Laskar ago

Patsy is conveniently, for them, dead, so she has been effectively silenced and they can pin their own deeds on her.

Purple is the liturgical color in the Roman Catholic Church only. We already know that pedophilia is institutionalized in the Latin/ Roman Catholic church. ( That topic would need it's own subverse.) Many popes, especially the 150 crypto Jewish popes, many of whom were never even priests, had children through incestuous relationships--it's all in their historical record.

In the Orthodox Christian Church (the true church that the Latins, and all others who call themselves Christian broke away from) does not have purple as the liturgical color for the Advent fast (Nov.15--Dec 24 new calendar). If you look at a timeline, you can see that it is the Latins who decided that their priests had to be celibate in the middle ages, just after the Great Schism. Here is a timeline: