TRUTH1234 ago

Hidden in plain sight. I've probably donated to some of these charities too. And little did I know they were run by Darth Sidious and the Dark Side.


21yearsofdigging ago

NGO's have been at this for a while. check out Cambodia and the children trafficked. My ex wife was involved in an orphanage there and boy oh boy, is she ever protected. Like you wouldn't believe. By the way, I found out she was a prostitute call girl behind my back.

Laskar ago

The Greek govt betrayed the people; they have done the exact opposite of what they campaigned on. People are so angry at the and the fact that there is starvation and their bank accounts have been pillaged. Greek fishermen have been finding bodies of babies and children with eyes and organs missing, in their nets.

All over the world Soros' organizations exploit the poor, so Greece would not be an exception.

Piscina ago

Wow, good on the Northern League for coming right out and saying this. I've been telling people for a long time that the organisations charged with the protection of refugees are the ones doing the trafficking. Yeah, looking at you George Soros. Soros is a stain on humanity.


The criminal Clintons and their Canadian billionaire mate, Canada's Boys Club Network Leader, Frank Giustra, work with Mercy Corps. Say no more!


Mercy Corps is based at 1111 19th St NW #650 Washington DC. Flash Office Building per Soros/Rothschild/Fed Reserve funding.,-77.0434558,3a,89.9y,249.97h,78.99t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUIDasLAW88adyYaRyJHyYA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1?hl=en-US


The Socialist Left commanded by George Soros is using Islam to rape and pillage for world control. It's a sick sick doctrine. Thank God for the Soros leaks. He and all his evil is no longer a right wing conspiracy theory. It's a vile reality.

pbvrocks ago back to town and get a shitload of dimes....couldn't resist...good post..let's look into Mercy..anyone Wikileaks search'em yet?

Vindicator ago

@Candygram_for_Mongo: for searchability it would have been great if you could have mentioned this is about Portland, OR based Mercy Corps in the title.

Also, I am flairing this "Potential Lead" because Portland has been a hotbed of Antifa rioting and also something ain't right about Voodoo Donuts, which some think is connected to sexual exploitation of kids.

People need to look into the execs and staff of Mercy Corps and see if there are any connections.

Vindicator ago

Matteo Salvini, leader of the Italian populist anti-mass migration Lega Nord party, commented on the NGOs’ activities earlier this week saying: “You can’t any longer speak about immigration but about an invasion organised, funded and planned by Brussels with the complicity of Rome.”


Piscina ago

I know. Those northern Italians don't put up with bullshit.