Yes, Dec. 24th 1996, Jonbenet Ramsey was murdered. No one has been charged or convicted.
No sign of forced entry, family at home, hundreds of discrepancies, unbelievable trashing of crime scene, the complete failure by Boulder, CO police in every respect, the absurd TV interviews with lots of duping delight, the "War and Peace" of ransom notes, and so much more.
A little girl was sexually abused for YEARS then murdered--Americans had this thrown at them on Christmas and worst of all the perps totally get away with it to the present day.
Someone in another submission on #pizzagate asked about the occult significance of the color purple in Hillary and Bill's post election costumes. Well, Patsy Ramsey, the mother of Jonbenet made a lot out of the fact that she had decorated her Christmas tree in purple for the first time, calling it "intuition" that something bad would happen! She said "purple is a color of mourning". And so it was about a hundred years ago when people who stopped wearing black, went to purple, lavender, and grey. why would she even talk about her Christmas decorations when her daughter was just murdered?
Here is a great article which includes more details and written better than the above information:
Perhaps someone can analyze it for various connections.
Here's another article with more information on the ransom note, etc.:
And here is a statement analysis, which gives clues in how people speak about these victims (this was even more deeply analyzed in the more recent McCann case and it is similar in many ways--especially the ridiculous stories told by the parents):
unbiased_researcher ago
Laskar ago
Patsy is conveniently, for them, dead, so she has been effectively silenced and they can pin their own deeds on her.
Purple is the liturgical color in the Roman Catholic Church only. We already know that pedophilia is institutionalized in the Latin/ Roman Catholic church. ( That topic would need it's own subverse.) Many popes, especially the 150 crypto Jewish popes, many of whom were never even priests, had children through incestuous relationships--it's all in their historical record.
In the Orthodox Christian Church (the true church that the Latins, and all others who call themselves Christian broke away from) does not have purple as the liturgical color for the Advent fast (Nov.15--Dec 24 new calendar). If you look at a timeline, you can see that it is the Latins who decided that their priests had to be celibate in the middle ages, just after the Great Schism. Here is a timeline: