AgV35 ago

Wapoo "Seth Rich DEFINITELY wasn't assassinated and DEFINITELY don't believe KimDotCOm!!, In fact our sources reveal the evidence that we haven't seen to be false"

Bluebirdsolitude ago

They are SO scared

o0shad0o ago

Another post about the story in politics

Also note they mentioned the DNC lawsuit... Saying it's frivolous, and implying it's about one thing when it's about something completely different.

V____Z ago

And guess what? The completely badass lawyers in charge of the lawsuit are threatening to take him to court for saying that -

GeorgeT ago

Surely they can't call Newt a conspiracy theorist - or can they? Oh wait, they have no other choice.

quantokitty ago

Proves the rumors about Pedosta being scared are all true.

Gothamgirl ago

Everyday the Washington post is so bitter, embarrassing the country daily, and most of all destroying democrats future opportunities. Do they not realize their own stragedy is exposing them?

Jem777 ago

Washington Post is CIA if not already known @Gothamgirl...they do not care about democrats nor rebublicans they care about themselves.

2impendingdoom ago

no wonder phil graham killed himself, or maybe he didn't?

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I get it, but I want them to read it.

Jem777 ago

Know you do. :)

2impendingdoom ago

JOHN PODESTA - to answer your question, why would KimDotCom wait til now to spill?

How about because Howdy Doody is no longer your FBI puppeteer, and Loretta Tarmac Lynch is roadkill. Book your flight out while you still can, you murdering piece of shit.

Why did your article not mention your email about making an example of the leaker? Or CTR's use of NSA tools to dox the oppositions thought leaders?

Jem777 ago

At this point John should just sign his own name. No one believes it and the desperation is obvious in their responses. @DarkMath you are right they are watching the problem now is they are being watched back.

They don't like this feeling and are squirming. The whole idea of spying on American citizens seems like a good idea until you discover they all turned around and began watching your every move....for free even! On behalf of others.

DarkMath ago

Yep and the delicious irony is this all happened because of the Interwebs. That started as a DARPA project fed by the Military Industrial Complex. It was great at the time. Soon they took down the USSR but then the mother fuckers got greedy and forgot the old Wall Street adage:

Pigs get slaughtered.


DarkMath ago

God these people are thorough. I posted this in your other comment but I might as well copy pasta:

These people have got us monitored 24/7. They see and hear everything.

We'll know the Deep State collapse has begun when

1) we see the first evidence they've written Seth Rich out of History.YouTube

2) they finally discover how to detect thought crime.YouTube


carmencita ago

WaPoo strikes again. What would you expect form a junk rag paper?

anonOpenPress ago

This might fit under /v/pizzagate/1878826

ps. Archived here:

Commoner ago


HollandDrive ago

Gee, I'm proud of Newt Gingrich! What the heck is gonna happen to him now. This is getting weird.

2impendingdoom ago

I guess he goes to Rome with his wife, the new Ambassdor to Vatican City.

HollandDrive ago

The WaPo doing this is so telling.

"You know you're leading the pack when the DOGS are barking at your heels."

2impendingdoom ago

Of course WaPoo says this, J Podesta probably wrote the pile of shit himself.

Dressage2 ago

Up voat!! They feel the burn coming from that noose.

fartyshorts ago

The noose is tightening so fast, they're getting rope-burns? :D

Dressage2 ago

Yes! Well said!