10142984? ago

In addition to Chris and Chester, another talented musician

died this year. Singer-Songwriter and Music Industry Executive:

Tommy Page. Tommy was found dead March 03, 2017.

He was 46 years young.

Death by hanging.

His death was ruled a "suicide".

Remember Tommy's Songs:

I'll Be Your Everything

A Shoulder To Cry On

When I Dream Of You

Some information about this unusual man:


Wondering if Tommy was suicided because he would not go along with all the sex trafficking in and around and facilitated by Village Voice Media and it's cohort Backpage.com.

And remember, child trafficking is not only about procuring the children, it is also about trading them around.

He worked at Village Voice for only about 3 months before he died.

Read this sub if you want to know more on this subject


If you read that thread you will get some of the lo-down.

A court document describes a case in which one child was "sold for sex more than 50 times on backpage.com beginning when she was 12 years old"

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Chris Cornell > Chester Bennington > John Podesta > Tom DeLonge > Peter Lavenda > L. Ron Hubbard > Jack Parsons > Aleister Crowley

This is only a small part of the bigger chain. They are all connected to the real agenda of Global Enslavement, and the coalition between Jesuit, LDS, OTO, Scientology, Kabbalah and the network of secret societies involved in trafficking, prison and education reform, and global criminal corruption.

"A very effective thought control technique could also be worked out from Scientology, which could be used to make individuals into willing slaves." - L Ron Hubbard

10150879? ago

This thread mentions several of the people mentioned:




Mammy ago

Forgive me, but "turn the other cheek" brought an uncouth image to mind. : o

10131691? ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2012213. primarily Chris

https://voat.co/v/conspiracy/2013418. primarily Chester

More Information in links above.

10131566? ago



10131488? ago

Justify Post to Pizzagate:

Chris and Vicky Cornell Foundation-And Help For Abused And Traumatized Children. And Chris Cornell prior to his death vowing to give all the proceeds from his song: ''The Promise ' to charity and the general consensus that his wife, Vicky, had other ideas (non charity) for a the money. Questions about the validity of their foundation.

Chester Bennington - Confirmed (by his own testimony) Victim Of Sexual Molestation When A Child. And his association with Chris Cornell.

Also:timing of these deaths and death attributions (i.e. self inflicted/suicide by hanging) continue to be suspect.