superlearning ago

the lyrics in his album PRESIDENT OF MOZAMBIQUE paint a clearer picture :

IT'S OUR LITTLE SECRET "We made a lot of money Selling all our memories**** To a certain kind of conspiracy We have big properties on many lands ****** We travel with a marching band And we play the people on the streets With our nimble hands"

superlearning ago

Ok so the plot thickens. Checking Brine's Instagram revealed that the man is currently in LEBANON and has been for over a month.

superlearning ago

Isn't it amazing how lazy we are when it comes to processing new information. People are waiting for some kind of #ILLUMINATICONFIRMED referendum from the blogs, maybe a buzzfeed quiz. Better yet some remote academian with a reputable twitter following who treats every subject like a bygone conclusion, driving the point home with #justice #contempt #wtf But NO really. The funny thing about knowledge is that it comes with actually KNOWING something. Maybe this case is a bit more nuanced than anti-SJW SJW millennium wikipedia analysts can deliver in a 36 hour googling spree.

Also noteworthy to mention that JJ Brine has been on TMZ like six times. Not only for the Bynes-Brine BFF shockathons but also for holding a RETRIAL OF CHARLES FREAKING MANSON featuring the killer's son and for a Miami art installation where USHER CHARGED HIS MOBILE PHONE INSIDE OF A WOMAN'S VAGINA. Ok...

KillAllPedos ago

" The Ultimate Evil, author Maury Terry contended that the Son of Sam killer, David Berkowitz, was a member of “The Children,” a satanic cult based in Venice, California, with links to the military and intelligence establishments. According to Terry, The Children is a splinter group of The Process Church of the Final Judgment" -
"military and intelligence establishments"


KillAllPedos ago

"Process Church’s fractional involvement (at minimum) with the vast amount of occultist corruption that elitist communities like Hollywood and Washington DC.

From allegations of members ranging from Sirhan-Sirhan, Manson, and Berkowitz, to many known political officials throughout the decades, and many famous celebrity followers such as Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski, Jayne Mansfield, John Phillips and Cass Eliot of The Mamas and the Papas, Sammy Davis Jr., Liberace, a whole host of people in the old-school and modern heavy-metal music scene, and an obscenely longer list from there. Anyone who may doubt this notion of influence only has to remember that Robert de Grimson was close friends with L. Ron Hubbard and a practicing Scientologist, who eventually left the practice to found the Process Church of the Final Judgement."

Sounds like SWORDFISH was spot on!

KillAllPedos ago

THIS IS THE AREA OF WHERE IT LEADS TO THE PEDO-FILE CONNECTION ; SO SAYS THE NYPD >> "Maury Terry’s book, The Ultimate Evil, investigating the Process Church’s relationship to organized crime, and specifically to the Son of Sam and Charles Manson murders. Having come out in the late 1980’s, Terry’s book has since become a classic for independent researchers, true-crime enthusiasts, and “conspiracy theorists,” and has received an equal amount of hatred in the media for those who claim it is indeed “conspiracy theory,” “Satanic Panic,” and/or “religious bigotry” against the Process Church. The reader should and can decide for themselves, by viewing the research novel "


link to book https :// com/file/d/0BwZL_QI2UVrbZWlqV2JKRExSSHc/edit

Thinkfaest ago

This guy seems to be in some kind of higher position in the "process church" I believe the cult has since altered it's name into a splinter group of Scientology called "compulsions analysis". But it's obvious he has some affiliation due to the symbol that is constantly brandished all over his media.

KillAllPedos ago

I think you found something: the process church

Sounds like the NYPD knew about them and said this:

"—from human and drug trafficking, prostitution, hit-men for hire, and even kidnapping for human sacrifice. Rothstein claims that the epicenter of this dark-occultist crime syndication is a group called The Process Church of the Final Judgement."

" Former NYPD detective Jim Rothstein has as well come out on record in recent years, discussing his career investigating Human Trafficking for the department in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s, which led him directly to the center of a branch of organized crime that can be considered nothing less than “occult/cult organized crime.”

"ormer NYPD officer Michael Codella. Having already published a memoir of his career in New York, entitled, Alphaville: 1988, Crime, Punishment, and the Battle for New York City’s Lower East Side, Codella officially came on record to discuss a brief period during his time as an NYPD supervisor, when the infamous Son of Sam murders were unofficially re-opened for investigation by the department in the early 1990’s."

Connects the Son of Sam murders

" many interesting details discussed in this interview, Codella tells that his informant was a prominent member of the Rat Pack biker-gang, which ran a business providing black-market security to anyone who had the money, and this biker-security force was often rented by cult-members to maintain a perimeter outside of houses where satanic rituals, often sacrifices and orgies, would take place. The cult considered at hand was the infamous Process Church of the Final Judgement. After a withstanding business arrangement between the “Church” and the Rat Pack, the informant and other bikers were reported to have initiated themselves into the Process Church, where they enjoyed the long list of any and all illicit black market activities, including pedophilia, and even kidnapping for specific purposes of ritual sacrifice."

'including pedophilia"


Thinkfaest ago

Thanks. I think there is a definite connection As well.

I think I happened upon this link to a police guide on dealing with the occult in another thread then read your thread with the images and noticed the symbols are a direct match. (The image I posted is toward the back)

Here is the link for the full document :

star_boi ago

Son of Sam special was just on network TV last week!! Berkowitz interviewed in prison. he told them over and over it was a satanic involvement, and it was pretty clear he was meeting with a group with others involved. he uses the word cult as well as i recall.... he will not say anything further when asked if other people were involved. the stupid journalist acts like this is a trick or some game. Berkowitz is calm and clear, he discusses his childhood and parents as loving and normal, and clearly states he got involved with satanism and that 'demons' were involved as well. good and evil seem to be the only game he is playing.... i for sure believe he was in an occult group that encouraged the murders!!

LightlyToasted ago

JJ Brine was also a SPEECHWRITER for Scowcroft

JJ Brine's connection to Haitian Voodoo JJ Brine: “I have been to Haiti a couple of times. I was going to see Max Beauvoir a friend of mine who died recently who was the supreme chief of Haitian Voodoo.”

& the expected voodoo connection to the Clintons:

"In 1975 Bill and Hillary Clinton honeymooned on Haiti, meeting Beauvoir and attending a ceremony. “After several minutes of rhythmic dancing to pounding drums, the spirits arrived, seizing a woman and a man,” Bill Clinton recalled."

KillAllPedos ago

EXCELLENT WORK!!!!!! @LightlyToasted. It appears there IS a clinton connection: HAITI / VOODOO / MAX BEAUVOIR

LightlyToasted ago

Thank you -- sparked by your good work. I dove deeper into Brine here:

KillAllPedos ago

A Mod is saying i augmented JJBrine's web page: ??


another bizarre turn of events: If i type a "RANDON SEARCH TITLE" in to a search engine, How can that CHANGE what is found on a Webpage? >>Example>> explain how typing JJ Brine Voat/ Pizzagate into a search engine is going to CHANGE the search box on HIS webpage?????? Are you saying google is changing that for him???? Because i didn't change anything to that search box, i found it on the web, the web!! EXPLAIN THAT! I was asked to remove that link for this post, this post was deleted by MODS 2 TIMES already, citing rule #3 and this link:

I found it ALREADY on the net,doing a search. You can put anything into the search box, but is didn't. i found it THAT way. Mods sayin' i augmented that link,how?? My mistake not have taken a screen shot off the web, didn't know i was going into a battle with MODS, i thought WE were battling PEDOS?!?!

KillAllPedos ago

some blogger did a cut and paste on this post; somebody random on the net found!?

...AND and German website? what's so interesting about this post???

star_boi ago

Great work!! This guy is hiding in plain sight!! I found him last year- his work is so mind bogglingly insane,... this 'interview' is seriously coded insanity:

i have a screenshot of a facebook post showing jj brine looking for 'pop up' space in DC last Nov. 1-9th. Interesting timing! (not sure how to post screen shots here) ..... i just re archived his vector gallery tumbler here:

About two thirds down on the far right column is a photo of jj brine holding up an infant in a bizarre and disturbing manner..the accompanying article entitled "kill white americans".

satanic and sick AF

KillAllPedos ago

Thank you for the compliment!! @star_boi Ok, yes you too!! right ,in plain sight! It's like mini-me Aquino! His life is like tentacle porn - going in many directions,hence it's been a challenge to pick which side to cover. Ok he's in DC now, there's gotta be ties to Pedo-ring scum there. I said he worked for Scowcroft,and the American- Turkish Council too. IF you go down that rabbit hole you find a Sybil Edmond FBI coverup spy story of the ATC having foreign turkish spies on US soil.The Kicker in all of this the trail leads back to DENNIS HASTERT:ATC / ATA bribed Dennis Hastert

"certain Turkish diplomats, were indeed under FBI investigation. And all this put together means that people like Dennis Hastert probably were- and perhaps still are- on the payroll of Turkish ‘deep state’ interests." >>>>

the next question is : Was the ATC ,with DENNIS HASTERT at the helm, sex trafficking kids in a joint State Dept Op? How does this relate to JJ Brine? Swordfish69 said something about art Galleries, music scene,,JJBrine is a link to all of this CORBETT INTERVIEW : The REAL Hastert Scandal: Pedophilia, Drug Money and Blackmail

star_boi ago

Excellent!!! Yes, i had seen the connection to the turkish council as well on wikipedia and was floored! i wish i had more time to investigate!

this guy looks like every douche, would be artist that can't make art, i ever met... BUT he worked for scowcroft!?? HUGE flag there, most of these type people never even finished college, or have a BA perhaps.... not government types if you know what i mean. He looks insane in every single photo. the baby one though...... who would let that guy hold their baby like that!!!??? sick

KillAllPedos ago

I hope the Mods are reading your feedback, they want this post deleted! thanks for adding info here!!!!! there's WAY MORE to uncover, i wish the mods would take time to dig, like you've done. Peace out.

Vindicator ago

@KillAllPedos: Is this just a post about Clintonites? Or is there some connection to child abuse/trafficking? If so, it appears to be buried. Please edit your post to feature it prominently so we can leave this up.

KillAllPedos ago

The Scowcroft group may have helped co-commission a paper on human trafficking under the top pages called " GUIDING COALITION" CH.3

KillAllPedos ago

Ok, i copy that. Not a post about clinonites. The Sex Stains played at the SAME art exhibition place in NYC that JJ Brine had his art show at. Past that, it will take much longer to dig out more info. I got some leads,maybe in hast i throw this post up, incomplete, but it contains links and info ,i haven't seen other places. Do what you want, hours putting this together is on the chopping block again?

KillAllPedos ago

There! I changed the title to one point in the info presented. hope that helps, cheers!

star_boi ago

UPVOAT!!!!! this is what we are here for!!!!