the Philippines, as well as the child porn stuff?

migratorypatterns ago

Absolutely. I was bashed for daring to insinuate Paddock was involved with ISIS. Now with Cernovich saying it, I was right to post it.

kestrel9 ago

ISIS is/has been involved in human trafficking, no reason to rule out that they wouldn't sell kids to a international porn ring. Seems that exchanging Kids for Weapons is probably a good deal for both sides. All speculative of course.

JesusRules ago

Organ harvesting too

migratorypatterns ago

Wow, pushback is hot and heavy!!!

Lost access to my own thread for a minute or two.

Thegreatestname ago

Of course the hard drive is missing it contained a recording of him doing the shooting. They would have had to release at least some parts of it at some point in time. If it goes missing they can't release it.

Are_we__sure ago


How would it contain a recording of him doing the shooting?

Thegreatestname ago

He had webcams on the door peep sight and on a room service cart outside. So he could see when people approached outside. They were connected to something...

Are_we__sure ago

Do we know they were webcams?

Wikipedia says this Investigators found hidden surveillance cameras that were placed inside and outside the hotel room, presumably so Paddock could monitor the arrival of others. The cameras were not in record mode.

MrKequc ago

Could have been a direct feed doesn't have to be recorded anywhere. Although why so much secrecy usually people that kill themselves like this want to say something.

leonareo ago

Didn't he leave a note as well?

hypercat ago

They said it was ballistic planning. Angles of shooting etc.

Thegreatestname ago

Yep, they already said that was nothing. And they aren't going to release it because, it's not important. Totally wasn't a suicide note. cough cough uncomfortable truths...

migratorypatterns ago

Well, it contained something The Cannibal Elite didn't want us to see.

Same thing as with the Comet Pizza hard drive. Guy opens fire in a closet, and don't you know the bullet just happened to destroy the hard drive? How the hell does that happen?

Thegreatestname ago

We are fools to think there is justice anywhere in this world.

Fiveonit ago

The only hope is that there is justice in death.


There will be and it will be ruthless justice. We just need to keep turning the tables bit by bit.

migratorypatterns ago

And I just lost access to my own link!!!!

carmencita ago

It's probably loaded with CP too.

migratorypatterns ago

No doubt! Everything that was put in that one post that got MAJOR pushback is turning out to be true! In fact, I tried to post something about Paddock and the post was removed because that other info was judged to be "speculation"!!!!

Well, here's more speculation ... no, not speculation. Cernovich is calling Paddock out and tweeted: "Vegas shooter was trafficking firearms for Islamic terrorists in Philippines, and children" I put the link up in the OP.

carmencita ago

Well, can you repost some? Now that it is true, maybe it will be harder to vouch for. Speculation? We have at the beginning been allowed to post and then research. It is hard to research and question if we cannot post. Rather backwards, imo.

migratorypatterns ago

Here's another post, but again, not THE post:

kestrel9 ago

Thanks, I do remember that one and it was one of the reasons why the article on the Australian/Philippine CP ring stood out so much, bringing Paddock and his girlfriend to mind.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes. Somebody was making a big deal about how there was no connection and how dare someone post there was.

Goddamn shills.

migratorypatterns ago

@carmencita This is one of the posts, but not THE post I'm talking about. I'll keep looking later.

migratorypatterns ago

It is. I don't believe I have a link to the post. I did save the link to the info .... somewhere ...

Yes, it would be great if I can find it. I'll ping you if I find and post ... :)

carmencita ago

Don't drive yourself nuts over it. It would be interesting. I just went through the above post, and was reminded that Paddock worked at Lockheed. Comey was head of Lockheed from 2005 - 2010. Very interesting.

migratorypatterns ago

Yup. The pieces do fit.

There's another connection I'm trying to find, but it might be impossible. I will give it a go ... what the heck!