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hojuruku ago

@DarkMath is a pedo troll who has bothered me. He is a f@#$@#$ shill. just google hojuruku darkmath for more info. How about I do it for you now. He tried to cover up NAMBLA's links to the gay lobby. He's a fucken nambla pedophile operative.

He also got this thread deleted an earlier version of it.

Shut down this pro-pedophile shill.

CC @ronnyCPI @DonKeyhote

@Are_we__sure (and other aliases) seems to run with him as a sock-uppet and a couple of others who use the same pro-pedophilia arguments.

As for snowden being a shill - he may be right. I exposed the Jew's telling him what to do years before he actually did it. Snowden is saying Russia is anti-gay for not letting gay men adopt babies.

DarkMath ago

Dipshit I'm not dismissing the Pizzagate crime. All that depraved shit happened. I'm saying the Deep State are the one who put Trump in office. The proof of that is Trump hasn't fired Andrew McCabe.

So fuck off with your "pedo shill" bull shit.


hojuruku ago

nice rebuttal - very substantive NOT...

but it doesn't explain yourself defending this cunt:

on the link I provided before. If you defend nambla you are the pedo not me you bill shit artist.

DarkMath ago


hojuruku ago

you defended the founder of the US gay rights movement who is NAMBLA you asshole.

DarkMath ago

No I didn't. Show me proof or shut the fuck up.

hojuruku ago

That is the proof. you are denying that SB 42 is a law that forces American children in California to praise the "founder of the US gay rights movement" that happens to be HARRY HAY who has his own nambla page. Read the law and the reports about it. You are denying the gay lobby forcing children to HAIL TO THE NAMBLA king Harry Hay.

DarkMath ago

Dipshit, homosexuals aren't pedophiles by default. Homosexuals are as disgusted by pedophiles as anyone else:

That's why I provided the video clip to you. You're trying to equate homosexuality with pedophilia and that wrong.

hojuruku ago

US CDC says 1% of America is gay male - 1.7% total homos including dykes. 35% of all children who were abused were fucked by a gay male. Only a gay male can do a homosexual sex act with a male child. Look up the definition of homosexual - same sex sex acts. So a homo is %3500 more likely to rape a child. But you can't call them pedos. Ok I'll call them tramua survivors. The only way to make a new homo child is to brainwash them or give them some child rape trauma. There is no such thing as 3 year old tranny kids who get their penises removed by the state in Australia. It's fucken politically correct faggot child abuse. You are going to deny that's going on are you?

DarkMath ago

What part of "Innocent until proven guilty" don't you understand. Take all the time you need.

I'll wait.

hojuruku ago

my work is done already - this thread is minus 15 and rising. In other words you are fucked up as usual. bye.

DarkMath ago

I don't give a fuck how many people see this post.