10663370? ago

Jonbenet died in December 1996.

Within four months of her death I heard an interview on TV.

At the time thought it was out there. But the woman seemed intelligent sincere and sane to me (for what's that's worth.)

An adult woman said she had a fairly long romantic relationship with John Ramsey when he was married to Patsy.

This is what she said:

She is an extremely small blond woman...she looks like a girl for some reason.

This is what John Ramsey liked and wanted her to be.

Like a child. She said he liked that.

Not saying her interview was true.

Does anyone else remember the interview?

Her story also appeared in print with her picture if I remember correctly.

Writing this comment only to not leave any stone unturned.

Also was the John and Patsy Ramsey marriage arranged by the dark deep state?

AgainstPedos ago

Yes recall the same interview. Also reports by various call girls after JBR's death that her father wanted a similar child sexual fantasy carried out by a very petite, small boned, young adult Caucasian.

Claims that many who fought in Viet Nam developed an Asian or a child sexual fetish. US military of all levels went with their buds for R&R whenever possible. Not all of the starving Viet Namese and Cambodian prostitutes were 18-years-old.

votesarestolen ago

I don't recall seeing that interview, but I'll try to find it.

The idea that the marriage between John and Patsy was arranged by the deep state is intriguing. Following her 1977 crowning as Miss West Virginia, Patsy was an associate of Sen. Robert Byrd, a deep politician involved in the Inslaw/PROMIS affair and child sex rings. And a comment from one of the links you sent me says that Cathy O'Brien mentioned John Ramsey being with Robert Byrd in Michigan during the 70s or 80s.

10664105? ago

Many thanks for your comment. Willl look also.

No Money- groom Prescott Bush married Monied - bride- Dorothy Walker - her father Loulie Wear Walker was a thriving businessman.

No Money -:groom George Herbert Walker Bush married monied Barbara Pierce. Her father, Marvin Pierce was president of media giant McCalls Corp.

George H. Bush by now family had money married monied Laura Lane Welch.Her father Harold Welch was a successful real estate developer.

No Money William Jefferson Clinton married No Money Hillary Diane Rodham.

This is only me ok?

I believe the marriage mentioned above were all arranged and ordered by the world wide cabal.

think ...they did this in centuries past with monarchs.

Strategic family alliances to accumulate money and garner and control and exercise and keep and get and maintain power.

Ya gotta have some 'borderlines' in the mix. This accomplished.

John Coleman wrote a book naming the Illuminati American Families going way back.

Hope this helps!.

One more thing.

Pretty much proven that George H. Bush was/is a pedo and cocaine user and has been said that men were brought to him at the Whitehouse. Can you see how that makes arranged and forced marriages 'palatable"?

People in the know say George H.W.Bush liked/likes young African

American boys around 9 10 11 years old. Rumors circulate that the guy had at least one mistress.

copy to @srayzie. Please confirm receipt.

10657034? ago

Upvote. Significant post. Unsolved death of child. Am old enough to remember this case.

Watched all the John and Patsy Ramsey rcorded interviews after their daughter died.

Listed on Satan holiday list is Demon Revels day before Christmas. JonBenet's 6 year old dead body was found by

her father, John, in their Boulder Colorado family home on December 26, 1996. .JonBenet was a child beauty pageant queen.

West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd was the handler of MKUltra victim and sex slave Cathy O'Brien.

sore_ass_losers ago

There's a lot of allegations on the web through Cathy O'Brien that the Ramsey murder was covered up for national security:

“Alan Dershowitz referred to a military video found in the Ramsey house that was censored under National Security,”

“It was reportedly identified as the military video I was used in titled "How to Create a Mind Control Slave using a Stun Gun,”

“Dershowitz stated on televised news that justice would never be obtained in the Ramsey case for "Reasons of National Security,"

“My father and JonBenet's father were actually documented together on a ferry ride from Traverse City to Beaver Island (so-called "religious" center) near Charlevoix, Michigan,”

“Also, Patsy Ramsey as Miss West Virginia was associated with my owner US Senator Robert C. Byrd,”

All quotes from Cathy O'Brien talking to Write Into Action:

JonBenet Ramsey murder evidence sealed as National Security


I'm personally a bit skeptical about information from CO'B and her (recently-deceased) 'ex-'CIA handler Mark Philips. It would be good to find any such TV statement by Dershowitz.

JonBenet Ramsey: Another "Bush" connection?


votesarestolen ago

Yeah, I haven't found anything to back up Cathy O'Brien's claim about a mind control-related video being found at the Ramsey home. However, it is true that the Ramseys had an instructional video for a stun gun (even if Cathy is wrong/lying about the title), and the Ramseys say in their book Death of Innocence that they got it from a spy store in Coral Gables FL in 1994. Coincidentally (or not), security contractor and CIA front Wackenhut (which was a player in the Inslaw/PROMIS affair that involved people mentioned in my OP) was located in Coral Gables until 1995.

Jem777 ago

Bill Weld the Liberty Party VP and former Governor was involved in the theft of Promis software as was HRC.

votesarestolen ago

Yep, PROMIS is one aspect of deep politics that ties nearly everyone and everything together: the Reagan and Bush (plus Clinton) DOJs, Oliver North, the CIA, the NSA, Mossad, the October Surprise, Iran-Contra, security contractor Wackenhut (also linked to the Dutroux affair), Robert Byrd, defense contractors (like Lockheed Martin, DynCorp, and SAIC), BCCI, the Arkansas criminal network that gave rise to the Clintons, Vince Foster's death, thwarted air defenses on 9/11, and more.

sore_ass_losers ago

FWIW, here's some recent news of Michael Riconosciuto, the computer genius who modified PROMIS and also worked on advanced weapon systems, he's just got moved from prison in Lompoc to Seattle-Tacoma, serving a 20 year sentence for meth production.


Some wild stuff on that thread, for deep state researchers.

donutmuffin ago

SEATAC Federal prisoner lookup says he was released on 8/18/17.

sore_ass_losers ago

carmencita ago

I am heavily involved in researching right now or would help. But here is something I remember in reading a pretty complete report. That there is opinion that the people at the Christmas Party the Ramseys attended those people were involved and that there was a sort of disgusting party around JonBenet. There was a man that played Santa Clause that was also mentioned. I believe that these people were also not interviewed nor was the guest list given to the police. You can bet that some Lockheed people were there.

votesarestolen ago

Dave McGowan's book "Programmed to Kill", in the chapter entitled "Boulder", gave a good overview of the theory that JonBenet was ritually abused and murdered at the Christmas party hosted by Fleet White. He also mentions a party 2 days earlier that had a suspicious 911 call, and has not had the guest list released.

carmencita ago

Yes, It was Dave McGown now that you mention it. He mentioned the man that played Santa Clause and there was something about him having done something to someone in the family that upset his wife. Yes, I think John Ramsey set up a party centered around the Satanic Sexual Abuse of JonBenet. For a price. Sick Sick Sick. That poor girl. She is in a better place but how she got there is very sad. I think sometimes about how these children feel and what they are thinking, when their own families sell them off. So Heartbreaking

Commoner ago


HIs theory did make sense based on the undigested pineapple in her stomach. She was killed while being abused at the party they attended earlier, and they brought her body back to their home and then attempted a cover-up. No wonder why their boy is so messed up. He most likely rode in the back seat with his dead sister, knowing she was dead, but his parents telling him she was just sleeping. Would explain why he would not know any details, too.

10664680? ago

One thing that probably has been mentioned:

John Ramsey violated and contaminated the murder scene when he scooped up dead Jonbenet

and took her upstairs. Hair .fiber.. Hopefully body fluids are still preserved.

carmencita ago

Or he could have been involved in the abuse. Remember how they treated her. He may have learned to have very little regard for her as well. A plaything of sorts, as sick and demented as it sounds. That is the family in a nutshell. Sick and Demented.

votesarestolen ago

That's what I think as well. Burke does seem messed up, but the theory that he killed JBR has never resonated with me. In my view, the best theory that fits all the facts is the child sex ring theory, no matter how much the JBR investigative community derides it.

10664691? ago

I agree with you. At first did not think Jonbenet brother killed his sister in private. And hid this from everyone.

But wouldn't it be easy to eliminate him as murderer based upon DNA and.bodily fluids?. If he killed her he was not alone when he did it. Hopefully they were not putting him through some indoctrination. Making child kill messing up, bad, his brain chemistry then for the rest of the child's life they control him with the threat of exposure: you murdered...then punishment. Death himself?

Where's the object used to hit JonBenet over the head? What was it?

Commoner ago

Maybe both things happened @ carmencita. Maybe they made him participate in some abuse at the party, but he was not there when she died and did not cause her death. Knowing how kids think, when he found out she was dead on the ride home, he probably thought that what he did killed her, even though it wasn't. That may be why I read somewhere that his voice could be heard in the background when Patsy made the 911 phone call. The Ramseys said that Burke was in his room the entire time, but when his voice was heard he became a suspect. Wasn't he heard to say something like.."did I do it?" He probably was wondering if he did it. He could have just touched her on the ride home, too, after he was told not to.

Jem777 ago

Not just Boulder the entire state is CIA....Military. The Denver Airport was dedicated by Bill Clinton in 1994 as the New World Order Airport ....It sits on top of CIA headquarters and massive military base.

The murals on the walls of DIA are an apocalyptic vision of absolute murder and destruction before the New World Order comes to power.

The Airport contains occult references in many locations including the black sun iconography which is what the Swastika in Nazi germany represents....


independenceday ago

Been there many times...Pegasus and it's red eyes is particularly creepy.

Jem777 ago

Think about the fact the horse is named Pegasus...which is the name of JA museum...look at Super Bowl 50 and who won....Also Obama acceptance speech...

independenceday ago

wow, never made that many connections...the vibe is definitely creepy and out in the middle of no mans land. There used to be an old airport called Stapleton that people loved, but that was before I moved here. I'm hunkered down in the Rocky mountains and stay clear of all the "friendly" cia plants that appear to be all over the place.

Jem777 ago

The Denver Airport explained by occult researcher... watch with care


Rajcabal ago

Abel Danger did extensive research on how Deepstate tried to intimidate John Ramsey to sell his company to Lockheed. That should explain it! Abeldanger.org

AngB23 ago

Great post/info. Sickening to read this but an eye opener. Wasn't Ramsey also tied to DynCorp or was it just Lockheed?

votesarestolen ago

Just Lockheed Martin, I believe, but DynCorp was another contractor involved in PROMIS's development alongside Lockheed Martin.

AngB23 ago

Ok thanks. I thought there was some kind of connection there somewhere.

Jem777 ago

Tom Henegan is a brilliant lawyer and investigator. John Ramsey was an executive an insider within the United States. The Inslaw/promise affair was a very big deal but most people do not understand it. We suffer from this still today.

John Ramsey was alleged to be involved in a Satanic MK Ultra programming operation with Jon Benetton being ritually abused.

A name of the alleged killer and the six others that were involved was named a few weeks ago but has been scrubbed from the net.

It was a ritual gone bad apparently...she was supposed to be sexually abused in a ritual but died in the middle. Thus the hastily prepared crime scene.....

votesarestolen ago

Are you able to speak to Tom Heneghan's credibility? I hadn't heard of him until this, and I haven't found much about him, but many sources uncritically repeat his claims about an Iran-Contra connection to John Ramsey without verifying them. I do agree with your theory of what happened to JonBenet. Dave McGowan wrote a whole chapter on it in "Programmed to Kill".

Ample4th ago

With so much disinfo here, this is a quality post. A great find and my heart sank reading this new information because these connections make sense. That poor child. There is real evil in this world.

carmencita ago

Probably. I would not be surprised. Besides the Bushes are related to everyone nasty.