oftotc ago

Dude. We have a problem. You're bored on a Sunday morning. I'm bored on a Sunday morning. What's up and how's the coffee over there?

carmencita ago

This sounds like the description of a bad horror movie. Putting it all together, what you have written is sounding more like some crazy Steven King plot with a very sick twist. Also, there is an epidemic of abuse going on in the UK. Do people have their heads up their bums? They are maybe as doped and asleep as people here as well. It seems this Dearman has some real explaining to do. Now.

norobotono ago

Why don't you explain why the kids were full of fresh cuts and bruises when they were examined by the doctor when the hadn't seen their father for three months

Oh right, you can't because then you would have to admit that Abraham Christie beat and tortured.those kids to make them say the things they did (which they admitted was the true story after the police investigated some of their claims and found them to be bullshit), and all the while the mother stood by and let him do that to them.

Or what about his past history of violence against his own children and hospitalizing his wife. Or the child porn found on his phone. Or that it was found he had drugged the kids. Or that the boy is now deaf in one ear because he punched him so hard there.

But you never want to talk about those things do you?

LittlestHobo ago

:) doxxed

norobotono ago

Really? Please let me see the link to that or is it just another one of you lies?

LittlestHobo ago

Mean, aren't I?

LittlestHobo ago

I'm telepathic silly. I was fooling you this whole time.

norobotono ago

You're not telepathic, just pathetic.

LittlestHobo ago

Christine, why don't you explain to us all why you work for the CIA.

norobotono ago

So deluded that you even resort to accusing me of being someone that I am not and I have no idea who you are even referring to.

How about you address the things I brought up about AC in my original post?

Oh right - you can't with out admitting he is a child abuser!

LittlestHobo ago

None of your obfuscation obscured from the fact a paediatrician confirmed sexual abuse FROM THEIR FATHER. Nor the fact Ricky Dearman has NON-MOLESTATION ORDERS for ABUSING THE CHILDREN'S MOTHER IN FRONT OF THEM. Which he admitted on the BBC.

norobotono ago

No, if you actually read the doctor's report and also what happened afterwards with her peers, you will see they did not agree with her findings, however you want to spin it in his favour. And yet again you refuse to answer how those kids got their fresh cuts and bruises.

Anybody can take out a non-molestation order with no proof of anything and it means nothing as you well know. How about you tell people how social services were called in because the mother locked the children out on the balcony in their nightwear with no food or water? Ot what about when they would eat food out of the bins at school or steal from the other children because they were so hungry?

People like you are almost as bad as the abusers themselves because you facilitate them instead of facing reality. Abraham Christie tortured the children to make them say those things and all the real proof shows that. You just live in his fantasy land where everyone in Hampstead is a satanic child abuser and the more ridiculous his story is, the more you believe it. You need help.

norobotono ago

No she didn't. Why don't you explain why her peers pulled her up on using a technique that was discredited 25 years earlier because it was not proof of abuse and she had to change her original diagnosis?

And again, please explain how the kids had FRESH cuts and bruises on them when they hadn't been in touch with their father for three months and spent all their recent weeks in Morocco with AC and the mother?

Also, why are they both on the run? They know the police can't touch AC for the abuse he inflicted upon the children in Morrocco because it occurred in another country, but they can do him for the child porn found on his phone.

So please, change the subject again, come up with more bs accustations against me and ignore these important questions yet again. You only show yourself up as either a) the real abuser of the children or b) someone who supports him.

How does that make you feel?

LittlestHobo ago

You are a professional Obfuscate from Tavistock.

norobotono ago

And you are either the child abuser (AC himself) or some deluded groupie of his who turns a blind eye to his real abuse of the children for fear of admitting you were wrong.

GodSaveTheMeme ago

"Papa kills babies" children

norobotono ago

Funny then, the the person they regularly called papa (and not their father) was AC isn't it?

GodSaveTheMeme ago

What utter hogwash NLP are you attempting here you flake?

norobotono ago

Fuck off and stop facilitating a very real child abuser.

GodSaveTheMeme ago

You are literally insane. I feel kind of bad on some level. You are actually off your rocker, I pretend to be but you are the real deal lady.

norobotono ago

.No, It is you who are the one that is either a child abuser or a supporter and facilitator of one because you always ignore the documented real abuse done to the children. Explain it to everyone here how they got those cuts and bruises otherwise.

You assume anyone that exposes your story is someone you actually know and have had prior dealings with. You don't know me and you have no idea of my gender either but do please carry on showing yourself up for the sick person you are.

GodSaveTheMeme ago

Any particular reasons the teachers weren't qualified for their roles and why they were wiped (carelessly) from the school website, as the scandal broke?

Sick royalists. That's what you are.

norobotono ago

Probably due to the amount of harassment that went on towards the parents, teachers AND children, from sickos like you.

GodSaveTheMeme ago

Sickos like top criminologists and journalists who have called out OTHER PARENTS of the school as being pro-child abuse?

Coinkidink! Someone is in a cold sweat and it aint me :)

norobotono ago

Really? Name them here then.

GodSaveTheMeme ago

All I am allowed to tell you is there is a Jewish plot against you.

That's what I heard, from a friend of a friend.

GodSaveTheMeme ago

The Journalist is Mark William Thomas.

Would you like me to name the Lords and Baronesses who think you are all sick too?

norobotono ago

You can (and have) named a whole host of people who have youtube videos or ever wrote a blog article but you have never explained why those children had recent cuts and bruises on them when the were examined.

BlahBlahBlahMoney ago

You are more concerned about cuts and bruises than anal scarring identified by a paediatrician. OK

You bring up the ear issue which the little boy explicitly expressed was caused by Ricky Dearman.

We know he was a violent abuser, Ricky Dearman, the non molestation orders that Judge Pauffley ignored, prove it.

Are MI5 really that low on resources, they send the likes of you? lol Funny.

GodSaveTheMeme ago


You are on the side of children being told they are liars when they disclose abuse, right down to the distinguishing marks which could easily be verified by a medical doctor, any decent teacher WOULD VOLUNTEER to put minds at rest.

norobotono ago

Show me a naked photo of your body then to prove you are not one of them, because I heard somewhere on the internet that you were.

GodSaveTheMeme ago

lol whut? You've flipped and not in a good way.

GodSaveTheMeme ago

"Despite the confusing picture, we must take the children's allegations very seriously" Dr. Hodes

"Bestiality is normal, touching siblings sexually is normal, immigrants hitting their children should be allowed because of cultural differences" Judge Pauffley

"I pulled the glasses off her face and they broke" Ricky Dearman

"He poured water on us and hit us with a spoon" Children on Abraham

LittlestHobo ago

"Despite The Confusing Picture, we must take the children's allegations very seriously"

Then let's take a look at the interviewer officer's conduct, shall we? https://vid.me/G2Svb

Let's consider the fact, the children's "retractions" WEREN'T CORROBORATIVE.

Let's consider the fact the church at the centre of this, allowed an |art| snuff band to perform there with choir boys singing Charles Manson Lyrics.

Really normal. Nice try Susan.

norobotono ago

Throwing darts at a board and hoping you will name the right person eventually won't work because you don't have any idea who I am and you never did and never will.

norobotono ago

So you prefer to pick pathetic holes in a police interview than address the very real damage done to the kids by AC?

BlahBlahBlahMoney ago

I would prefer a criminal trial took place in a criminal court, where the accused were examined for identifying marks to confirm or quash the children's allegations, since tattoos aren't easily gotten rid off at short notice. In a criminal court with a jury of public peers to cast judgement over the facts of the case. Do you think that's unreasonable?

norobotono ago

So why not show up at the court and stop running away and come out of hiding? Afraid they will arrest you for the child porn found on your phone?

BlahBlahBlahMoney ago

You are insane. You know fine well Ricky Dearman told Alissa to put porn on the phone.

Care to explain why even in the retraction video, Alissa admitted to looking at hardcore pornography with a friend, daughter of the BBC member, when that little girl was never questioned herself for follow up? Is it normal for 6 year olds to have access to hardcore pornography? Is that the liberal attitude of most parents at the BBC is it? We know it certainly is in MADA VALE studios isn't it?

We know EXACTLY what they are all getting up to and it's about to be put to rest.

norobotono ago

Oh stop talking bollocks and repeating the same old shit and just admit you are a sick and deluded pervert, Abraham. You know all the technical details of where and when that child porn on your phone came from can be proven in court. That's why you are still on the run.

BlahBlahBlahMoney ago

You have lost your mind lol.

<<where are they>>> <<echo>> <<echo>> <<they're here>>

norobotono ago

Fear is the mind killer eh Abraham? That's why you ran away like the cowardly pedo you are.

Can't be arsed paying you anymore of the attention you so desperately crave anymore.

BlahBlahBlahMoney ago

Gimme gimme your attention

carmencita ago

What did I miss here? I read it all wrong?

norobotono ago

In short, one sick fuck named Abraham Christie (who beat his own kids, hospitalized his ex-wife and has a string of convictions for violence, fraud, firearms and drugs), latched on to a Russian mother with two kids for a few months and managed to beat and torture them into telling a fantastical story about how their father was head of a satanic pedo ring at a Hampstead school and local church, where the only person who was not in on it was the mother. She stood by and let him beat the kids btw.

He took them to Morocco where he was able to torture them without being arrested in the UK for it and he filmed them saying what he wanted them to say. He took the kids to a releative who was a policeman when they came back to the UK, who was so disturbed by the way he treated them, he reported it to the police.

They interviewed the kids, checked some of their story and drove them around trying to find the places they mentioned and when they confronted them that none of it existed, the kids broke down and said he had made them say it and that they hated him. The medical exams (it was done twice) prove that the kids were physically abused in the last few weeks.but the doctor used an outdated and discredited technique to examine the children's genitals. None of her peers agreed with her findings (which were based on the children telling her what Abraham had told them to say).

He and the mother did a runner out of the back and over the rooftops when the police came to see them (what mother wouldn't stay for the sake of her children) and his phone was found in the house which contained child porn, though it is not known if this was of the children or of other children. The children are now much happier in care and wish to go back to their mother, but not while he is in her life. This is always ignored by his supporters. They have some contact with their real father, who they say did nothing to them and it was all made up by AC.

Since then, Ac and their mother have remained on the run and have occasional spurts of posting crap on internet forums under various aliases, where they never answer the hard questions like the ones I brought up, instead accusing anyone that questions them of being someone they have issues with (for questioning their version with real facts).

carmencita ago

Wow. I am flummoxed. Mouth Agape. I have seen that short video of a guy sitting in a chair and questioning a child and the child says it all occurred in Morocco. He insinuates it is all made up. That is what it is all about, the trying to make the children seem like liars. The children wanting to return to a Mother that took off and made a run on the rooftops with that pervert is very sad. They need more help. It seems everyone in this story needs serious help or time in the slammer. STAT.

norobotono ago

The mother allowed AC to beat and torture her own children in front of her and then she ran away with him rather than turn up for the court appearances for her own kids. She chose him over them and continues to spout his paranoid and insane story rather than leave him and try and get her kids back. But he has plenty of free drugs to console her with so that's ok isn't it? It's very clear where her loyalties lie - with a child abuser she only knew for a few months before the kids were taken away.

carmencita ago

She should be locked up with him or get serious help. Sick Sick Sick.

Jem777 ago

Please post links to emails in our possession regarding Tavistock and CafCass/Corcam.