millennial_vulcan ago

Back atcha! :-)

millennial_vulcan ago

That IS outstanding. Thank you.

sugarskull ago

Was he a known heroin addict?

millennial_vulcan ago

Of course not! He was a healthy, chubby Process Server.

You do the math.

sugarskull ago

I was asking to see if there was ANY POSSIBLE way...but no it is another case of the Clintons again...what number is that now?

buddyboo ago

in line with what I've read about satanic/luciferian philosophy

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

You are right, This one needs investigating too!

millennial_vulcan ago

how do humans survive that?

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Seth and Shawn weren't the only mysterious deaths connected to the DNC in 2016.

M0l0nLabe ago

Holy shit! I watched this vid. I never knew he died! Wow......

millennial_vulcan ago


redditsuckz ago

Her name was Monica Peterson.

Her name was Monica Peterson

Her name was Monica Peterson.

millennial_vulcan ago

yes. We need to compile a list of related deaths.

millennial_vulcan ago

fantastic. thank you!

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

If a wall was made of all of names of people suicided or otherwise died of mysterious causes while working withr or against the federal government, it would make the Vietnam wall look small.

Enjoy everyday like it's your last my friends. When you have to, give'em hell.

0fsgivin ago

Don't forget Jerry Parks.

NakatomiBaby ago

Or Victor Thorne and John Ashe.

millennial_vulcan ago

John Ashe and Sheryl Sand's husband should have stayed clear of gym equipment...

Is gym equipment the new "heart attack" ??

4_InquiringMinds ago


Don't forget Jerry Parks.

Gosh, so long ago/thanks for the reminder. Someone downvoted you, can't imagine why (trolls are thick these days).

0fsgivin ago

The odd thing is isn't he kinda the most damning one of all? it was a CLEAR assassination. I mean so is seth rich...But theres no even attempt at "he was robbed" by the media.

quantokitty ago

I don't know ... maybe Lucas' family are such precious little snowflakes that everyone is just burying the news so they don't offend them.

srayzie ago

I think that no matter what, they will somehow blame all of this on Russia or Trump. We could have the smoking gun and these evil people will focus on who leaked all this info that lead us to the truth, instead of focusing on the crimes themselves. They make me sicker every single day, I'm not saying we should stop trying. But, I feel pretty discouraged. I can't believe they are now trying to quiet a Hannity. If they keep taking away the few that tell the truth, imagine what our world will be like.

pizzagater99 ago

Traditional media is dead. When's the last time you bought a newspaper or went on a news website? They're selling so few newspapers, they have to charge people to view their websites (paywall) and have many many ads online compared to a few years ago, just to stay afloat.

The media that continue to thrive will be the media the vox populi consume - the truth. If Sean Hannity does a good job of exposing possibly the scandal of the decade, it will ensure his survival in the media industry, and the survival of other 'real' journalists.

They control the media. But the media isn't anything anymore.

srayzie ago

You didn't hear? He said tonight on his show that media matters is after him. I read somewhere earlier that some companies are pulling their ads and no longer supporting him. So, he said he doesn't know what the furred holds.

pizzagater99 ago

what does your last sentence mean?

srayzie ago

Sorry. Auto correct lol. I wrote from my iPad. I meant that he doesn't know what his future holds for him at Fox News. That's what he said.

pizzagater99 ago

That's kind of revealing in its own way. Even though he didn't provide proof of Dotcom and Seth's emails. He's subtly saying he's being threatened by big media interests. Therefore we can infer the media can't really be trusted to be objective (pretty big coming from someone in his position).

srayzie ago

Yes. Plus Fox retracted an article about Seth Rich apologizing for posting it before they could verify if it was fake or whatever.

pizzagater99 ago

excellent. they've finally gone too far. their attempt at covering up the truth is actually drawing even more attention to the issue. :)

srayzie ago

Everyone flipping out and being paranoid sure does say a lot huh?

Drugs ago

You just completely missed his point.

facevalue ago

I thought I'd accidentally replied to the wrong comment at first. Thankd

facevalue ago

I haven't read into this but I will.

I remember reading an article a month or so ago wherein a police officer was describing new training that cops are undergoing regarding fentanyl. He said that cops have been overdosing and sometimes dying from just a tiny amount of that shit coming into contact with their exposed skin. I immediately pondered the possibility, and potential history, of fentanyl being used for assassination.

Apparently heroin is now commonly cut with fentanyl as its effects are almost identical and it is very cost effective. Of course the shining examples of humanity who physically cut the shit typically aren't six sigma blackbelts, so it's not uncommon for heroin users to buy stamps that contain lethal amounts of fentanyl. Go Darwin.

2impendingdoom ago

I suspect that all the fentanyl overdoses are to furnish the organ trade.

millennial_vulcan ago

god yes! Most of those overdose cases in general.

carmencita ago

Well you have the right room. His girlfriend found him dead on the bathroom floor. That is what I have always read. I did a lot of research on Shawn Lucas while on reddit after the primary.

millennial_vulcan ago

what else did you find?

carmencita ago

To tell you the truth there was hardly any info on Shawn Lucas. Amazing. Less than Seth Rich. I think they decided that the more they put out there the more we will focus on it maybe not give up. They found that out from the Seth Rich case. We may think they are holding back info, they do not. Believe me they are gettng their advice from the firm that handled the case for the DNC was Perkins Coie. They handle loads of legal cases and work for Democrats, top Dems.

millennial_vulcan ago

yes, I searched too and found very little :-/

millennial_vulcan ago

so not quite a fentanyl overdose then?

palmitespo910 ago

Rip Shawn indeed. My thoughts are this. If Seth's murder is blown wide open, what's the next step of that? The DNC now has to own up to the fact that they killed him right? Then what? Americans know that the DNC killed Seth Rich and then worked furiously to cover it up. Then what? Americans know that the DNC also must be lying and covering up other maybe other suspicious murders around that time. Seth Rich is a domino, not an end game. Sad that it has to be like this though. He deserved better. They all do.

pizzagater99 ago

To add to that:

People will ask, why was he killed for leaking the documents? What in the emails could be so damaging? Then, Pizzagate has a chance of breaking.

palmitespo910 ago

Well, the docs he leaked showed collusion between the DNC and the MSM, along with other damaging corruption. Pizzagate was broken open from the Podesta leaks a few months later.

palmitespo910 ago

That said, throughout the extensive research that I've seen and partaken in on Voat, /pol/, and Reddit...I have noticed that most of the Wikileaks leaks actually deal with Pedogate somehow. In our Pizzagate/Pedogate research, we have used the Hillary Clinton Email Archive, HBGary Emails, Public Library of US Diplomacy, Podesta Files, DNC Archives, Brennan Emails, Hacking Team, Sony Files, Syria Files, Global Intelligence Files.....I think that's all....I had to go to Wikileaks and go down the list of their leaks to remember them all, but I think that's all of them.

Point being...Wikileaks knows everything. Instead of telling us what we want to know, they've spent the last 10 years telling us specific details on what we want to know. Long process, but I gotta say I have a decent grasp of what's going on thanks to it.

millennial_vulcan ago

whats the next step? Breitbart, Hastings, everyone else etc, hopefully :)

palmitespo910 ago

I think, sadly, those deaths are a little too old to bring to light. However, if it can be proven that the DNC killed Seth Rich, then it's a possibility (in my mind) that people will be more open to the ideas that other suspicious deaths were also just that. Suspicious.

2impendingdoom ago

there is no statute of limitations on murder.

palmitespo910 ago

I'm aware of that. I am talking about gaining traction in the public as a topic of conversation.

thelandofchocolate ago

If the justice starts and ends with Seth, then all the efforts in this sub are for naught as the system still remains an infernal meat grinder for innocents. It still would be a show trial, just one where justice happens to be narrowly served for a change.

imhereforfruits ago

Too old? You're an idiot, just package it into one megascoop.

palmitespo910 ago

I don't think I'm an idiot. The megascoop would appeal to me, personally, but with the MSM's alleged 6% approval rating if the scoop is too big then people aren't going to follow it. Especially if it is news that shows the Dems in a bad light. Half the population is still under the spell.

facevalue ago

I'll admit my first step would be brandishing a massive shit-eating grin to my liberal coworkers.

buddyboo ago

Not all liberals are brainwashed. The HRC supporters, YES. The Progressives are very much awake and aware when liberal mainstream media lies. The progressives (Bernie Supporters) have been fighting a similar fight since the primaries. We do have ideological differences with the Trumpsters and other repubs though -- we want universal healthcare, for min wage workers a "living wage" of $15/hr, access to higher education, regardless of income, etc. The DNC has been taken over by corporatists. Bernie is trying to change that. He is purposely ignoring the Russia thing because his focus has been and remains on the issues that he has been fighting for for over 30 years. But please don't label all liberals that way. We need to stay united with what we agree on and push through deep state attempts to divide and conquor

facevalue ago

How do Progressives feel about socialism?

buddyboo ago

We like democratic socialism - the type in europe, australia, canada, etc

buddyboo ago

Well, it depends what your definition of socialism is. Democratic socialism is the progressive dream. This is not the same as communism. It is the same as what Canada, Australia, all EU countries and many other have -- basically where the taxes are used to actually benefit the people with universal healthcare, and other benefits. Did you know that we in the US are the only developed country in the world NOT to have universal healthcare? All EU, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, S Korea, even China, Russia, and Iran have it.

facevalue ago

I really don't like the idea of extending government control, nor do I like the idea of everyone paying to help a few, even if those few can't help themselves. I think that kind hearted people like you should be free to spend your money helping others as you deem fit.

buddyboo ago

But we would help any way. But we can do a lot more to help as a society than any one individual or smaller group can. There is a lot of evidence of how well single payer is working in many other developed countries, for example. Lets face it, 65% of our taxes go to the a) millitary b) paying interest on debt. We could be printing our money, without debt to the big banks/fed, and using that for helping our people as well as infrastructure spending. Pretty simple.

facevalue ago

I agree that large groups of people can accomplish more than smaller groups and individuals. If we weren't being taxed as much to cover interest then I still wouldn't want to spend the difference helping people. I'll spend some to help people, but that decision shouldn't be made for me.

buddyboo ago

Well, then think of it in selfish ways -- you will never have to worry about paying for any doctors appointments or medicines or deductibles or anything again. I lived in France and the UK. The difference in living life knowing that you will never risk bankrupcy or even close to it because of illness removes a huge weight. Huge. In France, they pay a nominal fee to go to university. Its like $500 when you first go. Thats it. And they have some of the best universities in the world. Same with Canada and Australia. Even South Korea

2impendingdoom ago

there is pizzagate corrupton on both sides, its not a party issue. Its a power / money / blackmail issue. Watch the videos by Sibel Edmonds and Kay Griggs to understand that corruption is rewarded and promoted.

bernitdown ago

Hey. There's a difference between liberal and democratic.

Just FYI

  • Bernie Bro

facevalue ago

I agree, though I can probably count on one hand the instances I have personally encountered wherein the two weren't interchangeable. In my office, not to imply the environment is indicative of most, the liberals are democrats and the majority of them literally phone banked for Hillary.

Your point is valid though.