LightlyToasted ago

Historical overview of UN sex abuses:

Comment that stood out: Kat Daddy Apr 17, 2017 12:49 PM I'll take a Haitian Pizza with Walnut Sauce, and a side of Hot Dog with Cheese!

(While it may be a forced sample, ITT the public seems better informed these days)

kestrel9 ago

Thank you! Will respond more later.

kestrel9 ago

One of the people involved in the scandal: (translated from French)

Jean-Marc Houdmont, a filmmaker who was recycled in the exotic fish trade, was also questioned during the CRIES investigation because his name was included in the network's address book. He was also involved in the case of the disappearance of Elisabeth Brichet [4], because he lived next door and was already known for his pedophile activities.

Houdmont is one of those many witnesses who had the good idea to die before testifying in the Dutroux case, in this case a car accident in February 1997. While he had been calling the cops the day before, make revelations. As there was no sign of braking, it was concluded that there was suicide. The father of Houdmont and that of Dutroux lived at the same time in the same village of Congo. Houdmont was suspected of trafficking in porno-pornographic images, such as those in his cottage, set on fire in 1990.

Piscina ago

Under the guise of studying so-called infant sexuality, CRIES and its affiliate offices in Switzerland and France gained access to children whom, authorities believe, it used to service pedophiles in about 15 countries.

This is why every so-called 'child rights' group should be suspect.

kestrel9 ago

A UN. "Children's rights Convention" "Tool for Perverts."

The late James Grant described the Convention on the Rights of the Children as a "Magna Carta for children, an instrument of far-reaching significance for needs of those who are humanity's most vulnerable."

However, the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which seeks to legalize adult-child sexual relations, sees the Convention as a way to pry children from the safety of the home.

Canadian journalist Celeste McGovern notes that NAMBLA agitated on behalf of Canada's ratification of the Convention, because the group believes that "the convention could be used to support its belief that children as young as six have the right to chose to have sex"

Defenders of the Convention may protest that the document condemns child pornography, child prostitution, and other varieties of sexual abuse and exploitation.

However, on July 30, 1993, the UN's Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) effectively endorsed the pervert lobby by granting "consultative status" to the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA), a coalition which included NAMBLA and a Dutch pedophile organization.

The decision to admit ILGA was approved by representatives of 22 governments, including the Clinton Administration. ...Every child is our child. So asserts the United Nations Children Fund, or UNICEF, the UN's showcase "humanitarian" organization.

On June 18, 1987, Jozef Verbeek, the head of the Belgian UNICEF committee, was arrested on charges of "inciting minors to debauchery" in connection with the use of the organization's Brussel's office buildings to facilitate child prostitution and production of child pornography. Shortly thereafter, UNICEF volunteer Michael Felu was arrested and charged with taking the photographs, many of which depicted children ten years of age and younger.

Before joining the UN organization, Felu had been repeatedly prosecuted for child molestation. Police confiscated 19,000 pornographic photographs and a mailing list of 400 names in 15 countries which had been compiled on the UNICEF office computer.

CRIES, what is it?

The center was founded by Philippe Carpentier, a former translator at the court in Brussels, in the early 80s. At that time not so long ago where pedophiles claimed as homosexuals, the "sexual freedom", forgetting that their partners are minors. Moreover, these movements paedo also want to lower the age of consent...

Carpentier was an old lover of the pastor Doucé this pedo who disappeared at the hands of RG French in June 1990, probably because he knew almost everyone in the pedophile circuits of the time.

The CRIES was therefore a center for lobbying for the cause of paedo, for example by normalizing the sexual act with a child who, according to them, thrive in sex with old pervert. In their language, it gives :

"A relationship made of tenderness and sensuality can be fulfilled for young people, whatever their age or sex, a highly positive experience, if it is lived in freedom, free from any form of coercion, but also free from taboos and guilt that our society places too often sexuality. "

These guys take their fantasies for reality, and they are completely crazy: "If children fascinate us today is that we want to recover from them all the wealth of experiences of childhood, beyond our own youth. " Of course, they will say they are only responding to the advances of the kids, and that if things go wrong (for them or the child), it is because the entourage of children understands nothing about this "love."

All these theories smokers were in the review of CRIES titled "Hope" . But CRIES, it is mainly a distribution network and location of pédopornos movies, photos, and prostitution of minors.

Pastor Joseph Douce

Joseph Doucé (April 13, 1945 – c. July 1990) was born to a rural family in Sint-Truiden, Belgium. He was a psychologist and a (defrocked) Baptist pastor in Paris.

He was openly gay and was among the founders of the International Lesbian and Gay Association. ILGA*

He served as a volunteer soldier in the NATO base at Limoges, France, where he had time to perfect his French. After one year of pastoral and humanistic studies at Stenonius College (also known as Europaseminär, a Roman Catholic seminary today extinct) in Maastricht, the Netherlands, he began his conversion to Protestantism around 1966.

His Centre du Christ Libérateur was a ministry to sexual minorities. The center had support groups for homosexuals, transsexuals, sadomasochists and pedophiles.

Doucé was killed and the murder has never been solved. According to Doucé's lover, he was taken away by two men, who showed police badges on July 19, 1990. The body was found in a forest in October 1990.

The killers are thought by some to be a unit of the French police, Renseignements Généraux, who investigated Doucé because of his support for pedophiles.

Also this:

Still a state scandal stifled under the cover of a closed legal file. The justice, by the hand of the investigating judge Marc Trevidic, signed on October 24, 2007, a dismissal in the case of Pastor Douce, the homosexual militant priest who disappeared in July 1990 in the forest of Rambouillet. Only his body had been discovered, three months later, but the assassins, still anonymous, are still running.

Joseph Doucé, the founder of the Liberating Christ Center, a place dedicated to sexual minorities, was monitored by the Paris General Information, including a cell - the GER, Investigations Group reserved for twisted, filoché, and perhaps killed: soon after the disappearance, Jean-Marc Dufourg, patron of this cell, and three policemen had been placed and heard, but their guilt was never established.

Dufourg was still dismissed from the police in November 1990 by the Minister of the Interior, Pierre Joxe. He was also sentenced in 1992 to 20 months' suspended prison sentence for "violence and assault with a weapon" for shooting in the door of the apartment of a close relative of the pastor. Seventeen years after the fact, the investigation remains at a standstill.

In his book of interviews published in October 2007 ("I do not know anything ... but I will say (almost) everything", at Plon), the former boss of the RG Yves Bertrand returns to this case. All in convolutions, as often the RG when they do not know how to deal with a burning file: in this case, a "scandal that has hit us hard and will tarnish the reputation of the RG for a long time", writes the one that Sarkozy called "Grinch", because of his small size and thick eyebrows, in memory of "Snow White and the seven dwarfs" ... As often at the RG, Yves Bertrand, to protect the memory of his dear service - by train to lose his soul by merging with the DST - begins by discrediting the victim. "He was a controversial character who organized religious ceremonies in a pornographic theater (...). In fact, this bookshop was the antenna and the link of a powerful pedophile network, whose trace was later found in the investigations related to the Dutroux affair ".

Just that. Yves Bertrand continues in the same vein: "Doucé knew and protected a large number of pedophiles, in France and abroad, but also sadomasochists and violent perverts. A well-filled address book. Ten thousand names, it is said, from the milieus of politics, the show biz, the magistracy. This mania for filing is undoubtedly what caused his loss ...

ILGA...,_Gay,_Bisexual,_Trans_and_Intersex_Association These are the people pushing for the Global Trans Protocol.

kestrel9 ago

More about CRIES Centre for Research and Information on Children and Pastor Joseph Douce: scroll to 72556 (it's a translation from French)

Cries On lists also include all organizations in defense of pedophilia in France, UK, the U.S., Denmark etc. .. This proves that this is not a small place of group therapy as advocates Cries wanted to make it appear.

In France, where 280 people are on the lists of CRIES case will be totally suppressed, with the major means .. The main relay CRIES network in France is the "Center of Christ the Liberator" in Paris, an organization that presents itself as "Pastoral Centre and psychological support to sexual minorities" hosted by the Belgian minister Joseph Doucé.

Among minorities, whose pastor is responsible, pedophiles, who meet with him every Sunday and the defense which he wrote a book

"Pedophilia in question." It develops a fine strategy in order to break what he calls the taboo of pedophilia. The texts of the pastor speak for themselves. For him, "The pedophile relationship is realizing the wishes of the child and the adult, mutual desires that make a true sharing ... (p.38)."

Page 6

6 He insists he must avoid acting front for pedophilia, but rather must infiltrate the movements that defend individual freedom and lobbying politicians to lower the age of majority sexuelle. Danièle Mitterand and his Movement "France-Libertés" figures prominently in the files of curious pastor on 19 July 1990, Joseph Doucé disappears.

According to witnesses, including his friend Guy Bondar, the pastor left voluntarily with two intelligence officers he knew, saying his friend that he was going to the "castle", which in his vocabulary meant the Elysee .... His body is recovered, according to the official version, October 17 forest Rambouillet. Un inspector general information JP Dufourg was charged with murder and acquitted in 1998.At we wanted to silence the pastor or at we wanted to make him talk? Survey, 10 years later, is not close, but every stinking perfumes blackmail and blankets, in short, a matter of state, one of the most rotten of the reign of Mitterand ...

Doucé was occasionally an indicator of the vice squad, but he also had strong ties in the political, literary, showbiz and fashion. He was aware of the sexual proclivities of important people he could have chanter Le file "Coral" Among the members of the French CRIES, listed in Belgium, there are also Claude Sigala, president of CORAL, an "alternative public network" that directs 34 communities for children with minor disabilities.

Coral is in 1982 in the center of a scandal involving abuse of children, including the murder of a 11 year old child found the head in a bucket of water with the autopsy will reveal that it has been sodomized. Among the visitors to the Coral, there are well-known personalities including some did not hide their pedophiles manners, as Gabriel Matzneff.

The other names of abusers, including a Belgian photographer, are cited by a former educator. Names that shook the Salzmann judge, after a media campaign, not the victims, but the accused, and a petition which contained the signatures of the intelligentsia usual ... The eight defendants sentenced to prison in 1986, have all had their sentences subject to suspension by the Court of Appeal a year later ...

The "Coral" association was reconstituted 1992. Or during the seizure of documents belonging to a local prefect who Prouteau was the leader of the famous "cell Elysée eavesdropping," the judge finds two files "Coral ballet blue" and "Coral 82" Captain Paul Barril, his subordinate declare a public hearing April 29, 97:. 'I remember we were alerted to stop the investigation of the pedophile network "Coral" because of the personalities implicated. "

If we are to believe some testimony there was indeed something to shake the power ..... The only person convicted following the termination of this network, Willy Marceau, which is also on the list of Belgian Cries interests us because it alleges a Satanist sect torture of children, the Alliance Kripten, one victim speaks sessions with Belgian in Forchies-la-Marche near Charleroi ... end 88 and end 92.

darkknight111 ago

You might want to look at UNICEF's involvement with the Clinton Foundation in that Indian Ocean Tsunami back in 2004.

Given Haiti, I smell a rat.

Vindicator ago

Hi kestrel9. I think I'll give this a "New Evidence" flair, even though it's from decades ago. I'd never heard UNICEF was part of this.

kestrel9 ago

Also, I have a blog article on that story, from 2013...had to translate it from French. It has an amazing amount of details (names, info of those arrested). I may just add in the entire translation even though it's long. I'm making notes on the people now.

I just found the article last night and couldn't get back to it until this evening.

Edit: I'm still translating some links related to that blog, I'm going to wait to post it until I have a chance to archive as much as I can.

kestrel9 ago

The blog I'm referring to was posted here Scroll to entry #72554 Thanks @andrevandelft for posting that link within

kestrel9 ago

Actually it was posted in the past... I was going to add those in. :)

carmencita ago

With people like Peter Ustiov and Danny Kay heading UNICEF in the past, why are we all surprised. Every head should be investigated.

kestrel9 ago

The Belgian director of UNICEF, the United Nations' arm for the ostensible protection of children, was arrested June 18 (1987) for participating in an international pedophile ring which used UNICEF facilities to supply children to wealthy pedo­ philes. Belgium's UNICEF director, Josef Verbeeck, was only one among 12 individuals arrested in connection with this child pornography and procurement ring.

According to the Belgian police, the ring spans the at least 16 countries, where investigations are now beginning.

As shocking as this news may be on purely moral grounds, what makes the case explosive is the fact that UNICEF's pedophile activities appear intimately intertwined with intel­ligence operations.

fogdryer ago

this sounds like hiibot!

kestrel9 ago

Same story reported in NYT, June 1987

Unicef said it was investigating charges that the Belgian committee was linked to an organization producing pornographic photographs of children and distributing them throughout Europe.

The scandal erupted last week, when the Belgian police arrested Jos Verbeek, 63 years old, the director of Unicef's Belgian committee, and charged him with inciting minors to debauchery.

The arrest followed the discovery of a secret photographic studio in the basement of the Brussels building where the committee's offices are housed. The studio was used to take pornographic photographs of children, many of whom were of North African origin, the police said. #1,000 Photos Seized The police said more than 1,000 such photographs were seized, along with a mailing list of some 400 names in 15 European countries that had been prepared on the Unicef office computer.

Similar photographs found in several other European countries appear to have been taken in the Unicef office in Brussels, according to investigators.