Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is only one news outlet that is controlled by the corporations that keep it barely afloat. It is owned by a corrupt organization in the Quad Cities along the ratline from Chicago and Racine over to Iowa. They are all involved and complicit. There is a heavy level of propaganda and censorship, and the people are generally afraid to speak out because they know the area is run by corrupt elite, the mafia and secret societies. Every politician in Racine is compromised and the few who speak up have their lives ruined. The latest three examples were Ed Diehl, Keith Fair, and Eric Marcus.

They have all been caught and one case federal RICO case was about to expose much more until it was railroaded through collusion, fraud, perjury, extortion, embezzlement, blackmail, bribery and other crimes to force a settlement which the plaintiffs are disputing they never agreed to, and the criminal RICO investigation was escalated to the top levels at the FBI and DOJ where Comey, McCabe, Kadzik and Lynch obstructed the investigations once they found out what corporations, politicians and foundations were involved, including the Clinton Foundation.

There is no justice in Wisconsin. The DA was a corrupt alcoholic (see other posts about his own scandal and cover up), the city and county attorneys are corrupt (one just retired to hide his involvement), the local judges are all corrupt and involved (see the mysterious death of Judge Dennis Barry), the local authorities are incompetent and paid off with bribes, military and surveillance toys, and increased budgets, and most judges in the state are part of the Marquette Mafia and secret societies including the state Attorney General. They are all freemasons and part of other groups such as Knights of Pythias and Knights of Malta.

We cannot wait for slow justice. The only answer is to force real change by telling the world the truth about Racine, Wisconsin and how it is a model and main root to the entire system of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

9812184? ago

Racine WI



Crisis at Lincoln Hills Juvenile Prison. November 2015.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is very important and very connected to the bigger picture. Also look at incarceration rates for black males, infant mortality rates, human trafficking rates, a deep history of the KKK in Racine, and rigged insider deals with private shell companies formed with corrupt politicians to gain huge contracts for the prison industry and educational institutions. One such company is Kranz Inc which is tied to Bill Clinton and Les Aspin among many other major players involved.

9811174? ago


Racine Wisc. SC Johnson & Co. . heir..Samuel Curtis Johnson...convicted pedo... net worth $3 billion super super light sentence and fine.... repeated molestation of his step daughter.

Read in link above.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is much more to this. They are deeply involved with the bigger picture involving Pilgrims Society, Knights of Pythias and Council of 13 through their business associations including Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative, McCain Foundation, Dow, DuPont, Bayer, Monsanto, Cargill, ConAgra and many others in the circle of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Look at the international locations. They are in every major trafficking hub - Haiti, Pakistan, Bulgaria, Belgium, Norway, Kazakhstan, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc.

Also the net worth is not even close to accurate. Combined they are over 30 billion on record, but in reality it is much, much more due to a lot of hidden wealth, patents, partnerships and other assets (such as art - see how they were involved in the beginning of the Art in Embassies program).

The world needs to know the real truth about Racine, Wisconsin and how it is a main Root to the entire system of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

9810294? ago

Tyson Fetters. - is Racine County Register of Deeds. He endorced Hanson for DA.

Reposting this because of comment section material


Thank you to. @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

9810221? ago


These lawyers are Racine County Attorneys working under Hanson.

9809811? ago

This is what Hanson put out when she ran for DA:


Who Endorsed Her?

Simple.. Go to her Endorsements tab ok?

I'll list some here:

Code Used:. W=State of Wisconsin. 🎈

Brad Schimel- W Attorney General

Van Wanggaard-W Senator

Robin Vos-W Speaker of the House

Tom Weatherston-W Asemblyman

Rich Chiapete-Racine County District Attorney

Christopher Schmalng- Racine County Sheriff

Tyson Fettes-Racine County Register of Deeds

Jane Nikolau-Racine County Treasurer

13 Racine County Board Supervisors

Plus lots of lawyer-posted on Hand's website. And some Community Members and Business Leaders.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @carmencita

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Every single one of them you listed, and many more, are involved in the circle of corruption that controls Racine. If they do not play along, they are removed from power. Many are in the freemasons and other secret societies, and several you listed such as Robin Vos and Van Wanggard are involved in rigged insider deals to give contracts to shell companies involving local industries including the prisons and educational system.

The DA finally had to resign due to public outcry about his drunk hit and run scandal that all others listed above and some other players were directly involved in covering up. The city attorney also resigned because of that, and many others who got too sloppy have since resigned including the corrupt criminal mayor and his cousin the city administrator. The last mayor who was friends with the current mayor and those listed above was arrested on pedo crimes only after it could not be swept under the rug, the last police chief had to resign after being declared untrustworthy by the court system for false testimony, the county executive had to resign but was rewarded with positions on the local chamber and with a promotion to a top spot at SC Johnson, several city council members had to resign when their racist and corrupt emails started to appear in the RICO discovery, and the last city administrator also resigned after sexual assault allegations and then tried to commit suicide after moving to Michigan.

The entire area is controlled by a few major employers, corrupt churches, secret societies and the mafia.

9817789? ago

One that caught my eye and I thought: o h no is:

Tyson Fettes-Racine because he supervises recording deeds like deeds of trust relating to the purchase ownership and sale of properties, I assume.

You do not want anyone crooked doing that! Upvote and thanks.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

They are do as they are told. All real estate transactions in the area are inside deals with kickbacks for friends and associates. Many empty buildings are controlled by the city and corrupt real estate and development groups, and many properties are behind on taxes, but they are very selective about who they go after for property taxes. Many officials engaged in criminal corruption owe back taxes and are blackmailed into going along with the agenda to avoid having to pay their taxes.

9823435? ago

Thank you again. Wow.

Dressage2 ago

I think it is time to jump on this area. Let them feel the burn ( no pun intended) of citizen journalism. There is no place safe from us! @wisconsin_is_corrupt

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Shine the light on Racine and we will expose the real truth to the world about who controls us and what their real agenda is. Sustainability is not about sustainability for us, it is about sustainability for them. Agenda 2030 is one main part of the bigger plan, and it goes beyond that.

What Ronald Bernard said is all true, and it links back to Pilgrims Society, Black Nobility, Kabbalah, and the Council of 13. Racine, Wisconsin is a weak link to the entire system, and they are afraid of it being exposed. Do not underestimate them.

Racine, Wisconsin is a main "root" to the entire system of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. Once the world knows about Racine, we can move to the next stage, and it isn't "no one goes to jail". The people need to rise up before it is too late and before they control us all through AI. This is a race between the Truth and AI, and a war between Good and Evil.

9817817? ago

What do you mean by Al if I may ask? (In last line above.)

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Artificial Intelligence. Right now the people control the numbers by the billions, however once AI takes form, there is an infinite number of bots that can control, censor, attack and drown out any unwanted truths. Bots, drones, robots and surveillance will keep the masses in check, with no one able to question the infinite knowledge of a supreme AI being.

9823428? ago

Thank You!

9809141? ago

Has anyone added up the number of sexual abuse cases dismssd in the Racine and Milwaukee areas since 1999?

carmencita ago

Hmm. Tricia Hanson even admitted made two big mistakes. That is pretty dumb. She needs to go, but evidently she is highly useful to some in Racine.The people of Racine seem to be outraged but not the Officials. Another Upvoat4U @fogdryer

9809162? ago

Honest lawmakers and law enforcement should make a mega-audit of her finances and connections.

Also: Could some pizzagate co-conspirators please release a few relevant photographs and/or a video or two? (Without payback I mean).

carmencita ago

I have a feeling that some are doing that but they are waiting for something big to pop. The right moment will come.

9808671? ago

Do you think the City of Racine's:


Broadcast Stations

Elected Politicians

Appointed Politicians


News Services helped(s)

or hindered(s) these types of investigations?

What about the judicial proceedings that may follow?

fogdryer ago

Not sure what you are asking. Internet archives helped alot Local paper e.g..journal times has deleted many of their articles etch. Which hurt.

JesusBuiltMyHotRod ago

Wisconsin CCAP case 2006CM003423

9808385? ago


The city of Racine, home to SC Johnson Company, is in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

9808327? ago



Judicial Branch


Congress Senate


Sheriff Offices


All law enforcement



needs major major major "check - ups".