nameof ago

is this the same amanda? Pretty saucy racy kids pics from imgbb. They should be illegal somethings wrong with this anyway.

ASolo ago

"Ni-ni-ni-ni-ni nick Nickelodeon! (where you get sodomized and abused for your career!) Only can imagine all the sick shit going on behind Disney Channel and Cartoon Network and other networks geared at kids."

"Kenan Thompson is a product of Nickelodeon. Believe it or not, but out of all the people in the world, Nickelodeon was a product of a felonious convicted religious con couple, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of the Assembly of God’s Melodyland Christian Center right smack across from the entrance to Disneyland. The government gave the Bakkers an entire abandoned military base to setup a television/cable studio.[56] Their Pinwheel Channel was purchased by Warner Cable [forerunner to Time Warner], then renamed Nickelodeon. Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker were allegedly reported to be closet ILLUMINATI PAN-Sexuals. [57],[58],[59],[60] Jim Bakker is “the Little Caligula of the televangelists."

pimpinainteasy ago

Wow...Might as well assume that virtually all televangelists/popes/other public religious figures are corrupt/evil/Satanic molesters

ASolo ago

So, ask yourself, an abandoned military base right across the street from Disneyland in LA? You don't say.

So, like, then, Nickelodeon is to Disney what Chrysler is to the Bentley. Nickelodeon used to get Disney's mk runoff...

star_boi ago

Great work!! UPVOAT! You really hit a nerve here and the whole thing got shilljacked half way through!

Excellent info here.... oddly enough PG research, though originally DC political elite focused, has more clearly revealed the entertainment elites connections to pedogate. AND the satanic connection is likely the keystone that connects these two worlds. This post is everything! Connecting child star abuse to elite entertainment execs, most likely acting in concert with like minded elites.... exposing chronic sexual trauma's link to mind control... and low and behold!! in walks jj brine, and the process church!!

btw- the recent interview of Berkowitz on Primetime tv was quite elucidating....

the evidence for this case and several other child star cases is evident to the most amateur researcher. much more than the PG theories and connecting dots being done over the Podesta email code, these cases have teeth and many facts that are public record.

just an aside.... the Menendez brothers case is a good addition to this discussion...

i feel strongly we, the PG community, and these unfortunate child stars, can bring these media mogul pedos down!!

123_456 ago

The degeneracy runs deep in the entertainment industry. But the problem is politicians are involved in it too.

sunajAeon ago

I don't see any solid proof she was raped, went through MkUltra, etc.-being a top performer I wouldn't be at all surprised but its difficult to tell if this is true or this is a celebrity going for the limelight here

3141592653 ago

Dan Schneider is creepy. Just image search him and the creep-factor will abound. He's also known to have a foot fetish, and for that show he did with Miranda Cosgrove, they did a campaign to have kids send it pictures of their feet. SICK.

wokethefkup ago

That ariana and Liz clip is very telling I even left a comment. Liz is clearly uncomfortable while ariana is ready to take it up the ass which I guess she did because now she's on top of a 400 lb trash bag. (Success comes on your back ) also ariana didn't freeze up in the clip, she stayed in character and flirted with Dan making puppy eyes and mouth movements to him. Her behavior is that of how a girl who will talk higher pitched around her crush. Liz's reaction says it all. She pulls arianas skirt down because ariana wouldn't herself and then Liz walks off annoyed and clearly pissed off. This is why she isn't as successful and it sucks because I have the hugest girl crush on her. Bravo to her not flirting with Dan unlike ariana. Disgusting pigs: ariana and Dan. Annoying how the description on this post says ariana is scared when she was basically wagging her tail with her mouth wide open, eyes rolled back for that fat fuck.

Werwer12 ago

From his twitter

Some of the comments that some people (maybe including the child actors) have written on this piece of memorabilia are "Dan, Thanks for making my dreams come true and for letting me be a flaming... (illegible)".

Another... "Oh Dan - You can dip my pickle in dill juice any time! I owe you!!! XXOO Love always, Pickle Boy (picture of a pickle) AKA Brian Peck"

Another... "Dan, What can I say!? I'd be nothing w/o you! You are the best. Thanks! Love Ya! Chelsea (Brummet)"

putneg ago

Just did a search on all this to see if you were full of shit and you definitely arent. There was random cameos in the season 8 of All That (nick show) from someone called "pickle boy" who would "give pickles to random people". Needless to say this is a symbol of something else... Anyhow, it ended up that Pickle boy, wait for it, is convicted pedo Brian Peck!

And Brian, as of 2015, was working for Disney on kids shows, of course. But it's ok guys, he said he's sorry.

mooteensy ago

Apparently that's enough for all the parents who put their children in compromising situations with adults in the entertainment industry!!!!! Disturbing. Poor kids.

Silencio ago

I remember her from another nickolodeon variety show even earlier called "all that", which also had keenan and kel (one of them is on snl now), amanda bynes had a segment called "amanda please" - i.e. A man to please, pretty risque for a kids' show. And fast forward to a few years ago, just before wikileaks and pizzagate, she was having multiple personality disorder mental breakdowns almost weekly in nyc. Same style was britney spears very public mental breakdown but it got much less media airtime outside of ny area

putneg ago

picke boy from all that is Brian Peck, friend of Dan and convicted pedo.

ArchonsDefied ago

He is also friends with Bryan Singer, appeared in X-Men films and even did commentary on X-Men 1.5. Also claims to be friends with Charlie Sheen.

KillAllPedos ago

After her MK-ULTRA spell feel apart she began to expose her Pedo dad, the 'chip',and more. Who do the elites send to 'fix' her? The newest frontman for The Process Church : JJ Brine! "He calls her " HIS SISTER" ?! - "Amanda and her purple-haired pal - whom calls Bynes his 'sister' - earlier in the evening headed out for dinner to Sugarfish in Beverly Hills, California."

Link to quote:

"Suspected mind control slave JJ Brine's Satanic "Vector Gallery", which has been in NYC, LA, and Washington, DC. Brine is a one-time "assistant" to Henry Kissinger's right-hand man, National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft. Kissinger is allegedly a master mind control programmer who, along with Bob Hope, once co-owned "Presidential Model" mind control sex slave Brice Taylor."

"Process Church’s fractional involvement (at minimum) with the vast amount of occultist corruption that elitist communities like Hollywood and Washington DC.

From allegations of members ranging from Sirhan-Sirhan, Manson, and Berkowitz, to many known political officials throughout the decades, and many famous celebrity followers such as Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski, Jayne Mansfield, John Phillips and Cass Eliot of The Mamas and the Papas, Sammy Davis Jr., Liberace, a whole host of people in the old-school and modern heavy-metal music scene, and an obscenely longer list from there. Anyone who may doubt this notion of influence only has to remember that Robert de Grimson was close friends with L. Ron Hubbard and a practicing Scientologist, who eventually left the practice to found the Process Church of the Final Judgement." JJ Brine / The Process Church has ALL these Hollywood elites on :Mind Control "" The Ultimate Evil, author Maury Terry contended that the Son of Sam killer, David Berkowitz, was a member of “The Children,” a satanic cult based in Venice, California, with links to the military and intelligence establishments. According to Terry, The Children is a splinter group of The Process Church of the Final Judgment" -

"military and intelligence establishments..." << MK ULTRA


Link to Voat post about JJ Brine:

MK Ultra patent: Here's (one of many) google patents for MK Ultra through monitors!

Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors US 6506148 B2

ABSTRACT Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity.

"The observed effects include ptosis of the eyelids, relaxation, drowziness, the feeling of pressure at a centered spot on the lower edge of the brow, seeing moving patterns of dark purple and greenish yellow with the eyes closed, a tonic smile, a tense feeling in the stomach, sudden loose stool, and sexual excitement, depending on the precise frequency used, and the skin area to which the field is applied. The sharp frequency dependence suggests involvement of a resonance mechanism."

"it opens a way for mischievous application of the invention, whereby people are exposed unknowingly to manipulation of their nervous systems for someone else's purposes. Such application would be unethical and is of course not advocated. It is mentioned here in order to alert the public to the possibility of covert abuse that may occur while being online, or while watching TV, a video, or a DVD."

10266920? ago


pnwpatriot97 ago

It's got to be part of some sort of sick Freemason tradition. Made a post about a "chip" program spotted on a Freemason Lodge website. It's right here in case anyone finds any links between the two. If anyone finds any ties please speak up!

10266009? ago

Look how desperate these "Agents" are .. I got a message from one on my phone . I NEVER inquired about a modeling job

srayzie ago

Well that's weird

srayzie ago

Well aren't you just full of knowledge today. I don't know how we'd make it without you here 🙄

DonKeyhote ago

Thats why i can post screenshots dated six months ago when someone posts a "lead" LMAO.

DianaKeyhote ago

Thats why i can post screenshots dated six months ago when someone posts a "lead" LMAO.

Do you ever get the fuck off the keyboard? Take a walk outside the barn occasionally.

If I had a dog that looked like you I'd shave it and teach it to walk backwards.

Donnie and his wife agreed to smoke only after sex. Donnie is down to one cig a week. His wife is at three packs a day.

Donnie and his friend were in the nut ward. His friend told Donnie to shine the flashlight at the window and they'd escape by crawling up the beam. Donnie said fuck no, I get halfway up and you turn the mother fucker off?

DanKeyhote ago

God those are bad. You are humiliating yourself. I think you should consider suicide.

srayzie ago

You should never tell someone to commit suicide stupid. Good one.

DeanKeyhote ago

I only said "consider," i dont care either way -- his value to the investigation is unchanged.

srayzie ago

You have nothing of value here either but I wouldn't want you to go kill yourself. Some people could do something like that so you shouldn't say that.

equineluvr ago

MK-Ultra "chip" notwithstanding, it is VERY common for abused children to lie to cover for their abusive parents --

"Children and their parents have an undeniable bond. Children will usually lie or blame themselves before they would accuse their parents.

Detective Chris Hicks of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. described the account of an eleven year-old girl whose mother threw her against a wall. Her head had been cut open, she was bleeding, and the mother’s roommate says the mother hit the child with a heater plate three or four times. 1 Evidence showed blood on the plate, and the mother admitted to hitting the child with the grate. Yet, the child’s story was in direct conflict with the police report, all the evidence, and the mother’s confession.

The child’s version was to put the blame on herself. She said she “wasn’t being a good girl.” She was placed in temporary housing but the child kept asking, “When am I going to see my mom? I want to be with her.”

Detective Hicks says authorities often cannot get the truth from the victim, and the child will lie to protect the abusing parents. He said that children will sometimes defend parents to their death."

And, of course, Schneider = JEW.

DeathTooMasons ago

Hang yourself? We will write a big heroic obituary!...Ok..I will.

Votescam ago

This is the same in all threatening situations as we've seen with domestic violence where women would feel so threatened by the male S/O or husband, or ex-husband that she wouldn't press charges.

srayzie ago

As I read that, I was thinking wow. This seems like a good comment. Then of course, it has to end with JEW! You are Jewish. Do you hate yourself?

1473916381 ago

ZOG got triggered by this one, hilarious. You are a Rothschild agent, Jews are not a hive mind, you are brainwashed. Jews can point out that the Hollywood elite are all Jews, this is a battle against Satan and Jews run the synagogue of Satan, that's Jesus' words.

srayzie ago

Are you saying that I am a Rothschild agent? 😂

I've never said that I don't believe Jews are behind a lot of stuff. But, that's not my only focus. It's that nutcase Equineluvr/Donkeyhote that focus on it 24/7. They need to look at the broader picture. What is ZOG? 🤔

1473916381 ago

This post is on the front page so it's for readers who don't know what ZOG is.

Zionest occupied government. It is no conspiracy and not a racist term. Especially when white people use it, because first off, "jews" are not a race. They arent even jews. They call themselves a race trying to claim that they are the lost tribes of Isreal, when in fact if any european could trace their family back that far if they could go back that far. These false jews are only russians who migrated to Isreal to kill all the non-jews, much worse than the holocaust. But we never hear about those people, only the holocaust that the rothschilds(jews) fiananced.

That is in fact because of ZOG. Jews own every media source in america. Thats why you never hear an intellegent person on tv speaking out against these false jews. You never hear about how They owned all the slave boats, but only this garbage they spew after they basically re-wrote every aspect of history. Jews hate blacks, but preach how we (we meaning non-jew whites and blacks) should love each other and mix, either that or be homosexuals, or get sterilized and go adopt african babies like the actors on tv. All the while they really feel like kramer(jew) about blacks. and we cant forget Jerry Heller the jew behind gangster rap.

Basically our zog commits terrible acts out of greed, while giving non-jew whites crumbs and letting them take the blame for it. guy 1: Isaac da costa was a jew in charleston in the 1700's. guy 2: I thought southern rednecks hated jews. guy 1: They do, because they could barely make any money with the jews high prices on slaves. Most of the plantation owners ended up broke, and the jews made all the money just like they do on every injustice. guy 2: Then what? the zog just uses their media to spew their propaganda and lies? guy 1: yep.


Where did you see hate? How can the truth be hate? You make no sense, jew.

DeathTooMasons ago

Hell-o Dis-inf-o!

srayzie ago

He is Jewish and he hates Jews. He says it.. I'm not Jewish.

srayzie ago

One look at your profile makes me see why you are standing up for that Faggot

srayzie ago

I talk to this fool daily. He shows hate constantly



srayzie ago

Trigger Alert!


Thanks for warning me you were triggered. I already noticed, due to your 3 REPLYS IN 30 SECONDS

srayzie ago

I'm not triggered. It doesn't take long to hit reply 🙂


2 more from the psycho.



srayzie ago

Jewish Internet Defense Force?

srayzie ago

And what does JIDF mean?

DonKeyhote ago

And let me guess, identifying his race to observe a pattern (called a "criminal profile") causes you to DISCOUNT what you previously believed. Because you have a pavlovian reaction to jews being singled out formed by fictional hollywood films. Because youre a naive woman, that is to say, a woman.

DeathTooMasons ago

I no longer read your post, I just down voat them. You rep is awesome!

DonKeyhote ago

Im not surprised you find great value in being popular online, having never experienced it in real life except maybe the prison shower room.

srayzie ago

Oops, you need to pay more attention before you comment. You used the wrong profile to reply dipshit.

DonKeyhote ago

Lmao you think youre clever because DON+QUI sounds like donkey which is related to a horse which is equine in Latin, yet the HUGELY DISPROPORTIONATE NUMBER of jews mentioned here daily is of ZERO evidentiary value to you.

Jesus fucking christ lady. It is beyond embarrassing. Whos to say im not every other guy here who names the jew, because your nancy drew phonetic analysis of their username LMAOOO

DianaKeyhote ago

Actually a pretty shrewd phonetic analysis doncha think? Give it up my boy.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

I feel like this is deja vu?

Srayzie accusing you of alts...I thought we cleared this up?

srayzie ago

Hi! Awww you missed me?

UlyssesEMcGill ago

No, you can fuck yourself.

srayzie ago


DianaKeyhote ago

You're defending that piece of shit? You can fuck YOUR self.

LongDongKeyhote ago

Wait why isnt he an alt if hes defending me?

DianaKeyhote ago

You tell me fuck face.

LongDongKeyhote ago

If one single sane person dedending me devastates your theory, your theory sucks shit.

DianaKeyhote ago

What theory do I espouse fuck face, and BTW this is the first time I've dealt w/ a Jewish clairvoyant. If you don't get a little more exciting or original I'm out a here. Same shit over and over.

LongDongKeyhote ago


Edit- the theory of my having any alts besides the keyhotes.

DianaKeyhote ago

Jews and Pakistani gas station owners. They're like children some of them, they will drive you absolutely nuts, never stop arguing, and will spit at your car while driving off if all else fails. My papa warned me. Narcissists like donkey will cry out in pain as they smite you. Adios faggot.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Whom do you think I'm defending?

DianaKeyhote ago

You tell me.

srayzie ago

Omg I'm so tired of reading you describe the meanings behind your profile names. I don't give a shit. You just want others to see it so you keep repeating it.

It doesn't even matter tho Jeff. Because we don't speak Latin here. We speak English. It's easy to see the horse and donkey connection. What is your excuse for your donkeyrapist profile then on other sites? You don't mean the animal there either? 🤔

Besides, let me explain this to you very simply so that you can understand. I commented to your Equineluvr profile. Your reply was from your donkeyhote profile. So, you either messed up and replied under the wrong one or you're having one alt defend the other alt 😂

The 1st scenario would be that you made another stupid mistake.

The 2nd explaination would make you even weirder LMAO.

LongDongKeyhote ago

Actually the 2nd would be the entire purpose of making alt you stupid bitch. DROP THE SHOVEL AND PICK UP THE SPATULA. YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR ELEMENT. I dont need alts i enjoy the reputation i have as is and am further vindicated with every post such as this FAT JEW SCUMBAG

DianaKeyhote ago

Funny how Equine defends you w/ a comment and then just disappears.

Equine jump in here and defend your boy.

DanKeyhote ago

Can you read? He commented first and i replied to @srayzie for being a dumb brainwashed ho.

srayzie ago

So you admit to the 2nd one huh? You stand up for your alts.

Answer the donkeyrapist question!

LongDongKeyhote ago

Theres a user on this very sub called DonkeyOatey you dumb bitch. CLEARLY ITS NOT AN UNCOMMON NAME TO PUN. You are a fucking retard, i am truly sorry for that, but where do you get your CONFIDENCE???

srayzie ago

You won't understand confidence because you are a hateful bitter man who is Jewish but hates Jews. When you don't like yourself, when you are intimidated by everyone else, and you hate the world and everyone around you, then you won't have confidence.

1473916381 ago

You don't like people who have free thought. You think all Jews should think the same otherwise they are traitors. You are the reason that these Jews can get away with it, because you always side with the Jew because you are a Jew and you fight any Jew that doesn't side with the Rothschilds/Illuminati/Satan.

srayzie ago

I'm not a Jew and I am not on anyone's side. He calls me a cunt all the time and a bitch. He speaks with such hate and acts like that teaches someone. All it does is make people not like him. I fight with this fucker daily. He hates women. Especially white women. So, my opinions about Jews isn't an issue here, It's his hatefulness. He lumps everyone into certain categories and then says why he hates each.

1473916381 ago

I've read all the comments on this thread and that's not how I see it. I see a Rothschild agent doing whatever they can to shut this discussion down because the Hollywood/Disney pedophile elites in control have all been linked to being Jewish or blackmailed by a Jew.

srayzie ago

Ok well thanks for stating your opinion 🤣

LongDongKeyhote ago

I openly promulgate a comprehensive theory of PG from beginning to solution. Thats at least putting your name and reputation out there. Its YOU fags who are too scared to do so, probably too stupid too. I mean you have offered ZERO leads, i am so prolific because i follow up on Jews when spotted. It speaks for itself LOL

srayzie ago

You think you're prolific here because you follow up on Jews? 😂

LongDongKeyhote ago

why is that funny.

srayzie ago

Because anything you contribute here amounts to Jack Squat

DanKeyhote ago

Id put my output against anyones here, probably above. Certainly no ones named nearly as many fronts. You will continue to produce nothing because you are incapable -- FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES and thats what you can't seem to comprehend with regard to jews

Tanngrisnir ago

Defending your alt again, Donkey! When will you ever learn.

DonKeyhote ago

Dunno, why would i suffer 10 comments per day under various DonKey alts and not use his ever? Youre a faggot. What else needs to be said.

Tanngrisnir ago

Proud of you for not using a random capitalization, bitch!

DonKeyhote ago

Font size insult from one, dick jokes from the other..what a pair of useless cunts, i entertain with my ripostes in ADDITION to dropping knowledge. God DAMMIT i fucking rule. I really should be getting paid for this public service.

Tanngrisnir ago

You are paid Donkey. . . But what you do isn't a service to anyone.

DianaKeyhote ago

Speaking of dick jokes, next time you piss, look down, the joke is in your hand. I still want you to meet me tho in the trans sub, we can talk more freely.

LongDongKeyhote ago

I dont hold my dick to piss tho. I hang it right out the side of my overalls while i hit a hash pipe. Ya CUNT

DianaKeyhote ago

You, me, and Sara Silverman. That I could dig. Hot Jewess.

Bring the hash pipe, and make it late, the donkeys all look better at closing time.

srayzie ago

Either that or he replied under the wrong profile 😂 The mans got some issues.

Tanngrisnir ago

Why the idiot thought he could admit Equineluvr was his alt and then that no one would remember it is the incredible thing. Does he think we will believe anything he says as long as he randomly capitalizes a word?

srayzie ago

He actually admitted it? 😮 I want to screenshot that! Do you know where to find it?

Lol I know. There are a lot of things that make me believe they are the same.

Tanngrisnir ago

He said it under the DawnKeyHote alt. It was in the topic where someone from some pro-pizzagte site was praising "DawnKeyHote" after he posted an old NYT article where they talked about pedophile rings in Washington before Pizzagate. They called him "enterprising Voat netizen, DawnkeyHote." Someone asked DawnKeyHote if he was DonKeyHote and he gave a list of all of his accounts ending it with something like "and the clever girl Equinelvr."

I tried to archive it but I don't think it went through and I can't find it. Even if it is archived somewhere it was a subcomment which you click to view, meaning doesn't screen cap them. It is an old deleted submission as well because none of the mods wanted a topic dedicated to Donkey jerking off to himself.

DanKeyhote ago

Youre too fucking retarded to search for a quote? No wonder you suck shit at researching. Here it is, its just more laughing sarcastically that dumb cunt @srayzie. You taking sarcasm as a "slip up" doesnt constitute evidence faggit


Tanngrisnir ago

Lol, I didn't bother looking because it is already obvious. Whenever yours fee fees get hurt EquineRapist comes to your rescue and vice versa. Go ahead and fuck off to Stormfront already.

DanKeyhote ago

Thats never happened which is why you can't provide an example. Youre a faggot whos all talk.

srayzie ago

I think I saw that. But, why would he say girl because equine admits to being a guy. That profile is the one where he actually portrays himself more. Early 50's. I know this from talking to him. Donkey's alt tries to act like he's younger. In his 20's, lives in a college dorm, claims he's an alcoholic and does all his commenting from a cell phone 😂

So, I wonder what he means by the girl part.

Tanngrisnir ago

I dunno. My first guess is because there is the stereotype that women are obsessed with horses. It is horsefucker though so I don't expect a lot of high level cognition.

srayzie ago

Lol. Well, he has a profile somewhere else under donkeyrapist. So, I think horsefucker is a nice match.

LongDongKeyhote ago

That was some guy calling a Muslim a donkey rapist. I defend muslims here because theyre used as a distraction by JEWS which no one disputes. So either you have no reading comprehension or youre disingenuous.

srayzie ago

So you decided to make a donkeyrapist profile name so you could defend Muslims? You probably are Muslim since you disrespect women.

DanKeyhote ago

LOL so youll target muslims for criticism but not jews. Funny cuz they have a similar sized population here but we never see muslim names mentioned in these thousands of threads. It must suck being such a dumb credulous bitch like you xD

srayzie ago

I'm trying to work on some art. Can you not obsess over me for at least an hour?

DanKeyhote ago


srayzie ago

Poor thing. You're jealous that I actually have a life outside of this

DanKeyhote ago

Yes highly jealous of your fingerpaint then juicebox and naptime. God forbid PG take you away from that!

srayzie ago

What's wrong with fingerprint, juice and a nap? 🙄

You need to step away from this every now and then and take a breather donkey. You're always wound up and you're gonna get an ulcer. Go watch some more Southpark. Have a good laugh.

DanKeyhote ago

I will take your advice if you take mine and shut your whore mouth until its time to give me a slob job that'll leave you looking like the Joker

LongDongKeyhote ago

Wut so now i made the blog crediting a female alt and copping to another female alt even tho i supposedly hate women. Nice elegant theory there.

DonKeyhote ago

Yeah shills will often slip up and admit to a specific alt, much like cutting someone off in traffic, i mean sometimes people make silly mistakes. LMAO what a pair of absolute RETARDS!

srayzie ago

Which alts do you admit to now?

Tanngrisnir ago

If shills were smart they wouldn't be shills.