nameof ago

operation underground railroad in canada?

pete2016 ago

Great article. Mentions that they can pay for a kid by the hour. Immediately brought to mind the getting pizza for an hour email.

Psychanaut ago

yeah, good connection

DarkMath ago

"Who are these guys?"

If they're affiliated with the CIA and/or US Military then there's a high probability they're human traffickers disguised as good Samaritans. As any Mafioso will tell you the best way to rob a bank is to own one. Well the best way to traffic human beings is to work for a group fighting human trafficking.

For example Laura Silsby was arrested for trying to traffic a bunch of children out of Haiti. She lied to authorities and told them they were orphans when in fact they had parents. Well guess who old Laura Silsby worked for? Yep, she worked for the people who run the Amber Alert system.

Um, yeah......

"Are they on anyone's radar here?"

Oh yes. We're very familiar with these immoral shit birds. The last time they "busted" one of these human trafficking rings we saw the same pomp and circumstance. Then nothing. It had all been a psy-op to make it appear America was fighting the good fight. The opposite was true. The names of those arrested were never released AND none of them appear to have even been tried for their crimes:

It's bad, really fucking bad. And to be honest it doesn't look like it's going to get better:


Jem777 ago

Sorry this has already been exposed as a cover. Operation Underground Railroad is a cover for a real govt. operation. Tim Ballard was exposed as part of the cover involved with Glenn Beck back on Super Bowl Sunday tweeting about a sex-trafficking sting. That happened in Haiti, several teenage girls rescued all suspects let go with no charges and hotel back and running as usual.

Dressage2 ago

You are on your game as usual.

RoBatten ago

Holy Shit. American MSM? Crickets . . .