awake4646 ago

This. I didn't get the sense he was dropping it. I took it as the family asked him to drop it while new leads in the investigation were investigated. I didn't feel like he was saying he'd stay quiet because talking about it more hurts them.

I also felt like he came right out and told us David Brock was trying to stop him by going after his sponsors at Fox. That's basically confirmation that the cover up is still in full swing. He is tweeting like crazy now showing how media matters is funded by George Soros.

It has literally been 20+ years since I've watched Fox news and I'm not a fan, but that's my take.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Lots of angles to this imho, shills and trolls flooding not only reddit but article comments and of course here, larpers, manufactured dissent, controlled opposition, gatekeepers, which is the reason I think Seth was assassinated the longer this plays out. Too many strange things surrounding this whole story.

First...> out of respect for the man’s family

The same family, the same brother that couldn't keep from smiling in the presser 2 days after Seth was murdered? Yeah I know ppl have odd ways of coping with tragedy so I watched the presser with an open mind...but...his smirk is just plain odd imho.

And of course the go fund me recently updated but one has to ask why isn't the DNC funding the investigation or even just Hill who said Seth's smile lit up the room? Inquiring minds.


Altho I have not watched GW's ongoing investigation~ reading he thinks Seth was drugged, tossed in a van, roughed up for info, tossed out and the assassins were called to finish him off? So he was drugged, beat up, then calls his lady friend but what, doesn't mention he was just beat up and interrogated? Or if he did mention somehow that information was kept secret? And if he did mention then you would think she told his 'grieving' family wouldn't you? If she did tell his family then it would seem logical the family does know it was more than a botched robbery, the DC police are sitting on it and if they really do want justice for Seth they would welcome the help of the public. Unless of course they were either paid off or threatened/but I keep going back to the smirking brother.

Plus I still think GW is a gatekeeper.


Lame Cherry, another gatekeeper, apparently has the theory Seth was on his way to some gay meeting place. LC hates just about anyone who is not white and straight, a gatekeeper of a different flavor. Kim, who can say about him/gatekeeper/distraction/making advantage of the situation or pissed as hell bc he knows more than he wished about Hill's vindictive side. Not that I give a shit about him bc while he was running megaupload he would turn in competitors for hosting illegal content thinking that would buy him protection/how's that worked out for you Kim? Did you default on donations to the CF?


It was his mother in the presser 2 days after doa that said Seth was talking away and moved her hands in talk talk talking. So just exactly what did happen at the hospital? And yes, even tho ppl have different ways of coping his parents did not look devastated to me but ppl are supposed to stop investigating bc they are so grief stricken?

Fifth...PI Wheeler, credit, discredit, statement, retraction, Hannity credit, discredit, retraction ya da. Back to what Ron Bernard said, create dissention, divide divide divide.

Anons of many flavors making the 4chan rounds/some may be legit/some not...but certainly a plethora of anons showing up.

Julian, legit all along or gatekeeper gone rogue when he was tossed under the bus...who can say?

Just a few of the things that make you go ummm/so many more examples. Where there is this much activity, where there is smoke there is fire.

However not to forget that looking at the right hand so the left hand is're getting sleepy, very very sleepy.

PS...and I'm sick and tired of this out of respect for the fucking grieving family. Sure, your son was murdered and grief comes with the territory. His murder is shrouded in very suspicious circumstances and ppl are going to investigate/it's not just trumplestilskins...lots of very decent caring ppl are involved. Seth's murder happened at a time when a number of other suspicious deaths occurred'/it's life/deal with it. Lots of ppl have dealt with this much and more when a murder has this importance of status. If it upsets you then don't look at the news, change email, stop twatting and set up some charity in Seth's name and get busy doing something positive in his name instead of playing the victim. Seth was the victim and ppl are not going to rest until they have looked under every rock. Sure politics are intertwined from both flash Seth was very involved in politics. All the investigations go with the territory. Maybe someone should splain to the family how things work. I personally am tired of their playing the victim card. Jesus ppl, do you realize the very person who came to see you in your time of grief might be the very person who ordered his hit? Or...maybe you do realize and you have been threatened? If that is the case why have a gofundme page which would only expose you to greater danger? Nope, things don't add up anyway you try to slice it.

I only hope Monica Peterson's murder gets the same scrutiny at a later date bc the blatant assassinations have to stop.

Takeitslow ago

So Alex jones can accuse Bill Clinton of rape and Dick Cheney of murder, hold 9/11 inside job rallies... but criticize a humble pizza shop and bam..... For the first time in over 15 years on air saying some of the most outrageous comments known to man, he has to issue an apology. Now Hannity is backing off of the Seth Rich story. It looks like we're over the heart of the NWO Death Star.

No public figure even in alt news is willing to pull a like sky walker. What's the next step folks? Are we gonna let the heart progress folks feel safe to continue to build their dream world?

GumShoe ago

I hear Harbor Freight has good deal on pitch-forks....

DonKeyhote ago

Anyone on fox obviously dances for jews anyway

Jobew1 ago

we gotta stop waiting for some msm or high level politician to solve the problems (especially a war mongering shill like hannity). best we can do for now is to try and spread information and try and get a ground swell that might force some action or at the very least effect very slow change as the elite start fearing that too many are catching on to their most heinous acts

Vindicator ago

This is why we want to get the meme war underway. :-)

Jobew1 ago

whatever works

4_InquiringMinds ago


especially a war mongering shill like hannity)

This is such an important thing to ALWAYS REMEMBER. Word, word and more word...

Jobew1 ago

i guess a lot of people on voat consider themselves conservatives....cuz otherwise it was hard to figure out why it seemed many thought that hannity was actually gonna do something courageous and righteous

4_InquiringMinds ago

i guess a lot of people on voat consider themselves conservatives

Labels divide us which is the intended. The ppl on voat (minus trolls n shills) are your basic normal good ppl that have not totally abandoned hope. We look for the good and honest in ppl. There is nothing wrong with that but we need to be more fortified so when let downs happen we go 'oh well, shit happens' and carry on lol.

Jobew1 ago

yeah agreed re labels. do you think most of the ppl believing that hannity was gonna break the rich story were shills? having trouble figuring out where the faith in hannity and fox news came from

4_InquiringMinds ago

do you think most of the ppl believing that hannity was gonna break the rich story were shills?

I'm not a shill and two months ago I would have been one of the hopefuls. Keep learning more about the propaganda matrix, what a rabbit hole, and gatekeepers become obvious. Can't believe I actually questioned for some time is GW just dumb or gatekeeper. When hannity did the cgi interview with Julian I made rationalizations (for obvious cgi) bc I just knew hannity would not be involved in something like that (but now I see he's a ratings diva)/same with Julian's cgi with Pilger. But cgi is cgi, that's that. The reasons for making cgi interviews/have not a clue. From everything I know about John Pilger (not much) he seems legit. Was there a reason Julian had to appear to be in the embassy/how would I know? Was he kidnapped and they tried to break his mental steel door for his insurance file/but with his early mkultra training from the cult he was in as a child via his mom (and perhaps cia manufactured child bc they all have similar physical characteristics)/had he learned enough about mind control to not be broken? If he does have a damning insurance file (which seems probable) then physical torture or harming his family would create a backdraft and the fire would explode. My best guess on Julian at this point, and it is best guess flavored with that 'hope' part of me is he was originally cia and went rogue when he was deemed expendable for political reasons and thrown under the bus. I keep going back to his recent balcony presser...I will not forgive or forget/and he looked quite pissed to me.

This ties in with your original question...most of us here are normal, honest, caring ppl and we think in those terms when viewing others. It's our natural state of being-ness. What we are learning (some faster than others, I'm on the slow team lol) is even those we thought were legit are carefully scripted gatekeepers. Are we correct every time we think we've spotted a gatekeeper? Of course not...bc we have to best guess. I do see our skills as a group refining red pill at a time.

On a completely OT side-note, just read Sean Spicer, who is next in line for the chopping block (and as I read Melania, whore of Babylon) wants him gone too. Anyway, for whatever one may think of Sean, he has been devoted to trump and does his best to lie out his teeth in the pressers. Sure he gets irritated, frustrated and hostile/who wouldn't when you have to face the press almost daily and keep covering up trump's latest lie/the stress has to be tremendous. That being said Sean is a devout catholic (I know I know) but to Catholics meeting the pope is akin to meeting god. Sean was excited (understatement) to meet the pope/the high point of his life I would imagine. Non Catholics gave their spot of the pope (pedo sure but whatever) audience to Catholics...but Sean was left out. This really shows you the true character of trump, mean, vindictive and blame tossing (it's never trump's fault about anything). Sean has put himself up for ridicule for a lying con man. He will be fired or sent to cubby hole Siberia. Wouldn't a so called christian (trump and the Babylon bitch) let Sean have this one moment, the one moment all devout Catholics wet dream about? Nah, trump is a very mean mean man/and his wife is no better.

Jobew1 ago

yes, i do forget that most people haven't had the motivation to question the "official stories" before p/g and aren't as (overly?)skeptical as me. that is hopefully at least one positive thing from p/g - more people questioning what msm and leaders are saying and doing.

Spicer does have a tough job, and sounds as if he shoulda been allowed to see the pope

GumShoe ago

I don't think this is right. I think S.H. is a blue-collar guy that has a 'gift for gab' and made millions off of it. Why is he the only one (was the only one) that even spoke of Seth Rich during prime-time?

4_InquiringMinds ago


I understand you like him, he is always ruffling feathers (which increases his ratings btw). Even after trump dumped/ Sean's support of trump unwavering...well, lots of trump's followers are true devotees. When it came to bombing the Syrian airport, that incidentally was also being used to protect a christian village nearby, Isis and Al-Qaeda thanked trump. Any idea what those monsters do to Christians? Like kill the men, torture, rape the women and children (little girls and boys) and sell them into slavery? Plus 15 ppl were killed in the bombing, civilians and the Syrian army soldiers or staff.

But Sean was just beside himself with glee/thought the bombing was great. The bombing had not a damn thing to do with Assad supposedly using chem weapons on his ppl and anyone who can decipher facts knows that/even trump knows that unless he is brain dead. But hey, fox was full of gleeful cheering for the atrocity. Sean right along with the pack. That's the thing about pack mentality...ppl function like a herd and act like a pack.

Why is he the only one that even spoke of Seth? Ratings- period. Fox plays both ends and Sean is the renegade/bad boys get good ratings (unless they go too far). It's all for show, all scripted, covering all the bases to keep the sheeple entertained. Same with all the fantasy news shows. The figure heads are scripted to appeal to various diverse groups that gather personality cult followings. Keeps ppl from critical thinking...which is the goal.

Jobew1 ago


quantokitty ago

I thought "this was a botched robbery" was the debunked part.

carmencita ago

They got to him, imo.

Psalm100 ago

Apparently he left "conspiracy" out of "debunked theory" because it's sounding very old at this point. Is a conspiracy theory anything the elites don't want you to consider possible?

Jobew1 ago

as to the latter, yeah pretty much. the whole term 'conspiracy theory' was coined by the CIA after the jfk hit to try and besmirch anyone doubting the official story

MattHelm ago

Sean was told he would be fired from Fox News and he doesn't want to lose that $20 Million a year he gets he might even get $25 Million a year he's a coward.

Gothamgirl ago

No he actually didn't. I think anyone with a twitter account should get in there..

kazza64 ago

george webb is doing a great job researching his death..... hannity has been gagged ...... i hate the term debunked its a podesta phrase

Vindicator ago

Yeah...about George Webb. Why has everyone but him been gagged? Even Liz Crokin got roughed up, blacklisted and threatened -- and she is just a columnist.

kazza64 ago

i think he's in some trouble now

kazza64 ago

i dont know but he's putting his life in danger because he really is in the thick of it

The_Crux ago

There is "debunked theory" again. It could be totally wrong but it's not a "debunked theory". It's an unsolved cold case so there are no debunked theories except for the official theory that it was a robbery.

anonOpenPress ago

unsolved, correct. Let's investigate more. And let's respect the family while doing.

GumShoe ago

Disappointing, for sure. But don't be disheartened, ops. This shit isn't done by a Long shot. ...

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Disappointing? Do you think he did this without coercion? If anything this is another marker that things are serious and that establishment power is very, very nervous. Blatantly silencing someone as prominent and visible as Sean Hannity is a risky gambit - the majority of viewers to his announcement came away with the understanding that he was being silenced, lending credence to a perceptions of a cover-up. People are left wondering - "What's going on with the Seth Rich thing that is so serious that Hannity can't even talk about it?"

GumShoe ago

Yes, disappointing. Do you think I care about coercion? Fuck no. I want truth. I don't give a fuck if Sean Hannity gives it to me, or if Rachel Maddow does. Seth was a whistle-blower hero that was murdered by our government (my opinion).

The fact that for some reason he had to 'bite his lip', will probably make the average viewer think that it's all b.s. anyway. I'm ready for someone to Really blow the doors off this shit.

Someone that knows... and also someone that knows that money/power/prestige/elite status, etc, is just fleeting on this earth. Not in a religious way, but seriously, wtf? You can't take it with you....

Another hero soon will 'fall on their sword' and expose all this vileness for exactly what it is...