fogdryer ago

Clinton and soros were behind vegas

TrishaUK ago

VERY SHORT INTERESTING VIDEO, IS IT STEPHEN PADDOCK?? - by HighImpactFlix Published on 7 Oct 2017 WTH!?! Video of Stephen Paddock Alive AFTER Las Vegas Shooting??? -

EyeOfHorus ago

Additional owners of shooters plane:

John W Roger of Roanoke was on board of directors for Volant LLC also of Roanoke. He basically sold his personal aircraft to his commercial company.

USH is Universal Student Housing. The company FRONTS as an international student placement service. It provided home placement and transportation for foreign students into and throughout the United States. Its reviews are few and dismal.

EyeOfHorus ago

Steve was an Army of one.

carmencita ago

Somebody said in the other post Look Up Barry Seal. So I did. This involves Iran Contra Mena Ar, and so much more. I think Paddock was the Barry Seals of today. He may have been transporting children, but also guns and drugs. A Holy Mess.

Catsfive ago

Mossad charger??

Jesus, FUCK. Fuck you, OP.

Jem777 ago

This is a CIA/JTTF operation. Mossad and Saudi Arabia are sisters. The CIA manages both. JTTF is the FBI infiltrated by CIA operatives.

This happened after 9/11 on purpose....

Floors 35-39 owned by Israeli Tycoon called four seasons, Top Five floors owned by Saudi King Waleed.

Paddock is an arms dealer. The UAE and Pakistani ISI infiltrated the Democratic Party through Imran Awan & Otaibe...young girls & boys were being drug raped in Washington DC & flown to Las Vegas....this was exposed three weeks ago.The victims that were talking had to be taken out.

The UAE embassy was burned to the ground in February to destroy evidence. This was also a planned operation to kill witnesses, dump bodies, scream terrorism, gun control for Rich elites to cover their crimes and make money by terrorizing citizens who are unaware.

The FBI has been fully infiltrated. The majority of Congress and Senate are blackmailed pedophiles.

The large scale plan is a DOD operation as was 9/11.... Ask Rumsfield, Cheney and David Patreus.

This was a CIA/military operation ran outside of chain of command just like Benghazi....and first 9/11...David Patreus zero footprint.

They do this in at least 40 other countries which have been reduced to shambles and in the last years have implemented it on US soul against American Citizens.

Black budget, dark money, weapons, children, huuuuge amounts of drugs, uranium, organs, all trafficked. Many major hospitals are involved. Intentional opiate targeting, murder for organs, planned parenthood sells of organs....

fogdryer ago

and like sheeples we just go along.....

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

The closer the Jew/Mason's get to total world domination the closer they get to the pray for a good end. We have DNA we can root out many of the hidden ones.

Millennial_Falcon ago

OP, please provide sources for claims in your items, 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Rule 2 requires that all factual claims that aren't common knowledge must be sourced (opinion is another matter, and doesn't need to be sourced). It is important that we stay grounded in documented information. Thanks.

Hortance ago

So somebody was sending Trump a message by killing his supporters; its connected to global pedo rings; but Sheldon Adelson, a huge Trump supporter, is hip-deep in the global pedophilia business himself? Some of the above may be true, but taken as a whole, sounds like disinfo, designed to confuse.

Gothamgirl ago

#6 Do you have a copy of that FBI Anon 4 chan post? Trump was a self funder, and he ran a very lean campaign compared to others, So do you have a link/proof for that? Not trying to be rude, I just want the truth.

AgainstPedos ago

I have a copy of the 4 chan post. Do you want the link?

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, I just read this. Thank you for sharing.

Gothamgirl ago


Madwack ago

This video is done by that guy...... Nathan from Unveil the Truth ....hmmmm

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Remember there is still a yuuuuge plane still missing!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

The man they claim was Paddock who died in that hotel room, did not have the tat on his neck. That guy was not Paddock! Paddock needed someone/sombodies to think he was dead! All staged! Paddock or whoever he really is, most likely thought he was there to sell guns to the Saudis. He was the patsy either way.

AgainstPedos ago

Video of Paddock beginning in April 2015 at same casino selling guns exists. Buyers were believed to be actually ISIS.

srayzie ago

Are you talking about the picture going around that looks like a 13 on his neck? If so, I thinks just loose skin, from being older, and shadow.

thisistotallynotme ago

Actual working link:

Note: The brother was NOT going to say "arms dealer". he was going to say "Army of One", which would've denegrated the armed forces (It was the Army's commercial tagline for a while), and he decided not to do it.

The rest of the video has very good information. just undertand that there is a very grave factual error, and "come to your own conclusions", as the video suggests.

Judgejewdy ago

Army of one?? Please.

kidavenger ago

"Army Of One" was a slogan the U.S. Army used for a while.

srayzie ago

That’s what HE says when he tried to clean it up

Jem777 ago

I posted this 3 days ago explaining the link to all above including direct links from shooter to pizzagate. I had sources but also called the Mandolay Bay personally and got them on record if who owns floor 35-39 Israeli tycoon and who owns the top 5 floors King of SA Waleed. MF would not allow it to stay.

kidavenger ago

The thread mentioned above by @Jem777

is a good one, and was allowed to stay up long enough for some interesting discussion. I hope I don't jeopardize this thread by referencing it, but it's worth checking out for more info on this topic.

Greasy_Oring ago

make you winder what was on that note. It was already stated it was not a suicide note. A confession? Calling people out?

AgainstPedos ago

Supposedly the note contained the correct angle for the shooter to get the maximum kill rate from the 32nd Floor window to the concert below.

cantsleepawink ago

That note was planted imo. Placed for just such speculations.

Judgejewdy ago

Of course it was. If we believe the whole thing was set up, that has to include the note, as well.

fogdryer ago

You forgot no one died They were paid crisis actors Did you see how much they made selling their stock Top floor the embassy..,,,... where's the proof Where's any proof

kestrel9 ago

People died and I know of at least 7 or 8 people that were there and are severely traumatized and one person who died. Recently I posted that I knew of four people, and since then I talked to someone else who they told me about the death and the others. It maybe more people that person mentioned, I know it was at least 4 (not including the one who died). So bugger off with your 'no one died' bullshit.

Edit: It was 4, one of them was shot, can't believe I didn't remember that up front, I was thinking about the person who died. So 9 people, one dead, one shot but alive (so far), the rest severely traumatized.

AgainstPedos ago

Vegas residents know The Four Seasons is treated like a separate hotel, although it adjoins Mandalay Bay. The King of Saudi Arabia and a top computer geek/billionaire are the owners.

Online proof CEO dumped his stocks 9/12/17. He and associates are now being accused of insider trading. Wild estimates are listed online of how much the evil jerk expects to make from this fraud.

survey_girl ago

CEO James Murren dumped his stocks 9/12/17

makes this all the more interesting.

fogdryer ago

I'm so glad to hear that If that wasn't inside trading what is??

What has me surprised is that someone in authority bothered with that issue as it has become common these days Also in being surprised, the FBI approved this incident therefore I assumed it would not be an issue

AgainstPedos ago

Shame on you. Just because you don't know anyone personally that was killed, injured, traumatized due to being on site for work doesn't mean the rest of us are so callous. Fri night vigil in front of Mandalay Bay was cancelled but there's one tonight. Come to the march down LV Blvd to the casino 10/15 and hear the stories of those still suffering.

Act like a human being and research the online message from the UMC trauma nurse who didn't even get a 15 min break for 48 hours after the victims overwhelmed the hospital's resources.

srayzie ago

You mean you don’t believe some people really died? Oh I do. My husbands friend has a friend that was shot. But, I think there were also crisis actors. Yes, they knew ahead of time because they sold their stock a few weeks before.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree, the man they claim is Paddock did not die.

survey_girl ago

just saw this over on pol....

also, a guy that looks an aweful lot like Paddock was spotted in Atlantic City:

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Holy shit! Looks like him!

Cheesebooger ago

I told you all from the git-go that creepy jew was Mossad/CIA and connected to some disgusting stuff. These type of idiots always show up on my radar. I should've been a profiler

EricKaliberhall ago

What does your radar tell you about James T Hodgkinson? Any similarities to Stephen Paddock?

Cheesebooger ago

Low-level total paid agent used as a tool. He was tricked/used. He believed in his cause. The way my mind works is: Was he really a tool of the left? Or was he a tool of the right?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

There is no right and left....there is just Jew/Masons and the rest of us.

Cheesebooger ago

Exactly right. That's what I think too

Blacksmith21 ago


Naught405 ago

Pilots would be a good angle to pursue. They are blue collar hard working guys in a skilled profession. They travel in small circles. They have a high level of exposure to these disgusting fucking dirt bags and are probably kept from acting by some sort of leverage. But there's gotta be a fair number of them.

PedoStomper ago

Yeah, they're either paid off, or they "join in on the fun" and then they can be blackmailed. Easy peasy.

2impendingdoom ago

Same as truck drivers and we know what's happening to them, in Logan Utah

srayzie ago

That’s LiftTheVeil speaking. He made a lot of good points.

Piscina ago

Where's the evidence for the girlfriend trafficking kids? Adelson has been accused of having prostitutes in his hotels. Nowhere is it even implied he has had anything to do with raping children. You make many claims without backing them up.

nsaeatsshit ago

Google it, Adelson is the richest Jew on earth, because he owns most of the world's pedophile Casinos, you people seem to not realize that in Macau, or Dubai nobody gives a fuck that elites are fucking SE-ASIAN children,

Adelson's only biz model problem, is he can't get enough white children into his Arab/Asian Casinos, people don't go to gamble to these hotels, they go to FUCK, and rich elite arabs&asians want to fuck young kids.

ChippyTubes ago

common_sense ago

Where the evidence to literally any of this*

mooteensy ago

Where's a real moderator when you need one?

cantsleepawink ago

Coincidentally, I was looking at the Four Seasons today because of this story: Glamorous sculptress Daisy Boyd is found dead at 28 in a private psychiatric hospital just months after £300m publishing heir Dan Macmillan, 42, broke off their engagement

There is a link with the father's architectural firm Michaelis Boyd and the Four Seasons but I can't find the article with it.

However, you will see this article mentions the Four Seasons Hotel stepping into the London market and hiring a firm of interior designers called Finchatton

Finchatton works with Michaelis Boyd

Rmm ago

HFS! This is wild but makes sooooooooo much sense as the dots are all connected with (mostly) facts. "Ties Franklin-Cover up, kids, CLINTON, CIA, FBI, MOSSAD and Las Vegas child fucking worldwide." What about Masons, Vatican?

derram ago | :

✅ Who is Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock and Why does have so Much Money ? #DNN - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

ChippyTubes ago

these conspiracy are too much I'm not sure I can believe them

carmencita ago

They are not CT. We are researching right now. Many are posting their findings. It will all be ironed out while we research. BUT we may never find our ALL of it. When you call these CT on here, remember that we have new people possibly reading here. We want them to know that we are really working hard to uncover this whole Masquerade. We are suppose to give sources, so that the research we print here has back up. That is not CT it is proof. That is what we are demanding. As I said this is a work in progress, Ironing it out will happen as we research.

thisistotallynotme ago

invalid URLs. bot didn't resolve the link to see if it was valid first.