hookednosedjoooo ago

Reminder that I said this a long time ago and got attacked for it. I'm miles ahead of most of you https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1971275

DarkMath ago

"and got attacked for it"

I apologize. You were right.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Welcome to the downvoat club

DarkMath ago

I don't care.

Atticus182 ago

I believe Assange is long gone, dead since internet-connection blackout, and i really hope Donald Trump got redpilled someway through.

If one of those two things is true, we might still have hope.

Julian was different before blackout, and first time ever, were unseen for MONTHS. Research what happened at the airport, the vans, first interviews after "coming back to life"..

We got misspelled tweets from assange, info that wikileaks was being compromised, ans a fucking DDOS attacking half states because of Assanges killswitch.

Wikileaks hasnt given anything concrete after blackout, and they killed Julian because he was to leak all the pizza to the rusty oven. "Can we just drone the guy?" -HC

If Trump is in it, lots of mankind will die, simple as that.

Amino69 ago

Spot on! If more people understood and appreciated this ruse, it would save us a lot of time and influence our attention to the roots of all this evil.

party1981 ago

  1. Thanks for the citation to my post on FBIanon. FBIanon and the FBI Twitter are probably my favorite "conspiracy theory."
  2. As crazy as your post sounds, it actually makes a ton of sense to me. I've been saying for a long time that there is a civil war in the deep state going on right now. And yes, the deep state seems to have turned on HRC.
  3. I would not be surprised if FBIanon was a member of NYC field FBI. I would not surprised if he and his colleagues manage the Twitter account. I think leadership hasn't forced them to alter/stop the tweets, because they are counter threatening to go public. Of course, if it is just a limited hangout, I could be wrong about all of that.
  4. If George Webb (and FBIanon - they seem like two parts of the same series of amazing leaks of information) are limited hangouts, then what are they hangouts about?

A. FBIanon said that the "entire" federal government is corrupt. He doesn't really focus on CIA. B. George Webb does not discuss or criticize: Israel, Mossad, 9/11, freemasons, Greater Israel, the occult, or the worst parts of pizzagate.

  1. If Assange is a limited hangout, it is interested to ask when he was turned. He was raised in Australia with rumored links to the occult and OTI. But maybe he was only turned later, like October 2016.

  2. One thing I say all the time: it is very hard to know anything with high confidence about geopolitics, because there are so many different parts of the government, and they all blatantly lie to the public.

DarkMath ago

"then what are they hangouts about?"

Control of information and to wake the American public up slowly.

"FBIanon said that the "entire" federal government is corrupt. He doesn't really focus on CIA."

The CIA run Wikileaks. That means the Podesta emails were released by the CIA. FBIAnon doesn't focus on the CIA because they're the "man behind the curtain" of the Wizard of Oz fame.

"If Assange is a limited hangout, it is interested to ask when he was turned. "

He was compromised since day 1 because he's denied 9/11 from day one. 9/11 is the key to all of this. That's the one "hot potato" they can't let the public know about. Even letting the public know about raping children in Brownstone Operations is better than letting them know about 9/11.

garouwarrior ago

Might also want to add that Putin might not be the white knight that many people are hoping to be either:


We may need to modify our image of the Illuminati and see it as a worldwide criminal network like the Mafia. It probably conflates with the Mafia. It engages in a vast range of criminal activities including human and organ trafficking, drug trafficking, as well as depraved rituals like pedophilia and child sacrifice. The point is that everyone in power is part of it including the Clintons, Trump and Putin. What we think of as politics are really gang wars. Putin's enlightened foreign policy might in fact be resistance to the Western gangsters invading his lucrative turf.

They are all criminals, equally reprehensible. But they fight each other by focusing media attention on the other's crimes and ignoring their own. Thus we have the Trump "Russian" investigations while the Clinton Foundation crimes which is far more egregious gets no attention.

DarkMath ago

I agree Putin is as big an organized criminal as Trump or Hillary Clinton. I just think he's part of the Russian Mafia which will sometimes work with the WASP Mafia but not these days. Putin is going after Hillary & Co for their war in Syria and because they created ISIS.

garouwarrior ago

Just FYI, the original FBI Anon (allegedly) posted in one his more recent AMAs that he thought Pizzagate was a psyop to distract from the broader East Coast-based pedo networks.

unbiased_researcher ago

Take a break. Then come back. We need you, but we need you focused. This post is pure shit.

Amino69 ago

You have a facile and myopic perspective of the complexities of our reality. All possibilities must be considered and there are many valid paths of enquiry presented in this post.

DarkMath ago

"This post is pure shit."

I sort of agree but I'm just spit balling here. And besides I'm pretty sure at this point whoever the "white hats" are who kicked off this cluster fuck don't know what the hell is going on either so I'm kind of forgiven for red lining the bull shit meter.

unbiased_researcher ago

Haha. Yeah it's a clusterfuck for sure. I haven't figured it out either, but I highly doubt it's a psy-op. The silence is very eerie though. Hardly any public figure is talking about it, but many of them have to know stuff. Shows you how much control the gov't has over everything.

LA_Trump ago

Most retarded post in Pizzagate history.

DarkMath ago

I'm glad you liked it.


LA_Trump ago

I think your theory is damaging because it undermines the white hats who have been working so hard for so long to lead this movement of truth.

DarkMath ago

" it undermines the white hats "

White hats? Like who?

LA_Trump ago

United States Military, NSA whistleblowers, Donald Trump, Republican voters, meme warriors, citizen investigators.

DarkMath ago

I'm just trying to figure out the truth.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Remember, Wikileaks is a mossad front and part of the blackmail nexus https://steemit.com/politics/@psyopsx1000/the-curious-case-of-julian-assange

ThePuppetShow ago

Because it wasn't just Deplorable Americans who dumped Hillary. That only happened because the Deep State dumped Hillary Clinton first.

I think you're confusing white hats with deep state goons. No way did the deep state dump Hillary with the Rothschilds in her corner. If they did, she would already have went down for her emails. Was I wrong about you? That would make @quantokitty right you know. What's going on here? Haha

DarkMath ago

"No way did the deep state dump Hillary with the Rothschilds in her corner"

That's a good point. Maybe they're just dumping John Podesta right now. Remember Lynn Rothschild's tweet heard round the world?

ThePuppetShow ago

I do.. That was my source.

Edit: If they just wanted to dump little ass Podesta they would just frame him up for anything they want.

DarkMath ago

Maybe but the Podesta's know a lot. Who knows though. All I know is the reason this cluster fuck is so confusing is because it was intentionally put together to be confusing.

ThePuppetShow ago

If the Podestas knew too much they would just get suicided and that would be rolled into the story. Maybe John goes crazy and kills his brother then kills himself because they were committing treason? The family wont talk after that and if they did they would be made to look like crazy conspiracy theorists by the propaganda machine. These people aren't afraid to kill their pawns and they aren't going to make up some elaborate 2 year story to get rid of a nobody like Podesta. He is a nobody in the grand scheme of things. He's puppet in the show, not a puppet master.

DarkMath ago

"These people aren't afraid to kill their pawns"

Yep. All I know is Trump is in on it and has been from the beginning. He's not going to be draining shit.

ToMuchBS2 ago

If only... it's not that easy... it goes deep

hojuruku ago

@DarkMath is a pedo troll who has bothered me. He is a f@#$@#$ shill. just google hojuruku darkmath site:voat.co for more info. How about I do it for you now. He tried to cover up NAMBLA's links to the gay lobby. He's a fucken nambla pedophile operative.


He also got this thread deleted an earlier version of it.


Shut down this pro-pedophile shill.

CC @ronnyCPI @DonKeyhote

@Are_we__sure (and other aliases) seems to run with him as a sock-uppet and a couple of others who use the same pro-pedophilia arguments.

As for snowden being a shill - he may be right. I exposed the Jew's telling him what to do years before he actually did it. Snowden is saying Russia is anti-gay for not letting gay men adopt babies. https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t1119338-2/

Dressage2 ago

Shills are out and I think it is beyond hilarious that they think @Are_We_Sure runs with you!!

hojuruku ago

my finest work is here and i'm no shill :) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702

DeanKeyhote ago

Cuntfirmed kikeshill https://imgoat.com/uploads/e732ced346/25951.png

You on stormfront?? Are they active in PG, id migrate there in a half second and leave all these faggots to rot here

hojuruku ago

I never got out of mod queue on stormfront so gave up.

DarkMath ago

You sure love the quote of me saying Hitler was wrong.

News Flash: Hitler Was Wrong.

Sorry Donkey, I don't make the rules. The Jews are guilty but so's everyone else.

Bee tee dubs have you read anymore European History before 1900 yet like I asked you to do? There's 1900 years of whiteness you really really really really need to get up to speed on to understand the present Cluster Fuck.


DeanKeyhote ago

Suck a fat one.

Heres some standard European history from a century from now:


hojuruku ago


@DeanKeyhote - looks like @DarkMath got owned as a NAMBLA supporter.

DarkMath ago

Shut the fuck up you fucking Nazi. I defended homosexuals WHO ARE NOT PEDOPHILES BY DEFAULT:


Fuck off.

DarkMath ago

Reducing the size of Germany by 1/3, killing millions of your own people(non-Jews) to kill 1/10 that number of Jews and single handedly destroying the Eugenics movement makes Hitler the "greatest western leader of all time"?

Yeah, you need to read more European History.


DeanKeyhote ago

Its logical that the biggest threat to jewish predation would be utterly ganged up on, and subsequently deemed Most Evil Guy (Goy) Evar

U down with eugenics now, with your race baiting black victimhood bullshit u spew?GTFO

DarkMath ago

Black victimhood? I thought you were the black guy. You're not black?

DeanKeyhote ago






DarkMath ago

That's what I thought.


I'm a white guy. Why do you keep calling me black?

DeanKeyhote ago



ThePuppetShow ago


Bullshit. You are blatantly lying.

Interm pres. - Derrick Johnson


Prior president - Benjamin Jealous

Benjamin Jealous was born in 1973 in Pacific Grove, California and grew up on the Monterey Peninsula. His father is white. His mother, Ann (Todd) Jealous, is black.


Prior to him - Bruce S. Gordon

Ebony magazine named him one of its “100 Most Influential Black Americans and Organization Leaders” in May 2006. He was ranked #6 on Fortune magazine’s list of the “50 Most Powerful Black Executives” in July 2002. Black Enterprise magazine named him executive of the year in 1998.

Do you try to bullshit your way through everything?

Edit: Source for all..


DeanKeyhote ago

From your source:

At its founding, the NAACP had one African American on its executive board, Du Bois. It did not elect a black president until 1975, but the executive directors, who were the chief operating officers, were primarily African Americans since the early 20th century. The Jewish community contributed greatly to the NAACP's founding and continued financing.[23]

Jewish historian Howard Sachar writes in his book A History of Jews in America that "In 1914, Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the NAACP and recruited for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise."[23]

1909 to 1975 is actually MORE than 60 years.

I am baffled how little shame you have getting rekt over and over -- and by your own sources. I think you should really consider suicide. I mean, this happens every time dude and its not going to get better for you. Admit youre a kikeshill and just die already.

ThePuppetShow ago

I read your comment wrong. I read.. "NAACP (Has) HAD EXCLUSIVELY JEWISH PRESIDENTS FOR LIKE 60 YEARS"

I am baffled how little shame you have getting rekt over and over -- and by your own sources. I think you should really consider suicide. I mean, this happens every time dude and its not going to get better for you. Admit youre a kikeshill and just die already.

You live in fantasy land. Show me one debate you've won besides the only one you have. One Jew girl out of the hundreds of encounters we've had and you're the victor hahahahaha faggot Do you want me to prove it? You always just run away or turn to you ad hominem bitch nigga shit. Why would you choose Don Quixote as name if you aren't a crazy crusader?

DeanKeyhote ago

DUDE. You need to seal the window with tape after inserting the hose from the exhaust pipe. GTFO THIS PLANE OF EXISTENCE SO WE CAN CATCH PEDOS YOU KIKESHILL COCKSUCKER.

ThePuppetShow ago

Yep.. That's what I thought.. Nothing.

DarkMath ago


You can't call me that since I, duh, now accept your theory George Webb is a limited hang out.

(me pretending to be black)

Keep it real brother.

(me pretending to be black)


LA_Trump ago

u/DarkMath is no shill.

No matter what anyone thinks of the Jews involvement, attacking Jews directly is a guaranteed way to ensure defeat. We're trying to eliminate a 2000 year old cult, easier said then done.

DeanKeyhote ago

Judaism is the only proposed group that goes back that far YOU COMPLETELY INEPT FAGGOT SHILL! LMAOOOO

ThePuppetShow ago

Hahaha So ancient Rome never happened?

LA_Trump ago

You've probably been screaming that for decades and look what's happened. Blood is on the hands of fucking retards like you.

DarkMath ago

I'm not Jewish and I'm not a shill.

And actually I'm no longer a supporter of Israel to be totally honest. Israel was in on 9/11 and they invented ISIS to disembowel Syria.


LA_Trump ago

Discerning true information from disinformation is very difficult. That's why it's important to keep a running timeline of events throughout the election.

DarkMath ago

Dipshit I'm not dismissing the Pizzagate crime. All that depraved shit happened. I'm saying the Deep State are the one who put Trump in office. The proof of that is Trump hasn't fired Andrew McCabe.

So fuck off with your "pedo shill" bull shit.


hojuruku ago

nice rebuttal - very substantive NOT...

but it doesn't explain yourself defending this cunt: https://www.nambla.org/hayonmanboylove.html

on the link I provided before. If you defend nambla you are the pedo not me you bill shit artist.

DarkMath ago


hojuruku ago

you defended the founder of the US gay rights movement who is NAMBLA you asshole. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1865249

DarkMath ago

No I didn't. Show me proof or shut the fuck up.

hojuruku ago


That is the proof. you are denying that SB 42 is a law that forces American children in California to praise the "founder of the US gay rights movement" that happens to be HARRY HAY who has his own nambla page. Read the law and the reports about it. You are denying the gay lobby forcing children to HAIL TO THE NAMBLA king Harry Hay.

DarkMath ago

Dipshit, homosexuals aren't pedophiles by default. Homosexuals are as disgusted by pedophiles as anyone else:


That's why I provided the video clip to you. You're trying to equate homosexuality with pedophilia and that wrong.

hojuruku ago

US CDC says 1% of America is gay male - 1.7% total homos including dykes. 35% of all children who were abused were fucked by a gay male. Only a gay male can do a homosexual sex act with a male child. Look up the definition of homosexual - same sex sex acts. So a homo is %3500 more likely to rape a child. But you can't call them pedos. Ok I'll call them tramua survivors. The only way to make a new homo child is to brainwash them or give them some child rape trauma. There is no such thing as 3 year old tranny kids who get their penises removed by the state in Australia. It's fucken politically correct faggot child abuse. You are going to deny that's going on are you?

DarkMath ago

What part of "Innocent until proven guilty" don't you understand. Take all the time you need.

I'll wait.

hojuruku ago

my work is done already - this thread is minus 15 and rising. In other words you are fucked up as usual. bye.

DarkMath ago

I don't give a fuck how many people see this post.

AngB23 ago

I'm leaning more and more towards this same conclusion @DarkMath. Here's why: if FBIAnon, Webb, Alex Jones, Wiki and these random people making strange vids and popping them here know what is going on and knowing kids are getting raped, tortured and murdered, why all the "puzzles", bits of info and codes?

Why not dump everything and tell it all? Why hide in the shadows, protect certain people or promise to disclose later? It's not making sense and seems definitely like limited hangout. We are fed small pieces of the puzzle and dig in to research bcuz the expendable ones (HRC,Podesta) are no use for "them" anymore. "They" are still protected hiding behind the veil. I'm not saying all the things we have found out are not happening, but I believe the limited disclosure is happening for a bigger reason.

DarkMath ago

"Why not dump everything and tell it all?"

Because they're trying to frame people to take the fall.

AngB23 ago


DonKeyhote ago

  1. All such speculating is masturbation and only complicates things further for newbs.

  2. If were spitballing like losers, hows this: all/most the wikileaks dumps over the years contain emails we find PG clues in. If PG was meant to be revealed in 2016 how would they know that some MAGA teenagers would spot the codewords but, say, Hollywood reporters wouldnt in the Sony or Stratfor emails released years prior?

Perhaps Assange is indeed a cult survivor on the good side.

As for Trump his Jewish ties make it an open and shut case. From: "Fred Burton" burton@stratfor.com To: "Bayless Parsley" bayless.parsley@stratfor.com Cc: "Analyst List" analysts@stratfor.com, "CT AOR" ct@stratfor.com Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 8:09:57 AM GMT -06:00 Central America Subject: Barack Obama rewards big donors with plum jobs overseas

Bayless - As discussed yesterday, about pressure, competing interests and politics of foreign policy. Most US Ambassadors (like most Presidents) never really have to make a decision.


Judgejewdy ago

You're right about the speculatory masturbation, anyway. And the fact that there are now two new people who want us to believe all the evidence posted in the sticky and beyond is just a convenient fantasy. It's gaslighting of the highest order and, frankly, insulting. Time to move away from this bs thread and continue with the real work.

Are_we__sure ago

I took FBIAnon at his word but I've come to the point where today I strongly suspect he was a limited hangout. George Webb is also a limited hang out.

Of course, another option is they are just liars or delusional and that nobody put them up to anything.

DarkMath ago

Here's the link to that obscure Tesla story proving FBIAnon actually works at the FBI: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1480845

Jem777 ago

It might interest everyone to know Fred Trump buying Tesla's property was not the first contact. When Tesla was found dead the FBI moved in and confiscated his property and writings under National Security. They then called John Trump (Donald Trumps uncle) and an MIT engineer to look at the work and determine if it had National Security implications. He examined it and told the FBI & the top secret nuclear scientists it did not. Fred Trump then swooped in and bought up the property. You want to find something more mind blowing. Back in the late 1800's an author wrote a series of books about the adventures of a boy named Barron Trump. This boy lived in a very wealthy mansion called Castle Trump and was educated and trained by the "Master of Masters" a man named Don. They lived in New York City. Baron went on an adventure to Russia to discover unknown parts of the world before returning to New York.

The last book written about Baron Trump was called "The Last President" It is about Baron's return to New York when a presidential election had just been won. The winner was known as an outsider because the people were angry at the government. In the book terrible riots occurr by anarchists and socialists against the new president including at his home which was located on 5th Ave. in New York City.

Where is Donald Trumps home?...5th Ave...New York City

Now I am not saying I believe in time travel eventhough Tesla did but the above facts have to make you wonder. You can still get copies of those books with drawings of Baron Trump and all.

Amino69 ago

Also curious for anyone who hasn't yet seen it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSOwlXJj67Y

Amino69 ago

This is a good breakdown of what you speak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw6-jz8srZo&index=136&list=WL

Jem777 ago

Exactly what I was talking about thanks. I just learned of the Baron Trump books written in the late 1800's a few days ago. I knew of John Trump (MIT engineer) being called in by FBI to examine Tesla's work months ago. I found/find it very strange that no one in MSM has ever spoken about this almost as if ordered not to. Trump said on several occasions my uncle was an engineer at MIT but no follow up.

The FBI & the specialized unit in charge of nuclear power called on John Trump to make the determination....something isn't right about the whole thing.

hojuruku ago

DarkMath ago

"another option is they are just liars or delusional"

That stopped being an option when FBIAnon's last words of his AMA on 4chan were about the same exact obscure point miraculously mentioned in the very first document of the FBI's next release of information.

ronnyCPI ago

This is the same limited hangout bullshit everyone is tired of. Shill.

DarkMath ago

I'm not a shill.

hookednosedjoooo ago

weren't you attacking me like a month ago for saying this was partially a psyop

DarkMath ago

Lol. Probably. It looks like you might be right after all.

Unrelated and random question: have you given any thought to taking the plunge into sobriety? Last time I talked to you I mentioned how getting sober can be the purest high you've ever experienced, it's called the "pink cloud".

hookednosedjoooo ago

you're a fucking faggot I was right and all you can do is talk shit

DarkMath ago

I'm making it up as I go along. What do you think's going to happen in the next year?

hookednosedjoooo ago

I'm making it up as I go along

what do you mean

DarkMath ago

I have no idea anymore. I don't even think the people making this shit up have any idea anymore.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Would you like me to break it down for you? You guys whined like faggots and called me an antisemite all day long but I'm a nice guy. I can explain it all if you want

DarkMath ago

Yes please. And I apologize for busting your balls over it. I was pretty frustrated at the time.

Dressage2 ago

No, you are definitely not!

Judgejewdy ago

Then why is Soros supporting anti-trump groups?

DarkMath ago

I'm going to update the post to explain that, bear with me.

Amino69 ago

DarkMath, you're a brave man for putting this out there and get ready to take cover, but I'm with you! Earlier today https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2045005 was posted by a now deleted user and I commented that I believed Pizzagate was a complex psy-op that is years in the making. Anyway here is some of that original conjecture:

This will likely ignite a backlash of resentment but I'm curious to hear if anyone else would agree with the following statement. Pizzagate is an elaborate psy-op, years in the making and has been legitimised through its connection to WikiLeaks which itself is bogus, a controlled opposition front.

This is not to say that Pedogate, SRA, trauma based mind control and global child trafficking isn't real and conducted by TPTB (it is!) but the more I consider how and when Pizzagate broke the more incredulous I am to believing it. Do they have us chasing our tails?

I would be very interested to see any docs that imply this (reply to user stating WikiLeaks is funded by Rothschild arm). I have long since stopped trusting ANY individual (Assange) or org that garners significant mainstream promotion and this fact plus other compelling reasons gives me reason to distrust WikiLeaks. I would never claim to have all the answers for why & how things happen in the world the way they do but I am fairly confident that THE conspiracy is far more duplicitous and abstruse than the majority of us can conceive of and the possibility remains that Pizzagate may be a design of this.

I do believe that through cultural Marxism and other social engineering initiatives lies the reasons for why and how the vast majority of psy-ops exist. If you look into the likes of Tavistock, CFR, Club of Rome etc you begin to understand the scale and complexity of these operations and how even the shrewdest and most discerning of people can be fooled. I am of the opinion that if they can elicit an emotional response and inculcate an affirmation in us rather than having to actually produce a physical event with moving parts, they will opt for the simple method. Hence why so many false flags/hoaxes are devoid of any real evidence of the actual event occurring i.e CCTV footage (Pentagon, Sandyhook, Orlando, Manchester etc etc…)

IF Pizzagate is a piece of their narrative, I'm inclined to think that it would be for the purposes of demoralisation, desensitisation divide & conquer and to taunt those who were morally outraged enough to investigate it. This would explain the complete lack of official investigation, the mocking MSM and the audacity of Podesta, Alefantis et al ignoring all requests for an explanation and opportunity to vindicate themselves.

IF Pizzagate is genuine in all its established forms, I do not believe it was leaked due to careless behaviour and unsecured email correspondence. This has always struck me as unlikely as the type of people involved (Podesta, Clinton, Alefantis et al) are not your average dimwits who make such monumental errors of judgement and then subsequently fail to implement damage limitation before a story can break (reminder: TPTB own the whole of the MSM and much of the Alt & Indi so generally we only get to hear about stuff if they want us to!!) In this case (and I still stand by my convictions that WL is bogus) it must have been leaked intentionally and for the same reasons I mentioned above.

Before down voting just because I hold a different opinion and viewpoint on the matter, please debate why you think I am wrong or right. Cheers.

DarkMath ago

"This is not to say that Pedogate, SRA, trauma based mind control and global child trafficking isn't real and conducted by TPTB (it is!)"

I agree. All the crimes are real. It's just their context that is being managed. The Deep State would very much like to lay all the blame at Hillary and the Podesta Pervert's door.

Judgejewdy ago

You sound like you are gaslighting.

Amino69 ago

I'm most certainly not. These are my thoughts and opinions and I present them purely for discussion. I have battled with my cognitive dissonance over this subject for some time now so I can appreciate your inference.

DarkMath ago

"You sound like you are gaslighting."

I'm not trying to. I'm just trying to explain all the facts as I see them. Trump letting McCabe stay on at the FBI changed everything. It means he's not going to drain the swamp. Andrew McCabe is the fucking swamp's game warden for Christ sake.


Judgejewdy ago

Unless he cans him later??

DarkMath ago

Maybe I'm not sure.

Dressage2 ago

I think Trump & crew know he is dirty and putting out enough rope to hang himself. Something is coming down tomorrow. I don't know what, but something.

DarkMath, you know that it takes time to make all this happen. I have read you saying this and I agree. I am one to let it all play out. McCabe is dirty and knowing Trump, he knew that before the White Hats recruited him. As they say, "Tick, tock."

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yeeeaaaaaah... Just the other day you submitted a post claiming that the Ohio State Fair accident was a hoax to distract from pizzagate (based, no less, on the notion that what was obviously a real girl was a mannequin lololol xD). So which is it? Is pizzagate a hoax, or was the Ohio State Fair accident a hoax to distract from pizzagate? Your credibility is below zero at this point.

the Ohio State Fair hoax is still a hoax. It's being run by Hillary & Co to fight off those in the Deep State who want her gone.

Ohhhhhh, OK, makes perfect sense now! Hillary needed to create a distraction from something that isn't even real in the first place! GOT IT! /s

Ya know... it's interesting that both of these posts, while completely contradictory, share one common link: they both seem intended to discredit pizzagate. (The Ohio State Fair one does so by trying to associate pizzagate researchers with schizophrenic nonsense.)

DarkMath ago

"So which is it?"

I'm glad you asked because that gets to the heart of what's happening. If my theory is correct and the Deep State dumped Hillary & Co then it makes perfect sense they appear as a house divided unto itself. There are two factions and one is fighting the other. So the Ohio State Fair hoax is still a hoax. It's being run by Hillary & Co to fight off those in the Deep State who want her gone.

Basically there is a civil war going within the Deep State right now. I should add that to the post I imagine right? It's not too clear I think is what you mean.