kestrel9 ago

Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters...

The children are told that we are a planning an underage sex party for a group of wealthy Americans and Australians....

A meticulous operation that began with the infiltration of the dark web, and that will culminate in the take-down of high-level Haitian traffickers linked to the abuse of hundreds of school-age children....

Many of them are traded, as though commodities, to rival gangs, and put up for sale or rent in filthy, underground Haitian brothels. Some are loaded into trucks or buses and smuggled across the border to be used by tourists in the Dominican Republic....

All told, nine traffickers end up in handcuffs, and 30 children are placed into the care of experienced trauma counsellors....

If recent history is our guide, expect most, if not all of those "in handcuffs" to slip away.

Feb 5 2017

Haiti Police Rescue 31 Girls in Child-Trafficking Sting

Among the arrested were 9 adults, foreigners, including missionaries among them.

The investigation began in December and remains ongoing to uncover the true breadth of the operation that appears to include non-governmental organization and international elements. Assistance was given by fellow missionaries to police, which aided in the operation.

Investigators believe the syndicate was preparing to take the children over the Dominican Republic border to then leave the island.

Recall December 21, 2016

Glenn Beck travels to Haiti to learn about sex trafficking and finds the meaning of hope Conservative radio host Glenn Beck recently traveled to Haiti with an organization he has partnered with, Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), to visit some of the children who have been rescued by the organization.

O.U.R. has a 100% conviction rate due to the effectiveness of the hidden cameras they utilize, and that 100% rate is without any victim ever having to testify in court.

“No child would let us go. They all pressed their faces to ours, starved for love and kindness. There are 300,000 orphans ready to adopt and only 300 were adopted last year. The government is so corrupt and standing in the way.” – Glenn Beck (That's because the majority aren't orphans, Glenn.)

Sadly, one can't convict people who aren't arrested or who don't stay arrested (thanks @cantsleepawink Update on recent child trafficking ring bust in Haiti. American and Canadian traffickers may have been let go. More eyes needed on neighbouring resorts.)

Feb 8, 2017

Dwindling Number of Those Arrested

The spokeswoman for the commissioner’s office, Substitute Commissioner Mirlande D. Prévost, who was present at Sunday’s police operation, initially reported that 18 adults tied to the child-trafficking ring had been arrested. By that evening, Commissioner Leger had, and has since, been saying 12 adults were arrested.

By Monday morning, in an interview with Marie Lucie Bonhomme Opont of Vision 2000, police spokesman, Inspector Gary Desrosiers, said 9 had been arrested.

Senator Jean Renel Senatus (PONT/Ouest) believes the foreign participants somehow escaped. None the less, he congratulated the police units which participated in the sting at Kaliko Beach Club. Senator Senatus said the first information he received was that foreigners were involved in the child-trafficking.

See also March 17, 2017 article (thanks @DarkMath and OP @StopHipocricy101)

Foreign participants in the trafficking were not even held or arrested according to numerous accounts. Of the nine Haitian nationals who were arrested, by Wednesday, March 15, 2017, none were still in police custody. (so a little over a month after the initial reports of arrest, NONE of the 18 ended up held?)

kestrel9 ago

Just one of many interesting notes in this PG related blog:

Haiti had 175 Commitments from the Clinton Foundation as of 2016. The Clinton Foundation also has had a long, controversial presence in Haiti, one of the main points for Human Trafficking.

Oddly enough, the Clinton Foundation had left the entire Country of Haiti 2 days BEFORE the raids took place in Port-Au-Prince. Here are some of the CF projects the foundation had before their formal announcement of withdrawal:

  • Marriott Hotel
  • Ongoing Haiti Hurricane Relief
  • Schools
  • Hospitals

And other “beneficial” things in Haiti, especially Port-Au-Prince and in the vicinity of the capital.

Other trafficking exposed after CGI and CF donations cut

On November 20th, 2016, a Bust in Norway netted the following results, according to the AP: HELSINKI (AP) — Norwegian police say they investigating a pedophile network suspected to involve at least 51 people, which includes the abuse of infants and at least one case of a suspect acknowledging abusing his own children.

While no Major evidence has come forth or any implications that the Clinton Foundation had any knowledge of the ring

JUST BEFORE the raid, Norway unexpectedly cuts Clinton Global Initiative and Foundation donations by a whopping 90%! This was in response, apparently, to a massive political cloud that had encircled the Clinton Foundation for a while, especially during the election season.

DarkMath ago

Great post kestrel9. You should consider taking your comment and making an entire post about it.

There is a definite pattern of these fake human trafficking arrests. Most if not all are for show. When people are sent to jail it's invariably the lowest on the totem pole who go away. No high level perps have been busted yet.

I'm praying Trump grows a pair of balls but I'm not holding my breath. I think there will be high level arrests. I'm almost positive Hillary Clinton and John Podesta are going to get flushed down the toilet but it's going to be for classified emails and weapons trafficking respectively. No human trafficking will be mentioned.

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for feedback... after some reading about orphanages and illegal adoptions it's clear "It Takes a Global Village of NGOs" to enable, conduct, cover-up, profit from child exploitation and human trafficking. I agree with your sentiments that they (Clintons and friends) won't get nailed for the trafficking, we'll just be seeing the repeating busts of small names as the Global trafficking franchises continue without much trouble.

carmencita ago

I must counter what this group is doing and who the possibility are. Please see this thread There is proof and discussion against what this group may be. It is a lively discussion and we should consider it.

carmencita ago

Operation Underground Railroad is certainly a wonderful org. I read the whole article and these people are so caring and dedicated to helping the children of Haiti. The children after being freed after a sting are taken to a safe house and eventually go to school to learn and dance and sing. But this is a hard push. I read there are 32K children in orphanages in Haiti (in another article on here). But this is a happy beginning. Thank you @Commoner for a wonderful and enlightening post. Upvoat4U EDIT: See my other comment.