BerksResident ago

Wow up vote, and many more. Going to have to read it again and thoroughly digest. If u dont do yr own youtube im sure Really Graceful or HoneyBee would do justice to your work. Amazing thank you.

hookednosedjoooo ago

too paranoid to disseminate this far and wide. I rather stay underground and let it trickle out into blogs/youtube. This shit is dangerous as fuck, and this entire forum is a honeypot

BerksResident ago

Understand.. Honeybee is on here and looking at same characters. Ive done a u-turn of being pro Israel since Pizzagate since last Oct, and recognise the prominence of Jews in this, but its not helpful to be blatently anti jew eg your handle.. Majority Jews dont deserve to be tarred with same brush. Hope u take this as kind suggestion

DarkMath ago

"Well why do you think people in different times, countries and cultures always have disliked the Jews? "

For the same reasons they disliked homosexuals, The Irish, Muslims etc etc. Do you really need me to break out the crayons?


DarkMath ago

"It is not "Jew hatred" holding them to the same standards"

I AGREE!!!!!

By the same logic shouldn't we hold "The Jews!(tm)" to the same Presumption of Innocence the rest of humanity are provided?

Isn't someone with a username of hookednosedjoooo forgoing that Presumption of Innocence?

redditsuckz ago

all these anti-human trafficking organizations are actually run by the human traffickers


Just check out founder of ICMEC Jeff Koons of "art" @ 9:00 minutes in;

Fame, Fraud, and Foster Kids #PEDOGATE

And this is why the web deletes anything pizzagate related;

Twitter, Google/Youtube, Microsoft, Facebook are Connected to NMCEC by Vice President John Shehan of INHOPE

DarkMath ago


First up I believe Epstein is a Mossad agent, Gislaine Maxwell and her father are both Mossad(I think her father faked his own death to get out of debt). I also believe some of "The Jews!(tm)" within the MSM have pretty nefarious objectives.

However when you attack an entire religion you immediately discredit all the evidence you just sighted. Far from helping expose the Pedophacracy you're actually helping to keep it in the shadows.

You are doing EXACTLY what the W.A.S.P. Mafia want you to do:

1) Blame "The Jews!(tm)"

2) Have every piece of evidence you touch dismissed as an anti-semitic rant.

I'm not a "Joo". I'm a White Anglo Saxon Protestant who for 4 years of prep school and 4 years in the Ivy League lived and studied among the WASP Mafia's farm team. I know how they think. They're all fucking brilliant. They've got 200+ IQs, are the best looking most well read and best athlete you've ever met in your life. It's almost as if they're a different species of human being up at those levels. And I'm not joking. The one's that show the right amount of Psychopathy are hired down on Wall Street and provided they don't fuck up are given lifetime membership in the American Upper Class. And trust me everyone at that level and above down on Wall Street don't consider us Deplorable Shit Lords to be fully human. They call us Muppets. We're chattel to them.

The WASP Mafia are orders of magnitude more sophisticated than anything "The Jews!(tm)" could put together. Take 9/11 for example. The 9/11 False Flag attack was the WASP Mafia's Magnum Opus. The entire thing was planned with the precision of the finest Swiss Watch. It was so well planned people are still believing it was Islamic Terrorists TO THIS DAY.

My favorite example of fine tuning was the World Trade Center charade on 9/11. Larry Silverstein wasn't the largest shareholder in the WTC complex. He had the smallest ownership stake but was listed as the owner on record. The largest stake holders, the Wasp Mafia on both sides of the Atlantic, were hidden and belonged to the usual suspects within the Deep State. Silverstein was added because his Jewish ancestry would immediately label any accusation he had prior knowledge of 9/11 as anti-semitic. Make sense? Can you pick-up the game plan? The WASP Mafia are so many moves ahead they've proven they don't exist. No one's ever heard of the WASP Mafia. Right? Heck most of the people that will read this are going to think I'm crazy.

So please go easy on the Joo Hatred. Yes Israel played a part in 9/11 and in Brownstone Ops on Pedo Island but they're second fiddle. You need to up your game and go after the tippy top. Until then you're just grinding gears and doing more harm than good.


GrDec ago

Nobody is reading your BS, JIDF Joo

DarkMath ago

Sorry to disappoint GrDec but I'm not a Jew and I'm doing this for free because I love my country.


hookednosedjoooo ago

wasp mafia


Rmm ago

btw, great research!

Rmm ago

Their inner circle is really quite small but powerful. Inbred and blueblood

hookednosedjoooo ago

Michael Maccoby, let’s look into him Michael Maccoby is an American psychoanalyst and anthropologist[1] globally recognized as an expert on leadership for his research, writing and projects to improve organizations and work.[2][3] He has authored or co-authored fourteen books and consulted to companies, governments, the World Bank, unions, research and development centers and laboratories, universities and orphanages or taught in 36 countries.[4] Maccoby's article, Narcissistic Leaders: the Incredible Pros, the Inevitable Cons written in January 2000, was awarded a McKinsey Award from the Harvard Business Review.[5] world bank orphanages

Izette’s sister, Nora Maccoby Hathaway is also another very interesting figure. This video of Nora Maccoby is pretty interesting Go to the 5:50 mark

Nora Maccoby is also very close to Donald Rumsfeld, it says this is the above youtube video description

“With a US-China cooperation strategy in place, Nora was able, in December 2005, to interface directly with then Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. In late January, Nora received credit for President Bush's State of the Union line when he declared, "America has a problem. We are addicted to oil."

Remember when Donald Rumsfeld announced the 2.3 Trillion missing from the pentagon (after the “plane” hit it) ”according to some estimates we cannot track 2.3 Trillion in transactions” Because Jews stole the money, they have no shame

“Maccoby’s” ...hmmm let’s look that name up…

Maccoby, derived from the Jewish Maccobee's The Maccabees, also spelled Machabees (Hebrew: מכבים or מקבים, Maqabim; Latin: Machabaei or Maccabaei; Greek: Μαkkαβαῖοι, Makkabaioi), were the leaders of a Jewish rebel army that took control of Judea, which at the time had been a province of the Seleucid Empire. They founded the Hasmonean dynasty, which ruled from 164 BCE to 63 BCE. They reasserted the Jewish religion, partly by forced conversion, expanded the boundaries of Judea by conquest and reduced the influence of Hellenism and Hellenistic Judaism.

Another Maccoby of interest is Eleanor Maccoby Eleanor Emmons Maccoby (born May 15, 1917, in Tacoma, Washington) is an American psychologist who is most recognized for her research and scholarly contributions to the field of child and family psychology. Throughout her career she studied developmental psychology, specifically, sex differences, gender development, gender differentiation, parent-child relations, child development, and social development from the child perspective. Maccoby obtained her M.A and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan where she worked under B.F Skinner. She also did her dissertation research in Skinner's Harvard laboratory. Maccoby continued her psychology career at Stanford University, where she served as a professor, member and chair of the department of psychology and conducted various research. Her research resulted in multiple publications with her most recognized publication being her book, The Development of Sex Differences (1966). Maccoby has received numerous awards for her work; however, in 2000 Maccoby was named the first-ever recipient of an award named in her honor, which was The Maccoby Award. The American Psychological Association listed Eleanor Maccoby as number 70 out of 100 for the most eminent psychologists of the 20th century sex differences, gender development, gender differentiation, parent-child relations, child development, and social development from the child perspective

She takes an interest in children, very interesting. Some more interesting stuff I found:

Her family beliefs and way of life were unusual for that time period. They were vegetarians, interested in eastern thought and religious doctrines which included reincarnation, astrology, and occult phenomena. occult phenomena

Oyveyy, thats another cohencidence I guess, it’s probably just nothing. I’m paranoid. This bitch is 100 btw, and still alive btw…. Hmmmm

Reminder that Max maccoby (the son of Michael) is the fucking Jew Lawyer who helped Alefantis and David Brock in their shady blackmail case with a large sum of $850,000 to be exact. Max Maccoby is also the same lawyer that was on the board for Friends of the Orphans (the same group that tried to take 33 haitian children with Laura Silsby) Friends of Orphans PROOF OF SILSBY-MACCOBY CONNECTION

Now let’s get into Jorge Puello, the guy who mentioned friends of Ophans. The one-time legal adviser, who calls himself Jorge Puello, now acknowledges that he faces sex trafficking charges in El Salvador under the name Jorge Anibal Torres Puello. He remained at large on Monday, as Dominican, Salvadoran and American law enforcement officials worked with Interpol to interview his relatives and search border and immigration records to find him.

Smdh, I’m so surprised

shoosh ago

Her family beliefs and way of life were unusual for that time period. They were vegetarians, interested in eastern thought and religious doctrines which included reincarnation, astrology, and occult phenomena. occult phenomena

This isn't as surprising as you might think. I researched this long ago and the government was hands-on bringing the east to the west while tweaking it with unique aspects all its own.
Look into the Theosophy Society, who even went to India to recruit someone they could groom as a guru. They recruited a few men and ended up with the man now known as J. Krishnamurti. J K eventually discovered the corruption and attempted to separate himself from the decades of brainwashing that he was part of.

The theosophy society, especially under Helena Blavatsky and Alice Baily, brought western beliefs along with newly contrived ascended master stories. This dovetailed into the Lucis Trust Foundation, which changed it's name to Lucis from Lucifer. They're an appendage of Masons belief that Lucifer is the Light Bringer who had a bad rap and is the actual savior of humanity (see similarities between enlil/enki sumerian-babylonian transcripts).
It should be noted that the Lucis Trust foundation represents the U.N. and promotes a global teaching program called Triangles. My opinion is that this system is presented as the Government belief system for the citizens. The board members of Lucis Trust names top names.

In the 1930's a government worker named Guy Ballard was sent to Mt. Shasta on a work assignment. He contributed a book about meeting ascended masters, one being St. Germain.

The stories have dove-tailed with stories of Galactic Federation underworld cities and all types of things that program people's minds to accept Mt Shasta as a holy place, not to mention the headquarters of St. Germain society. Nowadays, if a hiker goes off course on Mt Shasta they might meet up with a few men who tell you to ''git off ma property''. many folks imagine the doors of the Lemurian underground city and don't appear to connect the St Germain society with the doors, or other types of groups that could be related. other people suppose that the rocks are ancient doorways.

It's interesting to note that a really odd looking dude came on the ytube channel scene hashtagging pizzagate, claiming he works in tech and shows meditational vids of himself immersed in the Mt Shasta cult-ure.

Back to St Germain's invention. Germain was a count in Europe. It's also interesting that some folks tag the name vampire to pedophiles who deal in blood and energy rituals.

It isn't hard to imagine that an entire belief system emerged out of something so insane, considering the cremation of care and other strange shit that goes on in the rich political club at Bohemian Grove. I suppose they have groups and activities created for all levels of society.

Getting back to the highlight data of Eleanor Maccoby.... Their lives may have been unusual for the average citizen at that time period, but not for specific families linked to government creation and implementation of Theosophy and other types of beliefs that brought this made up shit to North America and further developed a U.N. group that would incorporate varying levels of this belief into its system through phases.

It gained more steam because Eastern guru's were coming to North America, which some of their ancient teachings have been implemented in the government created belief system that is now used in U.N. under Lucis Trust, aka theosophy, aka Guy Ballard's Mt Shasta creation, etc.

An ancient method of creating new belief systems is to combine pieces of old systems together so as to have information that is recognizable and familiar to many of the people to whom the perpetrators want to throw this new system upon.
For that reason the U.N. Triangles, aka Lucis Trust, aka theosophy etc etc is welcomed globally.

Were these people pioneers of this government induced system, living this, as Eleanor's example indicates?

Fast forward to 2017, how might a compilation of masonry, political and social pedophilia as either complicit or participating, hiding under the camouflage of art and theater cause their progeny to appear today --- accepting their culture as completely normal and generations old.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Good post. It's scary how Intelligence community is absolutely drenched in the occult. Crowley was MI5 too.

numbtoyou ago

I didn't need to read this to know who Satan is. So called Christians don't listen to Jesus who revealed the offspring of Satan...

Altmight ago

Omg its the jews, its always been the jews! Truth is anti semetic.

numbtoyou ago

it's those who call themselves Jews and are not. They are Jacob's/Yacub's children.