11-11 ago

super great connection gilderoy

Posts like this are what have these pervs running for cover. Pull the string and the whole garment falls apart

So awesome that you saw this. Great discernment

11-11 ago

"A Los Gatos couple accused of adopting a 9-year-old Russian orphan before turning him into a sex slave for the remainder of his childhood was convicted Tuesday in a last-minute plea deal that spared the South Bay executives — and their victim — a jury trial."

Ralph and Carolyn Flynn had faced 44 criminal counts, including felony charges of incest, sexual abuse of a child, unlawful sexual intercourse and lewd and lascivious acts.

Blacksmith21 ago

Or after abusing them for 15 or 20 years, they send them back to Russia as agents.

Newmemba ago

Headline correction

Is "(((Russian))) adoptions" code for "international pedophile network"? same kike of thing as "(((Russian))) mafia".

Factfinder2 ago

Who told you this? Was it a person with direct knowledge?

Blacksmith21 ago

@Gilderoy - This is some quality work. I started reading it thinking - I need to learn more about the Magnitsky Act, including some sources. You covered it.

So she got expedited into the US by Obama admin, thinking they would have a new supply of yummy little treats, when in fact, She met with Don Jr. And of course, because the last admin used the State's intelligence apparatus, they were able to put a full package on her. She may have just slid a USB across the table and never said a word. Or something irrelevant. The USB probably had hard evidence as to some of the big pedo busts. Since the Deep State didn't get their new supply line back, they used the meeting as another piece of "evidence" to fit in with the "Russia conspiracy".

hojuruku ago


US Gay baby flesh buyer Ambassador Ted Osius to Vietnam and black bumsex boy sex partner aka "husband" Clayton Bond proven to have attempted to illegally buy brain damaged "pizza" baby from Indonesia where Obama went to school and learn't under Sharia law faggots should be put to death.

weewaawooba ago

Question: If that is true, why did Trump not bring it up yet. He does not seem afraid and he seems to try and discredit Hillary or the Democrats wherever he can - so why not use this?

DarkMath ago

I appreciate you acknowledging how the MSM could frame a possibly well intentioned Natalia Veselnitskaya. People like CNN and the WaPo have zero interest in reporting this story objectively and that ain't right.

hojuruku ago


ITS BECAUSE OF GAY BABY RAPE: http://www.crisismagazine.com/2013/the-story-behind-russians-gay-adoption-ban THE TREND GAYS MAKING RAINBOW CROSSINGS WAS TO PROTEST RUSSIA CUTTING OFF SUPPLY OF CHILD RAPE VICTIMS http://www.cbc.ca/newsblogs/yourcommunity/2013/08/activists-paint-rainbow-crosswalk-at-russian-embassy-in-sweden.html

http://archive.org/details/TwoDadsAreBetterThanOne - the baby rapists now in jail for 40 years Mark J Newton and Peter Truoung say the Russian government was homophobic for delaying their published gay marriage activist baby rape world tour.

It's a crime to link to this video. Put "abcplugspedos" into www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au and see what happens


For the crime of linking to that videeo about Russian infant rapists and nothing else - you get prosecuted for being a gay basher, because to hate russian infant screaming anal rape is gay bashing! Note the judgement for the "abcplugspedos" and this newspaper article are both June 25th 2015 http://www.theherald.com.au/story/3172166/ex-cabbie-told-to-stop-gay-bashing/

The case law says all he did was link to that video and nothing else. Therefore if someone says they are gay and anal rapes a Russian baby - it is against the law to oppose what he did to the little baby - because gays must always be respected no matter how loud their child rape victims scream!

If you expose this the government comes after you big time, as what happened to my friends and my dad... Yes they sued my dad just like John Sunol. And now the OTO kiddy fuck cult and the facebook.com/policeglbti are suing John Sunol too more info: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2018442/9958756 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2029702

crashing_this_thread ago

Authoritarianism is awful, but I can understand why a country might resort to such desperate measures when faced with the horrors hiding behind the closed doors of Washingtons political elite. Surely Putin has had more insight into this for longer than we have. His anti-gay policies makes more sense when you look at how the deep state use homophilia as a steppig stone for normalizing more depraved stuff.

Judgejewdy ago

We have authoritarianism here, as well. Difference is we aren't told who's in power. (Eg: soros directing Hillary and the dnc - see the WL emails if they're still there. A vote for Hillary is a vote for Soros, her boss. He's been in charge for a long time - and of course those above him.)

Sk8rminion ago

Question? What was the last twitter tweet that the donald liked?

Answer, his daughter, trying to bring more publicity to the human trafficking problem.

Ivanka Trump

‏Verified account

@IvankaTrump May 24 _ I was inspired to visit Sant'Egidio and learn about their remarkable work with survivors of human trafficking and with those still suffering.

Love or hate his policies, the real reason many of us voted for our man was this deep rooted evil corruption. He may have his own skeletons in his closet. Its practically impossible to do business at the level he does without greasing a few palms with bribes. 'Costs of doing business' as they say in the industry, but at least he is doing something about trafficking.

DarkMath ago

"However, she came into contact with Seth Rich somehow"

Somehow? Seth Rich "somehow" coming in contact with Natalia Veselnitskaya is easily explained if the Seth Rich story is a school play to prove Russian collusion in getting Trump elected.

Everything else is irrelevant in this story. The MSM isn't interested in nor will report anything positive that may have come from Seth Rich contacting Natalia Veselnitskaya. The MSM will only use that as evidence of Russian meddling in the election. You even agreed with me last night, remember?


All the Deep State needs is evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. The MSM is so hopelessly in bed with the Deep State they would never in a million years go to the level of detail you just did.

Right? You know the MSM is bought and paid for. Given that glaringly obvious fact there is no benefit to your theory even if it was right.


Last point well taken. Can barely keep my eyes open to write this, but I greatly appreciate your thoughts.

Seth Rich's "murder" is a school play and part of the Deep State's effort to frame Trump. There is NOTHING POSITIVE the MSM would ever publish about Veselnitskaya's motivations. You should know better.

The only reason I can see in you pushing this story is you're either a Useful Idiot or a Shill.


swordfish69 ago

Yep, this is spot on.

DarkMath ago

" this is spot on."

Really? O_O

Putin invaded Donetsk to protect Russian access to the Black Sea. To argue it was to stop a pedophile trafficking network is laughably naive.

swordfish69 ago

@DarkMath You are right that the invasion was about that but Western provocation of Russia involved setting up human and arms trafficking ratlines in Ukraine.

Think of it this way--the trafficking is the control of the region. Population control all the way down to the drugs they use.

pbvrocks ago

100% correct and my summation as well. "Russian adoptions" is an in your face to the pedo-elities...

we_kill_creativity ago

Putin has mentioned, at least once before, that "The West" can't even protect their own children. I have no doubt that the reason Russia won't let Americans adopt from their orphanages is because of pedophilia. The western elites obviously HATE Russia, I'm sure they'd get some sick sort of pleasure off doing a Russian kid in particular. What if....just what if, the reason Russia is, quite literally, demonized by the press (that are all in on it) is simply because Russia is genuinely one of the very last, truly Christian/ western ideals and traditions countries out there?

No, I don't think Putin is the 2nd coming of Christ....but I don't think he's a terrible person either and I do think of Russia as being the last outpost of the old Roman empire. Them and flyover country in America. I really think the powers that be are terrified of the idea of Russia and middle America becoming allied.

swordfish69 ago

Ukrainian adoption network run by Victor Pinchuk and Elton John Anti-Aids foundation, working on it.

Jem777 ago

Glad to see you @swordfish69

Tanngrisnir ago


dickface88888 ago

I just thought of something while google searching "elton john adoption". One article from 2009 says that Elton wanted to adopt a 14 month old Ukranian boy who had "stolen his heart". The thing that stood out to me is it's always boys!. Why don't they adopt girls? I have an idea...

Banki ago

Would Ukraine have been the route out of Russia for Russian children to the west ? And could this be reason for the US interference in the civil war, To protect these routes ?