XVktm ago

i have climbed the dark mountain

Scablifter ago

Isn't the Necronomicon a fictional book invented by HP Lovecraft? I think they mean The Greater Keys of Solomon.


I bothered to post a lot of quotes and references in this post that answer your question,

Ample4th ago

Discussing Crowley, Occultism and Ritual Child Abuse with Peter Levenda


Document- Proof Crowley worked for the British Government as a spy (blog is from real Scientology whistleblowers)


postfascion ago

This post is distraction bunk. The connection is tenuous. Satanism is real yes, but most posts here on the subject indicate either shill activity or little knowledge of what they are talking about. You want to know the real acts of the dark side? Do the world some good and focus on the trafficking/economic/mining aspects rather than the disjointed ramblings of people who create links from a fucking picture. This subject is far more nuenced.




Triggered! LOL


Do the world some good and focus on the trafficking/economic/mining aspects herp derp!

Okay I did that a couple of days ago: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1524304

postfascion ago

Nice juvenile responce. You guys are more obvious than you realize. Notice you didn't mention replying to your own post. I browsed your second link the other day, it seemed genuine and well researched. This post however undermines your legitimacy, you may want to look into that. FYI debunking bs satanic "links" doesn't necesarily prove complicity in satanic practices.


Hey, guess how much of a shit I give about your opinion? Did you guess no shits? LOL debunking. So much LOL. Sad Satan!

postfascion ago

Feelings mutual. I was expressing my opinion so others could see fuckwad. Other than the crazies, your on your own. Good company aren't they /s


When I look, I see you have a handful of low quality, low voted, low page views, and low discussion posts that have contributed nothing. https://voat.co/user/postfascion/submissions

So I guess your opinion is worth shit.

postfascion ago

Post a link to my profile as many times as you like. People are free to judge. Integrity means not giving a shit if you stand by what you say, and I do. You however sure did get your panties in a twist on this one. Still haven't deleted your comment in response to yourself yet? That's three times I've mentioned it now. I'm enjoying you getting so worked up...just proving my point for me. Pathetic.


LOL still triggered

postfascion ago

Lol! people can read fuckwit.


You need to grow the fuck up. Here's the thing. I've bothered to provide a well-organized post with referenced quotes and links to everything. All my posts are like that. You've never done that in either your moronic posts or useless whining comments. I provide sourced information about relevant events, people and information. The post you've decided to attack like an ignorant asshole does even argue anything you fucking illiterate moron, it simply lists referenced information. Nothing including the title is incorrect or not referenced. I fucking dare you you loud mouthed small coward to go through and refute it or anything I've posted. All you've done so far is show up and say over and over again you don't like something. I don't give a shit and no one cares. Moreover, put up or shut up you ignorant fuck. Go through and refute the fucking linked and referenced sourced article with anything because so far you've offered no arguments, no analysis, no references, no sources. Just a stupid asshole mouth whining like a goddamned ignorant nine year old with no actual point. Go grow a pair and post something of actual substance and value or go get the fuck out, you ball-less cunt.

postfascion ago

Triggered much? I posted something today with links FYI. Either way, it ain't the number of links that determine the value of the content. Feel free to rant some more. Oh and are you going to cover your Schizophrenic self reply? Because that kind of activity raises questions about your character. Terribly sorry to harp on about it old chap.

salinaslayer ago

I'd be scared shitless if these guys weren't a bunch of goofy nerds with a taste for murder, the irony just cracks me up and I can't take none of this satanic shit seriously

joe_hill ago

maybe nothing, but look at 3:27 , a blink 182 video with tom delonge : https://youtu.be/vVy9Lgpg1m8?t=3m27s

zzvoat ago

The second question is who is Tom Delonge?


A. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_DeLonge Thomas Matthew “Tom" DeLonge, Jr. (born December 13, 197“) , is an American musician, singer, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur, and film producer. He is currently the guitarist and lead vocalist of the rock band Angels & Airwaves and was the guitarist, co-lead vocalist and co-founder of the American rock band Blink-182 from 1992 to 2015.


B. DeLonge is a Freemason. https://youtu.be/hF1UHDPh4Io


C. The logo for Angels & Airwaves reflects that as well as the NWO: https://seeker401.wordpress.com/2011/09/16/angels-airwaves/


D. A comment from the AVAMovement Discussion forum: http://theavamovement.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6807

Re: Freemason/Satanic

by 182BoxCarAngels on Sun Jul 04, 2010, 6:35pm I'm a Christian too, and have the same concerns, as you probably already know. I don't believe that Tom or any of the members are directly Satanic, but there is proof that there are connections between Freemasonry and Satanism, and many other music artists (Jay-Z being one of the most notable) are Freemasons/Satanists. If you watch Jay-Z's music videos and read his lyrics it's quite clear.

I personally believe that Tom is using Freemasonry as funding. If you haven't noticed, Satanic and Masonic musicians are the most popular. Slayer sold the highest number of metal records in history. Jay-Z is one of the most famous modern rappers. I could go on and on. I think because AVA is off of the label he's flaunting this symbol and philosophy around in order to fund the band and keep it somewhat "popular." He had all this Freemason stuff on the blink tour, where thousands and thousands of kids saw it every night. I wouldn’t be surprised if people are paying him to do this.


E. His name appears in numerous Podesta emails https://search.wikileaks.org/?q=DELONGE


F. . Author Suggests Musician and Ufologist Tom DeLonge Is an Unwitting Government Disinformation Agent http://www.jasoncolavito.com/blog/author-suggests-musician-and-ufologist-tom-delonge-is-an-unwitting-government-disinformation-agent


… Meanwhile, Mysterious Universe has an article by Robbie Graham, the author of Silver Screen Saucers, asking a few pertinent questions about former Blink-182 member Tom DeLonge’s involvement with the UFO disclosure community. The recent release of emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, a UFO enthusiast, revealed that Podesta had been in contact with DeLonge, another noted UFO enthusiast, and the two discussed UFO disclosure, with DeLonge explaining his claim that top military and government officials had fed him information about America’s knowledge of extraterrestrials.

Graham, however, rightly criticizes DeLonge for spinning his involvement with the UFO disclosure movement into a for-profit multimedia venture. DeLonge claims that based on information revealed to him by ten top officials he was able to determine the truth about UFOs and the government cover-up of them. He says that he is the chosen spokesperson for UFO disclosure. However, instead of disclosing this information to the public in a factual and direct way, DeLonge has started a multimedia company, To the Stars, Inc., to present the information under the guise of fiction, in a series of novels (with potential movie rights), through music, and through merchandising, such as clothing, stickers, coffee mugs, metal tokens, and more. Such claims have echoes of the old claim going back to Helena Blavatsky that science fiction is a vehicle for unconsciously channeling forbidden truths. Here, though, DeLonge wants us to believe that he is more of a Richard Shaver type character, telling truth in a fictional narrative because the public simply can’t handle the unfiltered truth.

Shaver presented the so-called Shaver Mystery, about a space-faring underground civilization, as a series of novels and short stories while claiming that they were based on facts. Just as Shaver’s stories were secretly coauthored by publisher Ray Palmer to make them marketable, DeLonge’s novels are cowritten with other authors, such as A. J. Hartley, an English professor (in both senses) at the University of North Carolina and author of thrillers and mystery novels.

This much we’ve heard before. But Graham’s criticism of DeLonge is not limited simply to noting that DeLonge is a hypocrite for demanding disclosure and then promptly teasing it out for cash once he “received” disclosure for himself. No, Graham has his own bizarre cathedral of conspiracy, and he seems to think that DeLonge is being used as a disinformation agent by the national security state, which is engaged in something akin to a mind control experiment: “The DeLonge DeLusion (sic) has all the hallmarks of a new phase of an ongoing strategic experiment. The UFO community is not the target, merely a useful testing ground. … The information that DeLonge is presenting—and will present—is not the truth, it’s their truth (whoever ‘they’ are). At best, it’s a waste of our time—a distraction. At worst, it serves as soft propaganda in support of the US National Security State” (emphasis in original).

According to Graham, the entire anti-government UFO conspiracy industry is the creation of the government in order to hide the real truth about UFOs: ​It seems likely that elements within official power structures have more pieces of the UFO puzzle at their fingertips than do the rest of us, but it is extremely improbable that they have succeeded in solving the puzzle. Despite appearances and the power of their egos, in a universe that is some thirteen billion years old, the secret-keepers are monkeys like the rest of us, flailing around for answers in the early years of the 21st century on a planet whose dominant trend is war. It is doubtful the powers that be can even comprehend the underlying nature of UFO phenomena, much less explain it.

Graham, who presented himself as a rational investigator, reveals himself to be deep in the realm of conspiracy. Note his assumption that, even if it were true that the U.S. government was concocting a fake UFO narrative, the reason for it is because there is an incomprehensible truth behind UFOs. I have explored before how bureaucratic infighting between the FBI and the Air Force helped contribute to the perception of a cover-up, as well as the documentary evidence that the Air Force purposely allowed science fiction writers to spin UFO fantasies unopposed because they were useful for distracting from Cold War technology tests.

But Graham thinks there is something deeper because, while accusing DeLonge of naivete and a lack of critical thinking, he accepts that “UFO phenomena” are something mysterious, powerful, and incomprehensible. As I have pointed out before, there is no reason to associate sightings of lights in the sky with visitors from outer space, nor are the elements of the “UFO phenomenon”—lights in the sky, encounters with supernatural beings, abductions, cattle mutilations, etc.—necessarily related to one another outside of the science fiction narratives that gave rise to the “connection.” By accepting the idea of “UFO phenomena,” Graham buys in to a narrative that is itself a construct, a myth born of Golden Age science fiction space operas and nurtured in 1950s and 1960s media. This is all the more bizarre since Graham’s book, Silver Screen Saucers, purports to look at how science fiction shaped ufology.


G. His store: https://tothestars.media/collections/shop




Thanks again. First time I'm seeing this guy and this is weird stuff. Tom sure has hitched his wagon to a strange horse in Levanda, but disinfo agent is Levanda's MO. I've read his books (not the Necro) and they're good and juicy, but he's lying and you just can't be sure where. Still worth reading because of the surreal nature of his stories (verifiable wandering occult bishops associated with OSS and JFK). He has some info I've never seen anywhere else that rings true, but the Necro stuff is dark, dark, dark, so I'm very cautious.

HashTagFU ago

Why are you replying to your own post, lol.

postfascion ago

Good fucking point. Nice catch.

Ample4th ago

Agreed. Though I find much of the information OTPROPHET provided intriguing, this is bizarre.

HashTagFU ago

Pretty clear he's an intel shill. Not sure how these gaping anuses sleep at night but that's just me.

postfascion ago

It is. He's suspect from now on sadly.

8toborrm ago

My bio may be more a credit to dumb luck and serendipitous chance than to any Machiavellian master plan, but there you are.

I read this sentence specifically as a clue that for him the ends justify the means.

I'm sure he feels right at home next to podesta the pedophile

Piscina ago

necro = dead


he certainly seems happy - rarely see JP smile

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

The necronomicon may be fiction. I don't know, I am not committed enough to try it. But I don't think that is what Podesta is into. From what I have seen with the "Spirit Cooking" and cannibalism, it appears to me that they are into voodoo (Haiti's national religion).

African tribes have killed and eaten each other since the dawn of man. To this day, they believe if you eat your victims heart, you steal their "power". It's strong "protection". African slave trade brought vodun to Haiti because the island was a stopping point to off load dead, sick, or damaged product.

Those who survived were pushed into Christianity. Instead of switching vodun to Christianity, they absorbed Christian mythology into there own religion, known today as voodoo.

Now concerning voodoo. It can have all the aspects of the bible from what I understand. I have not studied too deeply. That means satanic symbolism is in play when talking about the "dark side" or "black magic", if you will. Like I said, I have not gotten too deep into voodoo in part because I have talked to and seen hardcore mother fuckers flat refuse or scared talk about the things they have experienced pertaining to voodoo. Seems gangstas are oddly superstitious.

terrordactyl ago

Archived just in case: http://archive.is/2Gmvo

MolochHunter ago

good lord, how do you go about claiming this Peter Lavenda is the author of the Necronomicon? HP Lovecraft wrote all of his stories which frequently referenced the Nec in the 20's and 30's - this Lavenda wasnt even born then

Did Lovecraft base his Necronomicon on actual rumours/knowledge or is it his fictional invention - which he said was authored by 'mad arab Abdul AlHazred or somesuch in the 8th Century

So this 1977 'edition' is just piggybacking on Lovecraft's mystique, and child trafficking / paedophilia is absent from Lovecraft's work - (I have read about 80% of his output)

So I question the relevance of this thread as much as i would were you to show a photo of podesta at a spiderman convention


good lord, how do you go about claiming this Peter Lavenda is the author of the Necronomicon?

By providing numerous linked references and referenced quotes that any literate asshole can click on or read?

Did you actually read my post?

postfascion ago

It seems we both did and came to the same conclusion. You also answered your own post!?! You're outed. Gonna need to make a new account shill.

CosmicChrist ago

You relating Podesta to more wierdo's is all well and good. Titling your post as you did is blatantly false, just like how you try and smear Crowely as a black magician and Satanist in other topics. You just don't know what you're talking about. Crowely in his own words admonished black magicians regularly, and Satanists, like Michael Aquino say Crowely wasn't like them, wasn't a black magician. Your ignorance of the Occult isn't doing your arguments any favors.

HashTagFU ago

Crowley was British Intelligence.


The book is real. How is this 'blatantly false"? Not only is it real, it has a long history in occult circles, as cited. Please read and learn. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Necronomicon. I've made no arguments, I've only presented sourced facts.


Nope. Levenda has a background in intelligence and is an expert in occult studies. He authored a very influential book, based on the Lovecraftian mythology but also adopted by occultists as legitimate. You can see the citation above from the Church of Satan about the book. The book is in fact well known in occult circles, and as I referenced above was actually evidence in a ritual murder case. And yes, the world kind of figured out your genius insight about 40 years ago when the book was published, thanks. Not sure of the importance, but its certainly interesting to see Podesta linked.

CosmicChrist ago

Even the qoutes you posted on your OP state the book Is fictional, and gets only "gullible suckers". The only thing the book in "well known for" in occult circles I being a work of fiction. Any fool who "adopts it as legitimate" is most likely one poor sorry excuse for an Occultist/magician.

I agree the podesta link is interesting, but look at the bigger picture here, you topic title at best is very misleading. The first thing I thought reading it was, "what? This guy has a picture of Podesta and Lovecraft?!".

Come on man.


Did you read the part about the book being used as evidence in a ritual murder? Did you read the part where I wrote about the book being a hoax? The book exists and has actual relevance in the occult community just because you don't know about for Pete's sake. Read what I fucking bothered to post. DId you read how the Church of Satan says, "this particular little black book is perfectly valid Satanic magic.". The title is perfectly legitimate, and Crowley was a pederast drug addled asshole who died in filth, fucked little boys, and gave us L.R. Hubbard. Fuck that guy.

CosmicChrist ago

Thanks for reaffirming how little you know about Crowley, but keep spouting nonsense like the MSM. I not going to keep trying to convince you, you're clearly not willing to look beyond the facade.

One thing we can agree on was Hubbard is a massive piece of shit, but again, not Crowely's fault. He didn't like Hubbard either.


doubletake ago


CosmicChrist ago

The Necronomicon was a fictional book written by HP lovecraft you moron! HP Lovecraft wrote dark fantsy/fiction. All of this is most likely useless. "a diabolical book of black magic", OP you are hilarious.

AgainstPedos ago

Doesn't matter if you don't believe any of it to be true and accurate. What's relevant is that others possibly under the influence of heavy drugs and/or alcohol and often from a fear based, very religious, controlling childhood atmosphere can be manipulated into following the bizarre rituals and committing crimes.

CosmicChrist ago

I don't disagree with you, and I think OTprophet has made that point as well. Where I disagree is that the details being true and accurate doesn't matter, of course it does! It changes the whole outlook of the information presented.


Oh do shut up, it is true and accurate but simply unfamiliar to you. What are you arguing about? It's a bunch of quotes with links and references. Do you still not understand that this book is not Lovecraft? It's almost as if you didn't actually read the post....

CosmicChrist ago

Of course I get it, you do understand the Necronomicon was written before this guy you claim wrote the book was even around? Misleading is misleading.

I will take your advice and shut up now though. Your only argument is I didn't read, or can't read, or don't understand...get real.


What claim??? Here is the fucking book: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Necronomicon Buy it here at Amazon: http://a.co/6NtAz2M

the Necronomicon was written before this guy you claim wrote the book was even around.

Dear God, no, no it wasn't. It was referenced by Lovecraft in his fictional mythology, it didn't really exist. Lovecraft didn't actually write the thing. Then in the 1970s, Levenda writes a book called Necronomicon. Why is this so hard?

postfascion ago

"posing next to THE AUTHOR OF the necronomicon" it's in your title. lol


I made note that it does not look as if Podesta is too close with Levenda. That said, nope. Try reading! Did you read the article? No? Go back and try again. And yes, we all know Lovecraft, asshole.

DustyRadio ago

These people associate with so many creeps and weirdos. Do they know any non occult,non pedo, non freaking weirdo people?


Yeah um. Here is why they are so many insanes to us normal people. It's bigger than just pizzagate:


blind_sypher ago

Huh, I always thought vampires didnt show up on film.

derram ago

https://archive.is/yTqGP :

[Dots]Photo of Tom Delonge, John Podesta, Peter Levenda and A.J. Hartley (photo taken before WikiLeaks) : UFOs_Notebook

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