B166-ER ago

Everyone does this kind of stuff though, Putin, Bush, Cheney,... Michael Hastings was a big one years ago, the way he was killed by what must have been a little more than a car bomb alone.

But back to Seth Rich though, if we're looking for his killers then we should probably start with the responding officers. Whoever was there first being the prime suspect. If anyone of them who saw Seth before he passed are still alive then they're probably in on it. It doesn't make sense to hire a killer only to have your man on the inside show up to call it in WHILE THE CONTRACT IS STILL FUCKING BREATHING!? Only thing that makes sense is the person who called it in fired the two shots into his back. How closely do police in DC log every discharged round?

maltespier ago


The British spy whose body was found padlocked inside a bag in his flat had illegally hacked into secret data on former U.S. president Bill Clinton, it has been revealed. Gareth Williams, 31, was discovered in a holdall in the bath at his London home five years ago this month, but the mystery surrounding his death has never been solved. Today, it has been revealed the spy had dug out a guest list for an event Clinton was due to attend as a favour for a friend.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3215890/Spy-dead-bag-infuriated-MI6-bosses-illegally-hacking-secret-data-Bill-Clinton.html#ixzz4hLBl2Pce Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

freddybobs68k ago


"On May 15, 2017, Fox 5 DC reported the uncorroborated claims by Rod Wheeler, a former homicide detective and Fox News contributor, that there was evidence Seth Rich had contacted WikiLeaks and that law enforcement were covering this up;[26][27] claims which was never independently verified by Fox.[28] The next day, while other news organizations were extensively covering Donald Trump's revelation of classified information to Russia, Fox News published a lead story on its website and provided extensive coverage on its cable news channel about what it said were Wheeler's uncorroborated claims about the murder of Seth Rich.[28][29][27][30] In reporting these claims, the Fox News report re-ignited right-wing conspiracy theories about the killing.[24][28][27]

Other news organizations revealed that Wheeler was a Donald Trump supporter, and according to NBC News had "developed a reputation for making outlandish claims, such as one appearance on Fox News in 2007 in which he warned that underground networks of pink pistol-toting lesbian gangs were raping young women."[24][31] The family of Seth Rich, the Washington D.C. police department, the Washington D.C. mayor's office, the FBI, and law enforcement sources familiar with the case, rebuked Wheeler's claims.[24][29] The family said, "We are a family who is committed to facts, not fake evidence that surfaces every few months to fill the void and distract law enforcement and the general public from finding Seth's murderers."[24] The spokesperson for the family criticized Fox News for its reporting, alleging that the outlet was motivated by a desire to deflect attention from the Trump-Russia story: "I think there’s a very special place in hell for people that would use the memory of a murder victim in order to pursue a political agenda."[30]

Over the course of the day, Fox News altered the contents of the story and the headline.[28] When CNN contacted Wheeler later that day, he said that he had no evidence that Rich had contacted Wikileaks.[27] Wheeler claimed that he only learned about the possible existence of the evidence from a Fox News reporter.[27] Fox News did not respond to inquiries by CNN, the Washington Post, and Huffington Post.[27][28][29]"

LostandFound ago

For clarity Seth Rich died on the 10th of July the actual DNC emails were released on the 22nd of same month. March 16th HRC emails were released 30k in total. So I am not sure what the reference here is to 20k released before his passing.

sguevar ago

Remember that Wikileaks has a long process of verification for the leaks they received. Is not that as soon as they get them they publish, It could several days, weeks or months for them to publish any remark. Even when they disclosed the emails from Podesta they spend a lot in verifying them before that happen. Please don't behave like a shill. Clearly the difference in the dates is due to verification of the data.

LostandFound ago

No the above states that 20k mails were released prior to Seths shooting which is not the case. I posted for accuracy or perhaps I misunderstood what was being said. 0 shilling here I peded through the HRC DNC & Podesta mails on release so have a decent enough handle on the timelines.

Also to note the podesta emails once the chain of custody was verified they were only actually individually verified after release with DKIM not prior.

sguevar ago

Good to know, did not realized that much. However I would think that the release happened to wikileaks. I don't think they're talking about the Wikileaks release date but the date he released the info to them for them to verify it after. Just a thought. Glad to see you are no shill.

LostandFound ago

;) appreciated I probably should not get so worked up when the S bomb is dropped. Have a rep to maintain ya know?

Rumor has it that it was that night that he gave the mails over, so whoever came looking for poor Seth was about 1-2 hours too late. It was a botched robbery of sorts.

dontmindthemess ago

The Clinton body count continues to rise. What about the husband and wife FBI agents dead in a house fire in Colorado? Or, the agent in Haiti investigating Laura Silsby and her child trafficking? The Central American activist murdered in her home after speaking out about Clinton and her state department activities (Hondorus or Coasta Rica). Sorry, I don't recall their names, there are a couple more names to add to the list, and those are the one's we hear about. Im sure there are plenty of bodies in shallow graves in the corn fields of Arkansas.