pedodestroyer ago

Some more Christchurch stuff from:

John Kerry flies to Christchurch day after election (also was in Antarctica)


New Zealand earthquake: Tsunami hits after magnitude-7.8 quake strikes near Christchurch




Clinton emails show they had advanced knowledge of a previous earthquake that took place in Christchurch


Some extra stuff I saw posted that might be worth looking into...

Lyttelton railway tunnel links the city of Christchurch with the port of Lyttelton in the Canterbury region of New Zealand’s South Island. It is the country’s oldest operational rail tunnel, and is on one of the first railway lines in the district. On completion in 1867 it became the first tunnel in the world to be taken through the side of an extinct volcano, and at 2.7 km, the longest in the country.[1] Its opening made the Ferrymead Railway, New Zealand's first public railway line, obsolete.

MumofThree ago

The evidence Police refused to investigate:

My witness statement: I am a survivor of ritual satanic abuse and informant of pedo network:

I have intimate knowledge of Hampstead. Hampstead is a HOTSPOT for satanic pedophilia.

The list comprises big and little names: politicians, journalists, doctors, police, celebrities…

Among the names described in detail:

  • Lord Montagu, Grand Master hosting ceremonies in his castle Beaulieu
  • Lord Moyne, connections with Guinness family
  • Lord Caernarvon, owner of Highclere Castle nr Newbury
  • Lord Porchester, son of Lord Caernarvon
  • Marquis of Blandford, Blenheim Palace
  • Marquis of Bath
  • Princess Michael of Kent
  • Earl Spencer
  • Patricia Thornton, nurse in the children’s home in Haut-de-la-Garenne, Jersey The Group

  • John Morriston, London, HIGH COMMANDER

  • Alan Williams, NEW COMMANDER
  • Rod Matthews, COMMANDER
  • David Whiting-John, COMMANDER
  • Bertram Hodinkson, COMMANDER, Mason and member of the Grand Order of Water Rats
  • Chia Mekali, COMMANDER
  • Henry Marshall, Dorchester, MASTER
  • Clive Johnston, KEEPER-MASTER before
  • Mark Davie, KEEPER-MASTER
  • Howard Locke, Bromley, INQUISITOR
  • John Rose, called ‘Your Lordship’
  • William Grosvenor, High in Group
  • Michael Vorster, German, also high in groupp
  • Peter Krausen, ‘bigwig’ in cult
  • Michael Hames, former Det Supt NSY
  • Phil Compton, Driver for group
  • Male Enforcers (ME)
  • Female Enforcers (FE)
  • Roderick Chamberlain, Scribe Watchers.


  • Virginia Bottomley, former Secretary of Health
  • Peter Bottomley, husband
  • Ted Heath, former Prime Minister
  • Lord McAlpine, Treasurer in Heath government
  • Michael Portillo, former journalist, MP and Minister of Defence
  • Ruth Kelly, former Minister of Education and Economics
  • Paul Boateng, Labour MP
  • Tony Heaford, Councillor in Rochdale
  • Cyril Smith, Councillor in Rochdale
  • Peter Mandelson, former MP, British Commissioner of EU for Trade since 2004
  • Margaret Hodge MP, previously Islington Council
  • Alan Johnson MP, took over as Education Secretary from Ruth Kelly
  • Peter Hain, Labour politician, Privy Council
  • Mark Oaten MP, LibDem
  • Mike Hancock MP for Portsmouth
  • Charles Clarke MP, former Labour Education Secretary, later Home Secretary
  • Lord Falconer, Lord Chancellor


  • Ali Dizaei, Iranian, bribed to damage reputation of Met Police
  • Terry Grange, late Chief Constable, Dyfyd-Powys in Wales
  • Paul Kernaghan, Chief Constable of Hampshire
  • John Hoddinott, former police constable, Hants.


  • Sir Stephen Richards, appeal court judge
  • Sir Matthew Farrer, Private solicitor to the Queen
  • Lord Peter Goldsmith, former Attorney General
  • William Chambers, solicitor

Mainstream Media

  • Lord William Rees-Mogg, former editor
  • Geoffrey Levy, Daily Mail columnist
  • Bruce Parker, presenter Southern TV
  • Max Hastings, editor and journalist
  • Sir David Frost, married daughter of Duke of Norfolk
  • Michael Barrimore, former TV presenter
  • Richard Ingrams, former editor of Private Eye
  • Bob Woffinden, Journalist


  • Michael Winner, actor, writer and director
  • Jimmy Tarbuck , comedian
  • Alvin Stardust, 1970s pop singer


  • Dr Robert Wells, Police surgeon
  • Dr Shreeyas Deepak Raj, treats excessively beaten survivors
  • Don Taylor, clinical psychologist
  • Elizabeth Newson, child psychiatrist
  • Prof Gisli Gudjonnson, London University
  • Dr Bill Thompson, Professor of criminology, Reading
  • Dr Tony Baker, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, denier of ritual abuse
  • Ray Aldridge-Morris, Pshychologist


  • Rt Rev Crispian Hollis, RC Bishop of Portsmouth

  • Cardinal Cormack Murphy O’Connor, Head of RC Church in Britain

  • Simon Thomas, vicar in United Reform Church

  • Tony Miller, Reader or Curate in Church of England Related articles

EricKaliberhall ago

Why is @Jem777 and @redditsuckz banned from VOAT?

UgTr2 ago

Looks like Millennial_Falcon doesn't like people talking about the religious connection.

He banned me (as UglyTruth) from v/pizzagate for that post.

redditsuckz Millennial_Falcon spam 8/17/2017 7:33:27 PM Jem777 Millennial_Falcon spam 8/17/2017 7:28:38 PM

AngB23 ago

WTF?!? When did this happened???? This is BULLSHIT whoever banned them

fogdryer ago

I want to know also

pedodestroyer ago

the thread on /pol/ regarding the #Fruitgate / Hampstead had some different breakdowns. Not sure how accurate it is or how well researched it is, ill post the exact pasta but clean it up:


Original Threads:

138272681 →

People/Places of Interest Named:

Henry Newman (michael groves)

Henry J Newman

Newmafruit (Kent)

Integrated Service Solutions




Lord Janner, Hampstead, Arms Dealers, Zionism & Barbara Kahan [Embed]

The Diamond Heist was connected (comprimising vides?)... [Embed]

Father of the Hampstead whistleblower kids had his business at The Diamond Heist address! Was he sending/receiving videos?

Hatton Garden heist leader 'found sick pics of Tory child abuser'

A number of years ago two children discussed on camera, their alleged abuse at the hands of their father, teachers and other prominent members of the establishment, including currently operating members of the BBC.

Nick Cohen warned us of the sinister treatment of Savile whistleblowers at the BBC


Barbara Kahan fronts thousands of shell companies, where she serves as a director for one day. Barbara Kahan is the name of a Tavistock Psychologist from days gone by.

Ricky Dearman owned a business at 89-90 Hatton Gardens.

During the beginning of the year (20--) he began scrubbing connections to the address off the internet. Then The Diamond Heist occurred...

The people behind the heist found MP's in child porn, at the same address.

Ricky Dearman possibly MI5.

Vindicator ago

@ToughManVinny: I was going to remove this post for lack of evidence of a connection to child trafficking due to it being based on an u sourced discussion post in another sub that lacks our submission standrds, but I've decided to give it a "Disinfo" flair instead to help folks recognize the smell of a steaming mountain of crap. Cheers!

Are_we_sure ago

Hi, I asked this on pizzagatemods last week, but haven't gotten a response.

How does something get the tag Possible Disinfo? How does it apply to this post?

I assumed that tag is for when someone is flatout lying or pushing something known to be false.

DonKeyhote ago

All mods are kikeshills.

Vindicator ago

We also use it when we see a pattern in how the post is written or pushed that is similar to other disinfo tactic threads. For example, stringing together links and claiming they are related to PG (i.e. looks like lots of research) but none of actually shows any link and the whole post relies on confirmation bias and suggestion.

Are_we_sure ago

Have you had a chance to look at the post I was asked about?

Because it corrects somethings pizzagate has wrong and I think it does so conclusively and it backs up its claims with evidence.

DonKeyhote ago

Flare, cunt

DonKeyhote ago