ZunarJ5 ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT9hpxYDio4 Alexis Wasik (real name Aubrey K. Miller) also stars in Disney's Just Add Magic. Younger photos of her three co-stars (a boy and two girls) were used to portray three of the fake Sandy Hook dead. This has been rehashed over and over again.

ZunarJ5 ago

http://www.foxnews.com/story/2007/06/04/john-ramsey-and-beth-holloway-twitty-are-dating.html The official JonBenet Ramsey story sucks, as does Columbine which I believe was a false flag and nobody died. Beth Holloway dating John Ramsey? Now Beth Holloway has gutted her Facebook and VANISHED. Such a tangled web. She sure doesn't look like someone who's looking for her allegedly missing daughter.

HunkaHunka ago

Good point, she vanishes when she should be awaiting contact from people with info about her daughter. She probably vanished because the JonBenet hoax is emerging as having been a false flag alongside the Columbine hoax.

its looking like the Natalie Holloway story was another run of the mill hoax to fill empty CNN news slots. Which would explain the link between the fake JonBenet story and the fake Natalie Holloway story, with Jonbenet's father John Ramsey connected in with Natalie Holloway's mother Beth Holloway.

HunkaHunka ago

they MILITARIZED the entire city of Denver via those TWO incidents in the late 1990s. Militant police, militant dykery abounding, all of it directed at the MALES they wanted driven into the prison system and into the army/airforce recruitment offices.

"Yer male, yer dirty, yer violent, seen ya comin a mile away, lookit im. looks a bit like Kleiboldt! hee he need not apply here, GET IN DA GODDAMN ARMY, you, sir , are a fuckin degenerate, and our team of professional dyke surveillance has the dirt onya too!" cackle cacke cackle

HunkaHunka ago

Sandyhook never happened. the only thing about Sandyhook which 'happened' was a whole bunch of feminist dykes got a little lift at seeing that idiot Lanza's shitty hair and thought of how easy it is to cruise butch with losers like HIM on TV all week.

"Oh , goodie, its Friday."

the only thing about Sandyhook which actually happened was a million fat dykes orgasmed at the thought of watching more CNN.

HunkaHunka ago

another spect of this to note is the software/IT/tech aspect to this whole thing with JonBenet , Columbine, Lockheed Martin, and Aquino. Aquino is famously high tech, she was working with computers in the earliest days before the general public had even heard of PCs. She was tied up in Recon ops with DARPA from their earlier days at Cheyenne with Operation Keyhole and the NRO. She most very likely headed up the 'thought police' trolls of the earliest internet , monitoring and censuring and 'chilling' public opinion on platforms such as USENET and IRC and any other mode of information sharing available to earliest internet users. She moved her psy-ops crew to the Google Headquarters building at Moffet in 1994, just prior to the big rollout of the worldwide wiretap with the release of Windows '95. 1995 was essentially when the internet went completely mainstream, multi-media , full color etc., for most people. It was the beginning of massive, massive surveillance operations. So its just interesting that military intel operative John Ramsey was this purportedly independent software mogul making virtual-reality flight simulation software for Lockheed Martin pilots, and military intel operative Wayne Harris was working on essentially the same thing. Both were using their expertise as p‎ilots to assist in the development of flight simulation for pilots. Can you say DARPA, kids? I mean to say, Access Graphics and Flight Safety Services were most very likely just fronts for DARPA's advanced software division. If the JonBenet hoax was planned well in advance, like they ALL are, then John Ramsey needed a 'cover' identity, didn't he? So he could pose as 'Mr. Civilian' for CNN, basically. Same goes for Wayne Harris and Columbine. Same thing. Wayne Harris's REAL identity and real occupation are cleverly disguised well in advance of Col. Lesbos heroics unfolding on CNN at Columbine. Oh the glory of it. And Aquino up to her jowls in high tech with DARPA herself...neato. So they could use their work on DARPA software as a front for liason with the psy-ops crews pulling both hoaxes. JonBenet would have been far easier a hoax to pull off, and possibly, actually probably, served as a preliminary 1996 run , or test run, for the same team's work on the bigger hoax a couple of years later in 1999 at VERY NEARBY Littleton, Colorado.

A further, bizarre parallel here is

Columbine surely used some aspect of the 'crisis drill' or 'crisis simulation' teams which we see in action on so many of these hoaxes. So there is , yet again, another 'virtual reality' aspect to all of this. Connected to simulations and training and illusions. All of it right up Aquino's magic assey. The magic alley is all about illusion and deception , which Aquino specializes in.

Wow its fun shoving their own dirty proctoscope up their asses fpr a closer look at all this.

r3dtr1x ago

Littleton, Colorado is a large suburb of Denver. I live here. OP has no idea what they are talking about. It's not rural, and it's not tiny. Perhaps Google Maps might educate you.

Also, Jon Benet was murdered by Denver Bible Church pastor Bob Enyart. Google it.

I assure you that Columbine was no hoax. I was working at a car dealership 1 mile from that school when it happened. I know families effected. Go fuck yourself calling it a hoax!!!

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Plum City - (AbelDanger.net): United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco's use of the National Visa Center to deploy hit teams for the Offender's Tag Association to a "small foreign faction" apparently flown to Boulder Colorado for the Norad Santa program of 1996 by E/W pilot Russell Williams and a ransom note, allegedly authored by Karla Homolka, found at the home of the late, tortured and murdered JonBenét Ramsey.

McConnell claims that Tom Stacey and Serco (then RCA GB) launched the Offender's Tag Association in 1983 at St. Ermin’s Hotel; the London base for the WWII Special Operations Executive which always used pre-positioned clean-up crews to remove evidence of contract hits masterminded by Her Majesty's Secret Service.

McConnell claims that alumni of the Special Operations Executive, ostensibly disbanded in January 1946, infiltrated the United States through Operation Paperclip where files on contract killers – probably including the killers of JFK – were held in the custody of his sister Kristine Marcy, then Senior Counsel for Detention and Deportation at the INS, at the Transitional Immigrant Visa Processing Center in Rosslyn, Va. prior to transfer to the National Visa Center.

McConnell claims that his sister and Stacey established the Offender's Tag Association in Canada and Colorado in 1987 and outsourced the National Visa Center operations to Serco after Khaled Sheikh Mohammed’s hit teams had failed to kill George Bush Sr. in Kuwait and failed to demolish the Twin Towers in New York in 1993.

McConnell notes that Serco, the National Visa Center operator since 1994, had the weapons (the NVC database and an offender tagging service), the opportunities (immigrant visa preprocessing, scheduled overseas posts) and the motive (Westminster government by world bankers and a pedophile elite) to kill JonBenet and keep the case cold.

McConnell alleges that his sister Marcy and Serco hired Russell Williams – a former E/W pilot for the Canadian Department of National Defence – and his tagged and incarcerated friends from their Scarborough raping days, Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka, to prepare a story line for the Norad Santa program which appears to have persuaded JonBenét to open the door to her killers!

McConnell claims that Marcy ordered Williams to fly a "small foreign faction" of visaed killers to Colorado to produce a Norad Santa snuff film of the torture murder of JonBenét for later use in extorting her father's Pentagon clients into outsourcing Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Information, Technology, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4I2TSR) functions of the U.S. Air Force Space Command to Serco in preparation for Visa Center 9/11.

Z11Mama ago

Missing piece... This makes me curious. Earlier I was busy and posted a link with the information it was a red flag. One person seems to have checked it out. No one has posted the information I found. If I am wrong and missed where it was discussed here, I totally apologize. But my question is, are we really doing the best job we can following up these leads for ourselves? I could have explained the red flag. However, it would only have been my word. We all need to trust only ourselves in gathering evidence. Our biggest benefit in all of this is our desire to deal with facts.

Z11Mama ago

Which, in my opinion, is why she was 'strangled' on top of it. If this happened. It could be someone choked her.

HunkaHunka ago

wrong. it was faked, she was not even killed. The public were told her father was some decadent software exec. No one was told that he was a military intel officer because as usual our lesbian intel establishment was out to demonize the average guy on the street with their putrid lies and propaganda. It's all about demoralization and marginalization and devaluation of the general public. Especially white males, because white males resist enslavement. In China , the globalists just murdered and mass imprisoned the middle class males standing in their way. Today the Chinese are the slaves of the globalists.

Look at America's incarceration rates. Highest in the world. They are SLOWLY doing to America what they did to China.

Pizzagate is starting to look like a putrid little psy-op like JonBenet and Columbine were. That's why this thread has had so many trolls coming here to attack it.

Z11Mama ago

Please read my short comment again. I am not wrong. I CLEARLY state 'if'. As you cannot prove she was not killed, this is factually an 'if'.

HunkaHunka ago

fuck off with your hair splitting, a small semantic error has you NSA spooks obsessing again.

Back on yer turnip truck , upchuck

JonBenet 1996, Columbine 1999 just three years apart

the odds of these 2 GIANT CNN stories both taking place within an hour of each other

and BOTH the two stories involving DEAD children of employees ofLockheed Martin flight simulation software firms

and BOTH fathers being USAF pilots and officers with EXTREMELY HIGH SECURITY CLEARANCE.......

impossible for it to be a COINCIDENCE

and btw, I don't give a shit if you claim that EVERYONE in your family and everyone in fucking Denver is a former high ranking USAF officer pilot working on flight simulation software for the same company, Lockheed Martin, in a pathetic effort to debunk this.

you cannot be that stupid

it is so fucking obvious that these were both psy-ops , FAKE NEWS for CNN

Piscina ago

Little Jon Benet was being pimped out with the imprimatur of her father. Patsy suspected.

educate_yourself ago

anybody on here aware of columbine false flag? all were military parents, some parents helped make the bombs. go through 3k+ pages of redacted witness statements and can confirm at least 6 shooters 3 for sure military/ paramilitary middle aged men. tactical gear. clear connections to 3 letter agencies. clear op. idk who even died that day but i know grown men were in there and killed clebold and harris or whatever their names. really good internet documentary breaks it all down but hard as fuck to find

r3dtr1x ago

Jesus Christ with all the disinfo about Columbine. ITS NOT A HOAX.

educate_yourself ago

it was a false flag and yeah ill call it a hoax. real victims sure but u go through the info and everything untrue. people died, but how and why was never what they said

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

this all your work? Great digging if it is!

HunkaHunka ago

these 'debunkers' here always show up late in clusters like bees who have been alerted to join the battle on the other hive

like in the thread about how the music for the band Heavy Breathing was way too slick , complete with some very very professionally produced videos along with incredibly well-engineered electronic music.. suddenly we had five different posters there all claiming to be absolute experts on audio, video and music engineering, all agreeing with each other on identical talking points and saying the identical thing (which, btw , was that the incredibly good-quality music of Heavy Breathing could be created by any talentless average person with some audio equipment. which is absolute bullshit) The same thing happened in this thread. As soon as it emerged that this thread exposes the JonBenet Ramsey hoax , and probably debunks a huge chunk of other anti-male CNN- propaganda events cherished by the feminist left, suddenly we had poster after poster claiming to be from Denver, to have known the families of dead people killed at Columbine and Aurora, etc. It happened in exactly the same way as it happened in the music thread. In both cases the thread had just one debunker or so in the first few hours, and after what I will call 'the team' decided on a plan of attack, they all claimed exactly the same thing. Then they poured in over of a period of just an hour or so. All the same. All claiming the same thing as each other , all agreeing with each other.

It was like they had agreed on a plan of attack and then moved in. Four or more people suddenly claiming to be 'very familiar' with Denver. Experts. Family there, friends there, it just gets laid on thicker as the minutes pass.

So with Pizzagate we are obviously looking at a psy-op team here to push more anti-male bullsnit , this time Pizzagate itself.

Which is why Heavy Breathing ended up with the lavishly-financed psy-op music (CIA contract to their industry people) and which is why we have an obviously co-ordinated team of idiots being none too subtle about how they attack anyone who dares question any of this.

Pizzagate is feminism's answer to Donald Trump. The faggish geeks with the bought and paid for instant following on youtube etc., all pushing Pizzagate from out of nowhere. Its all a hoax.

HunkaHunka ago

Thanks. Once you figure out what is going on , who is involved, and why, it becomes easier and easier to find the evidence linking hoax after hoax after hoax. ITs always the same pattern of uncovering the people involved as military intel , in most cases with their extended families involved (parents with children and vice versa)

David McGowan's work is sort of the spring board for these revelations.

Xpol ago

Of course, Colorado is spook central.

Lots of shady things happen around Ramsey, and he's linked to 911. He was the one upgrading the systems in the part of the Pentagon that got hit by a missile.

Was he really upgrading the systems or was it him who planted the missile tracking sensor in that area..hmm

rippingtheveil ago

Hunkahunka you gotta check out this post, happy hunting http://www.abeldanger.net/2016/11/2826-does-clintons-8a-bridge-link.html?m=1

Jem777 ago

Nice reply to hunkahunka. Interesting character he is

madmanpg ago

How is this in any way related to pizzagate, by the way?

ZunarJ5 ago

Satanic Ritual Abuse for starters.

HunkaHunka ago

things like JonBenet are part of what got everyone interested in Pizzagate in the first place Allegations of ritual sacrifice, child molesting , HIGH UP people in authority involved...it fits Pizzagate to a T.

Pizzagate has a flavor of the same cheesiness to it , actually.

madmanpg ago

things like JonBenet are part of what got everyone interested in Pizzagate in the first place

Um, no, that was the Jon Podesta emails talking about pizza, hence the name "pizzagate". You're really on the disinfo train.

madmanpg ago

Explain the surveillance footage of the two going on their rampage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LfwliEvCVY

HunkaHunka ago

easily faked. the school is smack in the middle of an extremely high security , military intel Air Force base town. You basically do not live there in any meaningful capacity of authority unless you are vetted and selected to be there. It would be extremely easy to fake this. We are talking about people behind this who were sophisticated enough to pull off the WTC bombing hoax (the towers were empty, they had drill teams there, they had the complicit media running fake footage that day, etc.) Anyone who thinks the intel and media could not have EASILY faked Columbine , wake up.

r3dtr1x ago

You are so full of shit! Littleton is a huge suburb of Denver. You literally have no clue. How old are you? 12?

HunkaHunka ago

oh bullshit it is, spend some time in Manhattan and tell me how huge the southern tip of Denver boonies look, idiot. get a grip , calling the southern tip of Denver 'the boonies', way up in the Colorado mountains is permissable , so fuck off

JonBenet was never murdered by anyone. That is why no one was ever arrested or charged. It was another 'those evil males' CNN top story courtesy of lesbian witch Aquino.

r3dtr1x ago

Way up in the mountains? Wtf are you talking about? LOL you clearly have never stepped foot in this state.

madmanpg ago

So you claim it's faked with zero evidence. I suppose they also faked the footage the two teens took of themselves shooting off their illegally acquired weapons, too?

This kind of baseless claim-making serves to undermine us.

HunkaHunka ago

very easily faked, everyone. What the hell is so convincing about Columbine? Were any of you there to see it? No.

Did you see people shot in those old Sylvestor Stallone and Shwarzenegger movies? Yes.

Why, surely it is all REAL DEN! DA MOVIE woont lie ta us!

ANYTHING you see on a TV screen can be fake. THe media is OWNED by the government and PAID to lie to you. It doesn't matter how long ago it happened. The media has been lying to us all for at least forty years.

HighSckoolDropout ago

The Obama campaign accused his opponent Mitt Romney of committing the 1996 murder of 6 yo beauty pageant queen JonBenét Ramsey, titled “He Did It,” the advertisement asks if anyone can truly remember where Romney was the night of the child’s murder, and whether the US populace wants a president capable of strangling a little girl and dumping her body in her parents’ basement.

President Obama appears at the end of the advertisement to approve the message .. "I think this is a fair ad and I think Mitt Romney owes an explanation to the American people as to why he murdered JonBenét Ramsey,” said Obama campaign manager Jim Messina, who called the commercial’s reenactment of Mitt Romney carrying a kicking and screaming child to her death “accurate.”

JastheMace ago

You would do good staying away from Well Aware 1, classic disinfo site, provide some good info, and sprinkle it with BS.

madmanpg ago

Mitt Romney murdered JonBenét Ramsey.

Wow. This post is really bringing out the dregs of this sub.

HunkaHunka ago

'ritual killing', what BS. JonBenet was a staged, fake , sordid little fake news hoax for the entertainment of lonely , paranoid feminists

JastheMace ago

You should check out MilesWMathis.com He has some interesting write ups on lots of the older hoaxes. Including the Manson event and some others you commented on. He does good genealogy research as well. Sounds right up your ally.

HunkaHunka ago

I did Manson before Mathis did Manson, but yes, we agree mostly on the same thing, we've all grown up watching the Ministry of Propaganda , in everything from movies to music to TV. You find out later they are all spooks.

Explains why modern music is dog shit, actually why the entire modern media is dog shit. The people they hire don't have to be good. They just have to be spooks. And as the agenda deteriorates, it really doesn't matter. Music becomes yelling from gang members. Movies become meaningless gibberish or preachy leftist race propaganda.

on the Manson hoax, read the whole thread, scroll down:


keepthefaith ago

Share what you know!

HunkaHunka ago

believe me ,to the average New Yorker , lets say , in Manhattan, or resident of Chicago or LA, Littleton Colorado is out in the boonies, even IF its a suburb of Denver.

Its still a far-flung and specialized region , the entire area is completely dominated by Lockheed Martin, and the average Joe doesn't have a clue that Columbine, JonBenet, and Aurora all happened within an hours drive of each other , and that pretty well everything took place with Lockheed Martin people and places involved . see these pics:



r3dtr1x ago

You don't know what the hell you are talking about, literally. This post is garbage and you are garbage for spreading disinfo. SHILL

madmanpg ago

alleged 'Columbine High School Massacre' shooter Eric Harris

Um...when did this become "alleged"? There's school surveillance of the two doing the shooting. The wild speculative shit is beginning to get tiresome.

HunkaHunka ago

stop defending feminism' dirt-bag old pig ass

HunkaHunka ago

um, mostly when we realized that, um , CNN lied about Sandy Hook and about the Pulse Shooting. So, um, we surmised from there that the Columbine High School shooting would have been exactly the same bullshit as Sandy Hook.

For the same reason. To keep mothers watching CNN in HORROR of 'male violence', because no one is buying the feminist propaganda that we're all wife beaters, or that porn turns men into serial killers, etc. Serial killers were as fake as mass shooters. AS fake as the idea that men run America. Queen Elizabeth has run America covertly since 1953. When JFK challenged her, she had him taken out. We live under a Queen who hates males. She runs the entire global intel network, including our media.

madmanpg ago

um, mostly when we realized that, um , CNN lied about Sandy Hook and about the Pulse Shooting. So, um, we surmised from there that the Columbine High School shooting would have been exactly the same bullshit as Sandy Hook.

So wait...you're claiming that every school shooting has been faked because of suspicions that one was?

That's not logic. That's insanity.

Serial killers were as fake as mass shooters.

Double insanity. So now you're saying that Ted Bundy was innocent, despite escaping jail multiple times and killing more women? You're saying the dozens of bodies in the crawlspace and backyard of John Wayne Gacy's house were planted? You're saying that barrels of dissolving bodies, body parts in the fridge, and polaroids of Jeffrey Dahmer with his victims were all faked?

This kind of over-the-top shit is what will drive rational people away from pizzagate.

Queen Elizabeth has run America covertly since 1953.

Yeah, you're a troll.

HunkaHunka ago

all you have proved is that you are a media junkie of fake news. you have not seen John Gacy's crawl space. You never saw Bundy kill anyone. You have seen fake media reports spinning lesbian-motivated lies about Manson, Bundy and all the rest of it.

HunkaHunka ago

you are trying to distract from the fact that The Columbine Massacre hoax is being exposed right in this very thread. That's not investigative journalism, that's NSA troll insanity.

madmanpg ago

The Columbine Massacre hoax is being exposed right in this very thread.

Where is the evidence?

HunkaHunka ago

we are working on it, have some patience. people have already posted numerous links and information pertaining to this. Just the fact that lesbian Colonel Aquino's 7th Psychological Operations group was transferred to a Lockheed Martin USAF installation in 1994 is more evidence that Lockheed Martin is involved in Psychological Operations


see this link and how it correlates with the above pic PROVING that Lockheed Martin USAF base is located at the same base as the 7th Psychological Operations base at Moffett

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7th_Psychological_Operations_Group 7th Psychological Operations Group From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 7th Psychological Operations Group is a psychological operations unit of the United States Army Reserve. It is currently based at Moffett Field, California. Activated at the Presidio of San Francisco. Location changed 15 September 1994 to Moffett Field, California.

Aquino worked psy-ops at The Presidio in N. San Francisco before her unit was moved to Moffet Field.

The following link athat the 7th Psychological Operations Group (& Colonel Michael Aquino) operated out of The Presidio before it moved the Lockheed USAF base installation af Moffet:


bopper ago

Tell me, is this real? I must know.


What about this one?


Need to know if this one is fake or real too.


rwb ago

It might be of interest to some that it's speculated Columbine Massacre's Harris and Klebold were sexually assaulted (perhaps repeatedly) by a local sheriff, after getting picked up for a minor crime. The theory goes that the boys became disturbed from the assault(s) which was exacerbated by psychotropic drugs, and as a result, set course for revenge that was initially intended for the police. I am a few years removed from my reading, but the information was extremely compelling and sounded very plausible. It included testimony from fellow students (including secret video) who observed other students tormenting the two for months about being assaulted, and certain clues contained in the boy's sketches and writings. See here for a primer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSR7JX3_fLU

The point being (and one relevant to PG) the sexual assault was in fact the primary cause in bringing about the massacre. The mainstream media refused to cover this angle in any way because it didn't fit the narrative of two demon possessed kids, when it was almost certainly a demonic sheriff who set it all in motion, and never faced scrutiny let alone justice.

Z11Mama ago

RockStrong ago

Wow! Good catch Mama!

Saibra ago

This is interesting. I don't know how reliable the website is, but remember when John Ramsey was dating Natalie Holloway's mother? Did grief bring them together or something else? Did you also know John was married before Patsy and had 3 grown children, but his daughter died in a car wreck 5 years before Jon Benet. Strange. Maybe you guys are on to something.. https://www.romper.com/p/who-is-john-ramsey-married-to-now-jonbenets-father-lives-a-much-quieter-life-now-17401. Also after JonBenet's death, they reopened Elizabeth Ramsey's case but found no connection, but then they sealed the files. Things that make you go hmmm. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1997-02-21/news/9702210074_1_jonbenet-ramsey-ramsey-investigation-boulder-police

keepthefaith ago

John dating Natalie Holloway mom was eye brow raising. Speaking of Natalie Holloway, that was also a very weird disappearance: some great alternative scenarios out there, if you have time to research.

ZunarJ5 ago

Beth Holloway has VANISHED and her Facebook has been gutted. She sure made a lot of money with her TV show, interviews, public appearances, books, etc... and she spend NOTHING to find Natalee... looks like just another vile parent who sold her own daughter.

JastheMace ago

Of course, Natalie enforces the image of the evil white man who abuses his white privilege. Cause all crime is committed by white guys ya know.

Saibra ago

Huh? That never crossed my mind. Do we know if Natalee is really dead? Her body has never been found.

h2d ago

I happened to be in Aruba right after that case broke. My parents have a home on the beach that's at the end of the area populated with all of the high end hotels and resorts -- when the Holloway thing happened I was down there and was with a group of people some of whom were staying at a hotel nearby. Turns out that the security guards there (two black guys) that I wound up going on a ride to Orangejstad with to get food ~3 am while high as fuck got arrested and wrongly accused of having something to do with her disappearance.

Honestly, all of the evidence does point to the asshole who was a son of a local big shot actually did kill her and he was caught admitting this afterward.

Saibra ago

Yeah, I know who you are talking about. I believe he's in jail in Brazil or somewhere for another murder. I'm sorry you were accused of her death. I was in Aruba years and years ago. Probably late 1970's. I was a kid. My dad was thinking of buying property there. There was nothing there. Just a rock with a lot of wind. I think just one big hotel where my dad could gamble. I still remember where we stayed- The Aruba Beach Club. I got the worst sunburn of my life on that island. Lol.

paulf ago

JonBenet was probably accidentally killed by her brother Burke who hit her over the head with a Maglite. The autopsy showed a massive head injury which would have proved fatal within a couple of hours of sustaining it. She was strangled while unconscious, either by Burke himself or by Patsy who then faked the crime scene and wrote the ransom note. No-one could have come in through the basement window because the cobwebs and pine needles were undisturbed.

This theory is outlined in exhaustive detail in Chief James Kolar's book Foreign Faction. He was the lead investigator on the case for many years and discloses new evidence that points directly at Burke: the marks from the train tracks (not stun gun burns) and the video interviews with him.

The fact that Ramsey and Harris knew each other because they worked for the same employer and experienced tragedy is sad but doesn't have much to help us with regards to pizzagate.

HunkaHunka ago

No, JonBenet was probably not even fucking killed. Wake up people. CNN is DRAMA. It is MANUFACTURED DRAMA

pretty well anyone in the research community with a functioning brain knows that CNN lied about the WTC, about Sandy Hook, about the Boston Marathon bombing, about the Orlando 'Pulse' gay-bar shooting, etc.

So OF COURSE this has been going on for decades, and now we have to face the fact that we were LIED to about EVERYTHING , as Dr. Carley would say: "We've been lied to about everything."

Jon Benet was a fabricated story. No matter how much every lesbian in your neighborhood enjoyed hearing about more 'male evil' on CNN , it was a hoax. No matter how much your local police CHERISH their roles in gossiping and villifying every single male 'misfit' into the gutter.... it was a hoax. So was Columbine, and so was Aurora. No matter how much our militant feminist 'war footing' culture CHERISH the fact that as a result most young males cannot work outside of the army, THEY WERE HOAXED EVENTS, FAKE NEWS.

paulf ago

No, JonBenet was probably not even fucking killed.

Sadly she was. An autopsy was performed by Dr Meyer of the Boulder Coroner's office and representatives from the DA and the Boulder Police Department were present. A full set of photos were taken of which I have seen quite a few. It's her and she's dead. DNA samples were also taken.

Wake up people. CNN is DRAMA. It is MANUFACTURED DRAMA

This is true but has nothing to do with what you just said.

pretty well anyone in the research community with a functioning brain knows that CNN lied about the WTC, about Sandy Hook, about the Boston Marathon bombing, about the Orlando 'Pulse' gay-bar shooting, etc.

Oh I agree completely. But again, this has no bearing on the JonBenet murder which was first thought to be a kidnapping until her body was discovered in the wine cellar.

So OF COURSE this has been going on for decades, and now we have to face the fact that we were LIED to about EVERYTHING , as Dr. Carley would say: "We've been lied to about everything."

True but hyperbole. There was no need for the authorities to lie about what they did on the day. And nobody benefited. After Sandy Hook the 'parents' pushed for greater gun control. After 9/11, the Patriot Act was passed and the US went to war with Iraq. After JonBenet's murder, the authorities came in for a whole bunch of criticism, some deserved but most not.

Jon Benet was a fabricated story. No matter how much every lesbian in your neighborhood enjoyed hearing about more 'male evil' on CNN , it was a hoax. No matter how much your local police CHERISH their roles in gossiping and villifying every single male 'misfit' into the gutter.... it was a hoax.

You might want to take a break from all this if it's going to unbalance you this much. JonBenet is most certainly dead. Sandy Hook was most definitely a hoax. Columbine was very real. 9/11 was definitely a false flag, probably done by the Mossad. The Boston Bombing looks suspiciously like a DynCorp operation.

I reached these conclusions by doing proper research of the evidence and weighing up motive, method and opportunity in each case. I'm open to being challenged on each of these opinions as long as the challenges are based on facts. But just ranting and raving doesn't help further any investigation, least of all Pizzagate.

HunkaHunka ago

There are plenty of fabricated autopsy reporters and pictures and sundry other fake 'official' stamps on every other hoax out there too. is there any convincing reason why the public should accept your insistence that the JonBenet hoax was any more real than the fake Sharon Tate murder? The photographs of the Tate murder were pathetic in quality. She was supposedly gruesomely butchered, but the public have yet to see ONE convincing photo of a deep laceration on her body. Lots of blood and fuzzy blurry BS is all it was. I have seen the pictures of the purportedly dead JonBenet, and all they are , are easily-manipulated or fabricated images. You can go to see actors die convincingly every day at the movie theater, and now we know that our CNN news is as real as Hollywood. JonBenet was not even murdered. You were not there. Now that we know that the entire case was surrounded by military intel from start to finish...we know that it was all most certainly a lie.

As to there having been no motive for faking the murder...that's an incredibly arrogant and ignorant assumption on your part. Fake news is an industry unto itself. The world is full of profitable and useful fabrication and manipulation . Take fashion industry , for example, which is designed to force people to periodically discard perfectly good clothing because the width of pant legs changed over the course of couple of years. Another example is planned obsolescence , where consumer goods are intentionally designed to either fail or to be impossible to update. Gotta throw it away and get a new one.

Fake news is an industry. With a market for it, a whole sector creating it , and a whole set of ideological motives and goals which we can easily surmise. So someone running our military and our media wanted to play god and keep the CNN viewership up and push the feminist agenda and keep their friends in intel happy with another psy-op project to keep them all busy and rich. Yes. So we get more 'hate the males' spewing from CNN as result , and everyone goes home all fat and happy, right? That's all the JonBenet hoax ever was.

AngryMimi ago

Nicely done. Thank you.

archons ago

I started thinking about this once pg was exposed and I found out they use the amber alert system as a sort of advertising for certain missing kids. They gave the ramsey case a lot of screen time for many reasons but one I started to think was she was not even killed. She was being advertised to high level elites to buy her or something else.

madmanpg ago

No, JonBenet was probably not even fucking killed.

This is revolting. You should be ashamed of this.

No matter how much every lesbian in your neighborhood enjoyed hearing about more 'male evil' on CNN

This is even more revolting. Nobody was ever charged for JonBenet's murder, so on what basis do you claim it was about "male evil"?

JastheMace ago

Because most women blame men for all violence, Hunka Hunka assumes lesbians are lesbians because they hate men, hence the bad rational for 'every lesbian'...Aside from that, Hunka is probably right about the whole thing being a fake news 'event'....All the big ones seem to be manufactured.

HunkaHunka ago

the reason I mentioned lesbians is because I am fairly certain that Colonel Aquino was behind the Manson hoax, the Bundy bullshit, the JonBenet hoax , the Laci Peterson murder hoax, Columbine, and numerous others.

I assume that a lot women 'follow the programming' and end up going gay because THAT is where the programming leads them . It starts with fear. With being told that they are in danger. Most, no ALL, of that fear, is part of the program, and it is based 100% on fake social engineering bullshit.

I also suspect that a lot of purported 'lesbians' are simply normal women who have been brainwashed into thinking that their chosen sexual behavior is some sort of 'identity' or permanent trait. We all ate candy every day when we were kids. It was not permanent. WE grow to be adults, and even though we have money for candy every day, 'candy-eating' was never hammered into our skulls as kids as having been an 'important and integral and permanent part of our identities' , etc. So we moved on. Further , we weren't subjected to a RELENTLESS stream of propaganda which told us well into our teens and youths and early adulthood that it was DANGEROUS to stop eating candy, that people who tried to stop us from eating candy were evil, and that if we stopped eating candy we'd be thrown barefoot into servitude and regularly raped etc.

Figure it out. Aquino is a lesbian . With a huge budget to manipulate her world.

Her job is to keep the hate on the boil , and make no mistake , what she creates is HATE.

HunkaHunka ago

I am PROUD to expose CNN as the HATE propaganda network it really is. and YES , the JonBenet murder hoax was all about MALE EVIL. For F sakes, that is ALL it went on and on and on about, was about EVIL MALES sexualizing toddlers and 'OMG, its finally happened! THE CHILDREN are now at risk!" etc. It was a media hoax, staged by transsexual lesbian Colonel Aquino and her Lockheed Martin-based Psychological Operations unit.

Z11Mama ago

'Probably' killed by Burke or Burke was possibly 'framed' in a way that left him the fall guy if anyone got too close to the truth? Because he was just a child (at 9, too young by a year to prosecute as an adult) the parents may have felt safe in this.

Mannix ago

Neither Littleton nor Centennial are "a tiny town in the boonies of rural Colorado." They are fairly dense close-in suburbs of Denver.

r3dtr1x ago

My brother is an RF engineer at Lockheed Martin in Littleton. He's an antenna guy with a security clearance working on top secret stuff. That's all I know. He'd like to keep his security clearance so he doesn't tell me. I know he does work on radio/satellite stuff tho.

HunkaHunka ago

yeah, you live in Denver , say it ten MORe times
than the ten times you already said it. You might jig something in peoples minds about how many Lockheed Martin SPOOKS are in Littleton and Denver and as a result posting here.. please ...keep going .. now that we know your brother works with you there at the spook base, etc. Brilliant, kids. Give my regards to Aquino the rest of your team of obese rainbow geeks there.

Commoner ago

I don't know if this is connected, other than they use children to get to the parents, but the Aurora, Colorado shooter's dad was supposedly ready to testify about LIBOR scandal. It seems I remember reading somewhere that they would spare his son death sentence for not testify.


JastheMace ago

Adam Lanza's dad is connected to the LIBOR scandal too, although Adam isn't a real person so blows that theory up.

h2d ago

That bug eyed Batman obsessed lunatic was the first thing that came to mind when reading this post. Wouldn't be at all surprised to learn of a connection.

ZunarJ5 ago

The fake Townville, South Carolina had a Batman themed funeral. Repeat crisis actors from the Umpqua shooting, and New Jersey and Philadelphia train crash hoaxes gave that away.

HunkaHunka ago

the Aurora shooting was another 'mass shooting CNN adventure cow story of the week' for all the feminist teacher's union slobs to run home and entertain themselves with


The purported (fake) Columbine High School shootings and purported (fake) Aurora Century Theater shootings happened a thirty minute drive away from each other :


and smack inside what is little more than a USAF aircraft training and testing region which also includes where lesbian Aquino and her Lockheed Martin psy-ops team staged the fake JonBenet toddler murder:


r3dtr1x ago

Omg you are an idiot.

HunkaHunka ago

No, YOU are an idiot.

At least I do fresh, original research unlike the cult of drooling dykes who will spend the next six weeks here like David Seaman saying 'hotdogs, whitehouse, podesta, drool, hotdogs, drool , $65.000 wieners, wienergate, male, pedophile, alephantis, majestic ape, wieners, drool, heavy breathing, drool , hotdogs, wienergate, males, oh those frankfurter drool . creeps, pervs, oh....the outrage...drool..." for the next six months and accomplish absolutely fucking nothing.

r3dtr1x ago

Dude, I live in the community impacted by both Columbine and The Aurora shooting. I know the pain and suffering both events caused. I know people who still have ptsd. i know Colorado, and obviously you don't. My brother works for Lockheed Martin. Your half-assed guesses/theories about the place that I spend my time in, each and every day, are completely misguided and assanine. You probably think the earth is flat too, eh?

HunkaHunka ago

wow , I've done well

I've earned a 'dude', four 'ums' , and two 'how dare you insult the memory of our CNN hoax grieving's' all on post. The NSA team here is in fine form.

If I keep going I might earn a few "fuck off nazi"s and " go kill yourself"s from the same team of obese pigs

Xpol ago

Right there says it all.

They can't help themselves they always link other false flags.

One of the guys at Aurora was also at the Boston Marathon , these type of things

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

  1. Abel Danger (AD) claims that Hillary Clinton's associates in DOJ Pride tried to conceal an estimated $4.3 billion qui-tam procurement fraud in the Pentagon Renovation Program ('PENREN') by silencing the prospective whistle-blower John Bennett Ramsey – the father of the late JonBenet Ramsey – with a snuff film of his daughter's murder on Christmas Day 1996.

  2. AD claims that in 1996 John Ramsey was installing Sun Microsystem servers in the Pentagon and discovered that his de facto boss, the former Lockheed Martin director Lynne Cheney had linked the UK MOD, DOJ, Wells Fargo and Citigroup banks and the Boeing company on the Federal Bridge Certification Authority (FBCA) in apparent preparation for variants of an "All Under Control" script from the BBC technological thriller, Bugs, to hijack droned planes on 9/11.

  3. AD claims that after silencing John Ramsey, Serco and its root clients linked suites in the Marriott and Starwood hotel chains to the federal bridge public-key networks so Hillary Clinton and her DOJ Pride guests could attempt a coup d'état on 9/11 by flying patented drone devices into strategic targets in the United States including the Pentagon’s US Navy Command Center in Zulu time.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

  1. Abel Danger (AD) claims that Hillary Clinton's aides used Federal Bridge Certification Authority servers installed by SBA 8(a) companies to transmit images of the JonBenét Ramsey snuff-film murder on Christmas Day 1996 over mentor-patented communications devices in Zulu time.

  2. AD claims that the snuff-film images were relayed over a Sun Microsystem wireless (US 5371794 A) device to former director of Lockheed Martin Lynne Cheney and were later archived on patented onion router (Tor) servers installed by 8(a) companies in the Pentagon's U.S. Navy Command Center and the Clinton's Whitehaven home in Washington, D.C.

blackguard19 ago

Even as a scholar of recent false flag and hoax shootings, I've always assumed Columbine was authentic and not another sensational staged event to promote gun control. However, why would they use dummies?

Jem777 ago

That dummy dragging right there blows the whole story up. That is ridiculous

blackguard19 ago

Yeah it's weird, that's one of those things you can't refute in any convincing way. It's like, were there ever any real shootings in America, other than the usual gang wars?

HunkaHunka ago

you have only always assumed that because you are under 40.

anyone who is over 40 who saw all the EVIL MALE AGAIN serial killers magically disappear at the end of the 80s and suddenly be replaced, in the 1990s, with all the EVIL MALE AGAIN mass shooters.... we know its bullshit.

We know the media and intel are a cult run by gays who want to destroy the quality of life for the average Joe, turn women against men, force men into military careers because there's nothing else left for them , etc

"Be All That You Can Be" is an apt slogan for the average man facing unemployment for being male and unskilled and not allowed to live in our paranoid, lesbian oriented cities.

He will join the Army , Navy, Air Force , Marines!, because , yes , that IS , LITERALLY , ALL THAT HE CAN BE.

FORGET working anywhere else, bud, and good luck to you trying to work your way through college if you are male. Gotta be REAL comfortable as a male , to make it through college. The malls and stores and banks and 'service economy ' do not want dirty and violent males like you. TV proves how you are a lump of rotting shit every day.

blackguard19 ago

That is correct, I haven't paid as much attention to Columbine because I was very young when it happened and there wasn't YouTube and all these other resources back then. But, wouldn't surprise me at all if it were a hoax.

Blackkcalb ago

Columbine is the only one that looks real for sure. That is how people behave for reals when they are dying or fixing to die. Diving out windows and such.

HunkaHunka ago

what you will notice about all of these hoaxes is that over the years the 'quality' and 'expense' etc. involved constantly deteriorate.

If you go back in time to the old stuff and find out how elaborate the hoaxes were back then...the difference is like night and day. They just don't bother doing a good job now. They don't have to. The women WANT evil white males on CNN because it soothes their guilt over masturbating with black rubber dildos every weekend. Go back and see how elaborate the machinations around , for example, the Manson hoax were.

blackguard19 ago

What explains the dummy that those guys are dragging around?

bopper ago

Correct. There is also the McDonald's massacre (seems real but haven't researched it), Luby's massacre in Killeen TX, and most def Charles Whitman sniper at the university tower in Austin. Orlando was a joke.

equineluvr ago

Good find!!

Patsy Ramsey was a former beauty queen, an MK-Ultra Programee.


(Years ago I read which Senators, etc. she serviced, but there is so much "noise" about this online now I can't put my finger on it. I want to say Sen. Robert Byrd.)

Both she and John Ramsey are/were CIA assets.


WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Cathy O'Brien also says John Ramsey was up at the base in the UP of Michigan with Robert Byrd while she was being programmed as a kid. The manifests do show his name, accessing the military base. Long before he married a 'Patsy', former beauty queen from (VA), who died of 'ovarian cancer'. You connect the dots. (edit to add where Patsy Ramsey won her beauty contest)

keepthefaith ago

Wow! I always wondered about the "Ovarian Cancer"....bumped off because she was starting to crack, is more like it.

Kwijibo ago

Very interesting. I would bet there are other connections if we just knew how to find them.

RockStrong ago

There are other connections right under peoples noses.

ArthurEdens ago

Great fucking fucking find!

Msm is truly fake news, if they were real they would have found this

HunkaHunka ago

another neglected aspect to this , is that Lockheed Martin has a vested interest in illegal domestic surveillance, and what do hoaxes like Aurora and Columbine and JonBenet do , nothing if provide an EXCUSE for intrusive domestic surveillance.

btw Google and Lockheed Martin and The 7th Psychological Operations Group and the National Reconnaissance Office are all the same organization.

Google had its start as the NRO, the National Reconnaisance Office, whose job it was to handle domestic spy sattelite spying on Americans.

Lockheed Martin built the spy satellites which NRO/ Google now use.

They were and are NRO spy satellites built as part of Operation Keyhole. The NRO goal was to build satellites so good that they could see through a key hole. The name was just a euphemism for invading the privacy of Americans to the greatest possible extent and not even being detected. Ironically, it is said that today they can see through windows and the machines of today are powerful enough to read the newspaper in the hand of a person sunning in their own back yard.

http://letsrollforums.com//burning-man-festival-started-t31101.html?t=31101&highlight=burning+man+presidio The Seventh Psychological Operations Unit transferred from the Presidio San Francisco to Moffet Federal Airfield in 1994, the same year that the NRO closed its old office on the Lockheed Martin portion of the Moffett base and moved into the new NRO building: 1994. The new building was situated on the Western edge of Moffet Federal Air Field base. which later became Google Headquarters after Google was incorporated in 1998.
The Burning Man Festival had its start as ritual solstice burnings on the Presidio San Francisco base, and today Google is a major sponsor and corporate attendee at Burning Man. In fact Burning Man is widely regarded as a Silicon Valley/spook convention. Of course we know that Col Aquino began her military intel career with The SEventh Psychological Operations Group at the Presidio San Francisco, and has boasted of her employment with the National Reconnaissance Office


r3dtr1x ago

Damnit Aurora and Columbine were NOT hoaxes. I fucking live here, in Arapahoe County, quit spreading disinformation like this. You make me sick.

I know victims families of both tragedies. People actually fucking died. For real. This shit pisses me off, some conspiratards are so out of touch with reality they think EVERY thing is fake.

equineluvr ago

Columbine was real.

Aurora was hoaxed.

HunkaHunka ago

wrong. Both Columbine and Aurora were hoaxed by the same Lockheed Martin -based psy-ops team under the command of Aquino from Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado Springs. Interestingly Cheyenne is where the earliest version of the internet (worldwide wiretap) had its birth with DARPA.

r3dtr1x ago

Aurora was very, very real. You are wrong.

educate_yourself ago

i dont think ur getting it. fake events and false flags CAN have real victims. often do.. usually its a mix now im pretty sure

HunkaHunka ago

wrong. No need for real victims. No need for even QUALITY HOAXES anymore. Sally Slobber mom will devour CNN's entire daily menu of MALE EVIL.

they would open themselves to legal liability if ANYONe was killed in these hoaxes. No one even died in the WTC hoax. NY mayor Giuliani had a huge smirk on his face that whole day because everything went perfectly according to plan. The crisis drill teams evacuated the area , the trains were shut down to keep people out of the area, they even created HUGE traffic jams that morning to keep the WTC area empty. The two WTC towers themselves were mostly empty of offices anyway. The few people who needed to be evacuated from the sky top restaurant were easily and efficiently removed. So, no one died. Two towers demolished , neatly and cleanly, and serving as British propaganda to make Bush and America look bad. All in one neat little package. Got Queen Elzabeth's negro-fetish president into office right on schedule.

HunkaHunka ago

JonBenet Ramsey murder and Columbine High School Massacre

they were both big CNN 'story of the week' hoaxes

gotta keep the public titillated and on edge about gun control and other issues, especially involving CHILDREN (gotta keep that mama grizzly demographic munching on the balls of Average Joe, and screaming for surveillance cams, 'safe spaces', virtually no males left in the primary school system, gun control, citiies lit up all night for satellite surveillance of your driveways etc.)

Columbine High School was the high school of the Lockheed Martin/USAF installation which surrounded it. How difficult would it be to pull a fake shooting hoax, when even the students are fooled and CNN is run by the spooks anyway? Send in your fake team, the local police are going to be part of the installation anyway. Its all intel. Tell me you are going to get on the Littleton Police Dept. unless you are intel vetted by the rest of the installation.


Columbine High School shooter Eric Harris's father, Wayne Harris, worked for the Air Force military contractor firm Flight Safety Services,near Littleton Colorado, which has multiple million dollar contracts with the U.S. Air Force to train personnel , and provides flight simulation technology, for the use of training pilots, to the U.S. Air Force.


"FlightSafety Services Corporation trains 10,000 to 14,000 student events annually and has been providing Aircrew Training Systems to the United States Air Force and its Air Reserve Forces since 1984. Our expertise in simulation technology coupled with a dedicated team of experienced instructors, technical staff, courseware developers, and simulator maintenance technicians support the delivery of quality military training."

So it gets very interesting that John Bennet Ramsey of Boulder Colorado owns Access Graphics, a software division of defense/ Air Force contractor Lockheed Martin, while a 40 minute drive away in Littleton, Colorado, purported Columbine High School Massacre shooter Eric Harris' father Wayne Harris works for defense contractor which provides simulation software to the Air Force and is a contractor which in fact works closely with Lockheed Martin in developing its flight simulation technology.


this on JonBenet Ramsey's father:

John Bennett Ramsey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Bennett Ramsey

Ramsey was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, to Mary Jane (née Bennett) and James Dudley "Jay" Ramsey.[1] His net worth was reported at $6.4 million as of May 1, 1996. He graduated from Michigan State University.

A distinguished naval officer, he holds a pilot's license and owns two planes.[2] In 1989, late in his >military career, he formed the Advanced Product Group, one of three companies that merged to become Access Graphics. After mandatory military retirement, he became president and chief executive officer of Access Graphics, a computer services company and a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin.

and this on Littleton, Colorado and Lockheed Martin:

the area surrounding Columbine was tightly controlled by the military-industrial complex. This report notes the amount of control Lockheed Martin has over the town, and how it uses the area as a testing ground for “classified military projects”:

From the AP: In the 1950′s the Pentagon ordered construction of the nation’s first intercontinental missile factory in a secluded canyon here (Littleton, Colorado). The factory is now owned by Lockheed-Martin where more than 10,000 employees (Littleton Population: 35,000- 39,000) now build unmanned rockets and satellites for telecommunications and space exploration as well as CLASSIFIED MILITARY PROJECTS (emphasis mine). Also in Littleton – National Digital Television Center – the research arm of the tele-communications industry. 10,000 out of 39,000: you do the math of how powerful Lockheed is there.“ -Vladamar Valerian http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/New...ershadowed.htm

So the fathers of both JonBenet Ramsey and shooter Eric Harris were military officers and software designers, and both are directly linked to Lockheed Martin. They lived relatively close to each other, and in my opinion probably know each other

The entire town of Littleton, Colorado is little more than a glorified Lockheed Martin AFB suburb of Denver, where they develop and test LM military aircraft, train the pilots to fly them, and recruit USAF personnel. These media hoaxes were obviously staged by the same Lockheed Martin affiliated contractor team which originally handled Google's domestic satellite surveillance program 'Operation Keyhole' , at Google's first campus, on the Lockeed Martin portion of Moffett Federal Airfield. These are the same people who crafted the Manson hoax at the nearby Palo Alto/Family Farm haunts of Abigail Folger and her family. Google's spy satellites (google Maps, Google Street, Google Earth etc.) were built by Lockheed Martin in Littleton, Colorado, who also manufacture the rockets used to fly them into orbit.

this also fits the established pattern of military intelligence and defense engineers using their own children in fake murders/fake deaths/psychological operations. Recall that Manson girl Lynette Fromme's father was a rocketry ballistics/munitions expert for military contractor Douglas Aircraft, and recall that the founder of the Rolling Stones cult, Brian Jones, was the son of Lewis Jones, Bristol Aircraft subsidary Gloster Aircraft's brilliant military jet engineer , and recall that Frank Zappa was the son of Francis Zappa, an armor plating /metallurgist who wored the Naval PostGraduate School at Presidio Monterey AFB and was an aircraft design engineer at Lockheed Martin and Convair aircraft corporation. Madonna's father engineered armored vehicles weapons systems for Chrysler Defense, and Courtney Love's father worked as a spook at Googles original spy facilities at Lockheed Martin at Moffett Federal Airfield. The founder of the Esalen Institute was Dick Price (Esalen staffers played a large role in the Manson hoax and the Laurel Canyon/Monterey Pop Festival/Woodstock hippie hoax.) and Dick Price, well his father was Herman Price (anglicised from original Jewish name Herman Preuss), the production manager at Douglas Aircraft for the B-17 bomber. The more general military intelligence links to sundry other cults, hoaxes , intel asset rockers etc. are of course too numerous to mention here, from Sharon Tate to Jim Morrison to Cass Elliott to John Phillips and Scott McKenzie to Stewart Copeland and the list goes on and on and on.

Of course the most intriguing aspect of this is how closely linked to psychological operations the military aircraft contractors seem to be. Why are Douglas Aircraft, Bristol Aircraft, Lockheed Martin so high up in cointelpro and psychological operations?

Probably the simplest way of explaining this is that 'psychological warfare' means that the 'weapons' used in such warfare are as carefully planned, designed, manufactured , and implemented as any of the other weapons used by the military. So these psy-ops weapons are crafted by the same people who make missiles and guns and fighter jets.

ArthurEdens ago

Great information thank you! This should be appended to the op. It's a revelation to see all this tied together. No way this is by chance, no way. The news would be pretty boring if it weren't for all these CIA charades. It all feeds each other.

Hendrix's dad was military too I think.

We were talking about Brian Jones in another thread yesterday too. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1689915/8287132

HunkaHunka ago

yes, the entire '27 Club' has links to military intel, and all their deaths were faked.


The '27 Club' rocker deaths were faked :


ArthurEdens ago

I'm not sure I believe the dead rockstars were spies installed and their deaths were faked, I think they were probably killed, but Hank Harrison and Geffen knowing them all is very interesting. Thanks for the link, Hunka.

HunkaHunka ago

they were not killed , and they did not die. Their deaths were faked. Did you see the Mathis stuff on Lennon? Did you see the pic of Jim Morrison when he was 53? It looks exactly like him. It is unquestionably him. Scroll down and read that entire thread link. The more you find out about the real world, the less scary it is. There is far less CIA-done 'bloodthirsty murder' going on out there than most are led to believe. A lot of 'mk-ultra this' and 'satanic ritual sacrifice that' stuff is subterfuge. Based on false flags.

ArthurEdens ago

The Lennon impersonator does resemble Lennon, but their ears are different. I don't really see the resemblance of the oregon rancher and Morrison, sorry. Not saying it's not him, just saying I can't see it. I've seen a few people on the street over the years that look a lot like me, we all connect to the same roots if you go back enough. Again, thank you for the link though! I love that stuff.

HunkaHunka ago

if you dismissed that Jim Morrison's death was faked , and that he became Bill Loyer, based on that ONE .gif animation of their two faces, have a look at this . Like I said, if you do not see the clear obvious fact that its the same person, you are either blind or intentionally ignoring reality. have a look , it is the SAME PERSON: http://cmkxunofficial.proboards.com/post/159494/thread

ArthurEdens ago

jim has a more prominent brow that would have gotten even more prominent with age but hey anything is possible.

HunkaHunka ago

you are blind

John Lennon is identical to Mark Staycer

Jim Morrison is identical to Bill Loyer

ArthurEdens ago

then I'm blind, HunkaHunka, what can I say

bopper ago

John Lennon is alive?

HunkaHunka ago

Lennon is alive

Again, please follow the links and read the entire thread. I put a lot of work into all of this stuff, its disgusting to see people dismiss it out of hand without even taking it in. http://cmkxunofficial.proboards.com/thread/11243/john-lennon-murder-faked

bopper ago

Is Elvis alive? Was JFK not assassinated? I don't think Faul is going to be happy w/ you.

Dagnysghost ago

Um, Littleton and boulder are hardly boonies or rural, both huge suburban pupulations, and I don't believe you've proven they've known each other. Lockheed Martin is a massive company! Look, unlike Sandy book, no one has alledged columbine fake or a hoax. I lived there. I know actual victims. Personally. Not friends of friends. This post shows nothing and alledges exactly what?? about a mass murder that actually happened? I know lots of dominoes are falling, but....this is like totally grasping at straws that's are completely unrelated.

HunkaHunka ago

I don't give a shit where you idiots live, and you can claim, all you want that EVERYONE in Denver is in your F'ing family for all I care...

you can claim that EVERYONE in Denver works for Lockheed Martin

you can claim that EVERYONE in Denver happens to be A DECORATED USAF pilot like Harris and Ramsey both were

yeah, and everyone in Denver happens to also be a USAF officer with extremely HIGH LEVEL security clearance like Wayne Harris and John Ramsey both were, right

yeah, everyone in Denver is also working on flight simulation software for LOCKHEED training pilot to fly highly secretive new military aircraft for the USAF, like Harris and Ramsey both were

yeah, it is notable that both of those highly-dykish, extra-strength-BS CNN stories happened just three years apart from each other and just forty miles apart from each other ,

and Sally slobber mom watching CNN was never told any of that, and probably wouldn't even care...

"pass the corn nuts , I'm watching MALE EVIL unfold on TV again! "

r3dtr1x ago

I live here too. I also know victims. This post is total garbage.

listentoreason2017 ago

Some people on the internet definitely think Columbine was a false flag.


Mommyplayer571 ago

Abel Danger claims Jon Benet was killed because the father was going to be a whistleblower on surveillance. They made the mother write the ransom note afterwards and videotaped as a snuff film to scare others. Interesting idea.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

The amount of money in the JonBenet Ramsay ransom note is the same amount her father received as a bonus from Lockheed Martin.

The JonBenet Ramsey killing has ties to the 9/11 attacks.

ZunarJ5 ago

Father John Ramsay is also connected to Beth Holloway/Twitty who is connected to John Walsh (NCMEC) who not only has connections to many other missing children organizations, but also has connections to people in high places with ties to 9/11.

Mommyplayer571 ago

So if it was a black ops extortion hit, they set up the mother to be a suspect. Sick.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

I know who killed her. It was Colonel Russell Williams of Canadian Armed Forces. He's also a pedophile.

keepthefaith ago


Truthseeker3000 ago

Can u elaborate? Evidence etc....

equineluvr ago

Hi, Abel Danger is a disinfo outfit.

John Ramsey is a CIA asset, so I doubt he was doing to blow any whistles on anything.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Abel Danger isn't disinfo. I have been following them for 10 years. They solved the 9/11 attacks.

equineluvr ago

No, they didn't. At first, I thought they were legit, too. :)

I began following them in '06. And NOTHING that they have said -- especially about HRC -- has panned out. It was VERY dramatic, however.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Well he is a bit weird, narcissist and all, getting donuts and his unusual marraige. I think it's an interesting idea on Jon Benet. He discredits himself in his flaws if that's what you mean by disinformation.

equineluvr ago

Who is "he?" McConnnell or Hawkins?

I was talking about these guys:


I stopped following them back in '06, when I realized that I was repeating their DISINFO. I was a subscriber to Hawkins' updates and forwarded them to my rather large email list. NOTHING they said panned out over time, especially the UBERdramatic HRC stuff.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

They aren't disinfo. They have stopped planned false flag attacks by Serco in the past.

equineluvr ago

Maybe they're a mixed bag. I don't know about the Serco op abortions.

I DO know that they were full of crap back in '06. I couldn't afford to send out that info and link to them. It was killing my reputation.

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

I DO know your rhetoric sounds like a shill.