DonKeyhote ago

If you want places to hunt some elite PG in LA hit me up

hojuruku ago

I was run out of 93304 because of gay child raping pedo cop bowersox, but technically I got the charged dismissed in furtherance of justice so I could come back to America. The question is weather I would want to. It would be a nice place for a last stand against the globalists if it comes to it. And I put some other mentions of him on here before.

hojuruku ago

The OP link is from a blog of Ted Osisus black sex partner who travels around the world with him on Diplomatic Assignments Clayton Bond. They are on calling each other Husband, even though the democrats are trying to ban the use of that word by heterosexuals. OMG democrats used the Words Husband. Ah yes their tyranny is only applied to heterosexuals because they are fag bigots. Sorry I forgot.

If you want to know more see this comment. Now that he has risen to the rank he is, he can get what he wanted all along two little boys, instead of having a brain damaged little girl to share. He tried to be the first gay man to buy a baby in Indonesia - which is a CRIME THERE, but hey what is US STATE DEPARTMENT DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY FOR eh?

Ohama went to school in Indonesia. He could have told them they would be breaking the law and disrespecting their customs. It's a crime for a gay man to live with babies in Vietnam, unless you are Ted Osiris with diplomatic immunity.

He now spends US taxpayers dollars on flying trannies from around all asia to perform in a gay bar with the theme "Let's celebrate gay families" in a country where they are illegal. This gay bar state department paid for massive annual homojunket is known as and guess who speaks at it every year: Mr Ted. What's next? Vietnam should respond by having an openly promoted Crack Cocaine party in America ;) (sarcasm)

Second MUST MUST MUST MUST see link

Photos of the gay baby buyers (he came to Vietnam with one baby - then went back to buy another from America) with Ruth Ginsberg Supreme Court judge (who had to apology to Trump during his campaign) and Kerry. He's not popular here too, but that's another long story.

AseanPride is a gay junket - and trump should ask for it to be justified. got sanitized because of my activism so see the link above for just some of the pictures / videos of what went on there. My buddies staked it out in Vietnam. I love field work hunting peds, I only get it occasionally here, the last case being my most highly upvoted post here.

Why do gay diplomats NEED brain damaged baby girls so BADLY in Hillary Clinton's state department... I'm just saying.... MMMM PIZZA.

This gay dads baby buying US ambassador Ted met me in person when he was doing his VietnamNet interview just after he arrived here in the same building as my old IT job in nam. (C-Land Building Xa Dan II Hanoi) before I knew his background and he was very interested in my story about the gay child raping pedo cop Christopher Kent Bowersox from Bakersfield who attempted to murder me. Now I know why. Within days of meeting him in Vietnam I suffered reprisals. Consider this "truth bomb" payback.