Flat_Truth ago

Then there's this video of Gaga talking about Abramovic. You have to wonder what kind of museum is she talking about. Watch her stammer out "museum goers". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVY4Whayw0s

rooting4redpillers ago

"museum goers" at 2:12. Saving folks from listening to her sycophantic, whiny Abramovic worship-drivel. FFS how many times can one person say "limitless" in 5 minutes? NOTABLE to Pizzagate, this video was uploaded on YouTube six years ago, in May 2010. Top comments in the last two months, lots of them, and in my short glance, 100% negative. Much talk about satanism, and including mentions of Podesta, Alefantis, Comet Ping Pong, Wikileaks... with 735,641 views.

redberries ago

  1. Go to opencorporates.com and search New Hope Educational Institute, and it will show the company's website as www.nieinstitute.org

  2. Go to whoisology.com and enter www.nieinstitute.org, and it will list the domain owner as [email protected]

JesusOfNazareth53 ago

Dis iz da cult 2 join 4 dat Korean pussy.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

SarMegahhikkitha ago

Asia is so deep in the klipot that the only Christianity it can seem to stomach is heresy.




If you're trying to join a cult to meet chaste Korean girls, I mean.

Bojangles ago

I get approached by the cult people in Korea sometimes. One lady asked me if I knew of the heavenly mother. I guess she would be the second link.

JesusOfNazareth53 ago

You always speak another language.

Where'd you get 1/60th from?

Can you pray to lay some of that DMT trip on me?

SarMegahhikkitha ago


Bereshit Rabbah (on Gen. 28:16): R. Moshe Hadarshan said: "and I did not know [it]": For had I known, I would not have slept in such a holy place.

R. Ya'akov Yosef: If [Jacob] knew he was in the aspect of Mochin d'Katnut (small-mindedness) and sleep (a synonym for spiritual unconsciousness), he could unite this level also [with G-d], and it would no longer be called the aspect of sleep.

Besht, Ketonet Passim, p. 35a Meaning, “If I had known it [was holy], I would not have slept [spiritually] here.” That is, if a person knows how to unite this trait, it would not be called sleep. [The attribute of da’at--knowledge of G-d--has the ability to cut through all levels of darkness and confusion immediately. Da’at is the ability to remember G-d, on whatever level a person is on. According to this teaching, a person only needs to remember that the spiritual darkness they are in is also from G-d, and that G-d is as present there as He is in the moments of inspiration, to be immediately catapulted to a level of closeness to G-d, and the dissipation of the darkness; for distance from G-d only comes into existence because we fail to remember that it too is from Him.

Spiritual "sleep" (physicality) is 1/60th of "death" (true existence), a mere shadow.

G-d removes the screens, but an arousal from above requires an arousal from below. I can only pray that you arise to the service of G-d. It's possible for me to give you things that your vessel can't handle, but they would cause you severe harm, and your talking in your sleep can't possibly be taken as consent to getting an adrenaline shot to the heart to wake you up. If you're being serious, I can privately message (which username?) a segulah (sigil) that's on the borderline of what's allowed.

Antonius ago

I would not doubt that the frikkin moonies are involved with this...

derram ago

https://archive.is/coUlC :

James Alefantis, D.C. power-player, blasts 'insane' Reddit sleuthing on D.C. sex-trafficking ring - Washington Times

https://archive.is/ZaTU :

Three top executives ousted by Washington Times

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