findingaway ago

Don't know where to put this. Hillary archive emails are questionable. Date is 2001 instead of 2010 and no to or from. Just want to get them out there if they were overlooked. New Life Refuge is subject:

findingaway ago

Don't know where to put this. Hillary archive emails are questionable. Date is 2001 instead of 2010 and no to or from. Just want to get them out there if they were overlooked. New Life Refuge is subject: I went back to Hillary email archive typed in Bill Clinton and got the 2001 instead of 2010 year again. It is from Chelsea: Please do not forward this in whole or in part attributed to me without asking me first - happy to be an invisible soldier. Mainly hope this is even marginally helpful. Thanks, Chelsea:

cantsleepawink ago

How bizarre. I've just this moment been listening to a video that mentioned that refuge. Synchronicity. Thanks.

VieBleu ago

sux. not the post, the reduced arrests. Keep your eyes on them, good to know.

G-ma ago

All the girls in one room? Who was in the other 21 rooms they rented? How can we find out who was let go? Was there a conference of some sort going on at the hotel? Are there flight logs from the airlines?

PizzaGate711 ago

And there's the Barak bar at Rue Gregoire, Pétion-Ville, Haiti which also, apparently is a quiet favourite for different US 'Alphabet' operatives. It's open from 7am till 4 am, 7 days. Have a look at the photos.,-72.2886677,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8eb9e87d2bcf1e31:0x2776b2c044537f5a!8m2!3d18.5125158!4d-72.286479!6m1!1e1?hl=en

SpikyAube ago

No, moderators aren't compromised!! At least the majority of them aren't and the majority are trying to do their best to keep this place free from submissions that detract from the investigation or could damage PG's credibility in the eyes of skeptics and newcomers/be used by the media at some point in the future to attack us. People seem to think that just because they might disagree with a decision, or a mod made a mistake, that it automatically means they're compromised or evil or something. Its not true and its kind of unfair to accuse them when they really want PG to result in arrests and justice and in victims being saved as much as, or more than, anyone!

we_kill_creativity ago

People seem to forget what r/pizzagate was like on reddit. It was a good place, but BOY....did it have some issues. People would post to some random website that, while the content was great, looked like shit, and that fact was used by shillls to ruin threads that otherwise were just doing some good discussion of the content. I remember the day reddit banned it.

Everyone came here. None of us knew who the mods were...Actually, who the (singular) mod was, because there was only one. I made a post, or a comment, don't remember...laying out some ideas to avoid the problems r/pizzagate had. One idea was to have text posts only, even if all you wanted to do was link to a website or video. So...if you wanted to link to a video, you'd have to explain why it's relevant, why it's important, and why, even though it may look like a shitty video/ website, you should still take it seriously. This was all done to avoid shills being able to ruin an otherwise great and interesting thread.

Some time has passed.

Maybe the mods should make a new post explaining why the rules are the rules...let it get to the top or sticky it or something. Let's have a great discussion in the comments. Maybe we'll change some rules...I'm not opposed to that. My point is, there's a reason we have the rules we have. I had a post removed yesterday because I asked a question and there's a sub for that. I honestly didn't know that was rule, now I do, and I just reposted in that sub.

I get it, this place is for research and discussion of research and relevant breaking news. If you don't like that, or think it's flawed or whatever...that's great...just go make a sub that is what you want it to be. No one is stopping you, and no one wants to stop you. Maybe it will be better than this place. More power to you.

party1981 ago

Pegasus = CIA

dontmindthemess ago

The Poedesta brothers sneaking away on the tippy toes like cartoon villans, wringing their hands together.

shoosh ago

I upvoated but it didnt show.
Most of my upvoats don't show up on this forum. It's a sucky forum.

alliecapone ago

I don't see my upvoat sometimes either. I do when I reload the page. If not just upvoat it again it'll show.

Jem777 ago

The identities of the owners and involved parties are listed in George Webb YouTube Day 109. This is Dyncorp brownstone child trafficking, organ harvesting operation. Took down the little guys. Disgusting

MAGABoomer ago

So the money people have gotten away scott free again? FUCK this shit.

alliecapone ago

It's starting to look that way..still seems pretty swampy if ya ask me. I'm giving sessions a week before I freak completely out. I was hoping they're developing a careful case, even circumstantial evidence can put someone away.

MAGABoomer ago

I was hoping they're developing a careful case, even circumstantial evidence can put someone away.

and you're giving him a WEEK?

alliecapone ago

Not from today, basically his week woulda been up Wednesday. I wanted to wake up that next morning to large scale arrests, both big and small. However, a week was too long, you're right. Weekend raids like the ICE ones, might as well do it now. A week is honestly too long, hell another HOUR is too long. I'm putting myself into the poor kids seat and thinking on that.

dogeminho ago

We will push back until we get them imprisoned. The louder we get, the more information we get to the masses (redpill) the more power we have. We are strong when united

alliecapone ago

Exactly, perhaps even organize a protest. Seems those that protest get the gibs

vector3rector ago

I wonder if Pegasus Services has any correlation to Alefantis' Pegasus Museum

HunkaHunka ago

If figures the Haitian-Canadian pimp royalty were released. They probably had a whole house full of 14-16 year old white runaways framing up rich Canadian and American tourists. Can't let a valuable intel asset like that get away. Did anyone see that story where an airline stewardess busted a black pimp flying a 14 yr. old white runaway from Seattle to San Francisco? link:

cantsleepawink ago

That article in my opinion is a PR exercise. It's been seen globally, but nothing has changed in terms of the crooked reporting system.

shoosh ago

9Or as I call it "pinging".

It's an old propaganda trick to establish the climate of the public or show the level needed to move forward... and to appear to look like their taking action while the big fish asses are covered and free.

The pingback reactions determine their moves.

Still I'm happy if a few little biys and girls go free, but the sad thing is they've likely been groomed to accept this and know no other life. (Stockholm syndrome)

Singleservename ago

Yep definitely PR. Refers to training aircraft personnel to spot trafficking.

Innocents At Risk does exactly that (even if this stewardess did not follow their dodgy protocol)

derram ago :

Pegasus Diving & Services Haiti | Facebook :

Huge Child Sex Trafficking Bust Occured in a Hotel in Haiti During the Superbowl. Guess Where Hillary & Bill Honeymooned? At the Hotel Next Door! (can't make this shit up!!) : The_Donald

This has been an automated message.

fogdryer ago

That was funny. Lol. Lol