kamtsa ago

I feel very disconnect from WAPO, CNN, NYT, PBS and the likes. They live in a very different world than me. For example, I can watch a speech by Trump, think that it greats, and then I hear from them how horrible it was. I am following Musk's advise not, going to the source (youtube, EO text, stats, etc) and form my own opinion.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

The Ciapost says what?

throughtheblack ago

pizzagate which is completely unrelated

There are actually some claims that it is all related. But as far as an actual investigation goes, it is irrelevant at this point.

SolarBaby ago

The same WaPo that had to apologize to all their subscribers for lying and propagandizing last November? Pathetic infected yeasty leaky cunts.

sunshine702 ago

Why does Washinton Post hate pandas?

(Seth's token animal was a stuffed panda. Always hiding it around the office)

NSFW_LeeLee ago

Po'lesta at his job, of course.

o0shad0o ago

Ooh! They mentioned the lawsuit against the DNC!

... A "largely frivolous" lawsuit.

(Among the finer points of the lawsuit is that it seeks damages against the DNC for allowing itself to be hacked.)

No mention of the real reason for the suit, which is torpedoing Bernie.

... So basically, yes, it shows how "fake news" works.

FreeSpeachRocks ago

Must be true then.

nigger_plz ago

Word of the year, "unnamed source." Compost uses it both ways. To ramrod fake news or to kill potential real news.

sunshine702 ago

When they ran a story BLIND. Both the source and the supposed person in the White House. WHEN BLIND GOSSIP makes fun of you WaPoop. New low.

BillCo ago

Well,that's all I need to accept it as true.

heretolearn ago

funny how they are accusing sources, when all the trump/russia nonsense comes from "unnamed sources."

fluxusp ago

Pay attention when MSM dictates us about 'fake' news. They're specialized in covering it.

selpai ago

"The Seth Rich conspiracy shows how fake news still works"

No, it shows how you're losing control of the narrative. The people who listen to your bullshit are almost exclusively aging boomers, and you're afraid that as they age you will lose your base. This is a well founded fear.

sunshine702 ago

And smearing Pew Die Pie as an evil racist. Yeah that went well.

dingomeat ago

pewdiepie knows about white genocide, he's pretty fucking great

13Buddha ago

I am an aging boomer, born in 1952, 64 years young, and neither believed in their bullshit back then, starting with Vietnam, since then, not now, nor ever will.

dingomeat ago

ok but you're in the extreme minority

SweetyMcQ ago

You mean the WahPoDesta home of the child molesta.

yewotm8 ago

This pretty much confirms it as being real.

Itsdone63 ago

If the term was coined by someone else, that person is winning

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

The Washington Podesta is a CIA front. You shouldn't read anything from them it is "weaponized text'.

Revify ago

Guess that's that. I mean, it's not like the (((Washington Post))) would ever lie to us.

lord_nougat ago


lord_nougat ago

Or better yet, they should kill themselves.

RoryBellowsLives ago

It could have been a strung out crackhead in all honesty. That part of town is mostly a nice place, but at 4 AM in DC, you're always running the risk of encountering one.

nanowerx ago

Have you ever encountered a strung out crackhead? They would have stripped anything of value off of Rich down to the fillings in his teeth. No crackhead is going to kill someone and not gank their shit

watitdew ago

Can confirm, have had a window busted out of my truck for spare change in the dash.

Sublimesati ago

Don't waste energy on that side of things. Let the liars lie to themselves while we focus our energy investigating and spreading the truth. I.E. don't bother putting out their fires focus on starting our own.

Cantilever ago

Why does the article open by saying gunfire was "detected?"

Voatspy ago

This is getting interesting... Fake news..... Hahahahaha

lettersofmarque ago

A review of his personal web page shows that the former Slate reporter and man-boy has had his nose up the Democrat machine's ass for a long time. According to Politico he resigned from WaPo in 2010 after a demonstrated lack of journalistic objectivity; i.e. he approached every story from a "republicans are trash" perspective. Apparently, that's a-okay now (Bezos purchased the DC fish wrap in 2013) Welcome home dick-eater.

BentAxel ago

Thank you. I had fun posting comments on that story. I wonder if they will ever be published?

DeplorableMeep ago

You mean the Washington Compost?

lord_nougat ago

No. Compost is beneficial and useful, unlike this extremely shitty and dishonest publication.

autism_speaks ago

they're guilty.

you can see it in the words.

lord_nougat ago

I can tell by the pixels in their words.

April19 ago

They are criminally culpable for covering up a murder.

lukaglobus ago

yeah, life sucks and then you die...

lettersofmarque ago

one that lets sensational videos through even if they've not been fully vetted

Hey pot, it's the kettle, you say something about unverified bullshit stories.

cthulian_axioms ago

Sooooo, they've just confirmed that it's true, then.

WotTheFook ago

Yep: The DNC's truth alarms are either "REEEEEEEEEE!!!" or "LALALALALALALA!!!!!!" and both are going off at the moment.

burns29 ago

So Seth Rich wasn't murdered?

TheSeer ago

This is called 'debunking a conspiracy theory': "he was murky on whether D.C. police or the FBI allegedly had the laptop, and the family quickly reported that neither did"
So where IS the lap top??? Does the family have it? If so, why? Shouldn't it be investigated? If not, who has it? They say "he was murky on who had the lap top" but then don't say where the lap top is! Just that 'the family quickly reported neither did". See, case closed, nothing to see here! Facts: He was murdered. He was not burglared. There were leaks. Hillary was selected over Bernie due to superdelegates, not thanks to voters themselves. Podesta said that any leaker would have an example made of them.

And they brush off Wasserman Schultz handing the nomination to Hillary as if it was nothing! 'A soft spot for Hillary', they call it. Yeah, OK, except uuh, you are the chairman of the DNC, your personal preference matters fuck all! "Outside of the process of nominating a presidential candidate, the DNC's role in actually selecting candidates to run on the party ticket is minimal." In theory!

BobMorris ago

WaPo calling something fake is hilarious. But the article did say one interesting thing, the family says neither the FBI or DC police have Seths laptop, so (assuming that we should believe anything the WaPo prints) where is it then.

In_Cog_Nito ago

Well, you've got to give WaPo credit where credit is due: At least they are talking about Seth Rich, unlike their partner in crime CNN.



GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

At this point these "reporters" are trying to subvert the country by actively running a propaganda war of lies ...trump should take an example of erdogan and round um all up.

edit: maybe i should have typed (((reporters)))

lanre ago

I need to make a firefox extension that replaces Washington Post with "the CIA"

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

reminded that john podesta now works at wapo

RoryBellowsLives ago

I think he's just a propagandist, I mean contributor though.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he's a pedophilic canabal is what he is

frankenmine ago

They tried distractions for a week and it didn't work so they're now going to try direct denial.

kamtsa ago

It's interesting that WAPO omits the part about Wikileak offering a reward for information about Seth Rich's murder.


cyks ago

This WAPO article is just a horrible piece of writing.

"the focus of endless conspiracy theories, spread this past week by Fox News, alt-right social media, a local D.C. news station and the Russian embassy in Britain."

What a bizarre list that does not reflect my experience of the story.

in the Trump era

The man has a formal title and everything needed to address his political presence is easily derived from it.

a Fox New legal commentator, Rod Wheeler ... Wheeler, who Fox 5 identified as the Rich family's investigator ... he was hired by Ed Butowsky, a Texas businessman who had grown interested in the case.

I stopped reading because I could feel a contact high from all the meth this reporter was smoking when he was writing.

Tb0n3 ago

It is.

abear ago

why isn't fox news talking about it anymore if this is real news???

Octoclops ago

You're joking right?

abear ago

downvote instead of answer! That's the voat way!

abear ago

no. please tell me why fox news, who broke the story and pays the reporter, isn't reporting on this really real news.

Octoclops ago

Because fox news is not real news. They don't get called on it as much because they don't constantly call everyone else fake news.

And I didn't downvote you snowflake, here's an upgoat to soothe your hurt fee fees.

DasReich ago

Oh, so the sleuths are pretty much spot on?

basedbayboi ago

Well they can just go eat another big bag of dicks.

copper_spartan ago

They likely will at their next Spirit Cooking.

WotTheFook ago

"if you strike him down, he will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine" #SethRichJedi

Kleyno ago

Someone should remind them that the case is unsolved, so it is not fake news, but rather speculation on an unsolved murder.

But it is interesting to see them take this angle, almost as if someone is telling them to put out the fire.

newoldwave ago

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

shutupfaggot ago


thebassdude ago

Let's see how well this story ages.

BeefSupreme_ ago

I wouldn't say "interesting" as much as I'd say "expected". Covering up their shit is exactly why they tried to get the term to catch on to begin with.

SweetyMcQ ago

Which is why I fucking love that the internet turned it around on them.

DishingShitLikeA ago

They are a CIA mouthpiece. No surprise.

mostlyfriendly ago

Really looks to be the primary PR source as well. So much fake news that is being picked up by the broader media is originating from the Washington Post.

chodebabies ago

Don't forget that Podesta the Molesta works for them.

Skunt ago


Apathy ago

And here I was thinking that their WP stood for White Power.

Skunt ago

Washington (Com)post

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

nice, surprised i haven't seen this before

Bigglesworth45 ago

+1 on that

Dirties ago

It's only fake news when the wapo says it's fake news.

RoryBellowsLives ago

Their new slogan is Democracy Dies in Darkness....that means that they're the good guys defending Democracy!

sunshine702 ago

I call them CIA says what.

No faggots defending democracy is Wikileaks.

Seth Rich is WAY too big to brush it under the rug now with "fake news" . Let the pants shitting commence.