new4now ago

Not sure if this has anything to do with these 2, but less then 30 hrs before Seth Rich died, Molly K Mcauley was murdered.

She was the Vice President for research and senior fellow with Resources For the Future, a think tank that produces for research on environment and natural resources died in affluent Roland Park neighborhood. in North Baltimore Marlyland

She was stabbed when walking her dogs at 11 pm, Friday, July 8th. The neighborhood is very low in crime, She died at the hospital, Blame was put on a Black man . And still no arrests, no suspects and no motives. she was close to home

could this be the reason she was murdered?


The_Roman_Numeral ago

Certainly very worthy of investigation.Good job.

Jem777 ago

Think you are on to something huGe!

new4now ago

As I went back for more submissions to read, I found that her name has popped up in a few comments, I just came across her name and thought how it sounded like Seth, and less then 30 hrs between their deaths. But it something to keep in mind

V____Z ago

George is also dispensing actual disinfo.

Today he claimed multiple chairs were thrown at the NV convention - he actually beat Rachael Maddow in terms of disinfo.

The other day, besides claiming he was going to interview Seth Rich's brother, he claimed he was looking at logs which DON'T EXIST

PLEASE find a truther who sticks to the fricking truth. We DO NOT need disinfo agents in our midst.

From @4_inquiringminds:

Altho I have not watched GW's ongoing investigation~ reading he thinks Seth was drugged, tossed in a van, roughed up for info, tossed out and the assassins were called to finish him off? So he was drugged, beat up, then calls his lady friend but what, doesn't mention he was just beat up and interrogated? Or if he did mention somehow that information was kept secret?

From @seekingpeace

he and others are pushing visitor logs that I doubt are real. I followed them and they go to a company called Graphiq Technology - a semantic tech company. Although they have the official sounding

The Obama administration visitor logs are no longer available as far as I can work out.

I ask people to verify themselves. Go to

Visitor logs for 2015 and 2016 are not available.

Go to and go to "About Us" and find out about the company behind

Here is another instance of Webb spreading disinfo at the very end he goes on about chairs being thrown at the NV convention - which NEVER HAPPENED, let alone that no one ever claimed there was more than one chair involved.

EDIT: adding this from comments, from @seekingpeace:

I only managed to listen to half of the George Webb promo on Hagman. I had to stop when I heard him banging on about Wikileaks.

I don't know why he is talking about thumb drive drops to Wikileaks when they themselves clearly state [and recommend] that

"Submissions to our postal network offer the strongest form of anonymity and are good for bulk truth-telling."

They also state: "WikiLeaks has a history breaking major stories in every major media outlet and robustly protecting sources and press freedoms. No source has ever been exposed and no material has ever been censored."

Yet here is George Webb openly stating that he has made "drops" to Wikileaks, which is completely against their policies.

EDIT: adding this post about George deleting valid questions, and other strange behaviour like blaming Muslims:

Is it really worth scraping through the lies and bullshit to get whatever it is you're getting from Webb?

Last night he was on the Hagmann report with Corsi, who is with InfoWars, where they believe Alefantis is innocent. They came on after 2 women (Liz Croken and another i've not heard of before) who were FULL of hardcore information from sources they had just interviewed. George comes on and it's nothing but fluff. No info at all, just confusion and bullshit. The only info either of the men gave was "we're looking at metadata" and left it at that.




The boys got 3 times as many views as the girls... because people are dumb. <EDIT: Not being totally serious here.>

equineluvr ago

Good post.

Alicia Rowe -- never heard of her before -- is not a good researcher/reporter. "He was found dead." (Seth Rich). NO mention of his being transported to hospital. LOL

seekingpeace ago

I only managed to listen to half of the George Webb promo on Hagman. I had to stop when I heard him banging on about Wikileaks.

I don't know why he is talking about thumb drive drops to Wikileaks when they themselves clearly state [and recommend] that

"Submissions to our postal network offer the strongest form of anonymity and are good for bulk truth-telling."

They also state: "WikiLeaks has a history breaking major stories in every major media outlet and robustly protecting sources and press freedoms. No source has ever been exposed and no material has ever been censored."

Yet here is George Webb openly stating that he has made "drops" to Wikileaks, which is completely against their policies.

Jem777 ago

You have good posts but you are being foolish. This is not a competition between boys & girls. Liz Cronkin is actually one of his sources. He invited her on and to D.C. Due to death threats many will not go.

V____Z ago

I know it isn't, i was being silly. Are you really going to focus on one thing I said and ignore the rest? This is my point. People here are ignoring red flags when it comes to George Webb and i'd like to know why.

ArtificalDuality ago

Here is the deal.

With PG/PG and Luciferism being exposed en-masse and people uniting and telling truth all over the globe, the old plans of TPTB have fizzled:

  • Fake alien invasion
  • Fake rapture event

So we took the wind from their sails in rallying the human collective against a fake enemy created by TPTB (and in the case of the alien invasion scenario, set us up against the actual good ones out there).

A new global enemy is needed. The (Pedophiliac) Deep State. Yes. The Deepstate offered to you by the Deepstate.

The twist? They're actually culling their skirts and offing them up to satisfy the "potential" / energy in the united collective and diffuse that potential after which they move into their final phase.

  • It's not going to be aliens that brings about a united people under their totalitarian control.
  • It's not going to be a rapture that brings about a united people under their totalitarian control.
  • It's going to be an evil Deep State that brings about a united people under their totalitarian control.

At least, that is updated plan. How to thwart it? To NOT STOP AT THE SKIRT AND PUSH THROUGH TO THE HEAD.

seekingpeace ago


30 years of selling in the field. What's the pied piper of Portland selling now?

V____Z ago

Wow. Solid.

So here's the thing. David Seaman also sold a book about how to sell things. Seaman was speaking out against Podesta and sticking to the Podesta emails in all of his pizzagate reporting.

Seaman was raked over the coals for selling that book, he was delegitimized by mainstream media and by trolls and regular Voaters for that book , which is no different from Webb's.

For some reason, the enemy of Podesta was trolled into oblivion. But the one who says Podesta and Hillary should walk free, is left alone no matter WHAT he does. And somehow he isn't getting death threats like the others, and his videos aren't being taken down, and he doesn't seem nervous, he doesn't seem to have a care in the world. Seaman actually had an attempt on his life, and Liz Crokin had a strange encounter the other day, and has decided to step down for a while for her own safety. But George just kind of laughs and says "not us".

He's a limited hangout, but Voat is supposed to be the place where we call these people out, not ignore when they are caught spreading disinfo.

Jem777 ago

Thanks @millennial_vulcan for attaching that I knew someone had started a thread just for Shawn Lucas. Hopefully this helps get exposure.

millennial_vulcan ago

you bet @Jem777 Your contribs here are always outstanding

jangles ago


Fatsack ago

No one can say this is a conspiracy theory now. They have direct motive to kill them with them being star witnesses in this law suit.

carmencita ago

This is shorter and mentions Amy Dacey. Wonders upon wonders. The same people keep popping up everywhere. here is a much longer one but is chock full of info including a tape with Jared. wallstreetonparade. com/2016/08/death-of-shawn-lucas-brings-attention-to-dnc-role-of-prestigious-law-firm/ There is even a place you can click and see Shaw Lucas video. Dang. When will I get these links right.

new4now ago

Amy Dacey is the executive director of The Fund for America. According to the Washington Post, "The group, which was founded in November by former Clinton White House chief of staff John Podesta, Service Employees International Union Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger and donor Rob McKay, is widely expected to serve as a financial clearinghouse for progressive soft-money expenditures in the presidential election. Dacey comes to the post directly from SEIU where she had served as an adviser to Burger. Prior to that job she served as political director for Sen. John Kerry's Keeping America's Promise political action committee and was the traveling political director during Kerry's 2004 presidential bid. ... In her new job, she is likely to be entrusted with tens (and perhaps even hundreds) of millions of dollars to parcel out to any number of progressive (read: Democratic) organizations seeking to influence the 2008 election."

Dacey was government relations director for the SEIU, the labor union most closely associated with President Obama

carmencita ago

They are all complicit. There will be many that had something to do with Seth's murder, even if in a small way. I am a Progressive (not the kind the Dem. Establishment claim to be) and it makes my blood boil when I think I gave money to Emily's list even only one time. I have unsubscribed since during the Primary starting in Iowa, for that is where I first saw what they were doing. That is why I think they murdered Seth Rich. They were going to do whatever they had to do to get that Cannibal High Priestess into power. Seth Rich also worked under Dacey.

new4now ago

complicity is the reason they have gotten away with so much for so long. So many people invovled

carmencita ago

Yes, and always the same people constantly rotated into different positions. They cannot leave or get out even if they wanted to. They have been doing it all the way back to Vince Foster and even before. The same people over and over.

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks again, c

On the same day that Lucas was found dead, August 2, Herries’s boss, Amy Dacey, the DNC CEO, stepped down from her job along with Communications Director Luis Miranda and Chief Financial Officer Brad Marshall. All three had been implicated in the Wikileaks emails.

@jem777 you may want to give this article some time.

Jem777 ago

Okay. Thanks mind blown again at the incestuous relationships. That they would "off" the process server in an attempt to say they were not served is bone-chilling. This is in August and they were believing that HRC would win the Presidency. They needed to drag this out until after the election and Shawn was part of this. Amy Dacey was the DNC representative.

Perkins Cole is the law firm for everyone in the Democratic Party, but most significantly made millions in fees during Obama years. 8 million from him personally. (Story for later)

Everyone thought she would win and their lies and evil would be covered up. Stunning.

2impendingdoom ago

all I can think is that the lower rank FBI must have made a MAJOR todo to get comey to "reopen" the emails investigation in late October like he did. there isn't really any other explanation for it.

Jem777 ago

Yes it seems like it was the first time someone other than the FBI got evidence of the crimes. NYPD would not stand down. Comey's hand was forced for a moment.

carmencita ago

I am glad I could help. As I said before, I think we are going to hit pay dirt. It will happen. Good will Triumph over Evil.

MyUSA2017 ago

Up-voat for you :)

carmencita ago


2impendingdoom ago

we should probably be looking as equally hard into Shawn Lucas's death. The fentanyl overdose seemed way to convenient. And that family shut up quick too (at least the girlfriend did).

Jem777 ago

Hopefully you are reading everything as the truth is breaking everywhere. This clip is of the DNC lawsuit that was written by Jared Beck an attorney in Florida. The lawsuit was filed in court on 062816 and the docket number is listed. Shawn Lucas served the lawsuit that day in person to the DNC in that infamous video...You've been served.

The lawsuit is a comprehensive & exhaustive story of the events that took place in 2016 against Bernie Sanders and his supporters by the DNC and Clinton Campaign. Including assaults and theft by SEIU members.

The witness list is exhustive and would place members of the government like Debbie Wasserman Shultz on the witness stand. And others like SEIU members which are currently listed. It also specifically talks about the Russia lie and how it was started and fomented by the DNC and Others from the beginning. Seth Rich & Shawn Lucas would have been the star Witnesses for the case.

Seth Rich was involved in transferring hard drives that were published in Wikileaks.

It appears communication between Seth Rich and attorney Jared Beck were intercepted by FBI (McCabe) is named.

Seth Rich was unmasked. He was set up and murdered. An attempt was made to quash the service made by Shawn Lucas-a process server but was denied in a court motion. He was found dead the next day.

The murder in Florida of the US attorney today is possibly related.

There is an all out full court press to intimidate and threaten Jared Beck.

DonKeyhote ago

Thats odd whats george webbs finger doing outside your asshole?

KittyTigerlily ago

I read a story on Circa yesterday, I think, that was talking about fentanyl. Said now the law enforcement has to be so careful when they find it because can't tell the difference between it and heroin. Well, a couple of cops got sick from it, thought he was dying. I think they accidently breathed in a little bit of the dust. So Shawn Lucas could have been had just some dust from it. Or maybe they gave him some in something because it doesn't take much of it to kill you.

Here's the link to the fentyl story on Circa:

Pizzalawyer ago

@donkeyhote: Why are you so offensive? How do you think such comments play to the public at large? Most of us want credibility for ourselves and for the forum as a whole and then you come along with such ugly comments. What are you hoping to accomplish?

DonKeyhote ago

Im comfortable with my submission quality, which would improve of you imbeciles stopped spamming about a guy whos ALREADY DEAD so dont say youre trying to save the kids, youre being led on like retards.

Btw being offensive is funny, ever hear of george carlin

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Nothing you say is funny. What you truly are doing,(if you're not getting paid), is wasting your time and your life. The citizen journalist is getting somewhere, and you? as you can clearly see,nowhere. Think about that for a second. No seriously, I'm asking you to reflect on it and really think about it.

DonKeyhote ago

Stfu fag

The_Roman_Numeral ago

That's the reply we were all expecting. You're done. Voiceless.

Jem777 ago

You show your true colors right there. A "guy that's already dead" There are many heroes in this country and the best ones die young because they risked it all for something bigger than themselves. We remember them as Patriots not dismiss them "as already dead"

If it is found their own government was a part in silencing them or covering it up we are bound to act. If you don't feel that, but would rather make crude comments join a dark web chat room. It is rumored they enjoy that in the dark, but I am sure you know by what comes out of your nasty mouth.

BTW...George Carlin you are not. He is actually a dead guy but would roll in his grave listening to you.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL sanctimonious bullshit. Hes no hero, he wanted a fellow socialist jew in the white house. Youre the only ones turning him into a martyr, useLESS idiots that you are

MysticMa ago

Awesome smack back, Well PUT!!!

carmencita ago

Perish the Thought. I hate to even think of it, but is that what you do in your spare time? What a filthy mind and mouth you have.

DonKeyhote ago

Didnt you make a long art post, a legit lead? You have all utterly wasted 2 weeks for no reason. Perish the thought of a woman in charge of anything. #seiudidnothingwrong

Jem777 ago

You are now on the SEIU bandwagon you just outed yourself completely. No one said it is all of SEIU but they are listed in the damn lawsuit by name you moron. Go away.

DonKeyhote ago

Lol whatever you say. Youre a chick right? I CAN SMELL TUNA A MILE AWAY

V____Z ago

Straight men never say shit like that. You're close buddies with Alefantis? That's why you're trolling v/ PG?

DonKeyhote ago

Youve made no less than 144 submissions and i cant recall a single one cuz they are all just links and george webb videos. This is a place for authentic research not your fucking newsfeed you STUPID FUCKING FAGS

V____Z ago

I've never posted a George Webb video in my life.

ThePuppetShow ago

Someone is backed in a corner and trying to scratch his way out. We don't agree an a few things, but this isn't one of them.

carmencita ago

Your Mother must have been a lovely woman, but she went wrong somewhere raising you. Shame on you.

DonKeyhote ago

Lol do lovely women typically make bad mothers? Fucking women dont even think