Dibgick ago

Dear British Media Operative.

Please go suck a donkey's dick. Then eat shit fucking bullshitter.

Thank you.

phoenixcase ago

The Monarchy will go, Rothschild's are good at that.

MadLordBeef ago

I think I know who you are.

ToughManVinny ago

My initial thought, that it was just another LARP, but on the basis of the evidence that has been found so far... I think this is legit.

What do you think? The real deal or breadcrumbs.

MadLordBeef ago

The content is accurate.

But he likes playing the all-knowing sage, and it can annoy me sometimes, I troll him when he does.

ANON1666 ago




ANON1666 ago




paulf ago

Damn. Hampstead, Tavistock, Janner, Kahan, masonry. It's all here.

srayzie ago

Do you have dirt on Hillary Clinton or those close to her? Things not already known? Including Obama? Podesta?

Do you know anything about the Seth Rich murder?

What do you know about people pizzagate/pedogate?

Do you know if any elites are going to be brought down?

Do you know of any plans against Trump worth mentioning?

Tanngrisnir ago

Cards probably referred to credit cards or the like and not playing cards. Probably a more specific version of FBIANON's "follow the money."

paulf ago

Thank you for what you are doing. It's the right thing.

  1. Who murdered Jill Dando?
  2. Is Leon Brittan alive and well and living in Tel Aviv?
  3. Is Lord Janner alive and well and living in Tel Aviv?
  4. Was the first testimony of the two Hampstead children correct?
  5. Who was present when Madeleine McCann was ritually murdered in her parent's flat?
  6. Who is named as a paedophile in the Dunblane sealed documents and why does the list include Gordon Brown?
  7. Which currently serving MPs are nonces?
  8. What was the point of the Finsbury park psyop?

QuiteContrary ago

Lord Janner, Hampstead, Arms Dealers, Zionism & Barbara Kahan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlvCikgu57Y


Hatton Garden heist leader 'found sick pics of Tory child abuser' http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/hatton-garden-heist-leader-found-7196229


Barbara Kahan fronts thousands of shell companies, where she serves as a director for one day. Barbara Kahan is the name of a Tavistock Psychologist from days gone by.

Ricky Dearman owned a business at 89-90 Hatton Gardens During the beginning of the year (20--) he began scrubbing connections to the address off the internet. Then The Diamond Heist occurred... The people behind the heist found MP's in child porn, at the same address.

DerivaUK ago

The photos were found in 1971 NOT at Hatton Garden.https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/hatton-garden-heist-leader-found-7196229.amp

RigoleRigole ago

18 Jan 2016 - Hatton Gardens heist boss Brian Reader was horrified when his gang broke into a bank vault and found sickening photos of a leading politician

RigoleRigole ago

Ricky Dearman The Diamond Heist https://vid.me/RdfK

DerivaUK ago

I have already stated that because of what we know about him and the fact that he used the umbrella registration of Barbara Kahan to register his company "Natural Vitalities Research" that this company and its motives are undoubtedly suspect. But there is NO connection to the 2016 diamond heist. The "compromising" photos were not found at that robbery. They were found in 1971 so the association on this basis is incorrect.

Pablolove ago

What makes you think that happened to Madeleine?

paulf ago

Years of research.

QuiteContrary ago

Madeleine McCann was a clone of Mary Magdalene. ... https://vid.me/4vSVj

SecondAmendment ago

@HampsteadPress With all due respect (i.e., NONE) I have only two words. FUCK YOU. You come in here and drop purported clues to your cryptic, illegible riddle, and then you order us to run around and try to guess what you refuse to say. FUCK YOU. Kids are dying.. people are suffering. Nobody here has time for this bullshit. Log off of your 4 hour old account unless you have intel to drop. If not, go fuck yourself.

srayzie ago

Well said

AngB23 ago

@HampsteadPress you state the British Crown is the control point where all things radiate. 88-90 building/Mailbox with several directors....is this a human brokerage firm or some kind of online porn hub? I was thinking a human brokerage firm sort of like, an online auction house?

Am I on the right track to say, humans (all) are sold to various buyers depending on what will bring the highest dollar like for child porn, snuff films, prostitution, science/mind control research (Tavistock), organ harvesting, slave labor and lastly, santantic rituals of killing, drinking blood and eating humans for the Queen herself?

Lastly, we need some kind of GOOD lead to connect to the US- something better than we've got. It seems either psyops keep popping in dropping fake bombs bcuz if people TRULY know WTF is going on, they need to spill it all rather than the clues/guessing games. We need the USA connection....DIRECT connection

River_Otter ago

Where is the US link? Give an organization or contact name.

Tanngrisnir ago

Do you know anything new about Tony Blair and his possible relationship with human trafficking in Ukraine (such as with Victor Pinchuk)?

Tenet Healthcare: hot or cold? They own some British properties as well.

Also is there anything to the talk about elites harvesting Adrenochrome? I'm asking because they had a BBC show which essentially used the idea for a sci-fi plot. Sometimes they use some truth in fiction to make it seem more outlandish.

DaneKeyhote ago

Whatever color their country is dumbass. I'm against importing wage slaves while our kids get FAT

MDE ago

Is this another anonymous RDS account?

bopper ago

What do you think about NASA?

phoenixcase ago

I think it's an occult organisation of psychological premises.

srayzie ago

That's a good one

bopper ago

But, he's ignoring me and now I'm sad.

srayzie ago

He must not know anything. I just asked like 5. Hopefully at least 1 gets answered.

bopper ago

Good for you, I hope so!

2impendingdoom ago

Sounds like Donkehote fucking around, anything involving horses is suspect shill. This guy can either spill or scram. why play games

DaneKeyhote ago

Hey friend. I glanced at your submissions after seeing this potshot you took at me, and they suck shit. All link submissions about George the Disinfo Kike Webb. So GTFO a "digging" thread since you're clearly incapable.

2impendingdoom ago

sorry, I meant equinlvr.

srayzie ago

Lol 👏🏻

Tanngrisnir ago

DonKeyhote made fun of the guy so I don't think it is him. Where was the mention of equines anyway?

2impendingdoom ago

the stud farm. I doubt the guy is going to give out anything real, I will be happy to be wrong but this feels like a hoax

Tanngrisnir ago

You might be right. I figured I would give the guy a fair shot though.

DaneKeyhote ago

Now YOURE believing what a bitch says, who couldn't deduce if it's 2 am or pm, what a CUCK FAG LOL

Commoner ago

can you give us anything specific, i.e., a name, an organization, a location, a system, a business, etc. which we could research online and find the piece we need?

QuiteContrary ago

IT'S BARBARA KAHAN WHO IS CONNECTED TO INTERNATIONAL WEAPONS MONEY LAUNDERING Lord Janner, Hampstead, Arms Dealers, Zionism & Barbara Kahan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlvCikgu57Y


Hatton Garden heist leader 'found sick pics of Tory child abuser' http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/hatton-garden-heist-leader-found-7196229


Barbara Kahan fronts thousands of shell companies, where she serves as a director for one day. Barbara Kahan is the name of a Tavistock Psychologist from days gone by.

Ricky Dearman owned a business at 89-90 Hatton Gardens During the beginning of the year (20--) he began scrubbing connections to the address off the internet.** Then The Diamond Heist occurred...**

The people behind the heist found MP's in child porn, at the same address.

DerivaUK ago

The compromising photos were NOT found at the Hatton Garden Heist - the same villain found the photos on a PREVIOUS heist at Lloyds Bank in Baker Street in 1971. The same thief is the only connection. Aside from the secure vaults Hatton Garden is an "office" address for thousands of companies - it has a "box number" system used by many businesses for company trading addresses.

RigoleRigole ago

18 Jan 2016 - Hatton Gardens heist boss Brian Reader was horrified when his gang broke into a bank vault and found sickening photos of a leading politician ...

fogdryer ago

Barbara from Wharton school ???

RigoleRigole ago


HampsteadPress ago

People of Interest:

Henry Newman (michael groves)

Henry J Newman

Places of interest/Organizations:

Newmafruit (Kent)

Integrated Service Solutions



billybigrigger ago

Isn't this outing people? At which point any enemy has what they need to identify you as a threat. Why be so cryptic?

EDIT: Or you are allowed to out them. Which means they want to be outed, so you work for them.

Ithinkitsthat ago

@jem777 @commoner Bingo Melvyn Newman - Directorstats www.directorstats.co.uk/director/melvyn-newman/ This director worked with Tania Gail Newman in Newmafruit Farms Limited, Katie Helena Newman in Newmafruit Farms Limited, ... Address: Canterbury United Kingdom CT4 7HQ Kent. Update: 2017-06-14 ... Company details ..... Barbara Kahan, Director, Wednesday 17th August 2011, Thursday 18th August 2011.

Ithinkitsthat ago

Kent... Like The Kent Freedom Group involved with Peaches Geldof?

Commoner ago

Thank you!!

CuttingEdge ago

Fruit growers and so much more..

CONFIRMED... This is the real deal folks

DaneKeyhote ago

Brown people picking fruit is not PG

ANON1666 ago

Queen Elizabeth II, Alisa Dmitrijeva, Robert James Moore, William Combes and the year 2011 – Three deaths, the number 11 and 1 Queen – 3 11’s equal 33


Pablolove ago

Sorry can you explain what you mean, I'm lost

ANON1666 ago




ANON1666 ago

Alisa’s body was taken to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn, where Home office pathologist Dr Nat Cary carried out a post-mortem .

Detective Chief Inspector Jes Fry said, "We have not been able to establish how the victim died because of decomposition, For example, it is possible she was stabbed but the absence of flesh means we cannot identify that at this stage"



CuttingEdge ago

I searched Newmafruits and a name popped up Wayne Milne.

Then I found this, posted a few days ago hiding in the deleted selection https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2065555

Now for the holy fuck moment... It all goes back to christchurch hampstead.


DerivaUK ago

The Wayne Milne connection is a great catch. Upvoat for you, and this needs some more research. However, I'm lost regarding the Christchurch Hampstead connection. Can you explain?

ANON1666 ago





DerivaUK ago

Where is the NZ connection?

ANON1666 ago

Oh god. Rupert Murdoch OWNS the paper mentioned here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2065555

Rupert Murdoch is pro-pedophilia - He covered up the Jimmy Saville Scandal among many other high profile cases. I'm actually trembling with fear with this one.

Calling quits with this one guys.

DerivaUK ago

Rupert Murdoch owns much of the UK major media outlets. What is the significance of this one?


Why are you writing like the HIDDEN HAND from a decade ago on Above Top Secret http://www.illuminati-news.com/00363.html

SterlingJB ago

Kinda over doing brit accent too. But what do I know. Cheerio chap!

SecondAmendment ago

@SterlingJB, Hahaha. I needed that. Thank you.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Is earth being governed as a fief for another power?

kergo ago

Is Queen Elizabeth Reptilian?

equineluvr ago

No, you retard! There are no reptilians, only EVIL JEWS.

Good GOD, no wonder you morons can't research anything!!

QuiteContrary ago

Used to be.

alalzia ago

Why was Joe Cox killed?

MadLordBeef ago


DeanKeyhote ago

Only relevant question to determine your value: where do the jews fit in

HampsteadPress ago

Your addressing The Family.

Indeed. The ruling bloodlines are central to this.

Chesapean ago


You write, "So many missed the significance behind the Illuminati PLAYING card."

Are you referring to the Illuminati card game? What is the specific card you have in mind? How would you describe the significance that so many have missed?

Chesapean ago


What is the significance of being a "BRITISH" media operative as opposed to being a non-British media operative?

Chesapean ago


What do you mean by, "this will not go down well"?

HampsteadPress ago

People of Interest:

Henry Newman (michael groves)

Henry J Newman

Places of interest/Organizations:

Newmafruit (Kent)

Integrated Service Solutions



pete2016 ago

Are these companies connected.

Chesapean ago


What is the "highest office" to which you refer? How would you define the "WHOLE establishment" that the catalyst you are offering today will bring down?

HampsteadPress ago

The British Crown is the control point from which all things radiate.

fogdryer ago

Thought it was Rome

Chesapean ago



Chesapean ago


What are "fellow colleague Oaths" and how do they bind you for purposes of this discussion?

ads1241 ago

your sudden appearance is suspicious. i saw you yesterday in the /htg/ thread on 4chan. you were asking people to fill you in. you said you were a reporter. why?

HampsteadPress ago

4chan is ran by Intelligence technicians. I think that proves my validity.

Judgejewdy ago

Is "run" by. Not ran. Above that you said "your" instead of you're. Gave you the benefit of the doubt once. Twice is too many. Haven't even gone further down. Your poor grammar gives you away. Buh-bye.

Goater ago

My thoughts exactly, someone that writes professionally should rarely make that mistake, or at the very least would be in the habit of reading their work for errors.

Although he did say British, maybe English is his second language and he works in a foreign news department.


This thread has absolutely zero information of worth, what do you believe is usable from your vague platitudes?

QuiteContrary ago

IT'S BARBARA KAHAN WHO IS CONNECTED TO INTERNATIONAL WEAPONS MONEY LAUNDERING Lord Janner, Hampstead, Arms Dealers, Zionism & Barbara Kahan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlvCikgu57Y


Hatton Garden heist leader 'found sick pics of Tory child abuser' http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/hatton-garden-heist-leader-found-7196229


Barbara Kahan fronts thousands of shell companies, where she serves as a director for one day. Barbara Kahan is the name of a Tavistock Psychologist from days gone by.

Ricky Dearman owned a business at 89-90 Hatton Gardens During the beginning of the year (20--) he began scrubbing connections to the address off the internet. Then The Diamond Heist occurred...

The people behind the heist found MP's in child porn, at the same address.

Goater ago

Honestly man Im drunk as fuck now and not gonig to bother goin through as I already know the U.K has a bunch of sick fuckin pedos in power after the whole Jimmy Saville shit, mutlipel connections to House of lords, etc.

Not to mention the muslim pedo rape gangs and the police response to it "We better make sure no muslim is offended!"

I'll go through it sober later, but if drunk me can't connect the dots between Kahana nd Dearman at first read then normies ain't got a chance. Clarify ya info and make your summary connect the three clearlly if you want traction.

DerivaUK ago

This has emerged a number of times on Voat. Ricky Dearman did have a business registered at 88-90 Hatton garden as do THOUSANDS of other businesses; it is a known "registered office" address - admittedly some will no doubt be illegitimate registrations for tax evasion purposes etc - but many are legit and the practice is perfectly legal. Barbara Kahan is indeed ex Tavistock but spent her life exposing nefarious activities with children and the social services network. Her name has been used many times as a company director to set up a company and then replaced later by the actual director - and yes, some of these companies are indeed questionable (although many are not) and again, this practice is perfectly legal although her name was indeed used to open the company associated with Dearman and as such that business in itself is likely suspect because of what we know about him. However, many Voaters have associated him with the Diamond Heist that took place at the same address, but wrongly describe the discovery of "compromising" photos found during that particular robbery. The fact is that one of the thieves involved in the Hatton Garden Robbery was also involved in a previous heist in 1971 at Lloyds Bank in Baker Street in 1971 which is the actual robbery where the photos were found, NOT the Hatton garden robbery so the association between Dearman, the Hatton Garden Robbery and the compromising photos is completely erroneous. I hope this helps explain.


QuiteContrary ago

Do be quiet, you're the normie.

Goater ago

Nigga you dont know me from a bar of soap if thats your conclusion,.

phoenixcase ago

You're crafty misspellings are not only charming but a clear indicator of an monolithic, yet... Mercurial brilliance.

phoenixcase ago

I do, you can feign a million persona's, you're practically a pearlescent dolphin transcending through dark matter, you're that much of an intellectual masterpiece, God stamped you with Special. Be proud.

Goater ago

True on all points, chuck me in a special needs class with the rest of the tards and some pink river dolphins.

What is this alts attack shit.

ads1241 ago

that doesn't really prove your vailidity but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. if you are as high level as you say you are you have come here with a plan to disseminate certain information. don't drip info just drop it. what is the first big information that you want to share with us? if this info can be confirmed that will prove your validity

Dressage2 ago

I so agree. Spill your guts

pizzaequalspedo ago

Are supernatural forces at work (i.e. Satan) in helping the elite pedophile network? Is that who the Illuminati reports to?

phoenixcase ago

All forces report to me.

Chesapean ago


Do you have information of use to U.S. researchers which has not been made public?

HampsteadPress ago

Yes indeed. So many missed the significance behind the Illuminati PLAYING card. Let those with ears listen.

The U.S has always been a colony.

10230817? ago

No shit, it was created by Masons. What is your point?

PhilaFerret ago

HampsteadPress ago

When the time is right.

Chesapean ago


What is the "catylist to bringing down the WHOLE establishment, reaching to the highest office" which you are offering today?

HampsteadPress ago

Good question.

An accidental discovery, by incredible chance was found by a person using this site very recently.

It contains within it, the operational method behind global elite pedophilia.

Every Rose has a thorn.

Sandringham has 2 stud farms and Fruit Farm orchards.

This should get you going.

AngB23 ago

Can you at least post the thread so we can go back and read through it and start researching?

pete2016 ago

What was the accidental discovery? Is it linked with Jamaica?

HampsteadPress ago

A recent News Article containing a hidden message. That is all I am permitted to say.

Focus on these and you will find it.

People of Interest:

Henry Newman (michael groves)

Henry J Newman

Places of interest/Organizations:

Newmafruit (Kent)

Integrated Service Solutions



Good Luck.

SterlingJB ago

Any chance you can link to the news article you speak of? Or will that not be permitted by the chancellor as well?

Chesapean ago



Dressage2 ago

So the place is owned by the Queen and her family for a long time. Is this a human trafficking operation at this facility?

HampsteadPress ago

It is said to be one of Prince Philip’s favorite hunting grounds.

It has been the private home of four generations of British monarchs since 1862. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip were celebrating the holidays at Sandringham Estate with their children and grandchildren when a young girl body, by the name Alisa was found.