9217 ago

I use a VPN, fake phone number, list goes on

Catsfive ago

Wow. I have many of these links on my Twitter, and I have not been banned. I wonder why? I tweet about pedogate and pizzagate constantly.

andrevandelft ago

ICYMI: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1508258

I dug up this 1987 scandal from my memory. Until I posted it on Voat I thought that this was 'just' about misbehaviour of a noble cause institution; I was not even sure whether to post it or not.

To my big surprise another Voat commenter then found out that secret services were involved (I think I overlooked that). Now the UNICEF case matches more closely the patterns in PizzaGate, so that IMO it is a big confirmation of the PizzaGate allegations.

The open collaboration on Voat is great.

9217 ago


Found the case ^^ a couple of months ago when someone sent me this site as a research resource. Have been trying to get people to look at it since early Jan... along with other cases too. I am so glad more people know about this one. Seems to be really important.

JanMichaelVincent ago

This happened to me for posting the Tweet about the potential Podesta relative at NCMEC. This is unreal.

educate_yourself ago

great information good job dude dont really care u got suspended again lol to be expected

9217 ago

Not posting because of the suspension, posted b/c of the reason for it.

educate_yourself ago

pretty sure i lost a video game and was being a salty bitch, sorry! also i wrote a paragraph about it before reading the 2nd half of the title so that didnt help hahah

Piscina ago

UNICEF=Lucifer Trust=Lucis Trust

  • UNICEF sex book remains in print May 11, 2002 By George Archibald THE WASHINGTON TIMES NEW YORK - A U.N.-financed sex-education manual for teens that promotes abortion, homosexuality and even sex with animals has not been withdrawn in Latin American nations as UNICEF says it has, current and former government officials from Mexico and Nicaragua said yesterday. http://www.washtimes.com/national/20020511-32784532.htm


hacktheplanet ago

how exactly does it promote sex with animals? there's nothing wrong with being pro-choice and there's nothing wrong with homosexuality btw.

Piscina ago

Hacktheplanet, no there's nothing wrong with homosexuality, and I am pro-choice. I was quoting the article; the relevant piece being 'sex with animals'. The link doesn't work for me any more.

MolochHunter ago

I dont even type in twitter anymore. Anything i wanna say i got to https://imgflip.com/ , put my message in a meme and just upload the graphic

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Going to start doing that....Thx.

Unlocking my account for second time shortly.

zzvoat ago

Why not use memes ...graphics... images ... with text that can't be read by filters that so many people are doing now?

9217 ago

Here's one :P

I attempted to not mention keywords like Podesta, NCMEC, or anything related to the current lead in the posts. Ah well.


9217 ago

I screen shotted the tweets that I guess caused suspension.. idk if this helps haha. Best of luck not getting banned!





equineluvr ago

UNICEF isn't the only UN agency involved, guaranteed.

9217 ago

Absolutely. The fact that it was specifically a "child protection" organization though - when you then look at what Honeybee found -... it shows potentially an example of what her lead is pointing towards. Child orgs used as trafficking and child porn/ prostitution hubs.

TrumpvsPedos ago

If you have time, would like your thoughts on the following. Would like to make it an official white house petition and flood twitter/voat with it before they purge all of the pizzagate tweeters with large followings (pizzagate angela, you 9217, etc). Thanks

In 2015, then FBI Assistant Director of the Criminal Investigative Division Joseph Campbell referred to the level of pedophilia and child sex trafficking as "almost epidemic". As concerned Americans and individuals, we are grateful for the concerted efforts the Trump administration has put forth to arrest over 1500 suspects of these disgusting crimes.

Sadly, it has become evident that many of these child abusers disguise themselves under the pretense of working for, or being associated with, a "child organization". Documented examples include Second Mile, UNICEF, former Congressional page program, and even the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

WE WANT THE EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE OF OUR PRECIOUS CHILDREN THWARTED. We whole-heartedly request a thorough and open investigation by the AG, DOJ, and law enforcement into the activities of these functioning "children's organizations". And we insist on continual investigations until the pedophiles in these organizations and our government are exposed and prosecuted.

9217 ago

That sounds perfect! I like that idea, and the summup of the children's organizations sounds great. At this point I'm at the stage where every child protection/welfare organization /NGO is suspect until proven otherwise.

TrumpvsPedos ago

Totally agree. Thank you for reviewing. I'm going to create the petition tomorrow evening (high Twitter use time) and then like I said spend an hour flooding Twitter. Hopefully it will make some ground. Thx again

PQhonest ago

Great research. The censorship is hitting red hot levels. We're all getting locked out and immediately locked again when creating new accounts for posting nothing tweets. I'll start tweeting to get over here to Voat. Scary times. Jeff Sessions under attack this evening on Twitter. Brutal attacks.

noworldorder ago

Are you creating new accounts with new email addresses or different IP addresses? If you're suspended, then use the same IP to create a new account, they're probably just shutting your account down because they can see you're the same person opening a new account by looking at your IP address. To view the IP address associated with your Internet connection, look here: http://whatismyipaddress.com/

You can avoid this by only using your phone's data Internet connection to create the new account to post with. The IP you're posting from will be fresh, and they won't know it's you they've suspended in the past. If you go this route, you can't ever use your home/work WiFi to post on Twitter, as they'll see it's the same person they've suspended in the past.

Alternatively, you can purchase a VPN account, which will make it look like you're using Twitter with a completely different IP address. Someone else who's more well-versed in VPN, please chime in here and ELI5 for everyone.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle
spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/01/25/un-porn-hunt-grows-20-06-87/ Connecting Dots - Franklin, Dutroux, Presidio, Hampstead, and The Finders for Pizzagate Context

9217 ago

This bot is fantastic.

RebelSkum ago

Right? Our own personal Tron. He fights for the Users!