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SpikyAube ago

No, moderators aren't compromised!! At least the majority of them aren't and the majority are trying to do their best to keep this place free from submissions that detract from the investigation or could damage PG's credibility in the eyes of skeptics and newcomers/be used by the media at some point in the future to attack us. People seem to think that just because they might disagree with a decision, or a mod made a mistake, that it automatically means they're compromised or evil or something. Its not true and its kind of unfair to accuse them when they really want PG to result in arrests and justice and in victims being saved as much as, or more than, anyone!

we_kill_creativity ago

People seem to forget what r/pizzagate was like on reddit. It was a good place, but BOY....did it have some issues. People would post to some random website that, while the content was great, looked like shit, and that fact was used by shillls to ruin threads that otherwise were just doing some good discussion of the content. I remember the day reddit banned it.

Everyone came here. None of us knew who the mods were...Actually, who the (singular) mod was, because there was only one. I made a post, or a comment, don't remember...laying out some ideas to avoid the problems r/pizzagate had. One idea was to have text posts only, even if all you wanted to do was link to a website or video. So...if you wanted to link to a video, you'd have to explain why it's relevant, why it's important, and why, even though it may look like a shitty video/ website, you should still take it seriously. This was all done to avoid shills being able to ruin an otherwise great and interesting thread.

Some time has passed.

Maybe the mods should make a new post explaining why the rules are the rules...let it get to the top or sticky it or something. Let's have a great discussion in the comments. Maybe we'll change some rules...I'm not opposed to that. My point is, there's a reason we have the rules we have. I had a post removed yesterday because I asked a question and there's a sub for that. I honestly didn't know that was rule, now I do, and I just reposted in that sub.

I get it, this place is for research and discussion of research and relevant breaking news. If you don't like that, or think it's flawed or whatever...that's great...just go make a sub that is what you want it to be. No one is stopping you, and no one wants to stop you. Maybe it will be better than this place. More power to you.